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Ties that Bind - Silverymoon (Rogues Gallery)


First Post
This the Rogues Gallery for the characters in the Ties that Bind game that will be starting in Silverymoon. I won't force one particular format on you for posting your characters, but try to keep in in a neat and flowing format.

Note: After you have posted here and you think all of your character details are done (even if they have been for some time), please post in the OOC (previously the recruiting thread) to let me know.

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First Post
Jonas Visage
Male Human
Druid 5, Master of Many Forms 7 / Rogue 7, Warshaper 5
Neutral Good
5' 9", 156lbs, 29
Dark brown hair, Bright blue eyes, Fair skin; lightly freckled

Description: Jonas is a dark haired human in his late twenties/early thirties. His features have a decidedly boyish cast, despite the sprinkle of grey at his temples. His eyes are a sparkling shade of blue. He's tall, but with a wiry build that belies his strength and toughness. He tends to wear simple, common clothes, in shades of blue and green.

Str 9 (-1) (9 points)
Dex 10 (+?) (10 points)
Con 12 (+?) (12 points)
Int 16 (+?) (16 points)
Wis 20 (+?) (19 points, +1 levels)
Cha 20 (+?) (18 points, +2 levels)

Hit Points: 8+(11x6)+12 = 86 (fixed)
AC: 19, Touch: 15, Flatfooted: 19
(10 + 1 dex +1 luck +4 armor + 1 insight +3 deflection)
Initiative: +0
BAB: +9/+4, Grapple: +8
Speed: 30 feet (base 30, light/medium/heavy load [?? of ?? lbs], light armor)

  • Fort: +12 (+8 class, +1 con, +3 resistance)
  • Ref: +10 (+7 class, +0 dex, +? feat, +3 resistance)
  • Will: +14 (+6 class, +5 wis, +3 resistance)

*Melee Attack: +9/+4 MW Cold Iron Scimitar 1d6-1
Ranged Attack: By Spell, Form, or none

* Attacks of forms taken will be listed in the statblock for each form.

Race Abilities
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill points

Class Abilities:
- Animal Companion
- Nature Sense
- Wild Empathy
- Woodland Stride
- Trackless Step
- Resist Nature's Lure
- Wildshape 8/day
- Sneak Attack +4d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +2
- Uncanny Dodge
Master of Many Forms
- Shifter Speech (can speak in any form)
- Improved Wildshape (Tiny-Huge, humanoid/monstrous humanoid/giant/fey/vermin/aberration/plant)
- Fast Wildshape (wildshape as move action)
- Extraordinary Wildshape (retain Ex special qualities)
- Morphic Immunities (immune to stunning and critical hits)
- Morphic Weapons (increase natural weapons by one size category)
- Morphic Body (+4 Str and +4 Con when wildshaped)
- Morphic Reach (+5' to reach)
- Morphic Healing (Fast Healing 2, Concentration DC(damage) to regain 10HP, full round act)
- Multimorph (Can assuming multiple shapes per 5 hour 'use' of Wild Shape)

Skills: 120 Rogue + 40 Master of Many Forms
Bluff (Cha) +20 (15 ranks, +5 Cha)
Concentration (Con) +16 (15 ranks, +1 Con)
Diplomacy (Cha) +14 (5 ranks, +5 Cha, +2 bluff, +2 sense motive)
Disable Device (Int) +13 (8 ranks, +3 Int, +2 MW tools)
Disguise (Cha) +30 (15 ranks, +5 Cha, +10 shapechange)
Hide (Dex) +15 (15 ranks)
Knowledge: Nature (Int) +7 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +2 Nature Sense, +2 Survival)
Listen (Wis) +22 (15 ranks, +5 Wis, +2 Alertness)
Move Silently (Dex) +15 (15 ranks)
Open Lock (Dex) +15 (8 ranks, +2 MW tools, +5 ring)
Search (Int) +16 (8 ranks, +3 Int, +5 item)
Sense Motive (Wis) +15 (10 ranks, +5 Wis)
Speak Language 5 ranks (CC)
Spot (Wis) +22 (15 ranks, +5 Wis, +2 Alertness)
Survival (Wis) +14 (5 ranks, +5 Wis, +2 Knowledge: Nature, +2 Nature Sense)

Luck of Heroes
Eschew Materials
Natural Spell
Power Attack

Languages - Common, Druidic, Sylvan, Elvish, Dwarvish, Giant, Draconic, Orcish, Undercommon, Goblin

Spellcasting: DC 15+lvl

0 level spells
Create Water
Detect Magic
Read Magic

1st level spells
Faerie Fire
Produce Fire
Cure Light Wounds x2

2nd level spells
Cat's Grace
Bull's Strength

3rd level spells
Protection from Energy
Greater Magic Fang

Money - 1620gp

Weapons -
Cold Iron MW Scimitar (+9, 1d6-1, 4lbs, 330)

Armour -
Leather +2 (AC +4, 25160gp, 15lbs, Wild)
Vestment of Many Styles (500) (Races of Eberron)

Gear -
Survival Pouch (5000) (Races of the Wild)
Cloak of the Mountebank (Note- Usually worn) (10080)
Cloak of Shelter (Only worn when about to use) (12000) (Arms & Equipment)
Handy Haversack (2000)
Masterwork Thief Tools (100)

Magic -
Pearl of Power, 3rd level (9000)
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone +1 insight AC (5000)
Amulet of Protection +3 (16000)
Ring of Mind Shielding (8000)
Ioun Stone of Resistance +3 (18000)
Tan Bag of Tricks (6300)
Goggles of Minute Seeing (1250)
Ring of Lockpicks (4500) (Complete Adventurer)


[sblock] Where to begin? My story has many beginnings, even if one reckons on birth being the ultimate start to life's affairs. I have been born, and reborn, until now rebirth is all I am. To start with a light-footed, light-fingered lad in the Dales seems somehow to...misdirect folk. For the I that is now has so little to do with that boy from so long ago.

But yes. I was born in the Dalelands, and lived there for some years. The fate of my parents is not known to me, for I was raised in an orphanage of Ilmater, alongside other children with overly pale skin, and dark shadows beneath their eyes. Children that had seen too much for their years. I feared them, despised them, and made a career of driving the Ilmatarians to distraction with my constant escapes and attempts to bring color into their lives through pails of water balanced atop doors, and a constant parade of large insects, snakes, and amphibians left to lurk in beds. This color was not appreciated, as much as I was tolerated...and eventually I could bear it no more, and left that dreary place. In my heart I thank them though, for they did care for me in their own way, and I have since come to know how rare that can be.

On my own, in the city, I was a thief who lived by quick hands, quick wits, and more often than anything, quick feet. I know now that I was, in fact, clumsy for a thief...I snapped many a lockpick, set off many a jangling alarm. It wasn't long at all before I was forced to flee, with both the law and the guild of thieves snapping at my heels. And there in the deep woods, where I had no knowledge of how to survive, came my salvation.

She was an elf, and with her pale, fragile looking skin and her icy white hair, she was more beautiful to my eyes than a princess in a tower. And, admittedly, about as attainable. A druid, and follower of Selune, she aided me at first in finding food and shelter. As I got more comfortable, she asked more questions, finally wringing out of me the story of my life up to that point. Then she offered to show me, another way. Forgive me for keeping her name from this narrative. We did not part on the best of terms, and I would spare her the humiliation of being known as my tutor.

Not long after I took up her service and instruction, my elf and I left the lonely forests of Coramanthor on the great trade road west. I learned many things from her of the natural world, but our partnership was ill-fated. We finally came upon the High Forest, where she wished to meet with some elves of the wood, druids like her. And...like me, I suppose it would be fair to say by then. Unfortuantely, we were accosted in the night...if by accosted one can be meant to say, beset upon by werewolves. Followers of Malar, the People of the Black Blood. She stood brave and confident...but I was terrified. Werewolves were a favorite topic for monster stories where I was from...they being so rare there. I had no silver. No spells that would slow them down to speak of. They charged then, and she was magnificent...for the first time I saw what nature's -fury- could accomplish. Lightning and fire ripped at them. The very earth rose up in towering shapes to pummel them. And when they reached her, she became a monstrous bear, and returned claw for claw, bite for bite. I was largely ignored until the end, when it became clear they could not win. The last stragglers, gravely wounded, rushed me, grabbed me, lifted me up as they fled...intent on taking me as a prize.

Lightning took them though, flashing out of a clear sky. As I crawled away from my captor's cooling corpse...or so I thought...a great pain flashed through my foot. I looked back to see a single red eye glaring at me, as a foaming muzzle worried and chomped at my foot. A moment later, the light in its eyes died...and so did it. I quickly cast my only healing spell over myself, sealing the wound. Thinking fast, I threw my torn shoe at the wolf, hitting it in the snout. When she found me, I told her I had thrown my show at it to distract it as I got away.

