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Gamma World - Thoughts? Review?


I picked up the 20 Players Handbook for a few reasons:

- I miss the original Gamma World.

- I'm a big fan of post apoc. type genres. This includes, in my mind, Cyberpunk 2020.

- I'm a huge fan of Fallout and this is the closest thing to a polished project that can be used for Fallout-esque gaming.

Has *anyone* else bought these? Do you like them? Do you hate them? I tried looking for some good information, searching the site and the reviews sections... no avail. It is as if the entire line simply never got noticed by anyone. :\

Thanks in advance for your input/insight.

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Darrin Drader

Darwin's World is the Post Apocalyptic genre done right. GW D20 isn't bad, but it is a departure from previous incarnation, and it seems to spend a lot of time talking about nanotech.

Of course there's also the upcoming D20 Apocalypse from WotC, which I worked on. I'm pleased with the draft that we turned in, but I have yet to see the finished product.


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I own all 6 books and the quality is all over the board. Unfortunately the PH (which came first) is by far the weakest with no mutant animals (or plants- but they were told not to put plants in it), few mutations and community rules that belong in the GMG. The GMG is aimed more towards newer GMs with tons of good advice on running games (PA and not). Machines and Mutants is great with tons of new and old critters (some are stupid though). Out of the Vaults is an okay tech book that has goodies and history. Cryptic Alliances and Unknown Enemies is on societies and if that is your cup of tea, this book is great. It also has the rest of the community rules. Beyond the Horizon is an either you love it or hate it book as much of it is descriptive fiction that may or may not be of use to you. It also has rules on environmental hazards.

IMO, out of 5:

PH- 2
GMG- 5
M&M- 5
OtV- 3
CA&UE- 4
BtH- 3

When you look at these, remember that they have no setting- it is a toolbox so that you can build your own. I had the first edition of DW, but I really didn't like the depressing setting it has, so I traded it in. I never picked up the 2nd because I don't like d20M. The only reason I bought GW is the name (and desire to back convert it to the 5th edition).

Darrin- you wrote part of D20A? Cool, now I might give it a deeper look.


Done right is strictly persepective, but I get what you're aiming at. I see Post Apoc as being depressing and amazing all at the same time. Everything is new again, so every corner is a new adventure. However, it's all over the bones of the old, which is sad. A very strange balance.

I'm a huge fan of story driven games and allowing the players to drive that story and deeply develop characters. It's all in the details for me. So Post-Apoc, in my ever-so-humble opinion, is a great balance between the new and the old with the *feel* of constraints (so that you can base ideas and technology from known topics) but with the flexibility of no constraints (because anything is possible once you accept mutations). I was going with Gamma World because of the nostalgia for me and the basics are D20 so it's more likely to be known and understood by a larger player base.

I mean, who hasn't spent cash on a game that no one else plays and sits there alone thinking how cool it would be if you could only get others to join you. :)

Whisperfoot said:
Darwin's World is the Post Apocalyptic genre done right. GW D20 isn't bad, but it is a departure from previous incarnation, and it seems to spend a lot of time talking about nanotech.

I'll agree with this. Gamma World d20 just didn't work for me. Not bad, but not what I wanted, too different from old skool Gamma World. I like Darwin's World alot, though. Definitly worth picking up.


Gamma World d20 did not work for me. I bought it, read it, and immediately sold it on eBay.

The Omega World d20 mini-game from the Polyhedron side of Dungeon # 94 is the way to go. It gets it done in about 40 pages. It is a great d20 interpretation of the classic Gamma World game. Pick it up over in back issues at paizo DOT com. You'll be glad you did.


Cthulhu's Librarian said:
I'll agree with this. Gamma World d20 just didn't work for me. Not bad, but not what I wanted, too different from old skool Gamma World. I like Darwin's World alot, though. Definitly worth picking up.

Ditto here. GW d20, while a decent product, was too different from "old school" GW for my taste - Darwin's World on the other hand, gets the old vs. new mix right. Definitely worth a look.


GW D20, besides being garbage, is the biggest betrayal of past fans yet witnessed in a new release.

It has NOTHING to do with the real Gamma World, aside from the title and the fact that its post-apocalyptic. Instead of mutant badgers fighting three-armed laser-eye-firing humans armed with toasters, we get a sociological discourse on "community building" and a bizzare nanotech-apocalypse scenario; neither of which are even well written.

If you want REAL gamma world for D20, pick up Omega World, or Darwin's World. Horizon's Redline series is more Mad-max style than GW, but its still great too.

I have no idea what D20 Apocalypse will be like, but it really couldn't be any worse than the travesty that has stolen Gamma World's name.



I think this one of those areas in d20 that is ripe for a good product.

Most people seem awfully disappointed with Gamma World d20.

Darwin's World is okay, but it just didn't do much for me (I haven't seen 2nd edition, though. Maybe they changed the IMHO, rather bizzare background)

Hell on Earth d20 was just plain bad.


First Post
I just want to note that the DW HC has been sold out for sometime. So if you see it on sale somewhere, that's the last of them until a possible reprint.

Other note, the first 1st edition DW was based on d20 fantasy (it was before d20 modern).

The 2nd edition was a complete (from the ground up) redesign using d20 modern.

While I was proud of the 1st edition, it was our first ever product, and well, it showed. But you got to start somewhere. :)

I would best describe the theme of DW as 50% gamma world and 50% fallout.


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