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Q'Barra: Facing Truth (Character Thread)


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"Captain" Catherine Valeska - Resident Healer

Name: Catherine Valeska
Class: Healer 1 / Knight 1 / Fighter 1 / Marshal 1 / Cleric 1
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Patron Deity: Dol Arrah
Experience: 10,394 / 15,000

Str 14 –- (6 pts)
Dex 12 –- (4 pts)
Con 14 -- (6 pts)
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 14 -- (6 pts)
Cha 15 -- (6 pts)

Hit Points 46
Action Points 7
Armor Class: 19 (+8 Dragonhide Full Plate, +1 Dexterity)
Touch: 11 (+1 Dexterity)
Flat Footed: 18 (+8 Dragonhide Full Plate)
Init +1
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Grapple Modifier: +4
Speed 20' (base 20', load 109.6/116, Heavy Armor, Medium Load)
Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +9

+6 Melee, Masterwork Halberd, 1d10+3, 20/x3, Piercing or Slashing
+4 Ranged, Masterwork Darkwood Composite Long Bow, 1d8+2, 20/x3, 110', Piercing
+4 Melee or +3 Ranged, Cold Iron Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10', Piercing or Slashing
+4 Melee or +3 Ranged, Silver Dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10', Piercing or Slashing

Medium, 5'2" tall, 109 Lbs, 19 yrs old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Fair skin

Speaks Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Riedran

Concentration: +7 (5 Ranks, +2 Constitution)
Diplomacy: +13 (8 Ranks, +2 Charisma, +3 Skill Focus) (2cc - 5 Class)
Heal: +7 (5 Ranks, +2 Wisdom)
Knowledge (Nature): +10 (8 Ranks, +2 Intelligence)
Knowledge (Religion): +10 (8 Ranks, +2 Intelligence) (1cc - 6 class)
Listen: +2 (0 Ranks, +2 Wisdom)
Ride: +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Dexterity)
Speak Language: 4 Ranks (3cc - 1 class)
Spellcraft: +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Intelligence)
Spot: +2 (0 Ranks, +2 Wisdom)

Augment Healing: Conjuration (Healing) spells heal an additional 2 points per spell level.
Daunting Presence: Standard Action, DC 14 Will Save or be shaken. Target must be within 30', have line of sight to Catherine, and be intelligent.
Good Devotion: Swift Action: 1/day, All allies within 30' gain Damage Reduction 2/Evil. Can use 1 use of her Turn Undead ability to use this ability again. Lasts 1 minute.
Law Devotion: Swift Action: 1/day, Catherine gains a +3 Sacred bonus to her attack rolls or armor class. She can reassign this bonus at the beginning of each round. Can use 3 uses of her Turn Undead ability to use this ability again. Lasts 1 minute.
Practiced Spellcaster (Healer): +4 to Healer caster level, bonus capped at Hit Dice.
Weapon Focus (Halberd): +1 to hit when using a Halberd.

Human Traits
Humanoid (Human)
+1 Skill Point per level
Bonus Feat at 1st Level
Favored Class (Any)

Special Abilities
-Healing Hands, Catherine adds her Charisma bonus to all Conjuration (Healing) spells to determine the amount of damage healed.
-Fighting Challenge +1, Swift Action, Target must have an intelligence of 5 or higher, speak a language (Catherine does not need to share this language, and have a CR equal to or greater than Catherine's character level -2. If qualified, Catherine gains a +1 bonus to Will Saves, and attack and damage rolls against this target. This lasts for 5 + Catherine's Charisma bonus rounds. If Catherine's target reduces her to 0 or less hit points, she loses 2 uses of the Knight's Challenge ability for that day.
-Knight's Challenge, 3 uses per day.
-Knight's Code, Catherine will not strike a flat footed opponent, gains no attack roll bonus when flanking, and may not deal lethal damage to helpless foes.
-Minor Aura (Over the Top), Swift Action, All allies (including Catherine) within 60' gain a circumstance bonus equal to Catherine's charisma bonus on damage rolls when charging. This ability can be maintained indefinitely, and can be active outside of combat.
-Turn Undead 5/day, Turning Check 1d20+4 (Charisma Modifier + 5 Ranks in Knowledge (Religion)), Turning Damage 2d6+3

Type: Prepared Divine
Healer Caster Level: 4
0 Level Spells Prepared: Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st Level Spells Prepared: Cure Light Wounds x3, Lesser Vigor

Type: Prepared Divine
Cleric Caster Level: 1
0 Level Spells Prepared: Detect Magic x3
1st Level Spells Prepared: Bless, Light of Lunia

Catherine’s earliest memory is of being handed over to a Warforged. She remembers her mother crying, and then running out the door. She remembers her father kissing her forehead and leaving her with his golden locket. Then he was gone, and she remembers the Warforged carrying her gently inside the orphanage.(The warforged she would learn later was named Sentinel and was purchased from House Cannith near the beginning of the battles with the lizardfolk nearly 30 years ago. The warforged purchased at that time serve as guards and caretakers of the children.)

It was difficult for her to fit in, at first. She wasn’t an orphan after all, she had been given up. Her parents weren’t dead, she was simply unwanted. And she didn’t understand. The other children didn’t understand, they assumed there must be something wrong with her, some reason she wasn’t wanted.

Catherine got over it. She was a very smart and quiet child. She was drawn to the religious services offered at the orphanage, and to Dol Arrah in particular.

As she got older and started classes at the Academy she began to take on the role of caretaker for younger children. She was especially drawn to other children who had been given up, searching them out and offering her shoulder to cry on. She threw herself in to her studies, becoming quite the teacher’s pet and earning more ire from some of the students.

She knows the Academy sees her as one of its success stories, and she strives to live up to that title. She knows that a fair number of the other students do not care for her, and she doesn’t care. She throws herself in to everything she does completely, with no room for anything else.

Catherine quietly reads from her prayer books with any free time she has. That was how she met Tristan. He sat beside her shortly after he came to the orphanage, and before she could even introduce herself he was crying. She learned that his parents had recently been killed by pirates, and that was why he was at the Academy.

She has quite the crush on Tristan, though she’s not sure if he knows. They have become best friends, however. He has taught her his native language, Riedran, and she has picked it up quickly.

Seeing how easily she picked up Riedran, she was quickly placed in a class to learn Draconic at the Academy, in order to better communicate with the lizardfolk in the area. Even as she picked that up, the instructors noted a natural talent for linguistics and trained her in Elven (to communicate with the Valenar elves to the west), and in the other common languages of the continent's races.

During her time at the academy, Catherine trained in the areas of healing and medical attention, honorable combat, and tactics and leadership.

Catherine continually pushes herself in all areas, and she takes on any assignment that the Academy offers her.

Catherine has a very motherly and empathic nature. She often breaks away in melee combat to heal injured allies. A natural leader, Catherine will often take charge of groups or situations, but if someone has already taken on the mantle of leadership, she follows readily.

Short and slight of build, Catherine is quite strong for her size. Her hair is neatly trimmed and comes just short of the nape of her neck. Catherine's piercing blue eyes (inherited from her mother) are usually very friendly and welcoming, but when angered her gaze often unnerves her enemies.