To this day, I'm not sure if I'm proud, or ashamed, to have lied so well.

Begging forgiveness, but I won't go into details of what happened next. This was another rebirth, of course...but a much darker one. I contracted lycanthropy from the bite, and knowing the danger, still told no one. The elves of the High Forest would have hunted me down like a beast, had not my patron intervened.

She found me, and used certain spells of Selune to force me to my human state. Then we went to an altar dedicated to the Moon Goddess, and she prevailed upon the priestess there to remove the curse from me. The heady freedom of shapechanging had already made its mark on me though, and I wept as they took it from me. I still remembered running farther, faster than I ever could have...the power of tooth and claw. The exquisite senses that made the night my home. And now it was gone.

Needless to say, my elf...my lovely elf...considered any responsibility she had towards me expiated by having saved me. And my attitude towards that saving, honestly, probably didn't help. I was cast from the High Forest, bereft of friend and ally. I nearly sought out the Malarites again, so deep was my sorrow...but Selune guided me to a different fate. I followed the moon at night, drawn by it as I imagined myself still a wolf. And in the trees I saw a great city, lit by magic. Silverymoon.

It was there that I found other druids, and resumed my studies. In time I mastered the druidic art of shapechanging...but still found it lacking. Druids carefully insulate the mind and spirit from the change, which ensures they never become beasts through and through, but also means that many of the aspects of the shape are blocked. I sensed in the teachings, that the traditional 'wild shape' technique was but the tip of an iceberg floating in the sea. That it could be used for so much MORE. I focused on it completely, and when finally I encountered obstacles to my searches, I drew on my past as a thief, and honed my skills in
those arts. I became a shadow on the wall...a flitting ghost in the druid groves. I found scrolls on tree bark of ancient lore...and I learned. Finally, I raided the Malarites themselves, where evil druids had long kept alive secrets of shapechanging lore that their civilized bretheren had buried or lost. By stealth and spell, I stole those secrets. I used them. And now...I am again reborn.

There are few constants in my new life. I remake myself as I please, when and where I please. But I always keep one eye on Selune's pale disc...for it was she who led me once from darkness back to light, like a great beacon on the shore. I have continued to live in and near Silverymoon, and have been a particular bane to the People of Black Blood who brood in the wildlands to the north. I have spied on them, even infiltrated them. Their secrets unerringly find their way to Alustriel's hands, and their bodies rot on the ground where I leave them.

Or did. Now she's gone, and while the city remains in good hands, I am wondering if perhaps it is time to move on. There's a great wide world out there, after all...and a great many things to become.[/sblock]

Favored Forms:

[sblock]Aboleth (water only)
Hit Points: 158
Initiative: +1
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 25 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +4 armor, +7 natural, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflection), touch 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+25
Attack: Tentacle +17 melee (1d8+10 plus slime)
Full Attack: 4 tentacles +17 melee (1d8+10 plus slime)
Reach: 15 ft.
Special Attacks: Slime DC21
Special Qualities: Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud DC21
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +11, Will +14
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +22, Swim +18
Feats: -

Chuul (tank form)
Hit Points: 146
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.
Armor Class: 31 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflect), touch 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+18
Attack: Claw +15 melee (3d6+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (3d6+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 3d6+7, improved grab, paralytic tentacles DC21
Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to poison
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +14
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Hide +14, Move Silently +18, Concentration +21, Swim +14
Feats: -

Dire Bear (tank form)
Hit Points: 146
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflect), touch 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+23
Attack: Claw +20 melee (2d6+12)
Full Attack: 2 claws +20 melee (2d6+12) and bite +15 melee (3d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +14
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +21, Swim +12
Feats: -

Annis Hag (tank form), plus SR 19)
Hit Points: 122
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 29 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, 1 insight, +3 deflect), touch 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+20
Attack: Claw +17 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: 2 claws +17 melee (1d8+9) and bite +12 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, rake 1d6+7, rend 2d8+13
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 2/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 19
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +14
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +19, Swim +8
Feats: -

Troll (regenerating tank)
Hit Points: 170
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflect), touch 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19
Attack: Claw +16 melee (1d8+8)
Full Attack: 2 claws +16 melee (1d8+8) and bite +11 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend 2d8+12
Special Qualities: Darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision, regeneration 5, scent
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +14
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 14, Con 27, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +24, Swim +7

Tendriculous (renegerating plant tank)
Hit Points: 170
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +9 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflection), touch 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+26
Attack: Bite +18 melee (3d8+11)
Full Attack: Bite +18 melee (3d8+11) and 2 tendrils +13 melee (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, paralysis DC22, swallow whole
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, plant traits, regeneration 10
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +10, Will +14
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 9, Con 26, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: +7 all Con, +12 all Str, -1 all Dex (-8 Hide)

Treant (plant tank/siege tower)
Hit Points: 158
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 29 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +13 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflection), touch 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+26
Attack: Slam +18 melee (3d6+11)
Full Attack: 2 slams +18 melee (3d6+11)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Double damage against objects, trample 6d6+16 DC24
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/slashing, low-light vision, plant traits, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +10, Will +14
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 8, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: +6 all Con, -1 all Dex, +12 all Str (-8 Hide, +16 Hide in forested areas)

Willowisp (spy form, plus magic immune)
Hit Points: 98
Initiative: +13
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 squares)
Armor Class: 33 (+1 size, +9 Dex, ,+4 armor, +9 deflection), touch 29, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/0
Attack: Shock +19 melee touch (2d8 electricity)
Full Attack: Shock +19 melee touch (2d8 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, natural invisibility
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +14
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 29, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Hide +28, Move Silent +24
Feats: +Weapon FinesseB

Minotaur (useful mainly for Natural Cunning and extremely good senses)
Hit Dice: 122
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 23 (–1 size, +5 natural, +4 armor, +1 luck, +1 insight, +3 deflection), touch 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+17
Attack: Gore +12 melee (2d6+6)
Full Attack: Same
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Powerful charge 4d6+6
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., natural cunning, scent
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +14
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Search +20, Spot +26, Listen +26
Feats: -

Common Humanoid Forms (templates that modify base stats given above)

-16 Str, 10 Dex, 16 Con
- Medium
- Speed 20' on land, or Swim 50'
- Amphibious
- Keen Sight
- Light blindness
- Slippery
- +6 natural armor
- +8 Escape Artist, +4 Search and Spot, +8 Swim

Not a bad brawling form, for swinging that scimitar. Bonus on Move Silent is golden.
— 18 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 16 Constitution
—Medium size.
—A bugbear’s base land speed is 30 feet.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
— +3 natural armor bonus.
— +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Duergar Dwarves
As per dwarf, but:
120' darkvision
Immune to paralysis, poison, and phantasms
+4 Move Silent
+1 Listen and Spot

Spell Resistance 23 on a normal-sized humanoid form. Good senses.

Last edited:


First Post

Name: Corund
Classes: UA Planar Ranger 3/Shadow Creature 3/Horizon Walker 6 – UA Variant Illusionist 5/ Shadowcraft Mage 5/Shadow Adept 2
Race: Shadow Creature Human (Extraplanar) (LA +2 x 1.5 = LA+3 as Shadow Creature Monster Class DR#322p45 and MotP); (native of Silverymoon)
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Shar
ECL: 12 (XP= 72,000)

Level 1 (Rgr1/Ill1)- Earth Sense*(Flaw), Improved Initiative(Flaw), Scribe Scroll (Wiz1), Shadow Weave Magic (Human)*, Track (Rgr1), Spell Focus (illusion)(Lvl1),
Level 2 (Rgr2/Ill2)-
Level 3 (Rgr3/Ill3)- Heightern Spell (Lvl3), Endurance (Rgr3)
Level 4 (ShC1/Ill4)-
Level 5 (ShC2/Ill5)- Signature Spell* (Wiz5)
Level 6 (ShC3/ScM1)- Earth Spell* (Lvl6)
Level 7 (HW1/ScM2)-
Level 8 (HW2/ScM3-
Level 9 (HW3/ScM4)- Enhanced Shadow Reality* (Lvl9)
Level 10(HW4/ScM5)-
Level 11(HW5/SA1)- Insidious Magic* (SA1), Pernicious Magic* (SA1), Tenacious Magic* (SA1)
Level 12(HW6/SA2)- Darkstalker*(lvl12)
Level 13(Rgr4/SA3)-
Level 14(Rgr5/SA4)-
Level 15(Rgr6/SA5)- Easy Metamagic* (heighten spell)(Dr#325) *(Lvl15)
Level 16(Rgr7/SA6)-
Level 17(Rgr8/SA7)-
Level 18(Rgr9/SA8)- Extraordinary Spell Aim*(Lvl18)
Level 19(Rgr10/SA9)-
Level 20(Rgr11/SA10)-

