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Special Delivery IC thread



It is the Jewel of the Dagger River, or so they say. It is a city filled with contrasts: beauty and ugliness, love and hate, honesty and deception. For whatever reason, you are here. And for whatever reason, you are meeting with a gnome that has a special job for you.

It is here in Upper Sharn in a gnome community that you are summoned to the home of Fimble Jakenworth. And he has a package he needs delivered.

Please take the time to describe yourselves and intereact with Fimble.

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Timid young Khashana

Khashana stands near the back of the group, in one corner of the gnome's cramped home. She takes a moment to carefully smooth her grey robes, murmuring a quiet meditative rote. I've never been quite comfortable with heights, she thinks to herself. And I think this is just about as high up as I've ever been in my life. A small window is set into the wall directly across from her. As Fimble introduces himself, Khashana finds herself staring off into the sky, watching a handful of grey clouds drift across the slowly darkening horizon.

Khashana is lost in thought when she suddenly feels the psicrystal at her belt grow warm. "Khashana!" the crystal mentally shouts at her. "Pay attention!"

As Khashana looks back to the group, she realizes that all eyes are suddenly on her. "Oh! Umm..."

"The gnome is waiting for you to introduce yourself, Khashana," the psicrystal silently reminds her. "His name is Fimble, if you've forgotten it."

"I didn't forget his name!" Then, blushing furiously. "Oh, did I say that out loud? I'm sorry, mister Fimble, I was distracted. Um... Oh, my name is Khashana. I'm a healer, from the west." The green-eyed young woman looks nervously around the group before bowing slightly, still blushing. Her long straight hair, raven-dark, falls across her face, and she hastily brushes it back as she stands. "I'm sorry. Please do go on with your introductions. I'll try to pay attention now."

The shy young woman, appearantly human, is wearing a pair of translucent gloves made of some sort of crystal. A small brownish rock, crescent-shaped and vaguely crystalline, is tucked into her belt.


First Post
Norros was stadning on the side the group. He looks at the woman who just talked. His eyes follow the lines of her body and stops on her hands, which wear an unusual pair of gloves.

A daydreamer it look like... something strange about her. Maybe I'm wrong. I'll have the time to check my intuition later.

The man decide it would be the moment to talk. The mind is use to remember more the first and last element of a group. Introducing himself in the middle of the group is the best way to make himself forgotten.

"My name is Norros Seabreeze. I'm a warrior-mage."

The man who just spoke is short but seems handsome. His long black hairs are laying on his shoulder. His blue eyes are deep and mysterious. His face is radiating some calm and hapiness. With a sharp trident on his back and a shining chain shirt, he looks like a young warrior that havn't seen yet the hard life of the war, but something in his face let's guess he has lived more than he let show it.

Norros Seabreeze, a man born two years ago... if Illewyn would see me today, I don't think he would have guess the small Trevor would have become something else than a small servant that do his bidding.


First Post
Hashkavak looked at the motley group of people standing with him before the gnome, especially the Githzerai. "I suppose those who would fight against the darkness cannot afford to be picky concerning their allies, however, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves; I will be watching them closely", he thought to himself. It was at this moment he gazed upon Khashana and his heart jumped. He had journeyed with Khashana before on several different diplomatic missions and had heard that they had begun being targeted by the Dreaming Dark, after that he hadn't heard from her or of her, and had feared her dead. "Good day Master Fimble, my name is Hashkavak I'm something of a diplomat to my people." He said aloud "I must get a chance to speak with Khashana after our little meeting with Fimble. My how strange these gnomes names are, I've met more Fimble's, Dimble's, and Gimble's than I can count. Count... I wonder just how Count ir'Dellum is doing since my last trip into Aundair. I miss their cheese and wine, how long has it been..." Finally after several minutes Hashkavak realized he'd been day dreaming again, and missed what Fimble had said. Figuring this gave him another good reason to talk to Khashana, he thanked his luck and paid better attention to what Fimble had to say. Hashkavak figured this probably didn't have anything to do with the Dreaming Dark, but the trip presented him with a good oppurtunity to go to Trollanport for free, and the pay was good, so he could bring some money back to the community.

Today Hashkavak is wearing a simple tunic that he has modified with a prestidigitation spell to look as if a cascade of colors is pouring down him, leaving small tracers behind as he moves. If anyone looked past his shirt, however, they would see a very attractive man with about shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, and double-pierced ears. Also of note are the tattoos of Il-yanna on the inside of each forearm, and in between strands of hair a perceptive person might see the beginings of another tattoo peeking from under his collar.

