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Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen OOC

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First Post
So, any thoughts on the Bregan situation? I hate to re-recruit again, but you all have no roguish companion at this point. That makes some things more difficult than they should be.


First Post
I think he has disappeared into the ether.

I wouldn't mind you NPC'ing him while you look for a skill monkey replacement -- a straight rogue would be great in this group for the flanking + sneak attack......


First Post
Yeah, that's the feeling I'm getting. Luckily, Graf has expressed some interest in EotLQ, and is working on a rogue to step in. That should cut the search time down. I think we've even got a plausible explanation for his arrival in the works, and it doesn't include him being a captive. :D



[sblock=Apparent Background]
Kason Freeman is a burly rough looking fellow. He's go the scars from a half dozen bar fights, and is missing a chunk of one ear. Agreeable and likable in general, he shows a hard edge during business.
Named after the "brilliant Brelish thinker King Kason" his opinions on political matters are extreme and he's a member if several "Breland first" political movements.

Kil'x grew up in a Cyrian monastery dedicated to the silver flame. Before that he has vague, unpleasant memories of a black walled temple and fighting. His parents were cultists he was told "some strange mix of the dragon below and the shadow". The order had wiped them out; the boy hated the monks and his life but had no reason to doubt them.
He ran away from the monastery in his teens and lived on the streets of Metrol for several years before catching a case of patriotism and enlisting (under the name of someone else of course). He was quickly selected for an elite scouting unit where he served with distinction (something he is excessively proud of now -- which is difficult for him since he can't tell anyone about it--, but thought was annoying then).
He made lieutenant, grew disillusioned with the prosecution of the war and gave up that identity after a disastrous raid into Karrnath.
He moved to Thronehold operated as a mercenary, met Sur'kil, did several unpleasant jobs for him, became a spy, and rediscovered his patriotism (he loved his country, he just hated taking orders). He was mugging a Karrn diplomat for some papers when the Mourning hit.
In shock and on the run from the emerald claw he lost himself for a few years before turning up in Sharn. He adopted a temporary identity of an agreeable, typically Brelish patriot, named, ironically for their (idiotic to Kil'x's mind) grandfather of the (overrated to Kil'x's mind) current king.
Angered by his country's fortunes and the terrible poverty endured by the masses while certain (unpatriotic in his mind) nobles lived lives of luxury he started a mini-crimewave, targeting noble Cyrian families. The seventh house he hit, that of a minor line of nobles, one of a handful of elvin nobles in Cyre, already looked like it had been "hit" by someone else. The sight of a beautiful young woman arguing by candlelight with a banker for a larger loan to fund an orphanage moved the changeling; she'd sold everything down to the furniture in her efforts already and was attempted to get more based on a claim of land in the Mournland. Some digging about ensured that the girl, Aya ir'Greenbreaze was sincere and had a tragic story of her own as the only survivor among her family; a day or two pretending to be an orphan at the orphanage she was founding was an all too painful reminder of his own past. Mindful, as well, that he had no real idea how to actually spend the money he was rapidly accumulating,Kil'x developed a new identity, that of a wealthy Cyrian elf. Kil'x put a lot of effort into this new identity, and was confident it would achieve the desired effect.
Kil'x had difficulty admitting to himself that he was as interested in the woman's affections as he was in helping other Cyrians, which almost certainly compounded what would become a troublesome situation. His deception came off perfectly, at least in so far as he was able to convince Aya that he was boorish self-important noble of dubious character with a fortune whose origins were equally dubious and whose attentions toward her were manifestly poorly hidden. She took his money, but only for the cause (very much to Kil'x's irritation, after a fainting spell during one of their meetings he found himself making periodic nighttime excursions to her villa to surreptitiously replenish the larder) and saw him only so much as she had to to ensure the gold kept flowing.

Around this time, annoyed by the Brelish treatment of Cyrians he pushed his Kason identity, always meant to be temporary anyway to a further extreme. Embroiling himself in extreme Breland First and Anti-Cyrian groups. Kason, always ready to start a fight (ideally one the Brelish would lose, badly) and fearlessly ready to cause trouble (anything rash that would make the movement look like a bunch of thugs) quickly found himself popular within the growing movement.