Class Abbreviations:
Rgr = Planer Ranger Variant (Unearthed Arcana), Ill = Unearthed Arcana Illusionist Variant, ShC = Shadow Creature Monster Class (Manual of the Planes & Dragon 322,p.45), ScM = Shadowcraft Mage(Races of Stone), HW = Horizon Walker (DMG), SA = Shadow Adept (Player’s Guide to Faerun)

* Feats described further in Feats section.
6'3", 200 lbs, 27 years
Silvery hair worn chopped, White eyes with no pupil, Shadowy dusky-grey skin
Str 14 (+2) (12 (4 pts), +2 item)
Dex 20 (+5) (16 (10 pts), +4 item)
Con 16 (+3) (13 (5 pts), +3 item)
Int 26 (+8) (18 (16 pts), +3 levels, +5 item)
Wis 15 (+2) (15 (8 pts))
Cha 10 (+0) (10 (2 pts))

Hit Points: 110 (12d8+36 fixed)
AC: AC: 28 (10 +6*armor +4**shield +5 Dex +1 natural +2 deflection )
*Shadow Emulated Greater Mage Armor
**If Shield spell active
Touch: 27, Flatfooted: 24
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
BAB: +10.5, Grapple: +12
Speed: 45 feet (base 45, light/medium/heavy load [?? of ?? lbs], light/medium/heavy armor)

  • Fort: +14 (+6.5 good class, +1 poor class, +3 con, +4 resistance)
  • Ref: +15 (+3.5 good class, +3 poor class, +5 dex, +4 resistance)
  • Will: +14 (8 good class, +0 poor, +2 wis, +4 resistance)
  • +13/+8 melee, +1 great swordbow, 2d4+4, 18-20/x2
  • +13/+8 melee, adamantine kukri, 1d4+2, 18-20/x2
  • +16/+11 ranged, +1 great swordbow, 1d8+3, 20/x3, ?' range

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Chondathan, Elven, Infernal, Terran

Shadow Human(extraplanar) Racial Abilities: (+3 LA)
Bonus Feat
Extra 4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point at each level thereafter.
Favored Class: Any
Cold Resistance 17
Low-Light Vision
Move Silently Racial Bonus +6
Shadow Blend: has full concealment in any lighting conditions less than full daylight. Full daylight, a Daylight spell or Darkvision will negate this concealment. Concealment allows him to hide without having anything to hide behind, and a 50% miss chance on all attacks. Opponents cannot make attacks of opportunity on this character.
Darkvision 60 feet.
Speed Increase: Base land speed increases by 50%.
Damage Reduction 5/magic
Evasion as the Rogue class feature
Fast Healing 2
UA Variant Illusionist (Unearthed Arcana, p.63)
Chains of Disbelief (Ex): Even if a viewer disbelieves an illusion created by an Corund and communicates the details of the illusion to other creatures, those other creatures do not receive the normal +4 bonus on their saves to disbelieve. Further, even when presented with incontrovertible proof that the illusion is not real, the creature must still succeed on a Will saving throw to see objects or creatures that the illusion obscures, although they get a +10 bonus on their saving throw. Corund permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar.
Illusion Mastery (Ex): Corund receives two illusion spells to his spellbook everytime he gains a level that grants access to a new spell level. Furthermore, all illusions are treated as mastered with the Spell Mastery feat. Corund does not gain additional spells per day for being an illusionist.

Shadowcraft Mage (Races of Stone, p121)
Cloak of Shadow(Su): Corund can cloak his form in shifting shadows, providing himself with concealment. The miss chance is 15%+5% per Shadowcraft Mage class level (Total 40% miss chance). Darkvision and low-light vision offer no help in piercing the cloak of shadow, although any creature that can see in magical darkness can ignore the miss chance, as can any creature with true seeing. Corund can dismiss or resume this effect as a free acton. While active, Corund can make Hide checks as if he had concealment. It does not function in daylight, and is considered a 3rd level darkness effect for purpose of interacting with light spells.
Silent Illusion(Ex): All spells from the illusion scholl that he casts no longer require a verbal component. The levels and casting times do not change.
Shadow Illusion(Su): Can turn silent image, minor image, major image, persistent image, and programmed image from figments to shadow subschool spells. The altered spell can mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning), conjuration (creation), or evocation spell of at least one level lower than the illusion. The altered spell functions identically to shadow conjuration or shadow evocation, except that the spell strength equals 10% per level of spell of the figment spell used.
Extend Illusion(Ex): The duration of any illusion spell Corund casts, or any spell-like ability he uses of the illusion school, is doubled. The levels and casting times do not change. This ability stacks with the use of the Extend Spell feat.
Powerful Shadow Magic(Su): The strength of Corund’s effects created by shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, and shades increases by 20%. That is, these spells are 20% more likely to affect disbelieving creatures, and deal 20% more damage. This bonus also applies to figment spells transformed into shadow spells via the shadow illusion power.

Shadow Adept (Player’s Guide to Faerun, p.72)
Shadow Feats: Corund gains Insidious Magic, Pernicious Magic, and Tenacious Magic as bonus feats.

UA Planar Ranger (Unearthed Arcana, p.55)
Class Skills: Eliminate Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (dungeoneering) from the ranger’s class skill list. Add Knowledge (the planes) and Speak Language (Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, and Terran) to the class skill list.
Wild Empathy: Corund takes no wild empathy penalty on checks made to influence magical beasts with the celestial and fiendish templates. He does take a –4 penalty when using this ability against animals. His wild empathy check is 1d20+ranger level + Cha bonus (1d20+6).
Animal Companion: Corund will eventually have a fiendish version of a normal animal as his animal companion.
Spellcasting: Any ranger spell that normally affects animals also affects celestial or fiendish versions of animals when cast by Corund.
Favored Enemies: Human +2
Combat Style: Corund is treated as having the feat Rapid Shot as long as he wears light or no armor.

Horizon Walker (DMG)
Desert Mastery (immune to fatigue, +1 attack/damage versus desert creatures)
Forest Mastery (+4 competence bonus to Hide, +1 attack/damage versus forest creatures)
Hills Mastery (+4 competence bonus to Listen, +1 attack/damage versus Hills creatures)
Plains Mastery (+4 compentence bonus to Spot, +1 attack/damage versus plains creatures)
Shifting Mastery (Corund has the spell-like ability to use dimension door every 1d4 rounds as a spell cast at his character level. He also gains a +1 insight bonus on attack/damage versus outsiders and elementals native to a shifting plane, such as Shadow or Limbo)
Underground Mastery (increases Darkvision to 120 feet)