Masterwork Halberd, (On sling over left shoulder, 12 Lbs) 310gp
Weapon Capsule Retainer - Triple (Halberd) 450gp
Capsules: 1 Quickflame, 1 Quickfrost, 1 Quickspark 75gp
Masterwork Darkwood Composite Long Bow (Strength +2), (Right Shoulder next to quiver, 1.5 Lbs) 630gp
2 Cold Iron Daggers (Right and Left Hip, 2 Lbs) 8gp
2 Silver Daggers (Right and Left Boot, 2 Lbs) 44gp
Quiver of 40 Arrows (Right Shoulder, 6 Lbs) 2gp
Dragonhide Full Plate Armor (Worn, 50 Lbs) 3,300gp
Restful Crystal (Mounted to Armor) 500gp

Backpack (center back, 2 Lbs) 2gp
Waterskin (backpack, 4 Lbs) 1gp
Everburning Torch (backpack, 1 Lb) 110gp
Flint & Steel (backpack) 1gp
6 Days of Trail Rations (backpack, 6 Lbs) 3 gp
7 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (backpack, .6 Lbs) 400gp
Potion of Protection from Evil (backpack, .1 Lb) 50gp
2 Flasks of Alchemist's Fire (backpack, 1 Lb) 40gp
4 Flasks of Holy Water (backpack, 4 Lbs) 100gp
2 Healer's Kits (backpack, 2 Lbs) 100gp
2 Flasks of Antitoxin (backpack) 100gp
10 Blessed Bandages (backpack) 100gp
Wand of Lesser Vigor - 28 charges remaining (backpack) 750gp
Golden Teardrop Pendant (Worn) 25gp
Silver Holy Symbol of Dol Arrah (Worn, 1 Lb) 25gp
Book of Scripture (Backpack, 3 Lbs) 10gp
Religious Text (Backpack, 3 Lbs) 10gp
Leather Bound Journal (Backpack, 1 Lb) 7gp
2 Vials of Ink (Backpack, .2 Lbs) 2 gp
10 Inkpens (Backpack) 1 gp
50' of Silken Rope (secured under backpack, 5 Lbs) 10gp
Traveler's Clothes (Backpack, 5 Lbs) 1gp
Belt Pouch (waist, .5 Lbs) 1gp
2 Quickflame Capsules (pouch) 25gp
3 Quickfrost Capsules (pouch) 25gp
3 Quickspark Capsules (pouch) 25gp
Traveling Papers (pouch) 2sp
Identification Papers (pouch) 2gp
Signal Whistle (pouch) 8sp

4 gp remaining.

6th level: Healer, Magic of the Land, Skill Focus (Heal) - Bonus
7th level Human Paragon
8th level Human Paragon, Power Attack
9th level Human Paragon, Powerful Charge
10th level: Ordained Champion
11th level: Contemplative
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First Post

Name: Jin or Kaelan Tahlinali
Gender: Male
Race: Changling(elf, shapechanger)
Class: Ranger2/Fighter2/Warshaper1
Alignment: NG
Patron Diety: Ancestor Worship
Exp: 10394

Str 16(13) –(10 pts)
Dex 15(11) – (6 pts) + Level 4 Stat increase
Con 14 -- (6 pts)
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 14 -- (6 pts)
Cha 8 -- (0 pts)

Hit Points 44
Action Points 4
AC 17, Touch 12, Flatfooted 15
Init +2
BAB +4, Grap +7
Speed 30 (base 30, light load 71/76, light armor)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +3
+9 Melee, Masterwork Double Scimitar, 1d6+4, 18-20/x2, Slashing
+7/+7/+2/+2 Melee, Masterwork Double Scimitar and gore attack and bite attack, 1d6+3/1d6+1/1d6+1/1d6+1, 18-20/x2, Slashing, 20/x2 piercing, 20/x2 all types
+7 Ranged, Masterwork Mighty Composite(+3)Longbow, 1d8+3, 20/x3, Piercing
+7 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+3, Piercing or Slashing

Size category: Medium 5'7" tall, 145lb, 19yrs old
Shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, tan skin

Speaks common, elven, and dwarven

+4 Bluff (3cc Ranks -1 Chr +2 Racial)
+5 Climb (2 Ranks +3 Str)
+16 Disguise (7 Ranks -1 Chr +10 circumstance)
+9 Hide (+10 in dark of shadowy illumination (5 Ranks +2cc Ranks +2 Dex +1 circumstance(maybe))
+5 Jump (2 Ranks +3 Str)
+4 Knowledge(History) (2cc Ranks +2 Int)
+4 Knowledge(Nature) (2 Ranks +2 Int)
+7 Listen (5 Ranks +2 Wis)
+9 Move Silently (5 Ranks +2cc Ranks +2 Dex)
+7 Sense Motive (3cc Ranks +2 Wis +2 Racial)
+5 Spellcraft (3cc Ranks +2 Int)
+7 Spot (5 Ranks +2 Wis)
+6 Survival (4 Ranks +2 Wis)

-Able Learner (cc skills cost only one skill point)
-Racial Emulation (gain subtype of form, qualify for feats PrCs, etc of form)
-Power Attack
-Weapon Focus (Double Scimitar)

Changeling Traits
-Shapechanger subtype
+2 bonus on saves vs sleep and charm effects
+2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive
-Natural Linguist(Speak Language is always a class skill)
-Minor Change Shape(minor physical change, +10 on disguise checks)

Fighter Abilities
-Fighter Bonus feats: (Power attack and Weapon focus (double scimitar taken))

Ranger Abilities
-Favored Enemy: Humanoid(Reptilian) (+2 on bluff, sense motive, listen, spot, survival, and damage rolls involving Reptilian Humanoids)
-Wild Empathy(1d20+1 to influence the attitude of animals, works like diplomacy)
-Combat Style(gains two weapon fighting as a bonus feat, but only while wearing light or no armor)

Warshaper abilities
-Morphic Immunities: Kaelan is immune to stunning and critical hits.
-Morphic Weapons: As a move action Kaelan can grow any natural weapon.

Due to being from the region of Valenar, Kaelan treats the Valenar Double Scimitar as a martial weapon

From the Journal of Kaelan Tahlinali
I don’t remember much of my childhood before I joined The Academy. What I do remember is from the stories my adoptive mother told my teacher, Argent. Argent told me the stories so I would have at least some understanding of where I came from. All they’ve left me is more questions though.
Apparently I was left in a birch bark cradle on the doorstep of a Valenar dwelling clutching a drawing of a Valenar woman with my name written on it. My adoptive mother, Amadethfel, took good care of me, but I don’t even think she knew. She was a weaver in our group. I didn’t see my father, Saebrar, much. He spent much of his time helping rebuilding ancient fortresses.
I remember being able to make minor physical changes to my body at a very young age. I realized then that I was not like the Valenar which I considered my family. I was an outsider, and I knew if they found out, they would shun me for it. I saw how they treated non-Valenar traveling through our territory. I was ashamed of my abilities and seldom spoke. My life changed shortly after my fourth birthday.
It was approaching sunset, and dinner was almost ready. I looked toward the horizon and so a mounted human silhouetted in the failing light. I knew it was a human because it sat much higher in the saddle than the Valenar. He waved, and several Valenar waved back on their way to approach him. I saw them shake hands with the man and welcome him to a seat next to a fire. My mother took his horse, it was a beautiful Valenar war horse! Who was this human that commanded the respect of the Valenar?
From my seat on the other side of the fire, I could see him talking to several of our group’s hunters. He was clad is a loose fitting white robe. I could hear the jingle of chain mail underneath it. A double scimitar was stored on his back. A longbow was over his shoulder. His hair was a silver color, and his eyes were a piercing blue. The Valenar called him Argent. I could barely hear them over the bubbling of the stew pot. At first it was casual conversation, talk of an Academy, how long it’s been since Argent was last here. It had been five years. Then the tone changed. Argent talked about how the lizardfold were growing more and more bold on attacking the citizens of Q’barra. At this point in the conversation, Argent gazed across the fire at me and stared directly into my eyes. Argent then leaned close to the hunter he was talking to and whispered into his ear. I could barely make out they said. Argent asked where I had come from. The hunter explained I was an orphan, dropped off in the night. Argent slowly nodded.
Argent went to talk to my mother. I couldn’t hear what they said, but they were both glancing at me, I could see the tears in my mother’s eyes. Had the stranger see through my disguise, did he tell my mother my secret?
The following morning my mother talked to me, she said I was going with Argent to the Academy. It would better for me there.

