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Battlegrounds: RPG Edition (virtual tabletop software)


Battlegrounds: RPG Edition is new virtual tabletop software for both Macs and Windows PCs that allows you to play any RPG online or offline, using digital miniatures on digital maps. Battlegrounds: RPG Edition is very easy to use, the graphics are gorgeous, and it has tons of useful features like Fog of War. In addition to square grids, the software supports hexgrids and unit facings, so it's perfect for use with games that use hexgrids (eg, GURPS), or for using campaign-scale maps.

For more information, including a complete feature list, screenshots, and a downloadable beta demo, please visit http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/.

I'm always open to feedback from players and GMs on what features they want/need (mostly for future updates). I encourage anyone interested in this sort of tool to register on the site's forums and chime in.
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I'm sure you are familiar with Fantasy Grounds? Your product is priced competitively, which is nice.

Also you plan to provide a sensable upgrade path from Player Version to GM Version, very good. This isn't yet possible with Fantasy Grounds.

I'm interested to see how your photorealistic dice will compare to the dice in Fantasy Grounds. Granted this is such an important "feature" as it is a visual bonus, but theirs are going to be hard to top!

The feature list looks nice for a 1.0 product. I look forward to testing it out.


Wanderer of the Underdark
Pretty nice..

Two years ago this area had pretty slim choices as to what was available, this is clearly changing. I really hope you make your release date, thats a pet peeve of mine. I do not feel has anything to do with software developers it is just a choice people make.


Vascant said:
Two years ago this area had pretty slim choices as to what was available, this is clearly changing.

I count about 33 virtual tabletops so far (there may be more that I don't know about), but not all are cross-platform, of course, and even so, there are only 5 or 6 worth serious consideration, IMO. I list them all on my site, if you're interested. And I know that there are a couple more in the works, so I'd say it's gonna get fairly competitive, for such a niche market.

Vascant said:
I really hope you make your release date, thats a pet peeve of mine. I do not feel has anything to do with software developers it is just a choice people make.

I'm definitely trying (I haven't been getting much sleep, lately, as you might imagine; it's crunch-time). I'd really like to have the product shipping a few days before Christmas, for obvious reasons. ;)

But I'd like to point out that the release date is subject to change. That's just the nature of the business. It depends on how the beta-testing goes, among other things.
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Old One

First Post
I will be keeping my eye on this one. I also have FG and think it is pretty good...but I am always open to new options. I perused the Forums at the site and am interested in how you work licensing out. It would be kind of neat for a GM to purchase a GM and some player licenses with a package discount and dole them out to players (taking them back if players drop)...intriuging, if there is a way to do it and protect the distributor.

I understand there will be a demo version available for download...yes?

~ OO


Zulithe said:
I'm sure you are familiar with Fantasy Grounds? Your product is priced competitively, which is nice.
Yes, I am. I'm glad you like the pricing, although it may change slightly. I'm considering lowering the price of the Player Client, and slightly raising the price of the GM Client, to compensate. The total price for a gaming group should end up being lower, overall, particularly for larger groups. Price is a big issue for a lot of people, so I welcome feedback, and have set up forums for this purpose.
Also you plan to provide a sensable upgrade path from Player Version to GM Version, very good. This isn't yet possible with Fantasy Grounds.
I'd heard that. I wonder why not?

You'll also be glad to know that I support cut, copy & paste operations.
I'm interested to see how your photorealistic dice will compare to the dice in Fantasy Grounds. Granted this is such an important "feature" as it is a visual bonus, but theirs are going to be hard to top!
That's eye candy, for sure. My dice are photographs of real dice, drop-shadows and all. You won't get the physics aspect of dice bouncing around, but they look better than 3D renders (my opinion), and you can (optionally) hear the dice rattle and hit the table (which I don't think FG does). And of course, FG has the issue of players dropping their dice so that they barely roll, correct? Not a problem in Battlegrounds.
The feature list looks nice for a 1.0 product. I look forward to testing it out.
Thanks, I'm very glad you like it. Even though it's a 1.0 release, I really wanted more than just basic functionality. And it'll only get better with future updates (which will always be free), and significantly better with upgrades (eg, version 2.0). There's a lot of room to grow & improve, but I'll make sure that it won't get "feature bloat". I really want this to be easy to use, both for the players and the GM.


Old One said:
I will be keeping my eye on this one. I also have FG and think it is pretty good...but I am always open to new options. I perused the Forums at the site and am interested in how you work licensing out. It would be kind of neat for a GM to purchase a GM and some player licenses with a package discount and dole them out to players (taking them back if players drop)...intriuging, if there is a way to do it and protect the distributor.

I understand there will be a demo version available for download...yes?
~ OO

Yes, a free Demo should be available for download in late December. It's actually the full software, that will become the GM Client or the Player Client when the correct unlock code is entered. Saves you from having to re-download the whole thing again.

The GM Client can include a number of floating Player Client licenses (more can be added post-purchase, if needed). Each of these floating licenses allows one person to connect with just the free Demo. If a licensed Player Client joins a game, that won't use up a floating license, of course. There's never a danger that a player will make off with your floating license, as it's stored within your GM Client, not transferred to the player.

I want to thank everyone for the positive feedback so far. It's been a bit frustrating on some other forums, where my pre-release announcement was met with comments like "Meh, I can do all that with the free browser-based tools." Some people just don't understand that you get what you pay for.


First Post
I really like the idea of floating licenses.

It's a sad-ish fact of the game that it is often the GM who has to fork out all the dough for everybody else to play. At the very least it'll allow for people to try out the game before they have to spend alot to join the group.



HeapThaumaturgist said:
I really like the idea of floating licenses.

It's a sad-ish fact of the game that it is often the GM who has to fork out all the dough for everybody else to play. At the very least it'll allow for people to try out the game before they have to spend alot to join the group.
That's true. It isn't fair to the GMs (I've said as much in my forums, but that's what people are requesting). However, what you just said made me think that being able to permanently transfer a player license might be a desireable feature. His trusted core players would get to try it out for free (to them), and if they decide they like it, they just reimburse the GM for his expense and have the license transferred permanently. The GM would lose one floating license from his GM Client, and the player's Demo gets upgraded to a Player Client.

It's also a built-in mechanism for gifting (is that a real word?).

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