Improved Initiative(Flaw)
Earth Sense(flaw)(RoS,p.138):As long as Corund is touching the ground, he can take a move action to sense the number of creatures within 20 feet that are also touching the ground, and the direction to each one. He cannot pinpoint the location of any creature with this feat.
Shadow Weave Magic(Human)(PGtF,.p43): Corund taps the Shadow Weave instead of the Weave. He can activate Shadow Weave items without taking damage. The saving throw for every spell he casts from enchantment, illusion, and necromancy increases by +1. He gets a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with spells from these schools. His effective caster level for evocation or transmutation spells (except those with the darkness descriptor) is reduced by one. He may no longer cast spells with the light descriptor, or magical items with the light descriptor that are spell completion or spell trigger items. Any magic item he creates is a Shadow Weave item.
Scribe Scroll(Wiz1)
Spell Focus (illusion)(Lvl1)
Rapid Shot(Rgr2)
Heighten Spell(Lvl3)
Signature Spell(silent image)(Wiz5)(PGtF,p.43): Corund may convert prepared silent images of first level or higher into your signature spell, just as a good cleric can spontaneously cast prepared spells as cure spells.
Earth Spell(Lvl6)(RoS,p.138): As long as Corund is standing on stone or unworked earth (including normal soil), he can cast Heighten Spell to added effect. If he casts a spell using a spell slot higher than the spell’s actual level, the caster level is increased by the same increase, and the spell is treated as a spell one level higher than the slot used. For example, if Corund casts Silent Image, a first level spell, Heightened using a fourth level spell slot, it is treated as three caster levels higher, and is treated as a fifth level spell. He cannot benefit from this feat when casting a spell with the air, fire, or water descriptor.
Enhanced Shadow Reality(Lvl9)(Dragon 325,p.77): Corund’s illusion(shadow) spells do 20% more real damage if disbelieved.
Insidious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.40): Any Weave user who employs a divination spell (such as detect magic), spell-like ability, or magic item that could detect the magical aura of one of your spells must make a successful level check (DC 11+ your caster level) to succeed. Similarly, a Weave user attempting to reveal the effects of one of your spells via a divination spell (such as see invisibility) must make a caster level check to succeed. The Weave user may only check one for each divination spell used, no mater how many of your spell effects are operating in that area. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Pernicious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.42): You gain a +4 bonus on caster level checks made to defeat a Weave user’s spell resistance. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Tenacious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.45):Your spells resist dispelling attempts by Weave users. When a Weave user makes a dispel attempt to dispel one of your spells, including using dispel magic to counterspell a spell you are casting, the DC is 15 plus your caster level. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Darkstalker(Lvl12)(Lords of Madness,p.179): Opponents who use blindsight, blindsense, scent, and tremorsense, and similar abilities, must still check Spot and Listen against Corund's Hide and Move Silently in order to detect him, just as opponents without those senses would.
Foe Specialist(Dragon 329,p.95): Corund suffers a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Bluff, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks made against creatures of any kind that isn’t one of your favored enemies.
Terrain Specialist (Forest)(Dragon 329,p.329): In any terrain other than forests Corund suffers a –2 penalty on all wild empathy checks, as well on Search or Survival checks made to track. He may only use camouflage and hide in plain sight abilities from Ranger levels in forest terrain.
Skill Points:
Max Ranks: 15/7.5
skills without ranks are default skills, skills with * cannot be used untrained, but are listed for completeness
+ 8 Appraise (Int) +8 Int
+ 5 Balance (Dex) +5 Dex
+ 5 Bluff (Cha) (5) +0 Cha
+ 2 Climb (Str) +2 Str
+18 Concentration (Con) (15) +3 Con
+15 Craft(alchemy) (Int) (7) +8 Int
Decipher Script (Int)*
+2 Diplomacy (Cha) +0 Cha +2 synergy
Disable Device (Int)*
+6 Disguise (Cha) (4) +0 Cha +2 synergy
+5 Escape Artist (Dex) +5 Dex
+8 Forgery (Int) +8 Int
+0 Gather Information (Cha) +0 Cha
+1 Handle Animal (Cha)* (1) +0 Cha
+2 Heal (Wis) +2 Wis
+24 Hide (Dex) (15) +5 Dex +4 competence
+0 Intimidate (Cha) +0 Cha
+2 Jump (Str) +2 Str
+22 Knowledge (arcana) (Int)* (14) +8 Int
+12 Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)* (4) +8 Int
+16 Knowledge (geography) (Int)* (8) +8 Int
+12 Knowledge (nature) (Int)* (4) +8 Int
+14 Knowledge (the planes) (Int)* (6) +8 Int
+12 Knowledge (religion) (Int)* (4) +8 Int
+18 Listen (Wis) (12) +2 Wis +4 competence
+31 Move Silently (Dex) (15) +5 Dex +6 racial +5 competence
Open Lock (Dex)*
Performance (Cha)*
Profession (Wis)*
+5 Ride (Dex) +5 Dex
+16 Search (Int) (8) +8 Int
+2 Sense Motive (Wis) +2 Wis
Sleight of Hand (Dex)*
+25 Spellcraft (Int)* (15) +8 Int +2 synergy
+21 Spot (Wis) (15) +2 Wis +4 competence
+15 Survival (Wis) (13) +2 Wis
+2 Swim (Str) +2 Str
Tumble (Dex) *
Use Magic Device (Cha)*
+5 Use Rope (Dex) +5 Dex
Save DC: 18 + spell level, +1 for enchantment(*) and necromancy(*) spells, +2 for illusion(**) spells.
Resist Dispelling: Dispell DC 27 (15+ caster level) for Abjuration, Divination, Enchantement, Illusion, and Necromancy spells.
Caster level: 12, 11 for transmutation spells.
Detecting Corund's Magic: Requires a caster level check to detect his magical auras, or use divination against one of his spell effects.
Penetrate SR: +4 caster level checks to defeat Weave user, +5 if the spell is enchantment, illusion, or necrmancy.

Corund casts all of his illusion spells as Extended and Silenced with no level adjustment.

Spells per day: 4/6/6/6/5/3/2

Corund’s Spellbook: Typically Prepared Spells Are Underlined

0-(4) Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead*, Ghost Sound**, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, No Light (BoVD), Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue*

1-(6) Charm Person*, Color Spray**, Disguise Self**, Feather Fall, Kauper’s Skittish Nerves(PGtF), Know Protections(PGtF), Nystul’s Magic Aura**, Protection from Evil, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Shield, Silent Image**, Spirit Worm(PGtF)*, True Strike, Ventriloquism**

2-(6) Alter Self, Blindsight(PGtF), Darkness, Detect Thoughts, Listening Lorecall(CV), Locate Object, Mirror Image**, Misdirection**, Phantasmal Assailants(CA)**, Rope Trick, Spectral hand*, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter*, Touch of Idiocy*

3-(6) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Curse of the Putrid Husk(BoVD)**, Dispel Magic, Displacement**, Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Lesser Shadow Tentacle(PGtF), Major Image**, Protection from Energy, Slow

4-(5) Charm Monster*, Dimensional Anchor, Enervation*, Greater Invisibility**, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Phantasmal Killer**, Polymorph, Scrying, Shadow Conjuration**

5-(3) Dominate Person*, Draconic Polymorph(Drc), Magic Jar*, Mind Fog*, Mirage Arcana**, Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum, Prying Eyes, Shadow Evocation**, Telekinesis

6-(2) Circle of Death*, Fleshshiver(PGtF)*, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispel Magic, Mislead**, Permanent Image**, Shadow Walk**, Stone Body(PGtF), True Seeing, Undeath to Death*, Veil**

Long-Term, Ongoing Spell Effects:
Nystul's Magic Aura...........................................1st lvl slot...duration 24 days
Targets all of his magic items, taking two days to do so, 5 slots each day.
Shadow Emulated Contingency............................6th lvl slot...duration 24 days.
Discharge: If grappled, Shadow Emulated Summon Monster VI Large Earth Elemental.

Each day he casts the following spells just before going to sleep:
Shadow Emulated Greater Mage Armor (CA)...........3rd lvl slot...duration 24 hours.

Below is a list of creatures commonly summoned by Corund using a Shadow Illusion spell (not finalized. The theme involves the key words "earth, cold, darkness, dreams, hunters, nightmares, shadows"):

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster I
Badger, Fiendish (MM).
Corollax, Fiendish (MM2, p.50)
Monstrous Centipede, Medium, Fiendish(MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster II
Ether Scarab (MM2)
Kaorti (FF)
Shadow Asp (FF152)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster III
Cranium Rat Swarm, Lesser (FF)
Elemental, Small (MM)
Hell Hound (MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster IV
Aoa Droplet (FF15)
Howler (MM)
Yeth Hound (MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster V
Chaos Beast (MM)
Earth Elemental, Large (MM)
Spriggan, Shadow (FF162)
Natural Form
Small Fey (extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 5d6+5 (22 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +4 chain shirt), touch 15, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-2
Attack: Shortsword +8 melee (1d6)
Full Attack: Shortsword +8 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +3d6, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Cold resistance 10, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, mirror image, shadow blend, size change
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 11 , Wis 9, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +5, Disable Device +7, Hide +14, Listen +6, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +12, Sleight of Hand +10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Mirror Image(Sp): May use Mirror Image once per day as a 5th level caster.
Shadow Blend: has full concealment in any lighting conditions less than full daylight. Full daylight, a Daylight spell or Darkvision will negate this concealment. Concealment allows the shadow spriggan to hide without having anything to hide behind, and a 50% miss chance on all attacks. Opponents cannot make attacks of opportunity on this creature.
Spell-like abilities: At will - produce flame, scare, shatter. Caster level th, save DC 10 + spell level.
Size Change (Su): At will, a spriggan can change their size in a fashion similar to the effect from an enlarge spell. The size change from small to large gains a +8 Str, -4 Dex, +6 Con, -2 attack bonus and AC. When enlarged it cannot use its sneak attack or spell-like abilities.
Skills: All spriggans have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Disable Device, Move Silently, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand.