The popularity of Kason with Brelish extremists seemed to be inversely linked to Aya's feelings about his elvin identity. During a particularly awkward "date" with his elvin persona the woman simply left (almost leaping from the sky carriage Kil'x had arranged). The irritated changeling was certainly going to leave her, but wound up doubling back in his Kason persona "just to check on the brat". She had, in fact, gotten herself into serious trouble and "Kason" wound up saving her from a pack of thugs on an isolated bridge. After he got the bruised girl home safely he found her behavior toward him (not that she knew it was him of course) vastly changed. A quick followup visit the next day by Kason confirmed it, it seemed to him that she vastly preferred the boorish Brel to the refined Cyrian he'd spent months developing.
Finding this development to be beyond his capacity to tolerate Kil'x simply deposited his stolen wealth in a bank under the woman's name (save for a small trust to be doled out in small enough increments that she'd have trouble donating it and would hopefully use it to buy food), arranged for his elvin identity to take a long hunting trip to Q'barra and went looking for some sort of unpleasant nasty job miles from civilization.

Back in Thronehold Sur'kil had been known for always having dangerously extreme jobs that nobody wanted to take. Kil'x had picked up word that he was in Sharn and looking for people. Showing up at his door and revealing that he was, in fact, the same dwarf who'd worked for the man all those years ago in Thronehold, was enough to get the now broke "Kason" a job. Days later he was sweating his way through a steamy jungle in the middle of no-where.[/sblock][/sblock]

Kil'x fancies himself a cunning rationalist. The reality is that he's painfully detached from his own emotions the way that a shapechanger brought up in a restrictive monestary might be. Negative emotions he experiences are invariably the result of "irritating or annoying" people/events. He unabashedly loved Cyre (unlike his parents, or his teachers at the monastery he thought it would always be there for him) and it's destruction has left him rudderless and emotionally vulnerable (not that he shows people, he just comes off as prickly and unpleasant).

The Kason persona is much more agreeable and pleasant; "Kason" isn't burdened with Kil'x constant paranoia that people will abandon or betray him.
Kil'x isn't introspective enough to see the extremities of Kason's political views mirror his own; only the target is different.[/sblock]

Kil'x never found a fair fight he liked. He just doesn't have the staying power (->hit points) to stand around taking hits.
His preference is to take out any sort of serious opposition by finding out where it lives and killing it in it's sleep.

His Kason Freeman persona likes brawling and bar fights but Kil'x prefers to engineer those fights some place where no one will notice a few low blows (he's willing to take a roughing up at Cyrian hands as the Brelish Kason but the prickly changeling has limits).
He carries around a huge sword specifically to avoid fighting (of course, with no intimidate skill it mostly seems to get him into trouble).[/sblock]

