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Kerrz's d20 Modern "Be Yourself" Campaign


First Post
One day, a day like any other, you received a printed letter in the mail.

It claims that you sent your name in for some contest while you were at the mall one day. You probably didn't even remember doing it, but you did. Four months later, you received a glittering, gilded invitation telling you that You Won!!

After a bit more reading, you found out exactly what it is that you had won, and it turns out that you won an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles, California.

Further proving that it was genuine, there was one plane ticket attached. You were allowed to tell whoever you want about the trip, but you could only go alone and you were instructed to pack light.

So, for whatever reason, you took the time off of work and got on the plane. As the plane pulled in for a landing, you noted that the earphones (if you were wearing them) were playing Audioslave - Be Yourself.

To Be Yourself is All That You Can Do

When you got off the plane, you were picked out of the crowd by a dashing young woman in bright purple business attire. She said, with a sweet smile, "Hello, my name is Emily and welcome to Los Angeles. I am with the prize comittee. I hope your flight was enjoyable. Come with me, we have a car waiting to bring you to your hotel." She cut off and turned around, expecting you to follow.

When you reached the front doors of the airport there was a low, black sedan waiting with a young driver in the front seat. Emily opened the door for you, putting chivalry on its head, and placed you in the back seat by yourself, with your bag in the trunk. Before she closed the door, she said to you, "This is Jim, your driver. He isn't much of a conversationalist, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. I'll see you in a few hours, we have more winners to collect."

As the car raced across the highways of Los Angeles, Jim remained true to Emily's word, and the radio played to fill up the silence.
To Be Yourself is All That You Can Do...

The route ran through highways that obscured the scenery, however the cool winter sun could be seen high in the sky our the back window as the car barrelled forwards. Slowly but surely, the trappings of civilization faded away. Asked any questions, Jim remained resolutely silent and you had no choice but to wait and see where things went.

Things went, as it turned out, to a dustball of a hotel several miles past the northern edge of LA's urban sprawl. The sign read, in flickering red neon:
Welcome to
NO Vacancies

Jim stopped the car in the parking lot and you were left with the distinct impression that he would wait there for the earth to end unless you got out of the car and got your own bags out. So you did. As soon as you were clear, Jim turned the car around and left.

A young man with spiky, gelled black hair waved you over from the front entrance to the hotel. He was wearing the same shade of purple, however in a more masculine cut of business suit. When you came closer, he introduced himself, "Hello, hello. Welcome to the Frontier. Congratulations on winning the contest. My name is Lucius and I shall be your chaperone here at the hotel along with Emily, whom you have already met. I apologize for Jim... he's a bit reserved, but he does good work. I think he's related to the boss or something..." Lucius winks conspiratorially, as if letting you in on a secret.

"If you'll just follow me into the conference room, you can help yourself to lunch. The other winners will be arriving throughout the day, and this evening we'll gather you all together for dinner and an itinerary," Lucius said, as his actions matched his words and you found yourself at a large buffet table.

The day passed on into evening, and dozens more people showed up, gathering themselves around the common areas of the hotel since no one had been given keys yet. Finally, a sighting of Emily announced that everyone was at the hotel who was going to be, and the gathered congregation met in the conference hall.

Standing at the front, resplendent in her purple jacket, Emily went about explaining what was going on, "Hello, and thank you for coming. It has been a pleasure to extend this invitation towards all of you, and I hope that you enjoy your stay." Meanwhile, Lucius remained at the back of the room, by the door, which he had just locked behind himself.

Emily continued, "Allow me to introduce your benefactors and hosts on this trip. Hopefully you will be as polite to all of them as you have been to us," she said with a flourish as the side doors opened up and several large black creatures bolted through the room. Bashing bewildered innocents up against the wall, they began to tear into the people with large black claws.