Enlarged Form
as Natural Form except as listen below:
Large Fey (extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 5d6+20 (37 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +4 chain shirt), touch 12, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: Shortsword +8 melee (1d8+6)
Full Attack: Shortsword +8 melee
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +3d6, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, size change
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 11 , Wis 9, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +9, Disable Device +4, Hide +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +10, Sleight of Hand +8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster VI
Dao Genie (MotP172)
Large Outsider (Earth, Evil)
Hit Dice: 8d8+16 (52 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+14
Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: Slam +14/+9 melee (1d8+9)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, earth mastery, push
Special Qualities: Plane shift, telepathy
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 11 , Wis 15, Cha 15
Skills: Appraise +11, Craft (any)+11, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +9, Spot +13
Feats: Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Spell-like abilities: At Will - alter self, detect good, detect magic, gaseous form, invisibility, misdirection, passwall, persistent image, wall of stone; 3/day-move earth, transmute rock to mud;1/day-grant up to three limited wishes(to non-genies only). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19th level sorcerer (sve DC = 12 + spell level).
Earth Mastery (Ex): A dao gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if boht it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is air or water borne, a dao suffers a -4 penalty on attack and damage.
Push (Ex): A dao can start a bull rush without provoking an AoO.
Chraal (MM3,p.28)
Large Elemental (Cold)
Hit Dice: 9d8+45 (85 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +8 natural, +4 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+15
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold) and bite +8 melee (2d6 +2 plus 1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, death throes, freeze
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/-, darkvision 60 feet, deflecting cold, elemental traits, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 9 , Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: Listen +4, Search +3, Spot +4
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Iron Will, Multi Attack
Breath Weapon(Su): 60 foot cone 3/day, 6d6 cold, Reflex DC 19, half.
Death Throes (Ex): When killed, a Chraal explodes in an immense blast of cold energy that deals 10 points of cold energy and 10 points of piercing damage to anything within 30 ft. (Refl 19, half).
Freeze (Ex): Any attack made by a chraal deals an additional +1d6 cold damage
Deflecting Cold (Su): A chraal gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC.
Shadow Dread Blossum Swarm (MM3,p.45)
Tiny Plane (Extraplanar, Swarm)
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: Fly 90 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/-
Attack: Swarm (2d6)
Full Attack: Swarm (2d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood Drain, distraction, poison pollen
Special Qualities: Cold Resistance 12, darkvision 60 ft. half damage from slashing and piercing, low-light vision, plant traits, regeneration 5, shadow blend, swarm traits.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 2, Dex 17, Con 14, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 3
Skills: Hide +11*, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness, Ability Focus (poison pollen), Lightning Reflexes
Blood Drain (Ex): In addition to swarm damage, it deals 1d6 points of Con damage to any paralyzed or otherwise immobilized living creature whose space it occupies at the end of the turn.
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature vulnerable to a dream blossum swarm's damage that begins its turn with a swarm in its square is nauseated for 1 round. A DC 15 Fort save negates the effect. Even after a successful save, spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills requiring patience and concentration requires a DC 20 Concentration check.
Poison Pollen (Ex): A dread blossum swarm constantly exudes an airborn contact poison in a 15 foot radius. Creatures within the area or within the swarm must make a DC 17 Fort save or be paralyzed for 1 round. Secondary damage is paralysis for 1 minute.
Regeneration (Ex): Fire and cold deal normal damage to a dread blossum swarm.
Shadow Blend: has full concealment in any lighting conditions less than full daylight. Full daylight, a Daylight spell or Darkvision will negate this concealment. Concealment allows the dream blossum swarm to hide without having anything to hide behind, and a 50% miss chance on all attacks. Opponents cannot make attacks of opportunity on this creature.
Spell-like ability (Sp): May use Mirror Image once per day as a 7th level caster.
* A dread blossum swarm gains a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks in forested areas.

Item: Cost
+1 Great Swordbow* (Str 18)..........................8,300 Races of the Wild,p.171 (in quiver)
Adamantine, Kukri..........................................3,310 in Wrist Sheath
Arrows, Dragonbreath* (20).................................50 (in quiver)
Arrows, Magebane (5).......................................600 (in quiver)
Arrows, Alchemical Silver (20)................................2 (in quiver)
Arrows, Adamantine (5).......................................60 (in quiver)
Arrows, Cold Iron (10).........................................10 (in quiver)
1st lvl scrollx4..................................................200 copied into spellbook
2nd lvl scrollx6.................................................600 copied into spellbook
3rd lvl scrollx4..................................................600 copied into spellbook
4th lvl scrollx4..................................................800 copied into spellbook
5th lvl scrollx4................................................1000 copied into spellbook
6th lvl scrollx4...............................................1,200 copied into spellbook
Amulet of Natural Armor+1...............................2,000 +1 enhancement bonus to nat.AC
Belt of Hidden Pouches*..................................5,000 Races of the Wild,p.173
Blessed Book................................................12,500 In Belt
Boots of Elven Kind.........................................2,500 +5 competence bonus to MS
Cloak of Resistance +4...................................16,000 +4 resistance bonus to all saves
Gloves of Physical Prowess..............................35,500 +4 Dex, +3 Con, +2 Str
Headband of Intellect +5................................25,000 +5 enhancement bonus to Int
Quiver of Ehlonna...........................................1,800 Holds arrows and swordbow
Ring of Protection+2.......................................8,000 +2 deflection bonus to AC
Spell Component Pouches(2)................................10 One in Belt, another hidden on self.
Wrist Sheath.....................................................20 Holds kukri
Special Equipment (in Belt):
Acid (flask)(2).................................................20
Acid, Stonebreaker (flask)(1).............................20 A&E Guide p.34
Alechemist's Fire (flask)(2)................................40
Antitoxin (vial) (2)..........................................100
Rations, Dehydrated (20)...................................40 A&E Guide p.33
Water Skin........................................................1
Gold: 265 In Belt

All of the magical equipment carried by Corund is from Balefire, and each is considered a Shadow Weave magical item.

Great Swordbow: This weapon can transform from a sword to a bow upon a mere thought by the wielder (a free action). A wielder can even interchange bow and sword attacks as part of the same full action. In sword form, the weapon features a bowlike grip and a pommel that resembles the curving tip of a bow. In bow form, the weapon is made of metal, and each half of the bow's arc resembles a sword blade.
In either form, a swordbow has the same enhancement bonus, and the bonuses can be improved as if improving two separate weapons.
Belt of Hidden Pouches: This item is a wide belt made of black silk. Hidden within the belt are ten small pockets, each of which seems big enough to hold only a few coins. Each pocket actually functions as a bag of holding that can hold up to 1/2 a cubic foot or 5 pounds of nonliving material. Anything placed in the pocket weighs only 1/10 of the normal weight.
In addition, two secret pockets lie behind each visible one, for a total of thirty pockets in all. The hidden pockets can only be accessed through a command word. A true seeing will reveal the presence of the hidden pockets, but not the command word needed to open them.
Even when a pocket is full, it never bulges, so a belt stuffed with 150 pounds of items looks like an ordinary belt.
Accessing any pocket (including the hidden ones) is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. To place any object in the belt, the wearer merely presses the object into the belt. Doing so while speaking the command word places the object in one of the hidden pockets, if any are empty. Naming a stored object and speaking a second command word draws the named object out of the belt and places it in the wearer's hand.
Simply frisking the wearer won't reveal any objects placed in the belt, and searching the visible pockets cannot reveal anything stored in the hidden pockets.
Dragonbreath Arrows: Targets hit by the arrows must make a DC 15 Reflex save or catch fire. Do 1d6 base damage.
Corund fell through a gap in the world. Or more accurately, he fell through shadows into Shadow. One minute a part of the banal existence in everyday Silverymoon, he ended up in an umbral realm of nightmares, utterly lost and helpless, until his rescue by a patrol from a fantastic city of shadows, balanced between the fragile lamps that dotted it’s lanes and the utter darkness of the crack in the foundations of the world along which it tottered. The city was named Balefire*, and was ruled, for the most part, by a cabal of arcanists called the Shadowcrafters. Adopting the city as his new home, he joined the Shadowcrafter’s Guild, and helped defend Balefire on countless occasions and patrols, especially along the deadly Night’s Rift Canyon. He honed skill in blade and spell fighting every deadly denizen that called the Shadow home.

His return to Faerun is caused by his worry about the dangers caused by the return of the Shades, the increasing frequency of Shadow Storms, and the apparent disappearance of Tilverton into the Deep Umbra. He thinks this activity may be the cause of the weakening of reality between the Prime and Shadow, or perhaps the effect of some larger, more profound event. Besides, he does remain fond of Silverymoon. If there is one thing he understands, it is protecting the city you love from forces bent on destroying it.

His magic draws upon the forces of creation, which are tied to the Shadow itself. He respects Shar, but does not see her as important, since the Shadow Plane itself is the source of his power. He literally creates his own reality from the primal clay of Shadow itself, much as the first gods created Faerun in the darkness before time. After all, does not darkness contain all possibilities, realized in each particular instance of observation, revealed by the arrival of light? His own magics are recreations of those events, so he is a modern demiurge, who awaits a final epiphany before the true secrets of power make themselves known to him.

He is tainted by the essence of Shadow, a being drawn in shades of gray, with white eyes that have no iris, or pupil. He prefers to remain cloaked in the shadows he loves so much, the darkness of possibility, desire, and dreams. He is loath of absolutism and rigid thinking, when he knows that too many possibilities exist, each moment pregnant with opportunities ripe for exploitation by those with the ability and will. It is too much to shut oneself off from so many choices, whether for ideological reasons, or smallness of mind. Greatness is achieved by the one who contemplates and accepts all potentialities.

