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Unpolite and happy about it! UPDATED 11/04/05

Dougal DeKree

First Post
Maybe someone read my rant about Frank, a player in our group. He never is concentrated on the game, never gets what is going on, never acts on his own except for slowing things down whenever he can. He generally is the most uncreative and boring person I have ever seen in my life. And he doesn't even try to hide that gaming is boring to him, he rather openly displays this mood to everyone in the room. This is the hard part for me - I try to include every player when I GM and I am disappointed with myself when it doesn't work. He doesn't want to be included in the game however.

The only reason he is playing is because our main GM is his pal and he brought him in.
That is the same reason why noone said anything until now, noone wanted to anger the GM, who is really great at leading games.

At the moment, I am GMing though, to give the GM a break.

Now the week before last we made a barbecue where everyone brought what he wanted - except for him: he didn't bring anything and ate the stuff other players brought without even asking. I was too surprised then to say anything.

Now last sunday, while an important part of the plot was revealed the other players were really excited that they finally come to understand what is going on. But Frank had fallen asleep. After eating _all_ muffins my wife baked for the players - he had simply grabbed the plate and when asked to give the other people at least one muffin each the answer was a mumbled "no". I have never seen anyone eat 12 muffins in less than two minutes. When he was woke up an hour or so later (it was time for others to go and catch their bus) he asked for the part he hadn't heard to be told to him again. I said no and he was angered.

I still was too polite to say anything right then. It took me until today to make up my mind and now I did it: I kicked Frank out of the gaming group (if only for the games I GM). I wrote him an email explaining what buggers me and why I don't want him to play in my campaign any further.

Now he is fuming mad and I am happy. Finally I am looking forward to GM again.

But what should I do when we switch back to other campaigns later and he games with us again? No doubt he will seek "revenge". Should I even waste any thoughts about that? Is it evil that I am feeling good because of something that makes someone else sad?

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That's Latin for "cool"
Dougal DeKree said:
But what should I do when we switch back to other campaigns later and he games with us again? No doubt he will seek "revenge". Should I even waste any thoughts about that? Is it evil that I am feeling good because of something that makes someone else sad?

Just explain to the other DM that you think Frank is a jerk and you'd rather take your wife on a date than spend time with a jerk.

Feel no shame on this. Frank is using you as a doormat.

What BiggusGeekus said. Maybe the other GM thinks he's a jerk as well, but couldn't bring himself to give the boot to his friend?

I'll add that eating all the muffins, in addition to being rude, is a freakish thing to even be able to do.


Talk to the other players. Chances are they don't like him either. Then, as a group, talk to the other DM about it.


At first I was thinking "maybe he's just a 'casual' player (one for whom the game just happening is the goal of his play, but who doesn't like attention), but upon reading the other behaviors like taking food without asking and literal theft of communal food in flagrante delicto, then it sounds like he is a poor-mannered house guest, who doesn't need to be a guest any more. But I would recommend discussing it with the group, other DM included, to be sure the majority of you are at least on the same page. And if he starts gaming with you again, you may have to come to the "is it worth gaming with this group?" decision.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Dougal DeKree said:
But what should I do when we switch back to other campaigns later and he games with us again? No doubt he will seek "revenge". Should I even waste any thoughts about that? Is it evil that I am feeling good because of something that makes someone else sad?

I think a heart to heart with the other DM would be a good idea. Make sure he knows that your booting of Frank from the game was no sign of disrespect to him and that you hope he didn't take anything pesonally about it. It's always good to maintain your friendship with decent people even when you're cutting off mutual friends.

And if the other DM still wants to bring Frank to his game when he gets behind the screen again, tell him that if Frank behaves as a normal person rather than a boor, everything should go just fine. But if Frank brings in issues, you won't take them lying down.
I'd also see what the other players feel about it. Check with each one individually. See if they're feeling the same way. If they are, you should all discuss it with your DM once he DMs again.


BiggusGeekus said:
Just explain to the other DM that you think Frank is a jerk and you'd rather take your wife on a date than spend time with a jerk.

Feel no shame on this. Frank is using you as a doormat.

Quoted for truth. Damn straight. The other stuff I might overlook, but the muffin incident?

Woah. I mean... just...woah.


Dougal DeKree said:
After eating _all_ muffins my wife baked for the players - he had simply grabbed the plate and when asked to give the other people at least one muffin each the answer was a mumbled "no". I have never seen anyone eat 12 muffins in less than two minutes.
I'm sorry, but this is the funniest thing I've read in a while--I've never met a gamer who was this rude before. :D

Wow. I'd have booted his sorry butt as soon as I took over GMing, but I'm a jerk like that.


First Post
Dude, don't waste conscious thought on this jerkoff. He wouldnt be welcome in my yard, much less my house. I strongly suspect that the others see him as a nuisance as well, and you should discuss it with them. I would not be at all surprised to find out that they were all wanting him out as well but, like yourself, were nice people who wished to be polite and so didnt bring up the subject. I would have kicked him out of my house directly after the muffin incident, in all honesty. I dont allow players to sleep at my games either, as it is extremely disrespectful to the GM and to the other players.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Dougal DeKree said:
After eating _all_ muffins my wife baked for the players - he had simply grabbed the plate and when asked to give the other people at least one muffin each the answer was a mumbled "no". I have never seen anyone eat 12 muffins in less than two minutes.

Actually, I have to chime on this one issue because it keeps sticking in my brain. I can't believe anybody else at the table let this slide at the time. If someone had done this at my table (or pretty much any of my friends' games), that plate of muffins would have been snatched right out of his fat fingers.
Not bringing anything to the cookout is one thing (we let some people slide because they're on student wages). That can be forgiven. But hogging a dozen muffins right in front of everyone? Unbelievable.

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