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RG: Skeleton Quest - Origins

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First Post
Rothorm, Neo Skeletal Monk 1

[B]Name:[/B]   Rothorm
[B]Class:[/B]  Monk
[B]Race:[/B]   Human Neo-Skeleton
[B]Size:[/B]   Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] LE
[B]Deity:[/B]  Loviatar

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3  (10p.)            [B]Level:[/B] 1      [b]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3  (6p., +2 Race)    [B]BAB:[/B] +0       [B]HP:[/B] 20 (1d8 + 1d12)
[B]Con:[/B] -- --  (0p.)             [B]Grapple:[/B] +7   [B]DR:[/B] 5/Bludgeoning  
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)             [B]Speed:[/B] 30' 
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)             [B]Init:[/B] +7      
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +2  (2p.)             [B]ACP:[/B]  -0        

               [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]          10    +0    +0    +3    +0    +2     +2    17
[B]Touch:[/B] 15          [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                2    +0   +0     +2 (Immune if doesn't affect Objects)
[B]Ref:[/B]                 2    +3   +2     +7
[B]Will:[/B]                4    +2   +0     +6 (Immune to mind affecting effects)

[B]Weapon                  Attack    Damage     Critical[/B]
Unarmed Strike            +3       1d6+3        20x2 (Bludgeoning)
Unarmed Flurry            +1/+1    1d6+3        20x2 (Bludgeoning)
2 Claws                   +3/+3    1d4+3        20x2 (Slashing & Piercing)

Javelin                   +3       1d6+3        20x2 (Piercing, 20' Range)       

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Infernal

[b]Special Qualities:[/b] Darkvision 60', DR 5/Blunt, Immune to Cold, Undead Traits

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative(B), Lightning Reflexes, 
       Stunning Fist(B)

[B]Class Features:[/B] Bonus Feats (1), Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 34(34)   [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Balance                    4    +3    +2    +9                   
Hide                       5    +3          +8
Jump                       5    +3    +2   +10
Move Silently              5    +3          +8
Listen                     5    +2          +7
Spot                       5    +2          +7
Tumble                     5    +3    +2   +10

[B]Equipment:                 Cost  Weight[/B]

  Monks Outfit              0gp     0lb
  12x Javelin              12gp    24lb

[B]Total[/B]:               12gp   24lb        
                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy    Lift    Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 76   153   230     460    1150

Rothorm's 5'10", 30lb frame is wrapped in the tattered, moth-eaten remains of a blue silk shirt and knee-length homespun breeches.

Rothorm awakens, feeling newfound strength flowing through his bones as his previously fragmented awareness coalesces into a sharp point; kindling a silver fire in his empty eye sockets. Though a tickle at the back of his newfound consciousness tells him that all is not as it should be; yet upon seeing the corpse of his creator he is filled with the desire to rake his claws through the flesh of those responsible.


First Post
Human Neo-skeleton Male
Wizard (Conjurer) 1
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: None

8 Strength (-1)
14 Dexterity (+2)
-- Constitution
18 Intelligence (+4)
12 Wisdom (+1)
14 Charisma (+2)

Initiative: +6
Speed: 30’

BAB: +0
Grapple: -1

Melee Attack Bonus: -1
Damage: 1d4-1 (Claw)
AC: 14 (+2 Natural, +2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Melee Touch Attack Bonus: -1
Damage: By Spell
AC: 14 (+2 Natural, +2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Ranged Touch Attack Bonus: +2
Damage: By Spell
AC: 14 (+2 Natural, +2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Hit Points: 16
Fortitude Saves: +0
Reflex Saves: +2
Will Saves: +5

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal

Wizard Weapon Proficiency
Improved Initiative
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Scribe Scroll

Conjuration Specialization (Restricted Schools Enchantment, Transmutation)
Immunity to Cold
Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning
Undead Traits

Wizard Spellbook:
Level 0 Spells: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue

Level 1 Spells: Colour Spray, Grease, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Silent Image, Summon Monster I

Spells Memorised:
Level 0 Spells: (4/day, DC 14)
Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic

Level 1 Spells: (3/day, DC 15)
Colour Spray
Summon Monster I

+7 Concentration [5]+2 (Cha)
+9 Decipher Script [4]+4 (Int)
+4 Intimidate [2cc]+2 (Cha)
+9 Knowledge (Arcana) [5]+4 (Int)
+6 Knowledge (History) [2]+4 (Int)
+9 Knowledge (The Planes) [5]+4 (Int)
+6 Knowledge (Religion) [2]+4 (Int)
+3 Sense Motive [2cc]+1 (Wis)
+9 Spellcraft [5]+4 (Int)

30x Parchment
Scroll Case
Spell Component Pouch

Ilsthyr is a sinister sight by any stretch of the imagination. His form is obscured by a long, black robe sewn with purple runes and sigils that reaches almost to the floor, the very tips of his skeletal toes being visible underneath. The sleeves are long and baggy, and so cover his arms and hands most of the time. It is only when he raises his hands in some gesture – whether arcane, or merely demonstrative – that the sleeves fall away to reveal the chalky bone of his hands, crooked and twisted like a crow’s talons. The deep hood of his cloak is usually kept drawn up, shadowing his face so that from a distance all that can be seen are his eyes, glowing purple with an insatiable thirst for power and knowledge. There is something disturbingly cold and inhuman about their expression.