* * * * *

The lone elf walked slowly up to the Academy. He was dressed in dark colors, greens, browns, and black. Red splatterings were spread about his dress, like blood. A double scimitar hung on his back and a longbow was slung over his shoulder. A veil covered the lower half of his face. Elves didn’t seek training here, although there were a few elven trainers. A small crowd of teens had gathered to witness his arrival. “I don’t recognize many of them,” he thought. “I wonder if they’ll recognize me?”
No looks of recognition crossed the faces of the onlookers. Several had looks of bewilderment as the stranger raised his hand in greeting. The gathering looked back to see one of the trainers from the Academy, a silver-haired man with blue eyes. Argent raised his hand in greeting. The pair shook hands then embraced.
“Jin, it’s been months, where have you been, and where are the others? We feared you all dead.” At his words several in the group gasped. They had heard about Jin and his companions, they had departed almost two seasons ago to investigate some lizardfolk tracks that were to close to the Academy.
The elf removed his veil to reveal a trio of long scars tracing across his cheek. “My name is Kaelan now, I’ll tell you what happened.”
* * * * *
“The five of us had departed. Myself, Ilthas, Drogar, Karen, and Zislas. The cold sun lizardfold had been getting close to the Academy and the five of us had been sent to investigate and eliminate the threat if necessary. A day’s journey outside in the academy I found the tracks, they were deep and fresh. I thought is was probably a war party. We followed the tracks for several days, we just couldn’t catch up to them.”
“We were alert for any threats, but we never saw the Valenar melt out of brush. He wore shadowweave clothes and a double scimitar was in his hands. We nearly sprung into action, but he put a finger to his lips, silencing us. His name was Kaelan and he was stalking a war party of lizardfolk. Kaelan was going to attack them, but he needed to do more scouting, he asked us if we would like to join in the glory. Upon learning that I was skilled in the art of stealth, Kaelan asked if I like to accompany him on the scouting forays. I agreed.”
“We stalked the lizardfolk for about a month. We had seen their routines as predictable as they were. At the time, I didn’t know it, but we were getting farther and farther into the Cold Sun Tribes territory. Kaelan and I become close, we had many of the same skills, and the same outlook on life. He told me stories of his sacred ancestor, Feralasaliam. Feralasaliam gave him strength and skill in battle, and protected him from harm. While stalking the lizardfolk, I couldn’t help but stare at Kaelan, he was as silent as an owl and you could barely see him against the brush.”
“We were to attack the lizardfolk at dusk, but Kaelan had to do something first. He knew I wasn’t an elf, but he saw past that, to my skill as a hunter. His words echoed my feelings, we felt like brothers. He wanted to make it official, he drew his long knife and cut into his palm, all the while saying a prayer to Feralasaliam and the other ancestor sprits that guide the Valenar warriors. He took my hand in his and cut my palm as well, it hurt, but not as much as I thought. He placed our palms together. He said now I had true Valenar blood in my veins, I was one of them in body as well as mind. With that the 6 of us went into the brush to finish what we had started.”
“Zislas enchanted our weapons to make them more effective against the lizardfolk. Ilthas opened the battle with an illusionary fog, it would affect those lizardfolk who believed it was real, it had no effect on us. The rest of us charged into battle, Karen was there to heal the wounded, Drogar held his greataxe in both hands as he cut into the nearest foe.”
“Then I realized something was wrong, there were more tents, and they were larger. I saw the large footprints coming into the camp from the opposite direction. The source of those footprints then came out of one of the larger tents, blackscale lizardfolk.” The crowd gasped at this, blackscales were formidable foes, only a handful of trainers had even seen them.
It was a slaughter, Karen fell first, several blackscale javelins piercing her chest. Zislas was next, he got surrounded by Cold Sun lizardfolk and was pulled limb from limb. Drogar’s head was caved in by a blackscale greatclub. Ilthas tried to escape by going invisible but standing water gave him away. A blackscale tackled him to the earth, the only sign of Ilthas was the scream and the growing red puddle covering the ground. Kaelan fought on, his double scimitar was a blur as it cleaved off the arms several Cold Sun lizardfolk that had been near. There was too many though. I did something horrible then, I ran, I heard Kaelan’s death scream moments later. I was a coward, I left my brother to die.
I evaded Cold Sun patrols and war parties for the next two months. I thought about what I did. I honor my brother now, by mimicking his likeness, and undertaking the spiritual journey he had not completed. The goal was to have his and Feralasaliam souls becoming one. I hoped by mimicking him, I would be half the warrior he was. It is strange because I feel he is still with me. Like the feeling you get when you walk into a thin fog. I can feel him around me. I wish to return to my training Argent. Kaelan taught me a lot, but I feel like can learn much more.
Kaelan groaned, stretching his back like a great jungle cat. Some training this is, he thought as he looked around at the training room he was in. This one was modeled like the inside of an bar. Hardwood floors, tables, chairs, not to mention the bar. He dipped his mop in the bucket of hot, soapy water at his feet. He had seeked to train, to further his combat ability, to honor his brother, Kaelan. Here he was mopping the floor, cleaning up the spilled water and sweat. The trainers prepared them for real life, the school wasn't just about standing in some plain featureless room mimicing one of the teachers. Here one could gain an advantage; the height of a table, the cover of the bar, spilled water to create unstable footing. Suspended, he thought again, he'd be doing dirty work like this for another month. As much as he hated it, it was the rules, he should have returned to the Academy after scouting, they had been in the wilderness way too long and way too deep into Cold Sun territory. He paused, and pulled out the picture from his belt pouch on the small of his back. It was the lovely Valenar woman and above it was scribbled "this is my son Jin, take care of him for me." He had wondered much about his real mother, was this her? Where was she, was she looking for him? Kaelan neatly folded the paper, and tucked back into his pouch.[/sblock]

Jin, or Kaelan as he is called now, is withdrawn and still slightly ashamed of his actions in the lizardfolk camp. When he isolated himself from the rest of his Valenar family, it had an impact on his how outgoing he is as an adult. Kaelan still feels shame for leaving his brother, and getting his companions killed. Kaelan rarely speaks, he is a hunter first and foremost. However, he will not hesitate to give battle tactics to others. In the wilds, Kaelan eyes are always scanning the landscape for threats. If confronted about the happenings in the lizardfolk encampment, he insists he is a different person now. If his elf form is seen through, Kaelan, insists that he is Valenar, mind, body, and soul. When he is troubled and or alone, Kaelan will look at the picture of the Valenar woman.[/sblock]

Kaelan is 5’7” and 145lbs in his changeling form. In his Valenar form(which he is always in) he is a tall Valenar at 5’5” and about the same weight. Kaelan wears a dark green Darkweave explorers outfit, it is spotted with brown to mimic bloodstains. A veil covers the lower half of his face. With the veil up you can see a scar that runs horizontally under his eye. Concealed beneath the veil are two more scars parallel to the first. A longbow is on his right shoulder and a double scimitar is sheathed near it. A dagger is on his left hip, and a light mace on his right hip. A mithral shirt is concealed under his Darkweave clothes.[/sblock]

Mithral Chain shirt+1 (worn, 10 lb, 0 acp)
Dagger (belt, left hip, 1lb)
Light Mace(belt, right hip, 5lb)
Vest of Resistance +1 (worn, 1lb)
2 Belt Pouches (belt front and back, 1lb)
Darkweave Explorers Outfit(Worn, 8lb)

Backpack (center back, 2lb)
Bedroll (below backpack, 5lbwt)
MW Double Scimitar (sheathed over right shoulder, 15wt)
Masterwork Mighty Composite(+3) longbow (right shoulder, 3lb)
Quiver of arrows(20 arrows, left shoulder, 3lb)
2 Triple Weapon Capsule Retainers(one on each of end of double scimitar)

2 Sundrods (backpack, 3lb)
Waterskin- water (backpack, 4lb)
Flint & Steel (backpack)
Trail Rations- 2 days (backpack, 2lb)
Silk Rope, 50ft (backpack, 5lb)
Whetstone (backpack, 1lb)
Alchemist Fire (backpack, 1lb)
Wand of Cure light wounds 19 charges(backpack)
0 Quickflame weapon capsules(one on each end of double scimitar, others in backpack)
1 Quickfrost weapon capsules(one on each end of double scimitar)
1 Quickshock weapon capsules(two one end, one on the other of double scimitar)
4 Quicksilver weapon capsules(backpack)
4 Ghostblight weapon capsules(backpack)
2 Auran Masks(backpack, *lb)
4 potion cure light wounds(backpack)
1 vial antitoxin(backpack)
1 potions shield of faith +2
Least crystal of life drinking(attached to main hand of scimitar)
Least Iron ward diamond(attached to mithral shirt)
Coins- 142gp, 8sp, 8cp ( belt pouch,back, ~.2lb)
Traveling Papers (belt pouch, front)
Identification Papers (belt pouch, front)
Keenear powder (belt pouch, front)
Fareye oil(belt pouch, front)
Signal whistle(belt pouch, front)
Picture of Valenar woman(belt pouch, back)[/sblock]