"Kason" Freeman (CL 5) -- Brelish Human Rogue
[sblock=Stat Block]Changeling Rogue 5 Lawful Neutral (with "practical" tendencies)
Init +2; Senses Spot +8 Listen +8 Search +10
Languages Common
AC 16 (armor4/dex2/ring0) [+1 vs traps]; touch: 12 ; flat-footed: 16
hp 32 (5 HD)
uncanny dodge (dex to AC if flat footed), Trap sense +1 (included)
Fort +4 (con2/class2) Ref +6 [+1 vs traps] [Evasion] (dex4/class4) Will +2 [+2 vs sleep/charm] (wis0/class2)
Speed 30 ft (6 squares)
Attack Melee +1 Falchon +6 2d4+4 (18-20)
Sneak Attack +1 Falchon +8 2d4+4 +3d6 (18-20)​
Attack Ranged Throwing Dagger +5 1d4+2
Ranged Sneak Attack Throwing Dagger +7 1d4+2 +3d6​
Base Attack +3 Grapple +5
Attack Options sneak attack +3d6
Combat Gear Flash Pellet x5 (DC 15 or blinded then dazzled), Eternal Wand of Shield , Healing Belt, CLW potion x2
Action Points 7ish (?)
****************************** ************************************
Attributes Str 14 Dex 15* Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 10
* received improvement for level
SQ change self, Natural Linguist, Shapechanger subtype
Feats EWP (Falchon), Sly Fortune
Skills Balance +2ubs/+8a Bluff +4** Climb +2s Diplomacy +0u Disguise +10u# Disable Device +10git Escape Artist +0su Hide +13scl Intimidate +2** Jump +2s/+4sa Listen +8/10n Move Silently +8sl Listen +8 Open Locks +10gt Search +10 Sleight of Hand +2sg Sense Motive +4** Spot +8 Swim +2u Tumble +8ls Use Magic Device +8
[sblock=Skills detail]u=untrained
**=changing racial bonus
#=change self bonus
b = balance pole
l= potential luck reroll (sly fortune)
i= potential item reroll (chronocharm)
g= potential bonus from gloves
c=cloak of elvinkind
t[/t] = masterwork longspoon theives tools (can do it from one square over, too! that sounds vague disgusting doesn't it...?)
n=listening cone (what do you want from me, I've already got an l, i and a c.... just say coNNNe)
a=alchemical pellet bonus (remember it's not drugs... it's alchemy!)
s=includes chain Shirt armor penality
Balance Bluff 2 Climb 2 Diplomacy 0 Disable Device 8 Escape Artist 0 Hide 8 Jump 2 Listen 8 Knowledge (x) 0 Knowledge (x) 0 Move Silently 8 Open Locks 6 8 Search 8 Sense Motive 2 Sleight of Hand 2 Spot 8 Swim 0 Tumble 8 Use Magic Device 8​
Possessions combat gear + The Pitted Blade (+1 falchon WoL), Scroll Detect Magic x4, Chronocharm of the Laughing Rogue (MIC 86) , Gloves of Manual Prowess (MIC 106), Cloak of elvinkind , Listening Cone (CAd 123), Balancing Pole (CAd 122)
Thieves’ Tools, Longspoon: Masterwork (CAd 123), Eternal Wand of Shield, Scroll: Detect Magic x4, Alchemical: Flash Pellet (CAd 118) x5, Alchemical: Leap Capsule (CAd 121) x2, Alchemical: Stability Capsule (CAd 121)x5, Daggers x8 (belt), Daggers x2 (each boot), Travel Documents (multiple identities Aundair, Karrnath, Breland/Stormreach, Q'barra, Talenta Plains) masterwork thieves tools (backup set), collapsible 10'ft pole, and traveling gear.
[sblock=Traveling Gear]two sacks, 2 sunrods, 6 torches, bed roll, backpack, 2 weeks of trail rations, several spare set of clothing, 20 steel spikes, hammer, 200' of silken rope (knotted for easy climbing), chalk (red, white), 4 waterskins, 2 grappling hooks, [/sblock]

As always spreadsheet has details.

[sblock=Old rejected Equipment block]
[sblock=The Pitted Blade]+1 Falchon
Kil'x's prized possession discovered during a disastrous battle with Karrnathi forces that ended his military career. This +1 byeshk falchon is twisted and pitted as if it were dipped in a powerful acid. In the right hands the weapon, which supposedly dates back to the hobgoblin empire, will supposedly drip acid, increase damage from sneak attacks (deadly precision), improve his chances of getting a lucky shot (improved crit) and even return when thrown.
The fact that the right hands are apparently not Kil'x's is a source of no little irritation to the changeling. He stubbornly totes it around anyway (though he stopped trying to throw the damn thing after he took off a chunk of his ear). He doesn't like to think about the possibility that the gnomish sage was just having him on.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Cloak of Shadows]Grants darkvision 30'. Also for five non-consecutive rounds a day the user can hide in plain sight, provided they aren't in natural daylight, the effects of the daylight spell, etc[/sblock]
[sblock=The Centipede Gauntlet]
The Centipede Gauntlet. Kil'x won this gauntlet from a warforged assassin named Leaper during a particularly intense game of cards in Thronehold. (Leaper foolishly bet "his left arm"... Kil'x let him bargain him down to the component he was wearing on it). Kil'x had warforged component modified to allow a human sized creature to wear it. The gauntlet is constructed of a night black metal and features dozen of small wires and jointed legs. When worn it allows the user to extend their senses into the gauntlet; the limbs and legs of the gauntlet are extremely sensitive almost self-aware, and help the user find and disable traps and open locks.
When worn the gauntlet provides a +5 tool bonus to search (traps only), and +5 to disable traps and open locks.
The two-fingered gauntlet is poorly suited to other activities that require fine control (slight of hand, etc) and Kil'x avoids wearing it when he's not doing B&E or Tombraiding.
Leaper was killed by a trap a few weeks after the game. (Kil'x felt a certain amount of relief, he wasn't known as being the sort to lose gracefully) When he's dealing with a particularly tricky trap or lock Kil'x sometimes finds himself talking to the dead warforged.[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Build Details]
Hit points 6 (Rog1) + 4x4 (Rog2-5) + 10 (con) = 32

