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Reveille's Magic Items

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Portal

Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Portal
This is a wooden portal that allows its user to step through it and emerge into an extradimensional mansion. The portal can shrink and expand as its user desires. The smallest the portal can get is the size of a deck of playing cards. When the user wishes to have access to the mansion, they must put the portal on the ground and one side of the portal must be up against a wall or wall-like surface (a tree for example). After a command word is spoken the portal will expand to the size of a door capable of allowing its user to enter the mansion. The user can allow other people to enter the mansion but must designate them at the time of speaking the command word for the items use. When the user and the people designated to enter the mansion are inside, the user can then speak the command word again and portal will become invisible to everyone on the outside of the portal. The floor plan of the mansion must be designated at the time of the portals creation and never changes.

Strong Conjuration; CL 13; Craft Wondrous Item, Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, Shrink Item, Price 209,000gp
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Ring Of Attacks

Ring Of Attacks
The character must have the Forge Ring feat in oder to craft a Ring of Attacks. Forging a Ring of Attacks requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price. All rings start with a base bonus of +1 that applies to any weapon used in attack rolls and damage.

A character that is not wielding a weapon in the hand the ring is on may not benefit from using his fist as a weapon to gain the weapon enhancements placed in the ring on unarmed attacks. Weapons wielded in his ring hand must not already be magical. If it is, the weapon does not gain the weapon enhancements placed within the ring.

If a character is wearing two rings of attacks and wielding a two handed weapon, the ring with the higher Base Price Modifier has its magical weapon abilities conferred on the two handed weapon. If both rings are of equal value roll a d20. A 1-10 indicates that the ring in the characters right hand has its enhancements conferred to the weapon. An 11-20 indicates that the ring in the characters left hand has its enhancements conferred to the weapon. However if one ring has an ego and one doesn't the ring with the ego always has its qualities conferred to a two handed weapon.

A ring cannot be enchanted with a weapon special ability that is only meant for being imbued into weapons (this is left up to the DM). The ring may not exceed in having more than a +9 bonus Base Price modifier in weapon enhancements as per Table 7-14 in the DMG because it already has a base of +1.

Example of a Ring of Attacks:

Ring of Merciful Holy Attacks +1
This ring bestows on its wearer the ability to add these weapon qualities to any weapon being held in the hand the ring is worn on. Any weapon held in the characters ring hand deals an extra 1d6+1 points of damage (this damage is non-lethal) to NPCs of good alignment and 3d6+1 points of damage against all of eval alignment. If te wearer of the ring so commands, the ring supresses this ability to cause non-lethal damage until commanded to resume it. The ring makes the weapon good aligned and allows to bypass corresponding damage reduction. The ring bestows one negative level on any evil creature that dons it. The negative level remains as long as the ring is worn and disappears as soon as the ring is taken off. The negative level never results in actual level loss but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the ring is worn. Any melee or ranged weapon may benefit from the effects of this ring.

Moderate evocation [Good] & Faint conjuration; CL 7th; Forge Ring, cure light wounds, holy smite, creator must be good; Price 32,000 gp.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Major Artifact - Regalia of The Green

Regalia of The Green

Bearhide Pelt of Protection:
This is a suit of body armor fashioned from the remains of a bear. The magic inherent in the item allows the wearer to animal shape into any kind of bear three times per day. Additionally the wearer benefits from a +4 to their constitution score and allows +4 bonus on checks or saves to resist nonlethal damage. The armor class of this armor equates to that of +7 magical hide (AC 20).

Bullhide Cloak:
The thick flesh and fur of a bull are used to craft this cloak. The magic inherent in the item allows the wearer to animal shape into any kind of bull three times per day. Additionally the wearer benefits from a +4 to their strength score and grants it wearer allows the wearer to rage once per day as a barbarian of the same level.

Gloves and Boots of Grace:
This is a set of gloves and boots fashioned from the flesh and fur of a feline animal. The magic inherent in the item allows the wearer to animal shape into any kind of feline three times per day. Additionally the wearer benefits from a +4 to their dexterity score and their base land speed increases by +20 feet.

Owl Plume Open Faced Helm:
This helmet is made from the skin, face and feathers of an owl, which is fashioned into an open faced helmet. The magic inherent in the item allows the wearer to animal shape into any kind of owl three times per day. Additionally the wearer benefits from a +4 to their Wisom score and gains low-light vision and darkvision out to 60 feet.

Resonating Effect (Two Items):
While a single character possesses two items of the Regalia of The Green, she gains the benefits of the Spell Focus (Transmutation), Animal Affinity, Diehard and Natural Spell feats. As the character's nature alter's to reflect the green energies that surround the regalia, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws agaisnt electricity, petrification, cold, acid, fire and poison. The character gains low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 120 feet. Finally, if the wielder casts any Summon Nature's Ally spell, the animal serves for twice the maximum duration.

