Adamant's ENWorld Fundraiser Week


Adamant Entertainment would like to thank EN World for the valuable service that it provides the gaming community -- especially for us publishers. I know that we wouldn't be nearly as successful as we are if we didn't have the ability to speak directly to the large community of gamers gathered here. This site, bluntly, is critical to our business.

Morrus recently posted that things are tight financially, and EN World needs server costs covered. So, Adamant Entertainment wants to do our part.

To that end, we're going to donate 50% of our sales this week to EN World. From Saturday, May 19th through Saturday, May 26th -- half of everything we make, we'll set aside for EN World, and send along to Morrus via Paypal on Sunday. From PDF sales on RPGNow and DTRPG to direct-from-our-website sales of the MARS RPG -- half of it earmarked for EN World, as a thanks for the service they provide.

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