* Balefire, City of Lanterns is detailed in Dragon 322. Ask me for more details if you like!
With Shadow Illusion, Heighten Spell, Earth Spell, and Signature spell, Corund can spontaneously cast Silent Image as a full round action. This lets him spontaneously convert any spell of level 1 or higher into a Shadow Evocation or Shadow Conjuration of any equivalent level. He will never lack for an evocation or conjuration spell (except calling or teleport type spells).

As an Illusionist his extreme flexibility can allow other party members to do their job better. He will be able to distract the enemies, forcing them to fight Shadow opponents, letting the fighters get in their beating. He can make Shadow Conjurations to control the battlefield, allowing others to bullrush opponents into Shadow Evard’s Black Tentacles. No one who faces him can deny the reality of his creations. He is also more interesting to have around than a mage who simply drops fireballs. In addition, his wide education allows him to be a bank of knowledge for the party.

As a Ranger, he is a fantastic scout. He is never too far for back up to arrive, in the form of Shadow Summoned creations, or unable to return to deliver news, via Dimension Door (Horizon Walker). He can take care of himself quite well, unlike the standard helpless wizard. In short, he makes a good party member because of his versatility and extreme party friendliness. He makes for a good character because I can write about him with a large degree of (shadowy) flavor and strongly accented world-view.
Required Sources:
Book of Vile Darkness
Dragon Magazine #325 & 329 (Enhanced Shadow Reality feat, Flaws)
Lords of Madness (Darkstalker feat)
Manual of the Planes/DR#325 (Shadow Creature Levels)
Player’s Guide to Faerun
Races of Stone
Last edited:

Rystil Arden

First Post
Cassandra Durai
Female Human Telepath9/Monk2/Metamind7/Cleric3/MysticWanderer1/PaladinofFreedom2 (see progression)
Character Level: 12
XP: 71985
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Goddess: Sune Firehair
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Crystalline-Coloured and Transparent
Eyes: Sapphire-Blue
Age: 22

Str 6 (-2) [6 base]
Dex 12 (+1) [10 base, +2 Anklets]
Con 14 (+2) [14 base]
Int 27 (+8) [18 base, +3 stat raises, +6 Diadem]
Wis 22 (+6) [18 base, +4 Necklace]
Cha 22 (+6) [18 base, +4 Cloak]

Class and Racial Abilities--

Human Abilities:
Bonus Feat
Extra Skill Points

Telepath Abilities:
Bonus Featx2
Discipline [Telepathy]

Metamind Abilities:
Free Manifesting 1st 3/day, 2nd 3/day, 3rd 1/day, 4th 1/day
Cognisance Psicrystal (9 points)

Monk Abilities:
Improved Grapple
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Strike 1d6
Deflect Arrows

Cleric Abilities:
Turn Undead

Mystic Wanderer Abilities:
Glory of the Divine

Paladin of Freedom Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 1/day
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands

Hit Dice: 8 + 2d10 + 4d8 + 1d6 + 4d4 + 24
HP: ?
AC (unbuffed) 23 (10 +1 Dex, +6 Wis, +6 Divine from Cha)
Touch 23, Flat-Footed 22
AC (minimally buffed) 34
AC (casually buffed) 46
AC (fully buffed) 50
Init: +1
Speed: 3- ft

Fortitude +18 [7 Base + 2 Con + 6 Cha +3 Cloak] (+23 with Precognition up)
Reflex +16 [6 Base + 1 Dex + 6 Cha +3 Cloak] (+21 with Precognition up)
Will +22 [8 Base + 6 Wis + 6 Cha -3 Weak Will +2 Iron Will +3 Cloak] (+27 with Precognition up)

BAB: +8/+3
Melee: +4/-1
Melee Flurry (truly inadvisable): +2/+2/-3
Ranged: +9/+4
Grapple: +10/+5

Skills (147: 55 Monk Dominant + 11 Mystic Wanderer Dominant + 81 Telepath Dominant):
Autohypnosis +19 (15 ranks, +2 Con, +2 Synergy)
Bluff +21 (15 ranks, +6 Cha)
Concentration +17 (15 ranks, +2 Con)
Diplomacy +30 (15 ranks, +6 Cha, +6 Synergy, +3 Psicrystal)
Gather Information +23 (15 ranks, +6 Cha, +2 Synergy)
Knowledge [Arcana] +21 (13 ranks, +8 Int)
Knowledge [Dungeoneering] +9 (1 rank, +8 Int)
Knowledge [History] +9 (1 rank, +8 Int)
Knowledge [Local] +13 (5 ranks, +8 Int)
Knowledge [Nature] +11 (3 ranks, +8 Int)
Knowledge [Nobility&Royalty] +13 (5 ranks, +8 Int)
Knowledge [The Planes] +13 (5 ranks, +8 Int)
Knowledge [Psionics] +11 (1 ranks, +8 Int, +2 Synergy)
Knowledge [Religion] +9 (1 ranks, +8 Int)
Listen +8 (0 ranks, +6 Wis, +2 Alertness)
Perform +9 (3 rank, +6 Cha)
Profession [Herbalist] +9 (3 ranks, +6 Wis)
Psicraft +10 [+12 vs Telepathy] (2 ranks, +8 Int)
Sense Motive +21 (15 ranks, +6 Wis)
Spellcraft +11 (1 ranks, +8 Int, +2 Synergy)
Spot +8 (0 ranks, +6 Wis, +2 Alertness)
Survival +6 [+8 on the Planes] (0 ranks, +6 Wis, [+2 Synergy on the Planes])
Tumble +14 (13 ranks, +1 Dex)

Overchannel (1st Level)
Talented (Human Bonus)
Psicrystal Affinity (Flaw Bonus)
Psicrystal Containment (Flaw Bonus)
Alertness (Psicrystal Bonus)
Empower Power (Telepath 1st)
Improved Grapple (Monk 1st)
Deflect Arrows (Monk 2nd)
Iron Will (3rd Level)
Expanded Knowledge[Astral Construct] (Telepath 5th)
Quicken Power (6th Level)
Psionic Meditation (9th Level)
Twin Power (12th Level)

Weak Will (-3 Will Saves)
Noncombatant (-2 melee attacks)

Common, Halruaan, Illithid, Gith, Anarchic, Netherese, Celestial

Power Points: 174

1-Charm, Attraction, Force Screen, Inertial Armour, Defensive Precognition, Telempathic Projection, Vigour, Astral Construct
2-Swarm of Crystals, Ego Whip, Concealing Amorpha, Biofeedback
3-Dispel Psionics, Touchsight,
4-Dominate, Schism, Psychic Reformation, Freedom of Movement, Energy Adaptation, Dimension Door
5- Power Resistance, True Seeing, Mind Probe
6- Contingency, Temporal Acceleration, Overland Flight

Active Contingency: Hit Points Become Below 55 -> Vigour for 110 temporary hit points. Lasts 14 days until discharged

Spent: 125,003 gold
Available: None

Bracelets of the Passionate Heart (Psionatrix of Telepathy) 8000 Wrists Slot
Ancient Netherese Nexus of Mystic Power (Torc of Power Preservation) 36000 Torso Slot
Diadem of the Nether Sorceress Queen (Circlet of Intellect +6) 36000 Head Slot
Anklets of Llira's Grace (Gloves of Dexterity +2) 4000 Feet Slot
Silks of the Flame's Caress (Cloak of Charisma +4) 16000 Shoulders Slot
Belt of the Sturdy Soul (Cloak of Resistance +3) 9000 Waist Slot
Necklace of Zerthimon's Discipline (Periapt of Wisdom +4) 16000 Neck Slot
Club 0
Backpack 2
Rationsx2 1


