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WFRP2 - The Marius Gambit - State of Confusion


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You awake to the sound of jingling keys. At least you think it is the sound of keys. You can’t see anything. That’s when a sound of metal grinding on metal begins. A door is opening, loudly. Torchlight streams in, and it takes several moments for your eyes to adjust. You recoil from the blinding light, and that is when you realize you can hardly move. Chains?

Yes. You are chained to a wall. But how…..why? Nothing makes sense right now. Your mind begins to race, trying desperately to remember….

Middenheim road....tavern…..food….drinking…..?????

Two figures enter the room, one of them bringing the torch to something in the center of the room. A brazier. The torch lights it.

A voice says, “Dese is dem, aye? Right, th’ Master says ta brings ‘em, so we brings ‘em. At midnight, ‘e says. Careful, tho, I think theys wakin’ up.”

They exit, closing the door behind them. You notice that you are in a round room, about 8 yards across. There a five of you, all chained to the walls…Four humans and a dwarf. You stare at each other blankly for what seems an eternity……..


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“Dese is dem, aye? Right, th’ Master says ta brings ‘em, so we brings ‘em. At midnight, ‘e says. Careful, tho, I think theys wakin’ up.”

Rudi blinks slowly as the new voice rouses him from his stupor. It's difficult to see in this light, and the fact that his head may as well be being torn in two by a beserk orc for the pain it was giving him certainly didn't help matters.

Tell your master to take himself up Ulric's backside." Rudi snapped irratably, instantly regretting his impulsiveness. 'Stupid! Stupid! Damn it all I can't think for the hangover... did I even get drunk last night? Okay stupid question. But did they slip something else in? I can't even remember.'

His eyes adjusting to the light, Rudi tries to get a glimpse of his captor.
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What happened?

Tharbald pulls on the chains quietly to test their strength. He'd like to see the chain slipped around the neck of whomever did this to them. He sees well in the dark and looks over his fellow prisoners, taking measure of their mettle.


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Felix becomes conscious with a groan. Feeling the constraint of his chain bindings, he pulls against them anxiously but ineffectively. Felix, quickly realizing the futility of struggling, slumps back down with a sigh. He looks around at his companions, his deep, dark eyes difficult to see in the current light.

"Does anyone know why we're here? I...I don't remember being captured."

Karl Green

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Hans Jügen

"Ow... my head... whats all da racket fer anyways?" the red-headed youth mutters. Straining his eyes he says "Here now... whats the idea with des here chains gov'ner?"

Hans tries to pull the chains out of the wall to free himself, confused and starting to panic a bit.


Gund Tallhammer

A medium-sized, moderately-muscled male human stirs at the sounds. "Where... where am I?" he asks, looking around. He immediately and instinctively strains against his bonds, trying to rip them free from the wall, to no avail.

Gund quickly looks to his fellow soldier. "Rudi, who have you angered this time?"


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After what seems to be an eternity, the door to your cell opens once more. This time, a looming figure in full hooded robes strides in, flanked by two masked soldiers with crossbows. The figure steps in, stoking the dying embers in the brazier, shedding more light. The robed man pulls back the hood, revealing an ornate mask that appears demon-like. His voice is somewhat muffled by the mask, but his articulation paints him as educated.

"Gentlemen, your time is almost up. You have been brought here for sacrifice to the Blood God. Die well, and you may earn a place in His ranks for eternity."

He turns to leave, followed by the soldiers. "Bring them," he says as he leaves.


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Rudiger Wortmann

Authors note: Rudi's immediate thoughts, upon hearing his captor's words, cannot be readily chronicled due to possible presence of ladies and small children in the audience.

Rudi is not a particularly educated man. He would not be able to write a dissertation on the Ruinous Powers, their names and attitudes, the common beliefs and religious trappings that bound their followers together. That said it would take an idiot not to recognise a chaos cult under these circumstances.

Rudi quickly tries to take stock of his situation. Can he walk unaided? Does he have enough slack to wield the chains as a weapon if it came down to it? Are the guards armed and if so, do they have the look of professional killers? Is there even the remotest chance of escape?

As he is driven along, carrying his fat bulk with deceptive quickness, he attempts to whisper to carry a whispered conversation with Gund.

"Gund, I don't have a clue who these people are but it doesn't take the Grand Theogonist to figure out what they want. Have you got anything up your sleeve to get us out of here? 'Cause short of hoping Morr's in a good mood today I haven't got a bloody clue."
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Tharbald will get ready to take advantage of any distraction caused by any party memebers to nip a key or something which could be used as a lockpick from one of the jailors

His intention is to surreptiously lockpick his manacles and those of any other party members he can.

He remains unobtrusive and watches carefully for his opportunity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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