[sblock=Progression and Goals]Progression:
5th Warshaper 1
6th Warshaper2, Bladebearer of the Valenar
7th Revenant Blade1
8th Revenant Blade2
9th Revenant Blade3, Improved two weapon fighting(if can get 17 dex) if not leap attack
10th Revenant Blade4


Find the identity of the Valenar woman drawn on the piece of paper he carries.
Avenge his brother, Kaelan, and find his zaelshin tu.
Find Kaelan's family and tell them of how he was killed.
Find his real mother.
Become a great Valenar warrior.[/sblock]
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First Post
Name Darrick ir'Davven
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Knight 3/ Marshal 2
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Patron Deity Sovereign Host

Str 16 –(10 pts)
Dex 12 – (4 pts)
Con 14-- (6 pts)
Int 12 -- (4 pts)
Wis 10 -- (2 pts)
Cha 16 -- (8 pts) +1 for 4th level

Hit Points: 51
Action Points: 7
AC: 24, Touch 15, Flat 23
Init: +1
BAB: +4, Grap: +7
Speed: 20 (base 30, load 104/230, Heavy Armor)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +6

+8 Melee, Masterwork Longsword, 1d8+3, 19-20/x2, Slashing
+7 Melee, Alchemical Silver Heavy Mace, 1d8+3, 20/x2, Bashing
+7 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+3, 19-20/x2, Piercing
+7 Melee Mounted, Lance, 2d8+3, 20/x3, Piercing

+5 Ranged, Shortbow, 1d6, 20/x2, 60'r , Piercing

Medium, 6'3" tall, 174 lbs., 18 yrs old
Black, shoulder length hair, weary brown eyes, fair skin

Speaks Common, Elvish

+1 Appraisal (0 Ranks +1 Int)
-5 Balance (0 Ranks +1 Dex - 6 acp)
+3 Bluff (0 Ranks +3 Chr)
-3 Climb (0 Ranks +3 Str -6 acp)
+2 Concentration (0 Ranks +2 Con)
+16 Diplomacy (8 Ranks +3 Chr +3 Skill Focus +2 Synergy)
+3 Disguise (0 Ranks +3 Chr)
-5 Escape Artist (0 Ranks +1 Dex - 6 acp)
+1 Forgery (0 Ranks +1 Int)
+3 Gather Information (0 Ranks +3 Chr)
+10 Handle Animal (7 Ranks +3 Chr)
+0 Heal (0 Ranks +1 Wis)
-6 Hide (0 Ranks +1 Dex - 6 acp)
+9 Intimidate (6 Ranks +3 Chr)
-9 Jump (0 Ranks +3 Str - 12 acp)
+8 Knowledge (nobility) (7 Ranks +1 Int)
+0 Listen (0 Ranks +1 Wis)
-5 Move Silently (0 Ranks +1 Dex - 6 acp)
+11 Ride (8 Ranks + 1 Dex +2 Synergy)
+1 Search (0 Ranks +1 Int)
+0 Sense Motive (0 Ranks +1 Wis)
+0 Spot (0 Ranks +1 Wis)
+0 Survival (0 Ranks +1 Wis)
-9 Swim (0 Ranks +3 Str - 12 acp)
+1 Use Rope (0 Ranks +1 Dex)

-Shield Specialization: Heavy Shield (+1 to AC when using Heavy Shield, 1st Level)
-Shield Ward (May add shield bonus to Touch AC, Bull's Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip attempts. (1st Level, Human bonus feat)
-Skill Focus: Diplomacy (2nd Level, Marshal bonus feat)
-Mounted Combat (3rd Level, Knight bonus feat)
-Power Attack (3rd Level)

Human Traits
-Humanoid (Human)
-+1 Skill Point per level
-Bonus Feat at 1st Level
-Favored Class (Any)

Knight Abilities
-Knight's Challenge, 5 uses/day.
-Fighting Challenge +1 (Ex): As a swift action, Darrick may challenge a single foe of CR equal to or greater than Darrick 's character level -2, and with an Intelligence score of 5 or more to combat. Darrick receives a +1 bonus to Will Saves, attack rolls, and damage rolls against this opponent for eight rounds. If this foe reduces Darrick to zero or less hit points, he loses two uses of Knight's Challenge for that day.
-Knight's Code: Darrick will not strike a flat footed opponent, gains no attack roll bonus when flanking, and may not deal lethal damage to helpless foes.
-Shield Block +1 (Ex): +1 to shield bonus against a single designated foe, chosen during Darrick 's action.
-Bulwark of Defense: An opponent that begins its turn in Darrick's threatened area treats all of this area as difficult terrain.

Marshal Abilities
-Minor Aura: Motivate Dexterity (Ex): As a swift action, Darrick may project an aura that gives all allies (including Darrick) within 60' a circumstance bonus equal to Darrick's charisma bonus on Dexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks, and initiative checks.
-Major Aura: Motivate Attack (Ex): As a swift action, Darrick may project an aura that gives all allies (including Darrick) within 60' gain a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls.

- Magebred Heavy Warhorse (Steadfast)
Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Points: 46
Initiative: +1
Speed: 35 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 Chainmail Barding, +8 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +7 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +7 melee (1d8+5) and bite +2 melee (1d4+2)
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Special Qualities: Excellent Learner, Thick-Skinned Breed
Feats: Endurance, Run
Tricks: Combat Riding, Stay, Seek

Chainmail Barding (worn)
Military Saddle (worn)
2 Saddlebags (saddle)
Lance (saddle)

[sblock]"I...well. I'm an orphan, now. At least, I assume that I am. I hope that someone...my sister, perhaps, she might have....

"Well. No point in the dwelling on 'perhaps', is there?

"I was thirteen years old, on the Day of Mourning. I hadn't seen Cyre since I was six. My father sent me away. He told me it was so that I could learn, so that I could come back to Cyre with sword in hand and help defend her. But in truth, I think that he just wanted me somewhere safe.

"Foresight, I suppose you could call that. I...I was going to see him, see then in less than a month's time. Before it happened. Whatever 'it' was.

"It's naught but luck, that I'm here now. I'm still not sure how it all happened, in truth. I don't really remember the weeks after I heard the news. I was just...here, one day. Safe. With friends.

"It's...it's good, having a home."

Early on, his father called in a voluminous amount of favors in order to have Darrick accepted into a military academy-cum-boarding school in Taer Valaestas. He spent the next seven years there, and was actually on his way home on the Day of Mourning. Darrick's ship was diverted to Sharn, and there he found himself to be just one of numberless refugees.

Overwhelmed by despair, he slipped into a semi-catatonic state of shock. Darrick's not at all sure who took care of him during this time; he occasionally remembers a face, or a voice, but never a name. He vividly recalls being spoon-fed soup at one point, and flushes with shame whenever something happens to bring this to mind.

Fortunately enough, he encountered a friend of his father. This was the man who sent him to the academy, with a letter of introduction. He had a firm handshake, and a scar across his brow...that's all that Darrick remembers.

He came to himself after about a month at the academy, in the midst of a lecture on Brelish history. To his own surprise, he'd been keeping meticulous notes...and he'd somehow managed to retain most of what he'd heard over the past few weeks. He'd been content to be led from room to room during this time, and if provided with a pen and ink, he wrote. Copiously.

Darrick doesn't like to think about that time, and will rapidly change the subject if it's brought up. He hates to appear weak.

Sadly, that letter of introduction has since been lost somehow. On his more morbid days, Darrick blames the fates for this. [/sblock]

Darrick is a quiet man, generally. He weighs his words carefully, and speaks up only after much thought. He's deferential to his superiors, gracious to his comrades, and works very hard at his studies.

In battle, well, he is a different man entirely. Loud, commanding, and decisive...and deathly afraid that he's going to lose more friends, more comrades. Not that Darrick would willingly admit this, mind. He's not the sort of fellow who like to talk about himself.

He seeks out his countrymen, though. Darrick likes to hear their stories of Cyre, what they remember of it. Who they've lost, and what they miss. It bothers him tremendously this his own memories of Cyre are so dim. It feels like a betrayal, somehow.

Darrick is not an imposing man. Not at first glance. Tall and muscular, he looks much older than his eighteen years, and unaccountably weary. His beard is short, and neatly trimmed, and he wears his hair in the Cyran style -- as long as his helmet will allow. Darrick dresses in the somber "mourningwear" that is now the fashion among Cyran expatriates; black, flamboyantly cut and elaborately embroidered.

