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In Defiance of Dragons--Protectors IC


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It starts out as another peaceful spring day in the quiet village of Evenfall. You all go about your daily routines as normal, with no reason to expect any significant change to your way of life. You know that it is coming up on the time for the tribute collection, and some of you watch those around you preparing to turn over their portion of the village’s ‘gift’ to Rhixallithen.

The mood of the village is a bit more somber than usual as folks see their hard-earned food, iron and gold being taken away by Norsten and his guards, but nobody speaks out because they still remember the last time the tribute was less than the dragon expected. The empty home of Herlan Tannerson stood as a grim reminder of that day 20 years ago.

[sblock=Valamir] Returning from an early morning hunt, unsuccessful due to an unusual lack of animals in the area, Valamir arrives at the edge of Evenfall’s buildings. He overhears an excited conversation, but can’t make out what is being said. As he approaches the source of the sound, he sees a collection of townsfolk gathered around a haggard looking man that he has never seen before. In such a small village, that can only mean he is an outsider. [/sblock]

[sblock=Immeral] Immeral has noticed something strange in the forest surrounding Evenfall over the past week or so, but has been unable to identify what it is that is disturbing him. The animals have been less active, and seemingly less plentiful, and the resulting silence amongst the trees has been disquieting.

Two days ago, he came across the body of a stag, burned and carved for meat, but not skinned. He had never seen such a thing before. He saw a few odd tracks around it, but was unable to identify their source, or to follow them through the woods.

Minor Quest: Discover the source of the disturbance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Osric] Osric’s mother has been waiting for the arrival of one of the traveling merchants who often bring her healing supplies not available in Evenfall. He usually arrives soon after the first blooms appear on the trees, and that was a little over a week ago. She has asked Osric to keep an eye on the Forest Road whenever he can, so that she can make sure to get a chance to trade with him before his offerings are picked over by others.

Sure enough, this morning as he stood by the road, practicing with his halberd, Osric saw the trader turn the corner on the Forest Road and come toward the village. Something was wrong, however. He was on foot and alone, rather than having his usual horse-drawn wagon, and he was staggering noticeably. Osric dropped his halberd and ran to the merchant, only to have him collapse in his arms, unconscious. Osric was able to muscle him back to the village, and by that time, several others had seen what was happening and started shouting for others. Osric was almost immediately surrounded by concerned townsfolk, and they helped him lower the wounded man to the grass. [/sblock]

[sblock=Penance] Penance spends the morning helping his ‘parents’ with their garden. Well before noon, the quiet work in the garden is interrupted by shouts from somewhere further away from the center of town. Penance’s parents stop their work and stand up to see what was going on, but their view is blocked by other houses. They are able to determine that the noise seems to be coming from down the Forest Road, close to where it comes in to Evenfall. Penance’s father turns to him and says, “Why don’t you go check that out, Penance? We’ll stay here, but bring back news as soon as you can.” [/sblock]

[sblock=Mirna] For several days, Norsten and Phillian have been looking at Mirna oddly. They haven’t said anything, but she’s worried that they discovered her stash of supplies, or maybe her latest ‘workroom’ out in the woods. She checked her supplies the next chance she got, and was relieved to find none missing, but the looks from Norsten and Phillian continued.

Early this morning, her reading was interrupted by a knock at the tower door. One of the townsfolk, breathing hard after running clear across town, asked for Phillian. When the elf emerged from his study, the townsman spoke up. “A traveling trader arrived today, but there is something very wrong. He is injured, so much so that he passed out as soon as he was safely in the village, and he came on foot, with no goods. He usually drives a wagon.

Why do you come to me with this, ” Phillian asked.

Norsten is out, collecting things for the tribute, ” the townsman replied. “You seemed the most qualified left in town to deal with this. Please, come and help us keep the people calm.

Oh, very well, ” was the elf’s reply. He then turned to Mirna. “You might as well come along, child. You’d probably follow at a distance anyway.

With that, Phillian grabbed his orb and a few supplies and headed out the door, with the townsman behind him. [/sblock]

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Walking Dad

First Post

Following his 'parents' advise (and his own curiosity) Penance runs to the town center. He wears plain clothes and he has a dagger on his side.
His chainmail is in his room, wearing it only on militia duty. The holy symbol, ritualbook and -components are hidden under a fllorboard.

ooc: I hope there isn't a fight immediatly. I'm a bit underequiped.
Can I take darkred as my speaking color, as you already used red for NPCs?