[sblock=Skill Points spent per Level]
8 ranks in Hide, ms, listen, spot, tumble, Search, Disable, UMD,
6 ranks in Open Locks
2 ranks in Climb, Jump, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Bluff
no ranks in disguise, intimidate, escape artist :/

[sblock=Class and Effect Breakdown]
rogue 5 requires no explanation I think

[sblock=Feat Progression]
1st: Sly Fortune (1 luck reroll)
3rd: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Falchon
4th: Dex +1
6th: unbelievable luck (+2 rerolls)
8th: Dex +1
Last edited:


First Post
Hey Graf,

Thanks for submitting a character so quickly. We're at a good point for Kason to join the group, so let's get this done. :)

Great background write-up, not a surprise, and a fascinating character with plenty of rp possibilities, ditto. Crunch could use some cleaning up, however. If you would be willing to include the gp value of your items (only for those purchased at creation), and spell out your skill and save bonuses, I would be much obliged. You don't have to pay for the falchion, however, as I'll build up a version that actually fits your description and use that as your bonus equipment. It would be nice if one of my legacy items lasted long enough to get to the second power.

Also, it's a minor detail, but could you switch the order you took your feats in. Kason couldn't have taken EWP at first level, as it requires +1 BAB. Luckily, Sly Fortune has no prereqs.

You're also missing languages, speed, Armor Check Penalty, touch and flat-footed AC, some of your class features and racial features.

I know it's a first work-up, so you were likely going to get to most of this, but I figured I'd point them out in case some slipped past.


Great! no objections about free magic items.
sure but I pulled the cloak out if my ***. No idea what it would cost. (I'm a bit sick of +2 to attribute items...)
sure. Carrying around a sword he wasn't profcient in for three levels just makes the whole thing funnier.
yeah I loath math wanted to make sure I was on the right page before subjecting myself to more than necessary.
Speed 30
rogue saves are +2 fort +4ref +2 will iirc.
the rest is small stuff - I realize it's important of course. It just takes time with the books.

The thing is that I have another final this weekend and commitments after that. The earliest time i can sitting down and hunt through the books to price out items to the gold pieces will be Monday.
If you want to start sooner why don't we just have "kason" be itemless and down some minor skill bonuses.
Or wait until Monday, of course. After that I'm free and clear for a few weeks.


First Post
Monday will likely be fine. I'm out of town for the weekend, although I obviously have computer access, and the party needs to rest up and develop a plan of action. We can introduce Kason now and work out the numbers a little later.

For now, the sword functions as a +1 falchion, but someone with some knowledge (history) might be able to give some other ideas about it.

[sblock=for Graf only] We'll say you've been tracking them to keep an eye on what they're up to, and when they come back to the same campsite they used the night before, you want to check and see if they have what Sur'kil is looking for. You know, because he trusts you a bit more than the rag-tag adventurers he just hired, that he's hoping they'll recover something called The Dragon's Eye., or at least information about it's location. He's not sure what it is, but he knows it might possess significant power.

Bregan is going to dissappear in the middle of the night, so you should probably arrive before that. [/sblock]


First Post
Redclaw said:
For now, the sword functions as a +1 falchion, but someone with some knowledge (history) might be able to give some other ideas about it.
What about Bardic Knowledge? ( :D )

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