+1 Full Plate (worn, 50 lbs.)
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield (worn, 10 lbs)
Traveler's Clothing (worn)
Heavy riding boots and spurs (worn)
Dagger (left boot, 1 lb)

Masterwork Longsword (belt left, 4 lbs)
Alchemical Silver Heavy Mace (belt right, 4 lbs.)
Dagger (belt right, 1 lb.)
Belt Pouch (belt Left, .5 lb.)
Identification papers and case (belt)

Shortbow (left shoulder, 2 lbs)
Quiver of 30 arrows (right shoulder, 3 lbs)
Backpack (center back, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (below backpack, 5 lbs)

Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 lbs)
Flint & Steel (backpack)
Trail Rations- 5 days (backpack, 5 lbs)
50' Silk Rope (backpack, 5 lbs)
Ink and Pen (backpack)
10 sheets of Parchment, in tube (backpack)
Soap (backpack, 1 lb)
2 Sacks, empty (backpack)
Six Potions of Cure Light Wounds (backpack)
Two Oils of Magic Weapon (backpack)
Two Potions of Shield of Faith +2 (backpack)
Elixir of Vision (backpack)

Coins- 0gp, 4sp, 7cp (pouch)
Whetstone (pouch, 1 lb)

5th level: Knight
6th level: Marshal, Improved Bull Rush
7th level: Knight
8th level: Marshal
9th level: Knight, Pushback
10th level: Knight
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Name: Sepoto
Gender: Male
Race: Shifter (Cliffwalk/Longstride)
Class: Monk of the Closed Fist (Ninja) 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Dark Six (The Traveler)

Str 12 –(4 pts)
Dex 19 [21/Shifting] – (10 pts)[+2 Dex for Shifter Race]
Con 12 -- (4 pts)
Int 14 -- (10 pts)[-2 Wis for Shifter Race]
Wis 14 -- (6 pts)
Cha 6 -- (0 pts)[-2 Cha for Shifter Race]

[Note: Bonus point for 4th level added to Dexterity]

Hit Points: 27
Action Points: 3
AC: 19 [20 when Shifting], Touch: 18 [19 when Shifting], Flat-footed: 15
Init: +4 (+5 when Shifting)
BAB: +3, Grap: +4
Speed: 30’ (Base = 30’, load 20/130, Light Load, No Armor worn)
[Note: Speed = 40’, Climb = 20’ when shifting]

Fort: +2 (+1 Base, +1 Con)
Ref +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dex)
Will +3 [+5 if ki power remains](+1 Base, +2 Wis)

+8 (+9) Melee, Kukri, 1d4+1, 18-20/x2, Slashing
+8 (+9) Ranged, Shortbow, 1d6, 20/x3, 60' range, Piercing
+9 (+10) Ranged, Shortbow with +1 arrows, 1d6+1, 20/x3, 60' range, Piercing
+7 (+8) Ranged, Shuriken, 1d2, 20/x2, 10’ range, Piercing
+7 (+8) Ranged Touch, Alchemists Fire, 1d6 fire damage, 10' range, plus splash

Size category: Medium 6' 2" tall, 141 lbs., 19 yrs old
Mangy, filth-covered, vibrant orange fur; inquisitive jade green eyes; weathered and calloused skin of a dark brown hue.

Speaks: Common, Sylvan, and Draconic (Lizardfolk dialects).

+10 Balance [2 Ranks, +4 Dex, +2 Racial, +2 Tumble Synergy]
+10 Climb [7 Ranks, +1 Str, +2 Racial]
+8 Disable Device [6 Ranks, +2 Int]
+8 Escape Artist [4 Ranks, +4 Dex]
+10 Hide [6 Ranks, +4 Dex]
+10 Jump [5 Ranks, +1 Str, +2 Racial, +2 Tumble Synergy]
+10 Move Silently [6 Ranks, +4 Dex]
+6 Open Lock [2 Ranks, +4 Dex]
+8 Search [6 Ranks, +2 Int]
+12 Tumble [6 Ranks, +4 Dex, +2 Jump Synergy]
+10 Listen [8 Ranks, +2 Wis]
+10 Spot [8 Ranks, +2 Wis]

[Note: All Dexterity based skills increase by +1 when shifting]

* Weapon Finesse
* Extra Shifter Trait/Longstrider [Shifter]: Gain benefits of another shifter bloodline.

Cliffwalk Shifter Traits:
* Shapechanger Subtype: Shifters are humanoids with the shapeshifter subtype.
* +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
* Medium Size
* Based Land Speed = 30’
* Cliffwalk/Longstride Shifting (Su): As a free action, 1 time per day, can shift for 5 rounds, gaining a +2 to Dexterity, a base climb speed of 20’, and +10’ to base land speed.
* Low-Light Vision
* +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Jump checks.
* Favored Class: Ranger

Monk of the Closed Fist (Ninja) Abilities:
* Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monks of the Closed Fist are proficient in all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, kama, kukri, nunchaku, sai, shortbow, shortsword, shuriken, and siangham. Not proficient in any type of armor or shield.
* AC Bonus (Ex): A Monk of the Closed Fist, when unarmored and unencumbered adds his Wisdom bonus to his Armor Class. This ability increases by +1 for every five levels thereafter. This bonus applies even against touch attacks or when a Monk of the Closed Fist is flat-footed.
* Ki Power (Su): A Monk of the Closed Fist can channel ki to manifest special powers of stealth and mobility, useable [4] (1/2 class level = 2 + Wis bonus = 2) times per day. As long as a Monk of the Closed Fist’s ki pool is not empty, he gains a +2 bonus to Will saves. A Monk of the Closed Fist’s ki powers are: ghost step, ki dodge, ghost strike, greater ki dodge, and ghost walk.
* Sudden Strike (Ex): Whenever a Monk of the Closed Fist’s opponent is denied a Dex bonus to Armor Class the Monk of the Closed Fist deals an extra +3d6 to damage. This ability cannot be used when flanking unless the opponent is denied its Dex bonus to AC. This damage also applies to ranged attacks of less than 30’.
* Trapfinding (Ex): A Monk of the Closed Fist can use his Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and can use Disable Device to disarm such traps.
* Ghost Step (Su): A Monk of the Closed Fist can spend one daily use of his ki power to become invisible for one round. Using this ability is a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
* Poison Use (Ex): A Monk of the Closed Fist never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to a weapon.
* Great Leap (Su): A Monk of the Closed Fist always makes Jump checks as if running and having the Run feat, enabling him to make long jumps without a running start and granting a +4 bonus on the jump. This ability can only be used when wearing no armor and carrying no more than a light load.

Ki Power Remaining: 4
Shifting Ability Remaining: 1


[sblock]In the days when the great emerald jungles of Q’Barra were young, the chakit shifters dwelt high among the canopies of the looming rainforest in great numbers, a peaceful and nomadic people content to live a simple existence. They communed with the natural world, worshipping a plethora of nature spirits, all the while leaving their true allegiance to the master of these beings, an aspect of the Traveler they knew as I’katra, the Trickster.

A tripartite being, I’Katra represented the joining place; in chakit lore it was where the expansive blue sky met with the titanic jungle trees, and where those very trees met the mountainous slopes of the eastern Endworld Mountains. They were a people of transition, roaming freely among the high boughs that touched the sky, the lush middling branches where all things grew, and the shadowy paths beneath the immense cycads above. They acted as the caretakers of the western jungles, a shy but curious people, long-of-arm, with rusty-orange fur and the faces of wizened old men. Their quiet paradise, however, would not last.

Ten thousand years ago, the Dhakaani Empire drove the lizardfolk of the Talenta Plains across the Endworld Mountains, and into the jungles of Q’Barra. The defeated and embittered lizardfolk then returned the favor, slaughtering the pacifistic chakit shifters wherever they were found. No matter which edge of the massive jungle they fled to for refuge, the lizardfolk followed. In time, the vestiges of the chakit folk coalesced into a handful of small tribes, nothing more than extended families for the most part. They largely abandoned the surface to the scaled-ones, hiding amongst the highest branches of the rainforest until their kind became a legend to even their oppressors, the tribes of the Cold Sun. Over the ensuing centuries, their numbers dwindled still further, and over time men from fallen Galifar came to reforge a nation lost in war. To build their new cities, many trees would fall.