First Post
[sblock=Immeral]Immeral gathers his portion of the tribute and sets out for town with a frown on his face. Not a frown for the tribute - Immeral had long since given up reacting to that - but rather for the puzzle and problem presented by the scorched stag he had found recently in the woods. Try as he might, he had been unable to make any headway in solving the mystery. Perhaps it's time to get some help with this one? he thought to himself.

With a shrug, he strides down the road towards town, several exquisitely beautiful furs slung over one shoulder and his bow in hand.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Osric] This fellow was no lightweight, but dwarves were built for bearing the heavy burdens of those around them, and Osric could feel Kord's own strength helping as he carried the trader into town. He only regretted that he had to leave his trusty halberd stuck in a tree- such a weapon would be tough to replace. But there was no time to worry about that now.

He rolled the fellow down off his shoulder, setting him on the ground with the help of a few of the concerned onlookers. Instinctively he started looking for any visible injuries, but he knew there were others with more skill. "Somebody go fetch one o' the temple folk, or a healer," he rasped. "And somebody go get someone o' the guard. This fellow should have had a wagon with him- I don't think this was any accident."

OOC: Healing +7, to see if he can be diagnosed/helped? I haven't got a solid feel for the 4e skill use yet, but there's no better time to start learning...[/sblock]


First Post
Walking Dad said:
Following his 'parents' advise (and his own curiosity) Penance runs to the town center. He wears plain clothes and he has a dagger on his side.
His chainmail is in his room, wearing it only on militia duty. The holy symbol, ritualbook and -components are hidden under a fllorboard.

ooc: I hope there isn't a fight immediatly. I'm a bit underequiped.
Can I take darkred as my speaking color, as you already used red for NPCs?
[sblock=Penance] Penance runs to the edge of town, coming across a crowd of townsfolk standing where the Forest Road enters the village. There he sees a stranger lying unconscious on the ground. A young dwarf that Penance recognizes as Osric, son of a local herbalist, runs his hands over the stranger's wounds. Meanwhile the other townsfolk ask questions and loudly discuss various explanations for the man's arrival at Evenfall.

As Penance arrives, he hears Osric speak, "Somebody go fetch one o' the temple folk, or a healer. And somebody go get someone o' the guard. This fellow should have had a wagon with him- I don't think this was any accident."

One of the townsfolk replies, "I'll fetch the wizard. Norsten's out collecting tribute," then runs off in the direction of Phillian's tower.[/sblock]

Zurai said:
[sblock=Immeral]Immeral gathers his portion of the tribute and sets out for town with a frown on his face. Not a frown for the tribute - Immeral had long since given up reacting to that - but rather for the puzzle and problem presented by the scorched stag he had found recently in the woods. Try as he might, he had been unable to make any headway in solving the mystery. Perhaps it's time to get some help with this one? he thought to himself.

With a shrug, he strides down the road towards town, several exquisitely beautiful furs slung over one shoulder and his bow in hand.[/sblock]
[sblock=Immeral] The morning is a fine one, other than the continued silence of the forest, and the walk to town is quite pleasant. As Immeral arrives in town, however, he quickly realizes that the peace is at an end. A crowd of townsfolk are gathered where the Forest Road enters the village, around what appears to be a fallen human being cared for by a dwarf. As Immeral gets closer, he recognizes the dwarf as Osric, son of one of the herbalists that Immeral trades with. The human is not one that he recognizes.[/sblock]

pathfinderq1 said:
[sblock=Osric] This fellow was no lightweight, but dwarves were built for bearing the heavy burdens of those around them, and Osric could feel Kord's own strength helping as he carried the trader into town. He only regretted that he had to leave his trusty halberd stuck in a tree- such a weapon would be tough to replace. But there was no time to worry about that now.

He rolled the fellow down off his shoulder, setting him on the ground with the help of a few of the concerned onlookers. Instinctively he started looking for any visible injuries, but he knew there were others with more skill. "Somebody go fetch one o' the temple folk, or a healer," he rasped. "And somebody go get someone o' the guard. This fellow should have had a wagon with him- I don't think this was any accident."

OOC: Healing +7, to see if he can be diagnosed/helped? I haven't got a solid feel for the 4e skill use yet, but there's no better time to start learning...[/sblock]
[sblock=Osric] People begin to react to Osric's requests, but very slowly. One of the townsfolk replies, "I'll fetch the wizard. Norsten's out collecting tribute," then runs off in the direction of Phillian's tower. Most of the others just stand around, waiting to hear what he finds.