With a closer look... it appeared that giant spiders had taken into the room, as the beasts stood upon six large, chitinous black legs, and used two smaller fore-legs to attack the congregation. The bodies of the creatures were wedge-shaped, and housed a large, set of mandibles and a large yellow eye on either side of what could only be described as a head. The creatures made excited clicking noises, and Emily and Lucius could be seen together at the front of the room, making clicking noises as well.

You began to feel weak... even though you had not been attacked. You were confused in the rush of action, and you were unable to fight back, or even do anything. After a few moments you were unconscious entirely... which brings us to the present.


You wake up still clothed, but any personal effects from your pockets are missing. You are in a large barred cell inside what appears to be a rough-cut cavern. The cavern is almost square, but not quite. It is well lit, and a passageway leads off from one corner. Surrounding you are people you recognize from the conference room. Some are splattered in blood. Some are clean, but still asleep. No one, however, appears to be injured themselves.

For several hours people wake up, confused, asking questions... but there are no answers.

OOC: And there we have it. Make your introductions. When everyone has posted a rough description and a reaction to the activities, we'll move on with the plot.

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First Post
"James! You've got mail!" was yelled from elsewhere in the house.

A rare occurance, mail was, for him at least.

"Here, looks like it's from overseas," she said, and threw it in front of him.

"Hmm, do you know anyone in the States?" James asked, taking a look at the letter, "Seems kinda fancy."

"...no," she replied, deciding to stick around and read over his shoulder, "What's it about?"

James shrugged and tore open the letter, and started to read it.

"You've won something!" she exclaimed, getting the general gist of the letter from its appearance.

James nodded, and looked at the plane ticket.

"Well, I'm not skipping a chance to miss some uni... Going overseas is probably a good thing too," he said, and frowned, "They haven't given me much time to prepare though."

"You'd better hurry then."

James grunted in agreement, and scratched his head. He couldn't remember entering any competition, but why look a gift horse in the mouth? His primary concern now was getting a passport.

* * * * *

One young man, of no particular note compared to everyone else, checked his pockets after waking up. Oddly enough he had a sheepskin coat with him, even though it was summer. He had taken it off and placed it neatly on the ground beside him. He rolled his long sleeves up to his elbows and sat back down again, looking around at the others. This was far from what he had planned, but at least he wasn't gored to death by the weird bug creatures that had poured into the room he blacked out in. He felt unnaturally serene, something which bothered him after what he had just seen. He should be horrified right now, or at least that's what he believed. Nonetheless, some kind of post-traumatic apathy had come down upon him, and he expected the effects of what he saw to show up in the long term. If there was a 'long term' to speak of, considering the situation. He looked to assumably where his watch would have been, but finding it missing also he just frowns more and leans back, plays with his cap, and looks for indicators of what was going on.
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First Post
Sweet, a paid vacation to LA. I haven't been to Cali in about three years. I should call my Aunt Sharon and let her know. After packing everything Chad heads to Detriot to catch his plane.

I wish they gave more food on the plane. That little sandwich and some peanuts didn't do it for me. After Emily explains things, Chad opens his mouth to say something charming, but then she abruptly turns around. His mouth closes and he follows.

"I don't suppose your hungry Jim? Maybe some Subway?" After a pause of no response, Chad leans back, irritated. What a dick. Oh well, maybe they have food there.

Lucius seems like a cool guy. In the waiting room, Chad looks over all of the others, and waits for things to get moving.

When the spiders come in, Chad looks bewildered for a moment. Then he looks to an exit door and takes a step towards it, ready to charge that as*hole Lucius out of the way. After two quick steps he stats getting dizzy and blacks out.

Chad comes to and jumps with a start. He springs to his feet, seeming panicked. He stops, calms down, and looks around. He's about 6'3", pretty well muscled, and wearing a white Aero shirt with some basketball shorts. What the hell happened? Damnit, I can't believe I blacked out. It couldn't have been the sudden rush, could it? I had better find a way outa here, and fast. "Do any of you guys know what just happened?" He'll listen to any response, but also start moving around the room, looking at the cell for a possible way out or something in the room other then people.
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First Post
"Allright sweetie, I'll call you as soon as I know my hotel room number, I've got to go now, they are boarding my plane. Yes, I've got my work kit with me to get something done on the flight. Yes, I have my coat in case it rains. I love you too. Bye bye, love you, bye bye, miss you too, call you soon, love you. Baby, baby; I really need to go now, ok, love you too, bye bye" Allrighty, go my bag, batteries are charged, got everything I need, lets go see how what all expenses paid really covers...