A decade ago, Sepoto’s tribe was discovered by a cabal of Lhazaar poachers, intent upon finding slaves or exotic beasts amid the deepest jungle to fill their sea chests with gold. The buccaneers easily defeated the chakit folk, slaughtering those who resisted and capturing all save the lucky few who fled. As they returned to the mainland via the Torva River, they were attacked by Cold Sun tribesmen, enraged at the violation of their sacred hunting grounds. The lizardfolk killed and ate poacher and chakit alike, as was their way in such things. In the confusion and slaughter, one young shifter escaped into the jungles, his poisoned wounds eventually causing him to succumb, scant miles from the gates of Newthrone.

In a bit of serendipity that could only be the work of the Traveler, Sepoto was discovered by an elderly Galifaran expatriate named Othos ir’Tuvaine, the last abbot of an order known as the Monks of the Closed Fist. Renowned for their skill in the arts of infiltration, said to rival that of even House Thuranni, the early days of the Last War saw no dearth of employment for these wandering monks of the Traveler. In time, noble and dragonmarked alike grew to fear their prowess so much that their monasteries were razed without provocation, and their agents, wherever found, where put to the sword. As the conflagration of the Last War spread, the monks went into hiding, or fled the Five Nations altogether.

As a scholar, Othos had heard legends of the chakit folk, and he saw in this bedraggled creature something of himself, a refugee of a bygone age, a living relic. Something about this pitiful creature intrigued him. He took pity on Sepoto, and returned to Newthrone. Sepoto joined Othos in Ven ir’Kesslan Academy, where the latter served as an instructor in the arts of guerilla tactics and sabotage. Though he taught the orphaned pupils the ways of subterfuge and stealth in warfare, he had never revealed his true vocation to the rest of the staff or students. That would change with Sepoto. In the chankit shifter, Othos would find the perfect empty vessel into which to pour his order’s philosophy.

At first, the gangly orange-furred shifter-child did nothing but cower in Othos’ presence, fearful of even the most innocuous of man’s ingenuity. Tindertwigs brought on terror, a warforged made lizardfolk seem harmless. It was perhaps this simpering, cowardly helplessness that finally drove the monk to begin passing on the ways of his order to another when he had sworn to let the techniques of his kin pass forever from the lands of Khorvaire. The shifter needed his teachings, and he needed to teach.

Sepoto’s training took place over the next decade or so, and despite an early recalcitrance, he soon became an apt pupil to his teacher. A vague kinship between the two blossomed into friendship as the shifter’s natural curiosity took hold. Othos taught the chakit the martial ways of his order, the way to ‘step between’ the seams of the world, and Sepoto soon began to master the language of man. As his knowledge grew, the shifter taught his people’s tongue to his instructor, following this with revelations about the ways I’Katra, a philosophy that finally brought some peace to Othos, along with a deeper understanding of this exotic land and his own faith. Though he kept his beliefs a secret from the clergy of the Host that governed ir’Kesslan Academy, he soon took on more students, teaching them obliquely the ways of his fallen brothers. He had come to understand that more than just Sepoto needed to learn of ways to combat the threat posed by the lizardfolk of Q’Barra.

Sepoto, despite his strange appearance and peculiar ways eventually was accepted among the folk of the academy as a peer and it came as no surprise to the shifter, his master, or his fellow students when the sealed letter arrived asking him to serve as an emissary for the school. [/sblock]


[sblock] Sepoto has not fully mastered the ways of the civilized, but his boundless curiosity often overcomes his inherent skittishness around the trappings of civilization. Keenly intelligent, he has mastered the common tongue, but tends to become withdrawn and frustrated when his thick accent and ape-like vocalizations cause others to misunderstand him. Even so, his people’s need for socialization often outweighs this trepidation, and his friendliness is almost infectious at times. He seems to show his gregariousness around those he is most comfortable with, whom he considers his surrogate tribe. Sepoto’s sense of humor and knack for a practical joke is almost legendary among the academy students, and he can often be seen playing the part of the clown to elicit a laugh. He is wise enough to recognize when someone is laughing at him and not with him, however, and those who belittle his barbaric appearance or otherwise tease him quickly learn from their mistake, as the chakit is one to hold grudges.

Sepoto could not be more different from his people. The dogma of the pacifist has been purged from him with Othos’ teachings, and though he still approaches bloodletting with caution, he does not fear it in the least. The Way of the Closed Fist has been embraced by him with true zeal, and combined with his natural talents it has empowered him in a way that none of his kind has ever known. He hopes one day to find more of his people, so that he may impart to them what he has learned so that they may protect themselves. Perhaps in this way, the faith of I’Katra can be preserved as Sepoto has preserved the teachings of his abbot. [/sblock]


[sblock]Sepoto is representative of his people, the chakit shifters. Tall and gangly, with long, thin arms, he appears vaguely apelike. Thick tufts of vibrant orange fur cover his body, and wherever it does not grow, his skin is a deep brown; weathered and calloused. His facial features are wizened and wrinkled, a characteristic of his kind, with large, round, brilliantly jade-colored eyes set deep beneath the shadow of his protruding brow.

Although taller than most humans when upright, he often appears much smaller due to his hunched posture and ambling gait. When he shifts, his features become even more bestial, and he takes on a countenance that appears almost orangutan-like.

Despite embracing many aspects of civilization, Sepoto is still a jungle-dweller and prefers a simple yellow loincloth, often stained from the mud that clings to the bores of the trees he climbs. His overall hygiene is not much removed from a tribal state, and his dirt-matted fur has traces of mange. His breath often reeks with halitosis brought on by ingesting overripe fruit and pungent jungle plants. His overall lack of any charisma is directly attributable to these shortcomings.

Sepoto’s accoutrements and gear are without exception hand-fashioned from the bounty of the jungle. His kukri’s blade is sharpest obsidian and is always near at hand, and the remainders of his belongings are either crafted from trophies earned with this weapon or the taut bamboo shortbow he carries over his shoulder. [/sblock]

Filthy Yellow Loincloth (worn, 0 lb.)
Braided Giant Sloth Hair Belt (waist, 1 lb.)
Alligator Hide Belt Pouch (belt front, .5 lbs.)
Masterwork Kukri (belt right, 2 lbs.)
Masterwork Shortbow (right shoulder, 2 lbs.)
Hollowed Tusk Quiver (left shoulder, 1 lb.)
Arrows [13] (quiver, 3 lbs.)
+1 Arrows [10] (quiver, 3 lbs.)
6 Dragonsbreath Arrows - Marked as "Property of Ilya" (in Halfling)
10 Serpentstongue Arrows - Marked as "Property of Ilya" (in Halfling)
Shuriken [20] (belt notches, 2 lbs.)

Ring of Protection +1, onyx band with tribal mark of the Traveler (left hand, 4th finger)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, lustrous blackscale lizardman scale (neck, .5 lb.)
Elixir of Truth, green decanter containing a viscous purple fluid that smells of roses (pouch)

Alchemist's Spark [1]
Noxious Smokestick [2] (belt rear, 1 lb, ECS p. 121)
Red Dancer Spider Venom [2] (pouch, Injury DC 14, Initial: 1d4 Str/Secondary 1d4 Str)
Drakewing Wasp Venom [1] (pouch, Injury DC 18, Initial: 1d6 Dex/Secondary 1d6 Dex)

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x2)

Small Waterskin- water (belt left, 2 lbs.)
Bag of Dried Fruit (belt, .5 lb.)
Flint & Steel (belt pouch, 0 lb.)

