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Some 20 level 'complete' versions of races..no more LA


Awesome warforged! I really like it and will most likely steal it ;> I'm still trying to figure out how to incorparate the warforged into my setting cause I really like them as a race but can't figure a very seemless way to ustilize them.

Obviously they were constructed by the Dwarves, as part of a long process of experimentation with constructs, with the goal of using the tireless nature of such artifice to bolster there ranks during the war.

Basic golems were powerful enough, to be sure, but were too expensive to produce and had too many operational limitations. What the Dwarves needed was a cheap construct that could operate on complex orders and didn't have to return for orders every time the situation changed.

What they got were the Warforged, which were perfect, expect for being sentient.

The dwarves had outdone themselves, to be sure.

However badly the dwarves might need the warforged, they were divided on the issue of forcing this new race into there battle. There was certainly no honor, no justice in what amounted to slavery, even if they were the creators. Still, some dwarves had no issue with using the warforged - they had been created by dwarves, so were honour bound to serve.

The debate raged long and hard, even by dwarven standards. It ended only when a particularly frustrated commander demanded an answer of a warforged on guard, and was litteraly floored with the reply.

"We owe you life, not eternity. We would fight beside you, but not forever. Ask of us that which you would of your own blood, and we shall give it."

What followed from that statement is the Accord of Stone and Steel, in which all warforged are to be granted the full rights of any dwarf after a period of 75 years of service, at which time they are free to live their lives as they wish - to continue the fight or to leave the underground entirely.

The terms of service can be lessened for actions of valor, and recently some commands have begun to permit warforged to name a "Forge Brother", who is entitled to any posthumous rights a fallen warforged may be awarded. Since the accord went into affect, and more so after the latter additions to it's terms, many have reported the warforged have begun to act more and more like true dwarves. Where once they were little more than advanced constructs, the prospect of true freedom seems to have ignited a true warrior spirit in them.

Many warforged willingly stay on after their terms of combat, having formed strong bonds with those with whom they have served for so long. Others have moved on to other lives.

While there is some reluctance, most dwarves value and recognize the contributions of the warforged, and few publicly take issue with the status of those who have been awarded citizenship.

The few warforged who move beyond the underground meet a mixed reaction. Many find them suspect and alien, but few who trade with the dwarves are willing to let matters get out of hand. Officially, at least, in most any land that would welcome dwarves the warforged are accorded normal rights. Places without strong ties to the dwarves, however, are far more likely to distrust if not outright reject the constructs.

In the remains of the empire, warfoged are highly valued for there military abilities, and can often be found in the personal guard of any who retain the wealth to afford them, making them something of a status symbol. Plus it never hurts to have a bodyguard who doesn't sleep and can't be seduced by any known means.

Still, even in such positions, traditional guards and military men have little reason to trust a warforged in there ranks. Only those who have worked with dwarves are likely to be amiable to them.

Other changes:
• Waforged base land speed is 20 feet. However warforged can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
• Weapon Familiarity: Warforged may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons.
• Automatic Languages: Trade Common and Dwarven
• Bonus Languages: Orc, Goblin, Hob, Terran and Sporegan

Racial feats:
Tunnel Veteran [Warforged]
You have served well beyond your required term in the Endless War.
Benefit: You gain darkvision 60' and a +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against aberrations and oozes. Also, you may elect to take the dwarven racial ability [favored enemy] at 8th level in place of the normal warforged racial ability [Enhanced Fortification]

Shield Brother [Warforged]
You have done battle in the deeps for as long as most dwarves can recall, and none that have stood beside you in battle would name you anything but a dwarf.
Prerequisite: Tunnel Veteran
Benefit: Runes of honor inscribed on your body mark you as a true dwarf, and none would dare question it. You are considered a dwarf for all purposes, making use of any magic item, feat or even class as if you were a dwarf. You can add your class level as a racial bonus to any Charisma based skill when dealing with dwarves. Lastly, when fighting with dwarves you, and any dwarf within 30' of you, gain a +1 moral bonus to attack and damage rolls and a +2 moral bonus to will saves. This bonus doubles against aberrations and oozes.

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First Post
wow! thanks you have given me an awesome race and allowed me to add them to my setting. It's much appreciated :)

those feats remind me that I'll be having a couple of racial feats available also to each race..I love the feel of these.


New idea for the pureblood 16th level trait:

Thrall: The Pureblood, through a mixture of magical ability, social graces, bribes and blackmail, has gained a relatively loyal servant to his cause, in the form of a Thrall and various Agents. The level and number of these servants is figured in the same way as a Cohort and Followers would be with the Leadership feat, with all the same modifiers, save that the Pureblood is treated as being 10 levels lower. The Thrall is not a combatant, but a social or political figure whose position is of value to the agenda of the Pureblood, while the Agents represent thugs, spies and other such figures useful to the policiatly minded.
If the Pureblood has, or latter gains, the Leadership feat, he also gains a +1 bonus to his Leadership and Thrall scores.

Voidrunner's Codex

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