Cassandra is the daughter of a Nimbran Skyknight who went out on a Flying Hunt and a Halruaan expatriate living in the Misty Vale. The Halruaan eugenicists would never have allowed this coupling, had they known, as the swirling eddies of eldritch energies within her caused the awakening of intense psionic powers at an early age. Unfortunately, the psychic echoes of her uncontrolled telepathic emanations attracted the attention of a colony of illithids living under the Wyrmbone mountains. With Cassandra's father returned to Nimbral even before the child was born, her mother Hekyve was unable to hold off the attacking mind flayers that came in search of the child, and Cassandra never saw her mother again...Intrigued by Cassandra's innate talent, the illithids decided to use her as a host-body for a new illithid, but since such an action normally destroys the mind of the host, which would put her psionic powers to waste, they carefully incubated a symbiont that would attach to her mind and convert her into an illithid more insidiously, retaining and augmenting her psionic powers. Fortunately for Cassandra, a githzerai rrakkma destroyed the illithid colony before the symbiont could convert her body and mind, and one of them performed a Psychic Chirurgery that cleared it from her mind. Even so, her psionic powers remained augmented and her skin retains a very subtle lavender tint, the colour of the tips of an illithid's tentacles. The githzerai, a group of monks and psions, noticing Cassandra's innate talent, raised her and trained her in a monastery on Limbo, where they indoctrinated her in the strict teachings of Zerthimon...But even so, the chaos-stuff of Limbo seemed to sing to her from just beyond the grounds of the monastery. When the githzerai allowed her to leave, deciding that she had come of age and no longer needed their training to keep her discipline, she decided to return to her homeland, but she was too young to really know anything about her forest home, so when she returned to Faerun, she wound up in the Misty Forest instead (an understandable mistake). As she tried to meditate, saddened and alone in the wrong forest (the Astral Caravan that brought her had long since departed), she had a vision of a smiling, loving woman with fiery red hair, who enfolded her in her arms and whispered to her that she should head northwest. Heeding the woman's advice, after many days of travel, she reached the city of Waterdeep, where she was drawn to the house of Sune. Gazing upon the images of the goddess within, Cassandra realised that this must be the voice that had spoke to her, and she became an acolyte of Sune, renouncing the asceticism of the path of Zerthimon. She spent some time training in Waterdeep, but eventually, she grew weary and longed for the open road once more, where she could feel Sune in her own way, rather than through organised prayer, and where she could spread the love that she had finally found after all these years to those she encountered. These journeys led her to the Silver Marches, but on the way, she became lost in the Nether Mountains. Perhaps it was her natural curiosity, perhaps it was the mix of pure Netherese bloods within her veins, but she found a cache of powerful items in those mountains dating to the time of Netheril, though they were guarded by powerful magical guardians and traps. On her way back to the surface, she encountered a drow slaving party that was bringing a group of captured humans, svirfneblin, and dwarves back to Ched Nasad to sell as chattel. Outraged at this affront, Cassandra single-handedly defeated the drow with her new magical gear, surprised at just how easy drawing her psionic power was slowly becoming--even her psicrystal Sibyl was growing a reservoire of her own. As Cassandra surfaced near Sundabar, returning the captured humans and dwarves safely to their homes after already saying farewell to her new svirfneblin friends, she did so as a newfound champion of freedom[/SBLOCK]

Cassandra is beautiful and a bit exotic-looking. Her hair was once a deep midnight black, but by the time she was rescued by the githzerai, it had become crystalline-coloured and transparent, though the texture is still silky-soft, and it would have likely fallen off entirely after a little longer. Because of this, she often dyes her hair in different colours, and since she has no natural colour, she always gets a perfect dye every time. Her eyes are kind and big, crystalline blue in colour. Her skin seems normal, but someone looking very closely might notice an incredibly subtle lavender tint, and her skin is softer and more delicate and sensitive than typical for a human. While her skin is not actually slimy in the least, she is constantly self-conscious in fear that it will become so, and she vehemently suppresses the Material display of any of her powers, washing herself thoroughly at least twice whenever she fails and is coated in the ectoplasmic goo, or any other time she feels slimy. Her obsession with the slime comes from a deep-seated, irrational fear that she is still slowly transforming into an illithid. Her body is lushly curved, and despite her self-consciousness, she likes to wear dresses that show off her skin. [/SBLOCK]

Why Cassandra is Cool[SBLOCK]
Cassandra has lots of power points, and she's pretty darn good at blowing them all at once. She can do lots of damage, summon a Huge Astral Construct (if I get that feat), and more, not to mention her lovely Schism. But she isn't as vulnerable as most Psions. I haven't calculated it exactly, but you can expect her AC to be through the roof if she works at it. Should be around 47 if she goes all-out on buffs. And saves will be high too. Yay! Plus she has a lot of Charisma, so she'll be glad to be the party's face.[/SBLOCK]
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I aim to misbehave
Aseir the Windwalker (Aseir Mostana)
Male Human (Elan) Rogue 8/Fighter 2/Elocater 7/ Psion (Kineticist) 7

Character level: 12
Alignment: Neutral Good
City: Memnon
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 182 lbs
Hair: Black goatee only, bald head
Eyes: Sky Blue
Age: 35
Experience: 69,240 (72,000 xps – 2,760 crafting)

Str: 14 (+2) [14 points]
Dex: 20 (+5) [16 points, +4 gloves]
Con: 16 (+3) [16 points]
Int: 25 (+7) [18 points, +3 levels, +4 circlet]
Wis: 12 (+1) [12 points]
Cha: 10 (+0) [08 points, -2 racial, +4 cloak]

Class and Racial Abilities
Elan abilities - -2 Cha, Aberration (no darkvision), medium size, naturally psionic (+2 power points), resistance (can spend 1 power point to gain +4 racial bonus to saving throws until next action), resilience (can reduce damage by 2 for every 1 power point she spends), repletion (can spend 1 power point and not need to eat or drink for 24 hours).

Rogue abilities - Sneak attack +4d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge.

Fighter abilities – Bonus fighter feats (2), armor proficiencies: light, medium and heavy, shield proficiency, martial weapon proficiency.

Psion abilities – Bonus feat (2), discipline (Psychokinesis), manifester level 12 (with Elocater)

Elocater abilities – Scorn earth, Sidestep charge, Opportunistic strike (+4), Dimension step, Flanker, Transporter, Capricious step.

Hit Dice: 6 + 9d6 + 2d10 + 36
HP: 92 (6 + 62 + 36 - 12)
AC: 19 (+5 Dex + 4 Armor +1 Dodge -1 Flaw)
Init: +5 (+5 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +11 [+6.33 base, +3 Con, +2 from cloak]
Reflex +14 [+7.83 base, +5 Dex, +2 from cloak]
Willpower +11 [+8.0 base, +1 Wis, +2 from cloak]

Save conditionals: Evasion

BAB: +9 /+4 (9.5/4.5)
Melee Atk: +12/+7 (2d4+4/18-20/x2/S, Spirit Strike [Ghost-touch Falchion +1])
Ranged Atk: +15/+15/+10 (1d8+3/19-20/x2/20 ft./P, Wind Spark [Mighty +2 Deep crystal Composite Longbow of Shock +1])

Attack conditionals: Point blank shot, +4d6 sneak attack, Opportunity Strike +4, Deep Crystal (+2d6)

Skills (175 pts: 53 Int, 122 classes)
Autohypnosis +11 [7 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Synergy (Concentration)]
Balance +7 [0 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 synergy (tumble)]
Bluff +5 [5 ranks, -0 Cha]
Concentration +11 [8 ranks, +3 Con]
Diplomacy +15 [9 ranks, -0 Cha, +6 synergy (Bluff, Nobility, Sense Motive)]
Disable Device +20 [11 ranks, +7 Int, +2 Circumstance [tools]]
Disguise +2 [0 ranks, +0 Cha, +2 synergy (bluff)]
Gather Information +11 [9 ranks, +0 Cha, +2 synergy (Local)]
Hide +16 [11 ranks, +5 Dex]
Intimidate +2 [0 ranks, +0 Cha, +2 synergy (bluff)]
Jump +4 [0 ranks, +2 Str, +2 synergy (tumble)]
Knowledge (arcana) +9 [2 ranks, +7 Int]
Knowledge (history) +17 [10 ranks, +7 Int]
Knowledge (local-Memnon) +12 [5 ranks, +7 Int]
Knowledge (nobility) +12 [5 ranks, +7 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +9 [2 ranks, +7 Int]
Knowledge (Psionics) +17 [8 ranks, +7 Int +2 Synergy (Autohypnosis)]
Listen +11 [10 ranks, +1 Wis]
Move Silently +16 [11 ranks, +5 Dex]
Open Lock +8 [1 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Circumstance (tools)]
Psicraft +18 [9 ranks, +7 Int, +2 synergy from Knowledge (Psionics)]
Search +20 [13 ranks, +7 Int]
Sense Motive +10 [9 ranks, +1 Wis]
Sleight of Hand +8 [1 rank, +5 Dex, +2 synergy (bluff)]
Spot +25 [14 ranks, +1 Wis, +10 competence (Eye)]
Tumble +10 [5 ranks, +5 Dex]
Use Magic Device +14 [14 ranks, +0 Cha]

Dodge - (Flaw bonus)
Mobility - (Flaw bonus)
Point blank shot - (1st level)
Empower psion - (Psion 1st)
Rapid Shot - (3rd level)
Spring attack - (Fighter bonus 1st)
Craft Universal Item - (Psion 5th)
Precise shot - (6th level)
Expanded Knowledge (Psionic Dominate) - (9th level)
Many shot - (Fighter bonus 2nd)
Improved Rapid shot - (12th lvl)

Vunerable: -1 penalty to AC
Frail: -1 hit point per level

Languages: .

