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New Arcane Feats


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These are all more or less extensions of the idea of augment summoning.

Potent Evocations
Your evocations are surprisingly powerful.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Evocation
Benefit: Whenever you cast an evocation spell that uses d6 for damage, roll d8s instead.

Wicked Compulsions
Your enchantments leave your enemies tired from resisting you.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Enchantment
Benefit: Whenever you successfully target a creature with an enchantment spell with the [Compulsion] descriptor the target is fatigued for an equal duration (or until they rest).

Insightful Divinations
Your divinations leave you with a clear mind and purpose.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Divination
Benefit: After you complete a divination spell you gain a +2 competence bonus to saving throws and ability checks for the next hour.

Necromatic Residue
Your necromancies tend to have beneficial side-effects.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Necromancy
Benefit: When you cast a Necromancy spell roll a d4. On a 1 or 2 nothing happens, on a 3 or 4 you gain 1 hp/spell level (max 4 hp).

Shrouded Figments
Your illusions are difficult to disbelieve.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Illusion
Benefit: Whenever you cast an illusion spell with the [Figment] or [Pattern] descriptor the DC to disbelieve the spell increases for each person who interacts with and believes them. For instance if you cast a silent image and an orc fails his save, the DC increases by 1 for that orc disbelieving next round and any other orcs who interact with it in the future.

Lasting Transmutations
Transmutations on yourself last longer than they should.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Transmutation
Benefit: Transmuations with durations that you target yourself with last 1d4 time increments longer than the maximum. If a spell lasts 10 min./level, roll 1d4 and add that many more durations, so if you rolled a '3', your spell lasts 30 minutes longer than it would normally.

Precise Spellcasting
You are adept at feinting your gestures and words to mislead people trying to determine what you are casting.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster 5th+
Benefit: Spells you cast have a +5 DC to determine the spell you are casting with a spellcraft check. Additionally, you may lengthen your spellcasting to further confuse someone watching you, doing so adds another +5 DC to the spellcraft for each time increment (Standard Action becomes Full-Round, Full-Round becomes 2 Full-Rounds, etc).
Special: If you have this feat you face the normal DCs.

The last is just because it sucks when everyone knows what everyone casts.


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Uh...where to start...every single one of these is completely overpowered. I understand the idea but they do too much, IMO.

Potent Evocations--the increase in damage with no cost other than a feat any evoker would take anyway. No metamagic feat does this much. A general feat shouldn't.

Wicked Compulsions--why? so...I dominate you but you're to tired to do anything? I don't get this one.

Insightful Divinations--a clear mind gives a bonus to saves and stat checks? I get this one less than the last one, honestly.

Necromatic Residue--50/50 chance of healing for casting chill touch or cause fear? too much.

Shrouded Figments--this one is overly complex but not, IMO overly powerful...except the "any other orcs" part. It should specify that only those who see the interaction are affected by the DC increase...of course that makes it even more complex.

Lasting Transmutations--uh no.

Precise Spellcasting--This should be Deceptive Spellcasting. I would link it in with bluff (I know this makes it harder for wizards to take but there is logic in it. Your "Special" line makes no sense. I think you mean that a caster with this feat can't be fooled with it and takes no penalty. If that is the case then this becomes a "duh" feat and becomes worthless since everyone will have it. That is of course assuming that making a spellcraft check every round is a part of the game your in. It's not in mine but everyone's different.

Just my thoughts. Overall, I wouldn't allow a one of them.


Li Shenron

First of all I have to say I don't like very much how complicated these feats are. I suppose you want them complex for good, to make them more versatile and/or more generally applicable, but still you can do better to keep them simple.

Technik4 said:
Potent Evocations
Your evocations are surprisingly powerful.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Evocation
Benefit: Whenever you cast an evocation spell that uses d6 for damage, roll d8s instead.

The only similar feat already published by WotC IIRC was Spell Specialisation. That doesn't help much here because it used to be a very weak feat (+2 bonus damage to the whole spell, only either Rays or Energy Missiles).

About this feat I'd rather prefer a +1 damage to each die than changing the die. It's still definitely very good but it could work, it's a lesser empower without being metamagic (which is actually a benefit). The total bonus however doesn't go over +1/level because AFAIK no spells does more than 1 die of damage per level...

Technik4 said:
Wicked Compulsions
Your enchantments leave your enemies tired from resisting you.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Enchantment
Benefit: Whenever you successfully target a creature with an enchantment spell with the [Compulsion] descriptor the target is fatigued for an equal duration (or until they rest).

It's a weird idea but it could be interesting. Could actually be better or worse for the caster depending on which compulsion you're casting.

Technik4 said:
Insightful Divinations
Your divinations leave you with a clear mind and purpose.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Divination
Benefit: After you complete a divination spell you gain a +2 competence bonus to saving throws and ability checks for the next hour.

Not good, really. How many times one can cast a Detect Magic here and there and get a good +2 to all ST and ability checks? I understand that you want to make up for the fact that SF(Divination) is the weakest, but this other feat overcompensates for it.

