• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(OOC) Dangerous Legacy - Full + Alts


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“THE RUNNER RETURNS!” Comes the cry from the top most parapet above the gate of the great human city of Enberton. All in the city rush forth from their homes at the cry, anxious to hear the news that this runner brings. Quickly the streets fill with the city’s population and the gates fly open as the young man sprints past the guards who turn and follow.

The young man must not go far to deliver his message, for the King himself, Promus, has come from the safety of his hall and into the courtyard where the runner collapses at the King’s feet.

“Water! Get the boy water!” King Promus orders and kneels by the boy. “Easy son… breathe.” He tells the lad in a calm and soothing voice. The boy looks up into the eyes of his King and a tear streams down the boy’s cheek.

“M’Lord… The rumors be true. It were a Dragon.” A gasp rings out among those crowded around close enough to hear the boy’s breathless words and murmurs immediately fly through the streets and back alleys, everywhere people stand and strive to hear the boy. In seconds, everyone in the city of Enberton knows that, for the first time ever, a Dragon has come.

“The elves…” The boy continues. “It attacked the elves. It flew straight into the heart of their lands and attacked Thel’Lorean, their capital city. Burnt it to the ground, M’Lord and flew away. The elves tried to fight it. Even the mighty Kendrian and Tandra’var…” The boy chokes on his tears.

“Yes… did Kendrian and Tandra’var, Heroes of Enber and slayers of the Dark Lord Rox’Voroth chase off the dragon?” King Promus asks, a note of pride filling his voice as he mentions the legendary elven heroes. Again, another murmur flies through the crowd, this one of satisfaction.

“No!” The boy cries and silences the crowd. None dare breathe nor even allow their own heart to beat for fear of missing the boy’s words. “The dragon has killed Kendrian. His body lay charred upon the ashen field that once was Thel’Lorean. And the dragon carried off Tandra’var when it left.”

The good King stands slowly as he looks over his people in the courtyard before his palace. Fear fills their eyes… a Dragon. The King clears his throat and in a voice that is both commanding and caring, addresses his people. “Citizens! Fear not this Dragon! Though the races of Enber have little regard for each other, we will hunt down this Dragon and in the Name of Kendrian and Tandra’var, we shall slay it! And we shall honor our fallen heroes…”

The King looks down on the boy who tugs softly on his coat. “M’Lord…” The boy says, rising, still in the grip of fear. “There is more…”

“More?” Promus replies, aghast.

“While the Dragon battled Kendrian and Tandra’var, she spoke of her children… half breed children whose father was…” The boy’s words are lost in his throat.

“Yes.” The King prompts the boy, “Dragon children?” He asks, with some trepidation, wondering if he heard correctly.

“Their father is none other than the Dark Lord himself, Rox’Voroth!”

The King’s vizier, Dean Belhander, steps forward to the King’s side. “You Highness, what are we going to do?”

The King turns to him, a fire in his eyes. “This is bigger than Men alone can handle, my friend. Summon my scribes. We must send a missive to all the races of Enber. We must meet and discuss what must be done.”


Getting more and more addicted to EnWorld Gaming, I’ve decided to test the waters with a game from my own world where my (hoped to be published) novel takes place. I’ve run this adventure a couple of times with some of my RL friends and I hope to weave this tale yet again.

The place it all happens is a massive valley called Enber. Enber is a lush valley approximately 800 miles east to west by 600 miles north to south. In the middle of the valley is a massive lake, Lake Enber, for which the valley gets its name.

Characters will be created using the standard races from the PHB 3.5, using any base class from the PHB, Expanded Psionic Handbook, Complete Divine, Complete Warrior and Complete Arcane. Prestige classes can become available as characters level up.

Please post if you are interested and, if/when we have enough players, I'll give details for character creation. What I am looking for in a player is someone who is interested in really roleplaying their character. While there are many fights in this simi-epic tale, I hope to have characters that really interact with each other. The best games I'm in here at EnWorld are not because of the epic battles and fantasical equipment, but the ones where the players dive in together and live within the world.

Post Expectations: I wont require people to post everyday. Though I usually do (sometimes twice), I also drop off the face of the internet for a couple days every so often. So what I'd like are players who can commit to posting at a minimum of every other day and wont object to posting every day or more as time permits. I'm not going to be harsh or make some rock solid ruling about this, but this is my desire for pacing the game.

Anyway, I'm excited about this, my baby, and hope some of you will be too.

Rogues Gallery
RP Thread
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A suffusion of yellow
I'm always keen for a game, especially one with good RP. So consider me signed up - hmmm Psychic Warrior maybe...


I don't normally like 3.5e but this looks interesting, count me interested.
Edit- However I can't commit to that posting schedule until late February.
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Count me in!!

I'm certainly interested. It'd be a break from DMing for a bit.

I'd like to play a Human Fighter, with some Rogue levels added later.
Depends of course what level we start at. I'm assuming it's first.

[First choice would be a half-elf fighter/rogue, using new flaw from Dragon #328 for half-elves "Quarter Elf" (not considered true elf blood, ie. no save bonuses, etc.). Half-elf might give better tie-in with elf kingdom]

BTW, are we using point buy method? If so, how many points?

Any other details about character generation would be great!

Looking forward to it!
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
Hope theres place for a sorcerer, maybe a half-elf or elf.
nice intro :) if i get to play it would be my first time up against a DRAGON.
how cool isnt that.


First Post
Vendetta, you KNOW I'm your #1 fan. I wish the games we play in together were a little faster paced so we could post more. But it looks like it's getting a bit crowded already. Lemme know if there's room.



First Post
With you, taitzu52, that makes 8... which was my limit (was hoping for 6-8) SO, everyone above this post, you're in if you want in. (I didn't expect to fill it so quickly)

Kal, NP on the february thing.

Ashy, I'd prefer you make your own so you have your own RP ideas... but if you would rather, I'll make him/her for you. But, one of the fun things, I think, is seeing what everyone else comes up with and then I get to think on how it will all come together.

The "Bent on revenge" Thing is fantastic. :D
Don't set your character histories in stone yet, though. I've left out the character creation stuff and there will be some more info that will be more directly involved with your character. I'll post up a Rogue Gallery this evening when I'm not late for work and character creation rules.
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