Coins- 75 gp (68 gp in letter of academy credit)

Experience: 10394


5th level Monk of the Closed Fist 5
6th level Monk of the Closed Fist 6, Shifter Stealth [Shifter] (PGtE p. 135)
7th level Monk of the Closed Fist 7
8th level Monk of the Closed Fist 8
9th Monk of the Closed Fist 9, Shifter Acrobatics [Shifter] (PGtE p. 135)
10th Monk of the Closed Fist 10
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First Post
Name: Charles Feyheart
Gender: Male
Race: Human, 18 years old
Class: Scout 5
Alignment: CG
Patron Deity: The Sovereign Host (but only out of habit)

[sblock=Basic Stats]
Str 14 -- (6 pts) [+2]
Dex 17 -- (10 pts) (+1 level 4) [+3]
Con 10 -- (2 pts)
Int 14 -- (6 pts) [+2]
Wis 12 -- (4 pts) [+1]
Cha 12 -- (4 pts) [+1]

Hit Points: 32 (8 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6)
Action Points:
AC 16 (10 + mod 3 + armor 3 ) Dodge +1 / Skirmish +1 / vs. AoO +4
Touch AC 13, Flat AC 13 (Note: Uncanny Dodge) [Load 55/175, light load/armor]
Init +4 (mod 3 + Battle Fortitude 1)
BAB: +3, Grapple: +??
Speed: 40 (Medium Armor/Load or higher: 20)
Fort +3 (base 1 + mod 0 + Battle Fortitude 1 + misc 1) (Fort +1 in medium/heavy armor/load)
Ref +8 (base 4 + mod 3 + misc 1)
Will +3 (base 1 + mod 1 + misc 1)

+6 Melee, Longspear+1, 1d8+4, 20/x3, Piercing
+5 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10 ft, Piercing
+5 Melee / +6 Ranged, Throwing Axe, 1d6+2, 20/x2, 10 ft, Slashing (x2)

Medium, 5'9" tall, 137 wt, 19 yrs old
Dirty blond short and curly hair, green eyes, and slightly tan dry skin

Speaks Common, Dwarven, and Draconic.

+11 Tumble (Ranks 8 + Mod 3 + Misc 0)
+11 Hide (Ranks 8 + Mod 3 + Misc 0)
+11 Move Silently (Ranks 8 + Mod 3 + Misc 0)
+9 Escape Artist (Ranks 6 + Mod 3 + Misc 0)
+12 Disable Device (Ranks 8 + Mod 2 + Misc 2)
+10 Craft(Poisonmaking) (Ranks 8 + Mod 2 + Misc 0)
+6 Survival* (Ranks 5 + Mod 1 + Misc 0)
+6 Knowledge(Geography) (Ranks 4 + Mod 2 + Misc 0)
+9 Sense Motive (Ranks 8 + Mod 1 + Misc 0)
+9 Search (Ranks 8 + Mod 2 + Misc 0)
+8 Listen (Ranks 8 + Mod 1 + Misc 0)
+8 Spot (Ranks 8 + Mod 1 + Misc 0)
+6 Balance (Ranks 1 + Mod 3 + Synergy 2)
+4 Jump (Ranks 0 + Mod 2 + Synergy 2)
+3 Diplomacy (Ranks 0 + Mod 1 + Synergy 2)
+2 Climb, Swim, and Swim (Mod 2) Untrained
+3 Ride and Use Rope** (Mod 3) Untrained
+0 Concentration (Mod 0) Untrained
+2 Appraise***, Craft(Other), and Forgery (Mod 2) Untrained
+1 Heal (Mod 1) Untrained
+1 Bluff, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, and Perform (Mod 1) Untrained
*= +8 when following tracks.
**= +5 on Use Rope when involving bindings.
***= +4 on Appraise when dealing with Poisons (Synergy 2)

-Dodge (+1 dodge bonus against selected targets) [Human]
-Combat Reflexes (Additional attacks of opportunity) (3/turn) [Level 1]
-Distracting Attack (Your attack gives +1 bonus on other creatures’ attacks against the same target) [Level 3] (If no Ranger, will replace with Track)
-Mobility (+4 dodge bonus to AC against some attacks of Opportunity) [Scout Bonus Feat]

Racename Traits
-1 bonus feat at level 1.
-1 additional skill point at every level (4 at level 1).
-Favored Class: Any.

Classname Abilities
-Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple weapons, handaxe, throwing axe, shortsword, and shortbow. Light armor and no shields.
-Skirmish (+2d6, +1 AC) (Must move 10 feet in order to activate).
-Battle Fortitude +1 (Fortitude and Initiative while in Light armor/load).
-Uncanny Dodge (Can’t be caught flat footed).
-Fast Movement +10 ft.
-Trackless step (Can not be tracked in natural surroundings).
-Bonus Feat at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20).
-Evasion (Can avoid damage from certain attacks with successful Reflex save)

[sblock=Character Bio]

Charles was dropped off at the academy when he was only thirteen months old with nothing but a piece of paper that said "Feyheart". When he asked about it, he was told whoever dropped him off was definitely not his father or mother, and thats all he got for awhile. He was playful and popular as he grew up, maybe a little too playful. His natural skills as combatant made him excel in his studies. Charles was very talented with stealth and using the wilderness to his advantage. He became increasingly interested in hit-and-run tactics and using his speed to confuse and corner the enemy. He grew to idolize his mentors and became very close with his friends. Outside his training, he lived a normal life, at least a life as normal as possible for where he was living.

Something very bad happen to Charles only a year ago, when he was 17. A group of scouts were brought out to the wild for a field exercise. It was suppose to be a mock reconnaissance mission against a group of mentors. However, while completing their task they saw that the mentors had been attacked by lizardfolk, the Poison Dusk tribe to be exact. Quickly abandoning their mission they assisted their teachers in combat. While they faired well for awhile, more and more of the lizardfolk joined the fray. It became clear once all the mentors were killed that the battle had become a slaughter. What remained of the group of scouts fled in fear, including Charles. The lizardfolk followed and more students fell. Only three scouts escaped and out of those three, only Charles would ever be able to hold a weapon again.

The sight of real battle for the first time and the lost of his peers and superiors changed Charles. His optimistic view of the world slowly chipped away as he ached with guilt and depression. He began to show little respect for anyone else but himself and fell behind in his studies. It had gotten so bad that a few wanted him to leave the academy, but Headmaster Goludov didn't expel him.

A former teacher of Charles was a dwarf that goes by the name "Brick", the same person who gave Charles his first name. Brick was one the best the that ever taught at the academy. That changed when in a sparring accident his right arm was sundered. Since then, hes only visited the academy monthly and lived in solitude. Charles looked up to Brick the most and when Brick confronted him about his change of attitude, Charles explained his problem. Brick told stories of coming to Q'barra. Brick's family was looking for an opportunity to make money, but they only found their death and Brick had no where to go until he found the academy and began teaching. He explained that there will always be loss when two factions are against each other and there is no way to change that, the only option is to fight harder for every friend you see fall, to take up their load and to make what they believed in become a reality.

Charles was inspired by Brick, but he had a question. He asked about the day he was left at academy. Charles had a gut feeling that there was more to the story than he had been told. Brick was very hesitant, but finally answered Charles. The man looked nothing like Charles and seemed to be nothing more than a person who was working under someone else. The man had a criminal aura to him and his most notable feature was a tattoo imprinted in his right palm. It was a tattoo of a crime group that had migrated to Q'barra from Sharn many years ago. Brick swore that was all he knew. Charles thanked him for his words and Brick parted ways.

A year passed and Charles was back to his old self, at least in appearance. Honestly, he was not as naive as he used to be. He has fallen into a balance of an angry victim and a kind optimist. He is ready for anything, but especially looks forward to crushing the lizardfolk savages, finding what ties he has to a family, and becoming better at what he does: being a scout. Goludov being one of the few he honestly respects, he is eager to see why he has been requested to see him.


Originally, Charles was a naive and optimistic boy. He knew people died in battle, but he enjoyed training to become better at it. It was practically a game to him. That changed after the field exercise incident. For awhile he was moody and distant, but he came over it with help from a role model of his.

Now Charles sees things in two lights. There is the numb, insensitive, sarcastic, and angry side of him, but there is also the playful, kind, and helpful side of him. They seem to switch on and off depending how much he likes the person he is speaking to, and they tend to blend together when things get confusing to him.

Charles will follow his orders to the best of his ability, but aside from that, he can quite unpredictable. Sometimes his anger gets the best of him. Or sometimes he simply doesn't care for the law. Deep down inside he is a good person and prefers sparing lives. He has trained in poisons as a way to defeat(or kill) people without it being in cold blood.

Other notable traits is that he is cocky, but loyal. Despite suffering such a defeat a year ago, he still thinks he is pretty good at what he does and sometimes can't help but brag. The idea of leaving someone behind bothers him so much that he simply won't let himself do it. He will even disobey direct orders to do this. This is an emotional repercussion of seeing his friends die.