Power Points Per Day: 170 = Psion 10th (126) + Int 25 (42) + 2 (race).

Powers Known
Save DC +7 (+8 for Kinetics*)
1st - defensive precognition, energy ray*, force screeen, inertial armor, offensive precognition.
2nd - control air*, energy missile*, identify, psionic tongues.
3rd - body adjustment, dispel psionics, energy retort*, time hop, touch sight.
4th - correspond, energy ball*, energy adaptation*, inertial barrier*, mind wipe, psionic dominate.
5th - energy current*, plane shift (from class), power resistance, teleport (from class), true seeing.
6th - disintegrate (psionic), dispelling buffer*, overland flight.

Permanent Powers
Psionic Darkvision (13th, 8,625 gps),

Wind Spark Mighty +2 Deep Crystal Composite Longbow of Shock +1 (9,575gp)
Spirit Strike Ghost Bronze Falchion +1 (8,375 gp)
Kumel’s Gift Mithral Chain Shirt +1 (2,100 gp)
Third Eye - Aware (crafted 400 xp, 5,000gp)
Kineticist’s Collar Torc of power preservation and a Psionatrix of Psychokinesis (crafted psionatrix part 480 xp, 6,000gp +36,000gp)
Spirit’s Guard (vest of resistance +2 (4,000gp)
Calimshan’s Blessing (hooded cloak of charisma +4 (crafted 640 xp, 8,000gp)
Fingerless Gloves of Dexterity +4 (crafted 640 xp, 8,000gp)
Bronze Circlet of Intellect +4 (crafted 640 xp, 8,000gp)
Ring of Protection +2 (4,000gps)
Sandals of Speed (12,000 gps)
Wand of CLW (50 charges) (750 gp)
Dorje of Detect Psionics (50 charges) (750 gp)
Efficient Quiver: Containing . . . (1,800gp)
- Arrows (80) (4gp)
- Arrows of Silver (20) (3gp)
Power Stones:
- Body Purification (2) (750gp)
- Keen Edge (2) (750gp)
- Skate (4) (100gp)

Bedroll 5sp
Acid (5 flasks) 50gp
MW thieves' tools 100gp
Waterskin 1gp
50 ft. silk rope 10gp
Paper (10 sheets) 4gp
Ink (two vials) 16gp
Inkpen 1gp
Trail rations (4 days worth) 2gp
Belt pouch 1gp
Explorer’s outfit 0gp

982 gp, 5sp

Notes – Aseir has no idea regarding his Elan heritage.

Appearance: Aseir was once a handsome powerful man . . . that has changed. One would be surprised that Aseir stands 6’1” as he often travels slightly hunched over with shoulders slumped. He wears a tan, hooded traveling cloak that covers much of his body and is several thin layers of cloth. If one were able to see beneath the hood, one would see a scarred face, as from great burns, with only a goatee and eyebrows for hair. A single band of bronze circles at his forehead, his third eye blinking beneath. Clothes of tans and browns are frequent and sandaled feet. A bronze falchion hangs on his belt and a bow and quiver are slung over his shoulder.

Personality: See below.

Background: [sblock]Powerful of mind and spirit, Aseir Mostana quickly rose up the ranks of the Windwalkers in Memnon, a city in Calimshan. The Windwalkers were a specialized group of warriors, trained in the ways of the mind and body. His rise brought him notice of those in power (both good and bad) as well as a family and good holdings. He accepted the love of his family and the worldly possessions as a man of his station should, though internally he felt as though he had deserved them. His intellect served him well in developing strategies for dealing with monsters of the waste, and when that failed, the power of his will was sufficient to eliminate almost any threat. Confidence, pride and ego began to take hold over Aseir, damaging his family relationship, the respect of those beneath him, and darkening his mind.

Enjoying the fruits of his success one evening, Aseir ignored the calls for his service from his superiors. The messenger spoke of a cabal of dark incarnates near the city of Memnon. Aseir, certain that he would have heard of any powerful cabal long before it got close to the city, assumed it was a minor threat and sent several subordinates to deal with it. Unfortunately, the threat was much greater than Aseir anticipated. The cabal of dark fire was laying in wait, hoping to lure defenders of Memnon, the Windwalkers in particular to them to destroy them – and that was exactly what Aseir had done. Lives were lost . . . and Aseir insisted that it was incompetence on the part of those he sent. To prove his point, Aseir assured his superiors that he deal with the threat alone. This was not the wishes of his superiors, but again, Aseir did as Aseir wanted.

The next morning Aseir set out alone into the wastes to deal with the cabal and return those that were lost. Unknown to Aseir, he had company - his three young sons. Eager to be part of an adventure, especially one that Aseir had claimed would be so easy to deal with, the boys followed their father at a discrete distance. Before the first day was finished, Aseir met the cabal, seven strong members who were enjoying the company of the last living subordinate that Aseir had sent to their doom. A battle royale took place, Aseir magnificent as always, though the cabal held their own after the initial strike.

The simplest of powers can sometimes bring a man to his knees, and it was no different in this instance. A Brain Lock froze Aseir in place, helpless to only watch as the cabal killed their prisoner, discovered his sons, and began killing them as well . . . slowly. Praying for guidance and aid, Aseir went helplessly mad for a time. With his last moment of consciousness, Aseir remembered the heat of the sun and felt his body burst.

Sometime later Aseir awoke next to the remains of a smoldering crate, less than a mile from place of his dismal defeat. Pain from his head and back were intense, the smell was horrible. Aseir barely made it back to town. No one had an explanation for what happened (though theories persist that Aseir had Fiery Discorporated [5th lvl psion], though he had no knowledge of the power – either before or after the incident).

His sons had died, his family abandoned him, and his possessions were seized in payment for those lost. His position within the Windwalkers was removed as well. The wounds from the fiery blast would not heal. Aseir was banished from Memnon for a time, a broken, but wiser man. Aseir wandered for several months, leaving the area of Memnon . . . even the country of Calimshan. He traveled north through Tethyr, north through Amn, north past Balder’s Gate, north through Waterdeep, finally ending his travels in the Silver Marches.

The journey took many years, time was spent in each location, though either visions of his past, people that may have known him, or even the call of the north drove him ever farther from his home. He finally settled in the north-eastern most post of civilization . . . Sundabar. This stone city sheltered Aseir for some time, quite some time before Aseir began to be active again . . . learning to help those in need . . . and discovering more about himself in the process. Years of contemplation, humility, and service returned some of the strength to his limbs and will.

Though even today, more than ten years after his greatest defeat, Aseir was a shadow of the man he once was. He carefully guarded against pride and ego today . . . a quiet, scarred man trying to repent for past transgressions by doing his duty and following the spirits, even so far from home.

Recent History
Recently, a group of individuals had appealed to Aseir for his assistance. They asked the former Windwalker to deliver a reward to someone who had freed their loved ones from drow slavers. Aseir had heard of the event, not many in Sundabar hadn't, but he was investigating the appearance of a family of ebony griffons that had taken roost a few miles away. This would be a good opportunity to meet the person who freed those who had been oppressed, and perhaps begin again to develop the friendships necessary to truly help those in need. He happily accepted after verifying the truth of those giving the gift and the gift itself as being safe . . . he was from Calimshan, after all.

Character Progression:
[sblock]1st: Psion / Rogue (12 sp, 6 hp, 1/3 Fort, 2 1/2 Refl, 2 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
2nd: Psion / Rogue (12 sp, 5 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
3rd: Psion / Rogue (12 sp, 4 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
4th: Psion / Rogue (12 sp, 5 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
5th: Psion / Fighter (8 sp, 8 hp, 2 1/2 Fort, 1/3 Refl, 1/2 Will, 1.0 BAB)
6th: Rogue / Elocator (13 sp, 4 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
7th: Psion / Elocator (10 sp, 4 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
8th: Rogue / Elocator (13 sp, 5 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
9th: Rogue / Elocator (13 sp, 4 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
10th: Psion / Elocator (11 sp, 5 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)
11th: Fighter / Elocator (10 sp, 7 hp, 1/2 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, 1.0 BAB)
12th: Rogue / Elocator (13 sp, 5 hp, 1/3 Fort, 1/2 Refl, 1/2 Will, .75 BAB)

Starting Summmary [Psion 7 / Rogue 8 / Fighter 2 / Elocator 7]

13th: Psion / Elocator
14th: Rogue / Elocator
15th: Rogue / Elocator
16th: Rogue / Shadowmind
17th: Psion / Shadowmind
18th: Rogue / Shadowmind
19th: Rogue / Shadowmind
20th: Psion / Shadowmind

Final Tally: Psion 10/ Rogue 13/ Fighter 2 /Elocator 10 /Shadowmind 5[/sblock]
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