A otherwise average looking bearded man with sandy brown hair sits up from the floor with a start, he rapidly pats along his shirt and slacks then see the blood on his grey trenchcoat. "Holy #$%^! What the &*(@was that ?! What were those things?? Where the hell are we? What the &*(@is going on?" With that he jumps up then falls back against the wall, " #$%^! I felt that!" and he starts twitching his head back and forth quickly, looking out of the corner of his eye at the light glinting off the bars while poking, pinching, taping and proding various parts of his body, muttering to himself "#$%^, felt that, and that too, #$%^ #$%^ #$%^ #$%^# #$%^, giant &*(@ing spiders and purple pantsuits do not go together! What is this, the Invisibles come to life?? &*(@ me"
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Ranger Rick

First Post
I opened the mail and saw the prize and the ticket. Reading through the fine print I could not find any. So with great reluctance I got on the plane. Carrying only a backpack and a book, I stowed it and slept on the way.


Waking up I try to get my bearings. I am wearing khaki long pants and a long sleeve button down shirt I look for my backpack but realize it is gone. I think how will I be able to finish Harry's book now? Taking deep breaths I calm myself and await what happens next.

Locked up like this, I remain watchful but silent. I do not say a word. Hearing a few lay out the obscenties I ignore them.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Keith Vargas, PhD

'Holy crud...' thinks Dr. Vargas as he shakes his groggy head, and runs his hand through his very dark brown hair. 'No wonder my temples are getting grayer all the time.' He blinks a few times to clear his eyes and get a view of his surroundings.

He has seen some strange things in his life, but that was by far the craziest. What are these creatures? What do they want? Hell, was that even real?

Keith runs his fingers along the cool stone floor as if to reassure himself that he's not just dreaming.

He stands up slowly, and brushes the dirt from his jeans and his red and blue plaid button-down short sleeved shirt. He feels that his pockets are empty, but he still has his eyeglasses and his brown leather Clark's.

A leaden feeling descends upon him as takes stock of the situation. The bars seem solid and he can't imagine how to get out of this trouble without help. Looking around at the other poor souls who share his fate, he sees that many of them are covered in blood. Doing his best to shake off the feeling of helplessness and fear, he decides to try and take some proactive steps.

"Does anyone need help?" he asks.
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First Post
Vigwyn the Unruly said:
"Does anyone need help?" he asks.

The young fellow with his coat on the floor next to him smiled in response and shook his head. His dark brown hair wasn't long, but had a shaggy look to it, and he tugged a neat coppery goatee while in thought. His clothes were blood free at first glance; dirty grey sneakers, dark loose jeans, a button up shirt mottled with various shades of beige and brown, and a brown cap with a similar design. He appeared unphased by the bearded man's string of obscenities, perhaps even a little amused.

"You're not dreaming," he said to the bearded fellow, his words coloured by an accent.


First Post
The bearded man stops poking and twitching and continues muttering to himself, "Can't seem to find a flaw in a physical interface, always the weakest link in VR sims, 'xyzzy' 'poug' 'directory' 'shazbot'. @#$%. How can I tell if I'm dreaming? I've dreamed weirder than this before." He looks at the young man on the floor, "What makes you so sure your not dreaming this?"


First Post
The young man shrugged.

"Point taken, but I don't think there's a way to prove I or anyone else isn't either. Would you prefer this 'dreamer' woke and brought an end to us all?" the young man replied, speaking long enough for his accent to be pinned down as Australian.

He planted his cap back onto his head and took a look at the other people present.

Voidrunner's Codex

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