Technik4 said:
Necromatic Residue
Your necromancies tend to have beneficial side-effects.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Necromancy
Benefit: When you cast a Necromancy spell roll a d4. On a 1 or 2 nothing happens, on a 3 or 4 you gain 1 hp/spell level (max 4 hp).

First of all, the description is kind of clunky. If I had a published book I had paid for which said "roll a d4, on a 1 or 2 nothing happens, on a 3 or 4 do this" I would feel like I'm reading a children book. Write "...you have a 50% chance of..." and the reader will give you more credit.

The feat would not be overpowered if it was metamagic with a slot cost. Otherwise you can easily have casters who basically gain a fast healing effect, and that's worth a lot. Also doesn't fit much with necromancy IMO, it would be better if it worked when casting healing spells.

Technik4 said:
Shrouded Figments
Your illusions are difficult to disbelieve.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Illusion
Benefit: Whenever you cast an illusion spell with the [Figment] or [Pattern] descriptor the DC to disbelieve the spell increases for each person who interacts with and believes them. For instance if you cast a silent image and an orc fails his save, the DC increases by 1 for that orc disbelieving next round and any other orcs who interact with it in the future.

Not sure, if you mean there's no cap in the DC increase, that's not good. Otherwise what's the cap? +1 seems too little since it's basically a GSF which doesn't work always. I think the idea of illusions which become more realistic the more they are believed is interesting and it's worth thinking more about it.

Technik4 said:
Lasting Transmutations
Transmutations on yourself last longer than they should.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Transmutation
Benefit: Transmuations with durations that you target yourself with last 1d4 time increments longer than the maximum. If a spell lasts 10 min./level, roll 1d4 and add that many more durations, so if you rolled a '3', your spell lasts 30 minutes longer than it would normally.

Again the description... would be more elegant to simply say that you get a +1d4 caster level on duration each time you cast a transmutation spell. That's far too good at low levels, but at high levels it becomes balanced IMHO. Perhaps this means it's worth considering an extra requirement of minimum spellcaster level: something like spellcaster level 8+ for example, so at best you'll get +50% duration (compare it with +100% duration from Extend Spell which requires preparation and costs +1 slot increase).

Technik4 said:
Precise Spellcasting
You are adept at feinting your gestures and words to mislead people trying to determine what you are casting.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster 5th+
Benefit: Spells you cast have a +5 DC to determine the spell you are casting with a spellcraft check. Additionally, you may lengthen your spellcasting to further confuse someone watching you, doing so adds another +5 DC to the spellcraft for each time increment (Standard Action becomes Full-Round, Full-Round becomes 2 Full-Rounds, etc).
Special: If you have this feat you face the normal DCs.

I think the extra chance of further increases is too much, but the basic +5 is fine. I don't understand if the last line means that two casters with this feat don't get the +5 against each other... not sure if that is better.

the Jester

Hey, I had a similar idea and was working on stuff like this recently! :D :cool:

Here's what I did:

Your damaging spells inflict extra damage.
Prerequisites: Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus (evocation), Knowledge (arcana) (9 ranks)
Benefit: Any instantaneous-duration spell that you cast that inflicts damage measured in dice inflicts one extra die of damage. This can cause the spell to exceed its normal damage cap (i.e. a 15th-level evoker would deal 11d6 with a fireball).

You have a remarkable facility with charm magic.
Prerequisites: Deceptive, Spell Focus (enchantment), Bluff (5 ranks)
Benefit: The DC of any spell, magic item or ability that you employ with the Charm subschool increases by +1. (This stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.) The DC to dispel any spell or effect of the Charm subschool produced by you or your items increases by 2. The duration of any spell or effect of the Charm subschool produced by you or your items increases by 4 rounds.

Your prowess with a dispel magic is surprising.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast or use dispel magic or psionics as a spell, power, supernatural, spell-like or psi-like ability
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus on dispel checks you make with spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, psionic powers and psi-like abilities.

Your proficiency with dispelling is amazing.
Prerequisites: Master of Dispelling, Spell Focus (abjuration), Spellcraft (13 ranks)
Benefit: You get a +4 insight bonus on dispel checks you make with spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, psionic powers and psi-like abilities. You can also target a specific effect with a dispelling ability or spell in addition to the normal targeting options.

I made them to give more options to specialists... I think the high prerequisites offset the benefits.

the Jester

Li Shenron said:
+4 rounds of duration for Charm spells? Don't all Charm spells last for hours? :)

Oops, good point... that's why I post these things here, so my amazing editing staff (i.e. you guys) can catch my goofs. :D


First Post
There's already a feat, Spell Thematics, which does what you've suggested with Precise Spellcasting... but it only works for one spell per level. IIRC, it's in Tome and Blood.


First Post
Whew, I should have the internet in my apartment soon so replies will be much faster than this near-week delay but...

Uh...where to start...every single one of these is completely overpowered. I understand the idea but they do too much, IMO.