Osric's understanding of human health comes in handy, and he quickly realizes that the man he has helped is suffering from a number of injuries, as well as absolute exhaustion. He is bleeding from a few puncture wounds, and has a nasty bruise on his skull. The biggest problem, however, appears to be a highly elevated heart rate, quite possibly resulting from an extended episode of intense exercise.

OOC: it doesn't really address this in the skill description, but I like the way it worked in 4E and am happy to continue using it that way.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Osric] Osric muttered to himself as he looked the merchant over, occasionally looking around to see if anyone else useful had shown up. "He's in pretty bad shape, but most of it looks like he was running too hard for too long. I think we might see him live, but if'n I didn't know better I'd say he was being chased, and running like his life depended on it. Most likely it did." He looked around the gathering crowd again. "This here fellow is a merchant," he stated, his deep voice rising in a rumble that carried quite well. "He ought to have been coming in with a whole wagon full o' stuff, and I'd guess whatever put the hurt on him was probably more interested in the goods and let him get clear. Maybe if we can get some folks together and head out there, we can get that wagon load back- and since we might save his life, maybe we could get some gods as a reward of sorts. Something we could put out for the tribute, so we might keep more o' our own stuff back. Who might want to come help out?" [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Osric, Immeral, ?and Penance?]Shouldering his bow, Immeral strides forward through the crowd to Osric's side. "Osric. This man is injured?" He kneels to examine the human, placing his furs carefully on the ground.[/sblock]


[sblock=Mirna]Couldn't believe her luck. She'd interrupted her normal morning activity (sleeping in) in the hope that the man at the door would be someone interesting. The panicked, panting man seemed to embody opportunity itself....

(She even managed, in a massive display of willpower, to restrain the urge to prestidigitation up something creepy to spook the fellow.)

She managed to choke of a squeal of glee and force out a (hopefully meek sounding) "Yes Phillian." before springing into action, snagging her "walking stick" and even running about and locking things* before following the elf out the door.
[sblock=*]She never normally bothered. Everything within the house worth getting at was already locked and warded to a annoying degree.

And, so far as Mirna knew, nobody in town would so much as set foot in the tower without Phillian's permission.

She'd only left the front door open a few times in the hope that a neighborhood child would wander in and get zapped by a ward (forcing Phillian to decrease security). Unfortunately, even a warm pie on the window (backed up by her best prestidigitation) hadn't garnered anything more than a stray cat and Mirna had been forced to abandon her plan.[/sblock]

Mirna didn't skip after Phillian of course.
There was a man injured; this was serious business.
She put on her best "I'm concerned" face (she'd developed this from watching Phillian, the trick was to push your eyebrows together and purse your lips) as she followed the wizard.


First Post
Graf said:
[sblock=Mirna]Couldn't believe her luck. She'd interrupted her normal morning activity (sleeping in) in the hope that the man at the door would be someone interesting. The panicked, panting man seemed to embody opportunity itself....

(She even managed, in a massive display of willpower, to restrain the urge to prestidigitation up something creepy to spook the fellow.)

She managed to choke of a squeal of glee and force out a (hopefully meek sounding) "Yes Phillian." before springing into action, snagging her "walking stick" and even running about and locking things* before following the elf out the door.

Mirna didn't skip after Phillian of course.
There was a man injured; this was serious business.
She put on her best "I'm concerned" face (she'd developed this from watching Phillian, the trick was to push your eyebrows together and purse your lips) as she followed the wizard.
[sblock=Mirna] Phillian makes his way through the town, slowly enough to be frustrating. The townsman who ran to find him seems to appreciate the pace, but Mirna is convinced that everything exciting is happening while they meander toward it.

Other than the three of them, the town seems unaware of the fact that something genuinely interesting was occurring nearby. Mirna even catches a glimpse of Gladr, the odd tiefling boy, as he shoots Phillian a scathing glare from his window, but she knows better than to aknowledge him in any way.

OOC: You're about two minutes or so ahead of the rest of the party, so we'll have to let them catch up.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Immeral and Penance] Here's Pathfinder's post for Osric, which you overhear. [/sblock]
pathfinderq1 said:
[sblock=Osric] Osric muttered to himself as he looked the merchant over, occasionally looking around. He looked around the gathering crowd again. "This here fellow is a merchant," he stated, his deep voice rising in a rumble that carried quite well. "He ought to have been coming in with a whole wagon full o' stuff, and I'd guess whatever put the hurt on him was probably more interested in the goods and let him get clear. Maybe if we can get some folks together and head out there, we can get that wagon load back- and since we might save his life, maybe we could get some gods as a reward of sorts. Something we could put out for the tribute, so we might keep more o' our own stuff back. Who might want to come help out?" [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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