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101 Taverns


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Share your unique and interesting taverns - there's no such thing as too many drinking establishments in a campaign ... and shameless resource sharing makes us all better people :)

The Silvered Horn

The Silvered Horn is a worn, comfortable tavern nestled against the old city wall on the low side of the Lothar. Mottled awnings and rough-cut benches overlook the river bank, a good place for crawcrab and ale in warm seasons. The nearby militia barracks and training hall ensure that the innkeeper, an old, white-haired spearman formerly of the Temple Guard, makes a good living. There is nothing quite like a thirsty patrol of spearmen on a wet night to make the inside of an inn seem crowded. Red Iron smiths, guild craftsmen, Temple Guard and Three Stones merchants round out the regulars.

The Silvered Horn itself, an ancient drinking piece from a huge and no doubt dangerous beast, is given pride of place above the tavern fireplace. The innkeeper has long said he will gift ale and board for ten nights to any mortal who can drain the horn in one draft - a hopeless task that is nevertheless attempted at least once every season.

Dockside thieves tell wistful stories of a vast stash of coins - the profits of a generation of overpriced ale - hidden within the Silvered Horn. No-one has yet risked the wrath of half the spearmen in Port to establish the truth of the matter.

Principia Infecta

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The Bucket of Blood

It seems that in every major city, in the worst part of town, you'll find the bucket of blood.

You don't walk into the bucket of blood without a weapon, and in fact, you leave it clearly displayed on your table while you enjoy your ale.

You don't come to the Bucket of Blood for the ale or even the company, you come for the entertainment.

Every Bucket of Blood has a fighting pit. The Bucket of Blood in Drasil features fighting trolls. They'll rip each other to shreads and the fight doesn't end until one of them gets a limb ripped off. Then half the patrons cheer and half the patrons boo and gold and silver get passed between the two groups. Other cities feature non-leathal fights between all comers, knife fights, you name it.

In addition to the pit, you'll often see a few games of Drink-smash being played and even the occasional game of drunken daggers.

Welcome to the Bucket of Blood, mind your coin purse and don't taunt the trolls.

Hand of Evil

Bruno's Cellar:


I got dice older than you.
SuperFlyTNT said:
"The Purple Wyrm Inn" Theres one in every city. Its a chain. :0
Heh. I got a chain in mine too. They're called "The Tumble Inn".

The Inn started because a particular wizard took up wine making, and created the most wonderful wine ever created. He started using teleport to disperse his product all over the world, as the wine was so good, caravans carrying said wine would often be waylaid, with the wine consumed on the spot, leaving the other goods.

So, he started teleporting the wine directly to Inns and Taverns in all of the places he had stayed in when he was actively adventuring. Eventually, he grew very rich, and wanted to expand further, so he began the franchise.

Recently, he has taken to setting up and using gates, as the spell casting is a tad too taxing for the old man. As a matter of fact, nobody has seen him for some time. There are rumors whispered in many places that he has disappeared, and the gates are now being used for something more sinister. The wine keeps coming though, seemingly even more intoxicating with each new shipment.


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My Chain is the Griining Goblin. It has a funny picture of a goblin grinning as its sign. Inside is the a rather basic and no descript inn and tavern but it caters more towards the locals then travlers.

For some great inn, see Booki of Taverns by Necromancer, exzcellent book.


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I never thought of chain stores. Is there a high level NPC who runs the chain? How about wagons that carry the profits to the CEO? If a PC dystroys one store, is he banned in the others?


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Don't have any tavern chains, but I do have some fun taverns in my world.

The Pin and Needle

This tavern borrows its name from the legendary rapier/ dagger combination worn by the proprietor, sometimes in their sheaths and sometimes not. It is a tavern full of entertainment, but not for the faint of heart. A fast blade and a faster tongue will get you farther than a strong arm or a golden coin.

The wine is stacked all in plain view, but the cards are dealt from the bottom of the deck. The patrons are loaded and so are the dice, but the bard has learned to serenade even over the loudest of fisticuffs. Winners are declared by charm and by wit more often than by harm or by fit. And the ladies never leave alone.

The Main hall sports a cathedral ceiling that opens to the balconies of the 2nd and 3rd floor and it is filled to the rafters with banners, expensive chandeliers, and other trophies collected through the years. A dueling line runs down the middle of the bar, so seldom are drinks ever served there. Dueling is common, by word or by sword, Fighting is frowned upon until last call, and killing is never tolerated. The only rule is that the crowd determines the winner.


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The Festering Pustule

A squalid, horrible place in the midst of the worst slum imaginable - even the poor only come here because they have no choice; nowhere else will trade what passes for food and drink for meager possessions and refuse. The barkeep is a nameless, lewd, diseased individual of indeterminate age who revels in the repulsion his appearance produces in others. The ale is cheap filth, the wine suspect, the food rotten - all served by a tottering old crone on the verge of death.

For some reason, a certain figure of local influence choses to use the barkeep of the Pustule as a message drop for his agents; most come to suspect that this is simply a more subtle manifestation of their employer's sadism.

Principia Infecta

Voidrunner's Codex

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