Resonating Effect (Three Items):
While a single character possesses three items of the Regalia of The Green, she gains the benefits of the endure elements spell and gains the ability to spontaneously convert spells and spell energy into any spell found in the animal domain and the granted power of the domain. Any wooden weapon wielded by the creature becomes an ironwood weapon. Aditionally any weapon wielded by the creature becomes a flaming busrt or shocking burst weapon. The character must choose which magical weapon quality she wishes to impart on her weapons. Once the choice is made, the creature can not later choose to switch.

Resonating Effect (Four Items):
When a single creature posessesses all the items of the Regalia of the Green, she gains twice the ability score enhancement bonus inherent in all the items. This means that the character has a a total of +8 to her Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores. Also, the character may assume the form of any bear, bull, feline or owl an unlimited number of times every day.

Nonneutral characters:
A nonneutral character attempting to use any of these items immediately takes 5d6 points of damage. Further a chaotic aligned character attempting to use the items must make a Will saving throw (DC 18) or lose 2,000 xp.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Disintegration Chamber

Disintegration Chamber
This is a cube that has a dimesion of 10' in height, width and depth. A door is on one of its sides with a white button set in a black pad to the right of the door. When somethhing is placed in the cube and the door is shut, the button can be pressed to disintegrate it. A creature placed in the cube can make a Fort save (DC 19) to avoid being disintegrated. If the saving throw is successful the creature takes 5d6 points of damage. If this damage is enough to bring the creature to 0 hit points or less, it is disintegrated.

Moderate Transmutation, Caster Level 11th, Craft Wondrous Item, Disintegrate, Price 264,000 gp.
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I definately like the Regalia of the Green, it has some nice stylistic effects.

The Disintegration Chamber is at once comical and highly effective, for some reason it reminds me of James Bond. Great for "waste" disposal.

For your example for the Ring of Attacks, I think you forgot to note that the bonus from merciful is subdual and that it converts all damage to subdual.

For items like the Felines Paws and Boots of the Woodlands, are those attribute bonuses supposed to be enhancement or unnamed? If unnamed, they are much more useful than just a straight enhancement bonus.

Also, for some of the ones for which their creation methods have been lost, you might still want to list the appropriate prices unless they are artifacts.

Very cool items.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Ferrix said:
I definately like the Regalia of the Green, it has some nice stylistic effects.
Druids hold a special place in my heart. I made this artifact for my homebre yesterday as I have a player that is almost an epic druid and just discovered the bullhide cloak. I am going to have hints to the other items dropped in and if he takes the bait, it should lead to an interesting story arc.

Ferrix said:
The Disintegration Chamber is at once comical and highly effective, for some reason it reminds me of James Bond. Great for "waste" disposal.
I seem to recall something similar in a previous incarnation of DnD, but couldn't find it. Anyway, my game has a handful of urban areas where this is going to have a practical application.

Ferrix said:
For your example for the Ring of Attacks, I think you forgot to note that the bonus from merciful is subdual and that it converts all damage to subdual.
Thanks for pointing that out. Updated.

Ferrix said:
For items like the Felines Paws and Boots of the Woodlands, are those attribute bonuses supposed to be enhancement or unnamed? If unnamed, they are much more useful than just a straight enhancement bonus.

Ferrix said:
Also, for some of the ones for which their creation methods have been lost, you might still want to list the appropriate prices unless they are artifacts.

Very cool items.
Good points. Updated to reflect Minor Artifact status.

Thanks for all your input. I truly love creating new magic items.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Pin of Comprehensive Inetrpretation & Communication

Pin of Comprehensive Inetrpretation & Communication
This pin allows the individual wearing it the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, no matter the language the creature is speaking. The wearer can distinguish the intracacies of many languages, even if multiple individuals are talking to her.

Faint Divination; Caster Level 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Tongues; Price 60,000 gp

Inspiration: Star Trek communicator pin
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Stasis Chamber

Stasis Chamber
This stone slab with padding and a hinged hemisperical glass case covering it on the front that is long and wide enough for a large individual to fit inside of it. The back and sides is painted black. On the side opposite of the hinges is a smaal whit pad with two buttons: one green and one red. When a creature or object of large size or less is placed inside the chamber and the green button is pressed the creature or object is under the effect of the temporal stasis spell. When the red button is pressed, the effects of the spell end and the individual or object on the inside is able to be retrieved.

Strong Transmutation; Caster Level 15th; Craft Wondrous Item; Temporal Stasis; Price 490,000 gp

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Skull & Spine of the Dire Eagle

Skull & Spine of the Dire Eagle
This is in all actuality what it implies. Characters "wear" it by placing the skull and spine over their own. The magic within the item causes it to be absorbed into the character's body, thereby fusing with their skull and spine. While the character is fused with this item they enjoy several benefits.

The first benefit is that the character's body sprouts eagles wings (wingspan 20 feet) and grants them the ability to fly at a speed of 80 feet with average maneuvarability. The wings also grant a secondary benefit; they are always clean and boost the character's image and sense of self respect thereby granting them a +4 enhancement bonus to their Charisma.

The second benefit is that the character's eyesight sharpens and grants them Low-Light vision and a +8 competence bonus on Spot checks.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, darkvision, fly, creator must have 8 ranks in Spot; Price 196,800 gp (slotless).
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