Ok, Im glad you qualified that statement.

Potent Evocations--the increase in damage with no cost other than a feat any evoker would take anyway. No metamagic feat does this much. A general feat shouldn't.

A 10th level caster with SF Evo and Empower spell can cast a Fireball as a 5th level spell and it will do 10d6 x 1.5 damage. A 10th level caster with SF Evo and Potent Evo can cast a 3rd level Fireball and it will do 10d8 damage. Unless my math is off, his fireball is doing 10 (avg) more damage (for no spell slot increase).

So is 10 damage a big deal? I didn't think so when I posted the thread, but I will analyze better. 10d6 fireball is on average 35 damage, 10d8 fireball is on average 45 damage. Thats almost a 30% increase for 1 feat! So, is it the case that this feat can never possibly be balanced, or that it is presently not balanced but could be? Im going for the more optimistic approach. Is it so wrong to wonder that an evoker (or someone who has taken a couple evoker-ish feats) would actually *gasp* do more damage than a non-evoker? I dont think so. So, taking a que from Jester, lets add the GSF and assume you are taking nerfed 3.5 versions of the feats (which I assumed in the original post but didn't state). Now you've spent 3 feats to do considerably more damage with a certain subset of spells.

Whereas the transmuter has spent his Spell Focus and Augmented Summoning for stronger summons. Do you take issue with Augment Summoning (The basis for these feats)?

Moving on,

Wicked Compulsions--why? so...I dominate you but you're to tired to do anything? I don't get this one.

I didn't get my idea across properly. The point was that when the spell expired, you became fatigued because you had been controlled. So if I manage to get a hold person on you, but you pass your save, you still suffer some detriment (in the form of being fatigued), but hey you're no longer held.

Insightful Divinations--a clear mind gives a bonus to saves and stat checks? I get this one less than the last one, honestly.

As Li said, I felt Divination would be the weakest (who takes SF Divinations?) so I wanted it to be applicable. As it is, its almost entirely defensive (hence imo not broken) and only affects the caster. Whats wrong with diviners having decent saves? I'll agree maybe the ability check part doesn't go, but I think the basis of it is fine.

Necromatic Residue--50/50 chance of healing for casting chill touch or cause fear? too much.

Chill Touch and Cause Fear are level 1 yes? So a 50% chance that you will gain 1 hp. I can't see the 'too much' aspect. Yes, a clever necromancer could terrorize a village and get some hp before he goes to sleep, but honestly, is that broken? As for healing and necromancy, despite 3rd ed. and its view that healing is Conjuration I believe it had previously been Necromatic, which this feat is a tiny homage to. Esp at higher levels I can't see any but the most munchkin necromancers abusing this feat (Whose DMs should rightfully smack them).

The hp caps at 4, and the odds are 50/50...

Shrouded Figments--this one is overly complex but not, IMO overly powerful...except the "any other orcs" part. It should specify that only those who see the interaction are affected by the DC increase...of course that makes it even more complex.

I agree, it is complex and inelegant. Li understood what I was going for, but it is quite tricky to mechanicize the intent. I will work on this to make it better.

Lasting Transmutations--uh no.

Ah, not even some parting shot about the broken l33tness? Are there particular combinations of *personal* buffs that bother you so? If so, that would have been helpful criticism. I agree that it could be written better, please excuse me I rarely have time (right now) so I was rattling off ideas I've had for a while, +1d4 caster level is the intent, but I'd like to hear of some combinations that make this a no-brainer too strong feat.

Precise Spellcasting--This should be Deceptive Spellcasting. I would link it in with bluff (I know this makes it harder for wizards to take but there is logic in it. Your "Special" line makes no sense. I think you mean that a caster with this feat can't be fooled with it and takes no penalty. If that is the case then this becomes a "duh" feat and becomes worthless since everyone will have it. That is of course assuming that making a spellcraft check every round is a part of the game your in. It's not in mine but everyone's different.

I agree, I like your name better. Bluff is a good link (perhaps I could take another que from Jester and require Deceptive), but I disagree with your analysis. Everyone would NOT take this feat even if it can negate an enemy's advantage because, frankly, spellcasters have a lot of feats vying for their oh-so-precious finite supply. However, deceptive, crafty, and perhaps selfish or secretive spellcasters would definitely apply because they get irritated that every bub at the table with a few ranks of spellcraft always knows what they're up to (not to mention, NPCs in battle). It is specifically designed for tables where every spellcraft check is rolled every time, so that the chance of failure rests less on a 1 and more on the craftiness of the spellcaster.

And of course, you can't BS a BSer as my grandfather always said. If you have this feat you aren't fooled by other's attempts to bluff their spells. I actually have a feat in the chain which lets you mimic a spell's movements, so you look like you're casting a Fireball, anyone who fails their spellcraft within a margin thinks youre casting a Fireball, but you are really casting a Dimension Door.

All that being said, thanks for the criticism, I will rework these another time (soon).


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