[sblock] Does it matter what color we use for IC, or OOC dialogue?, also can we just assume that for most skills outside of combat or unless otherwise specified I'll take 10 and give the result in a statblock. Finally, I see we're using invisable castle dice roller, what is our group name under? Is there anything else we need to know?[/sblock]
[sblock] I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of assuming our chars know each other, since we're both diplomats from Sharn. Feel free to call my char crazy if that's not acceptable.[/sblock]
Dice rolls:
[sblock] Taking 10 gives Hashkavak the following skill check results: Knowledge(planes)- 17 to recognize a githzerai and know what one is, and understand they're not evil githyanki. Disguise-13 to look like a human (-2 penalty for trying to look like another race, +2 racial bonus to impersonate humans), in case anyone cares whether he's Kalashtar or not.
[sblock] Hashkavak used 1 0 lvl spell today (prestidigitation) leaving him with 2 more.[/sblock]

Nero Kingsley

First Post
Upon entering the gnome's small quarters, Flintlock was forced to enter in a half-squat-like position to avoid bumping his head on the low ceiling - which made his heavy legs thud all the louder and heavier as he walked in an awkward position. He considers taking a seat before deciding against it, remembering the last time he sat down on the furniture in a halfling's home. He quickly pushes the memory from his mind.
"Good day to you, Mr. Jakenworth. My name is Flint." he says, trying his best to look at the gnome as he speaks, though he has to tilt his head to avoid the ceiling. His eyes glow a faint red as he takes in his surroundings. "This is a fine personal quarters, if I do say so myself, Mr. Jakenworth - I mean... its a fine home!" he stutters, suddenly remembering the proper word. Not interested in getting googly-eyed at the pretty human girl, Flint tries his best to turn the tide of conversation.
"It is my understanding that you wish to employ us to deliver a package of sorts. How much weight are we talking about and where will we be taking the package?"
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Don't be alarmed. I'm just doing some RP myself. I plan on posting as much as I can, but I make a guarantee of 3 times per week, where I expect you guys to post at least as much. But if you want to post more I won't stop you :). I just want to push this game as fast as possible.
mcnathan80 said:
"Good day Master Fimble, my name is Hashkavak I'm something of a diplomat to my people."

"And good day to you Hashkavak," the gnome says.

He says to the other kalashtar, "No worries my dear. You can be calm in this place. You have nothing to be nervous about."

To the warforged he says, "And I will speak of the details in due time. Tea and cakes anyone?" He calls for a servant, and a moment later a gnome stumbles into the room with a tray with a teapot, some cups and about a dozen cakes.


First Post
"Thank you, mister Fimble" replies Norros as he take a cup of tea. "Are we expecting anyone else?" Norros take a sip of his tea and looks around. He seems half interested by the others.

Strange group gathered here. I suppose it is the usual of mercenary work.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Assuming a take 10, Trevor is continously into a disguise to pass himself as Norros Seebreeze with a 26 on his Disguise roll. Norros is just a new man created by Trevor to cover his true identity.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
"Thank you Fimble, we'd... I'd love something to munch on." Biting into the cake Hashkavak savors the sweet taste, the cakes being miles beyond anything he could eat in the Kalashtar community, especially that taslek broth everyone seems to be so fond of in his household. "These are amazing Mr. Jakenworth, I haven't tasted anything this good since I fled through the dreams of a composer and feasted on his symphony, the augmented C chords were particularly...tas..ty" Hashkavak realized he was reliving one of his spirits visions, and decided to be quiet for awhile, stop creeping the others out, and just enjoy his connection to Kavak.

[sblock] For what it's worth, unless you take the Racial Emulation feat from Races of Eberron you will take a -2 penalty when disguising yourself as another race (see disguise skill in the PHB)... However, if the DM doesn't notice, more power to you.[/sblock]
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First Post
Norros looks a moment at Hashkavac after he shut down. "You told you were a diplomat of your people. Where are you from?" asks Norros to break the silence.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Ok, 26... I won't complain at this level[/SBLOCK]

Void - Githzerai Monk

Void enters fimble's house with grace and stands in the corner, he feels uncomfortable in this place, but his master sent him to this mission, to help them take care of a special delivery of some kind, a package, but why ?
What for a Githzerai with such tasks, and with those beings … unless … unless the Githyanki are involved in some way.
Being quite most of the time, Void stands in the corner, his body covered with long grey robes and a cape on his head, there is no sign for weapons or armor.
I'm Void master Fimble
He says simply, bows slightly and eyes the others

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