He doesn't like to admit it, but he has developed a hatred for the lizardfolk and isn't likely to show them any mercy unless he is ordered otherwise.


He is a rather attractive male of the Human race. He keeps his hair short, but otherwise untidy. He is always seen with his red bandanna, a gift from Brick, and wears it proudly. He works hard to keep his body fit. He has a few scares, but they are usually not visible when is fully clothed. He is usually wearing his cloak, but prefers to keep his hood down.


MW Studded Leather (worn, 20wt) 175 gp
Explorer’s Outfit (worn, 8wt) 10 gp
Cloak of Resistance (worn, 1wt) 1000 gp

Throwing Axe (belt left, 2wt) 8 gp
Throwing Axe (belt right, 2wt) 8 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (random, 1/10 wt) 50 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (random, 1/10 wt) 50 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (random, 1/10 wt) 50 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (random, 1/10 wt) 50 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Bull's Strength
Potion of Mage's Armor
Potion of Mage's Armor
Potion of Shield of Faith
Vial of Drow Poison (random, 1/10 wt) 75 gp
Vial of Drow Poison (random, 1/10 wt) 75 gp
Vial of Drow Poison (random, 1/10 wt) 75 gp
Vial of Drow Poison (random, 1/10 wt) 75 gp
Vial of Drow Poison (random, 1/10 wt) 75 gp
Alchemist's Frost
Alchemist's Frost
Alchemist's Shock

Backpack (center back, 2wt) 2 gp
Longspear+1 (center back, over backpack, 9wt) 2000 gp

Red Bandanna

1 Torch (backpack, 1wt) cp 1
Flint & Steel (backpack) 1 gp
MW Thieves’ Tools (backpack, 2wt) 100 gp
Poisonmaking Artisan’s Tools (backpack, 5wt) 5 gp
Random documents

Coins- 745gp, 1sp, 1cp

5th Scout
6th Scout, Spring Attack
7th Scout
8th Scout, (Scout Bonus Feat) Combat Expertise
9th Scout, Deft Opportunist
10th Scout
Last edited:


First Post
(Pebele, I'm going to repost Treb, so I can edit his online sheet. :))

Name: Trebuchet
Gender: N/A (Male)
Race: Warforged
Class Warmage 5
Exp: 10,364/15,000
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Patron Deity: Undecided (Onatar/Dol Dorn)

Str 10 –- (2 pts)
Dex 14 –- (6 pts)
Con 16 -- (6 pts) +2 racial
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 10 -- (4 pts) -2 racial
Cha 17 -- (10 pts) -2 racial +1 levelup +2 item

Hit Points 35/35
Action Points 7/7
AC 19, Touch 12, Flat 17
Init +2
BAB +2, Grap +2
Speed 30 (base 30, load 0/0, light armor)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5

+3 Melee, MW hvy mace, 1d8, 20/x2, bludgeon
+2 Melee, Slam (natural), 1d4, 20/x2, bludgeon

Size category: Medium 6' tall, 250lbs, 1 yrs old
Bald, glowing red eyes, shiny mithril skin (with areas of wood and fibrous material visible)

Speaks Common, Gnome, and Draconic

+11 Concentration [8 ranks + 3 Con]
+8 Craft (Blacksmithing) [6 ranks + 2 Int]
+9 Intimidate [6 ranks + 3 Cha]
+6 Knowledge: Arcana [4 ranks + 2 Int]
+5 Knowledge: History [3 ranks + 2 Int]
+7 Spellcraft [5 ranks + 2 Int]
+0 Listen (0)
+0 Spot (0)

Mithril Body (Increases armor bonus of body to +5, light armor, +5 max dex, -2 check penalty)
Eschew Materials (Can ignore the need for M components unless there is a gp cost of more than 1)

Warforged Traits
Construct type, living subtype
immune to poison, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
Cannot heal damage naturally.
Healing spells/abilities only heal half damage.
Stasis at 0 through -10 HP.
Does not eat, sleep, or breathe.
Composite plating: +2 armor bonus, as light armor.
Light Fortification, 25% chance to avoid critical hits/sneak attacks.
Natural weapon, one slam attack for 1d4+Str.

Warmage Abilities
Armored Mage (light) - Can wear light armor and shields and ignore Arcane Fail Chance.
Warmage Edge (+2) - Add 2 to the final damage of all spells that cause hit point damage.
Advanced Learning (3rd) - Adds a 1st level Evocation spell to spell list from Wizard/Sorceror List.

Spells Per Day 17|6/7/5
0th- Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Light
1st- Accuracy, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Fist of Stone, Hail of Stone, Magic Missile, Floating Disc (Adv Learn), Lesser Orb of Acid, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Lesser Orb of Fire, Lesser Orb of Cold, Lesser Orb of Sound, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
2nd- Blades of Fire, Continual Flame, Fire Trap, Fireburst, Flaming Sphere, Ice Knife, Acid Arrow, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Whirling Blade

[sblock]Trebuchet was one of the last models of warforged built by Cannith before the great forge in Cyre was obliterated in the Mourning. Similar, in theory, to the 'psiforged' that had predated him by only a few generations, Trebuchet was designed to be a living arcane weapon capable of providing the kind of heavy support that normally only years of training in a wizard's school could supply. As such, his spell reporatoire was largely pre-programmed, with permanant runes and hardcoded incantations and integrated artificer-crafted components that would allow the warforged to make the magic on an instinctive level, with abbreviated motions that would not be interfered with by its tough mithril shell, with little to no need for external components. The result was a complete success. Unfortunately, the war he was to be used in ended shortly thereafter.

Unable to simply dispose of Trebuchet since warforged were granted citizen status, and cognizant of the risks implied by simply turning the innocent young warforged loose, Trebuchet was instead dispatched to the military academy at remote Q'Barra. It was reasoned that he would be useful in that community's constant struggle against lizardmen and potential conflicts with the increasingly warlike Valenar. And if something DID go wrong and the warforged DID unleash uncontainable havoc, well, at least he'd be far from the Five Kingdoms and their delicate post-war condition.

The warforged has fit in surprisingly well at the Academy so far, impressing his superiors with his attentiveness, drive to succeed, and ability to follow orders.[/sblock]

[sblock]Belying his intimidating appearance, Trebuchet (Often Trey or Treb to his companions), is actually very good natured and friendly. He is also eager to prove himself to his superiors and peers, and regrets having missed the Last War. He fully recognizes that he has been built to be an animate weapon and thus takes a sort of pride in the destruction he is capable of that can be offputting to people who don't realize that he's not remotely as bloodthirsty as he can sometimes, quite by accident, sound. His interest extends into the philosophical as well, and he can easily spend hours discussing the nature of violence and warfare with anyone who cares to listen.Aware of his relative youth and inexperience, Trebuchet is highly inquisitive and eager to learn. Anything. From anyone. He has had obedience to rules and laws drilled into him from the start, but notions of good and evil are still beyond his grasp. More than anything, he is simply -earnest- about everything; having no concept of deception or subtlety in socializing or combat alike.[/sblock]

[sblock]Trebuchet is a stocky, tall warforged with broad build that makes him look stronger than he actually is. His mithril plated hide is pocked with odd hinges and closed flaps of unknown purpose. His head has a bit more of a skeletal cast to it than most warforged, with a prominant cheekbone, but sunken cheeks, and the suggestion of teeth along where his lower jaw fits against his upper. His eyes glow red, deep in the sockets. The same dull red has been inlayed and painted along his highlights as well.[/sblock]

Buckler, (right arm, 5lbs)
Mithril Plating +1

Cloak and belt

Belt Pouch (belt left, 3lbs)
Heavy Mace (belt right, 8lbs)
Moneypouch (belt front, 2lb)

Backpack (center back, 11lbs)

Cloak of Charisma +2 (head and back, 1lb)
Vest of Resistance +1 (body, 1lb)

50' silk rope, grappling hook (backpack, 11lbs)
2 potions of Repair Light Damage

Coins- 7gp, 3sp, 0cp (pouch, 2lb)
Caltrops (pouch, 1lb)

6th Warmage, Extra Edge, Advanced or Eclectic Learning
7th Warmage, Sudden Empower
8th Warmage, Armored Mage (Medium)
9th Warmage, Empower Spell
10th Warmage, Sudden Enlarge

Voidrunner's Codex

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