Personality: Ilsthyr is conniving, arrogant, shrewd and infinitely ambitious. In conversation he is extremely polite, and even eloquent, and he can talk with great erudition and discernment on many different topics. He makes no secret at all of his utter inhumanity though – given his appearance, it would be hard to do so – and freely expounds his philosophy of ultimate self-interest, unfettered by such petty constraints as morality and responsibility, to anybody who displays an interest. His sense of humour and many of his tastes are dark and bizarre, bordering on the depraved, and he indulges them immoderately.


First Post
Name:      Averey
Class:     Druid 1
Race:      Human Neo-Skeleton
Size:      Medium
Gender:    Male
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity:     Nature
Eyes:      Green

Str: 14 +2 ( 6p.)    Level:   1     XP:         0
Dex: 17 +3 ( 8p.)    BAB:     +0    HP:         23 (1d12+1d8+3)
Con: -- -- ( 0p.)    Grapple: +2    Dmg Red:    5/bludgeoning
Int:  8 -1 ( 0p.)    Speed:   20'   Spell Res:  --
Wis: 18 +4 (10p.)    Init:    +7    Spell Save: --
Cha:  8 -1 ( 0p.)    ACP:     -5    Spell Fail: --%

                  Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:       20    10    +3    +2    +3    +0    +2          20
Touch:       13    10                +3    +0                13
Flatfooted:  17    10    +3    +2    --    +0    +2          17

          Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:       2     +0          +2
Ref:        0     +3          +3
Will:       4     +4          +8

       Attack      BAB  Str  Misc  Total
Club     +2         +0   +2   -      +2 
Damage   1d6+2 --  20/x2

         Attack      BAB  Str  Misc  Total
[i]Shillelagh[/i] +3         +0   +2   +1     +3 
Damage     2d6+3 --  20/x2

       Attack      BAB  Str  Misc  Total
Claw     +2         +0   +2   -      +2 
Damage   1d4+2 --  20/x2

Languages: Common, Druidic (freebie)

Abilities:  Natural Armor +2, 2 Claws (1d4+2), Immunity to Cold,
DR 5/bludgeoning, Undead traits, animal companion, nature sense,
wild empathy, druidic weapon and armor proficiencies.

Feats: Improved Initiative (b), Track, Toughness

Skill Points: 19       Max Ranks: 5/2.5

Skill Name:          Ranks  Modifier  Misc/ACP  Total
Appraise                      -1                  -1
Balance                       +3         -5       -2
Bluff                         -1                  -1
Climb                         +2                  +2
Concentration          5      -1                  +4
Diplomacy                     -1                  -1
Disguise                      -1                  -1
Escape Artist                 +3         -5       -2
Forgery                       -1                  -1
Gather Information            -1                  -1
Handle Animal          4      -1                  +3
Heal                          +4                  +4
Hide                          +3         -5       -2
Intimidate                    -1                  -1
Jump                          +2                  +2
Knowledge (Nature)     5      -1         +4       +8
Listen                        +4                  +4
Move Silently                 +3         -5       -2
Ride                          +3                  +3
Search                        -1                  -1
Sense Motive                  +4                  +4
Spot                          +4                  +4
Survival               5      +4         +2       +11 or +13*
Swim                          +2         -10      -8
Use Rope                      +3         -5       -2

*aquatic, desert, forest, hill, marsh, mountains, and plains                  

Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Hide Armor                15    25
Shield, Heavy wooden       7    10
club                      --     3
Spell Component Pouch      5     2    
Backpack (empty)           2     2    
Signet Ring                5    --                             
Rope, Silk, 50'           10     1

Total Weight:43lb      Money: 5g 10s

                  Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:       58    116   175  350   875

Age: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 35 lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: None
Skin: None

[i]Druid Spells Prepared[/i]: (3/2, save DC 14 + spell level)
0th -- Save DC 14 -- Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance
1st -- Save DC 15 -- Obscuring Mist, Shillelagh

Description: Averey is a browned-by-age skeleton, whose eyes glow green, of what once was a human who stood standing 5'6. His 140 lb stature has been reduced to 35 lbs due to the loss of flesh. He is adorned in a suit of armor made from the hide of some creature; the fleshy-pink color suggests that the origins of this hide be best left to speculation. On his left arm is a wooden shield, unadorned and of little note. He carries a stout oaken club in his right hand, also with no distinguishing features.

His posessions include a simple backpack he found lying on the floor, inside which is a coil of silken rope, seemingly left there by the previous owner. Upon his finger he wears a silver signet ring, set with a lightning bolt inside a cloud. This ring was on the middle finger of his right hand when he awakened.

Death is the end of life. He's just here to see that life's inevitible conclusion is delivered as swiftly as possible. A lithe cat will eventually disease and die; a spectacular sunset is followed by a black night; a beautiful flower will wither and wilt. Being (un)dead, he has nothing to lose, nothing to look forward to. He has few goals beyond simply existing and continuing to exist as long as possible, going where situations and (un)life may take him. He sees scavengers as a thing of beauty, able to subsist on the least of offerings as their existance stretches onward into endless monotony; a fungus will sprout wherever nutrients lie, a rat will gnaw flesh to the bone and beyond, and these beings are able to survive on even this, showing their durability, their resiliency.

In fact, Averey has an animal companion that is the quintessential representative of scavengers, a dire rat which he found chewing on his leg when he awoke. After knocking it unconcious for presuming to eat him, Averey and the rat (named Barnes) forged a less-than-loving relationship. Barnes is loyal to Averey, but holds no special affection for his master; Averey sees the rat as a useful tool, but likewise holds no emotional ties to his companion.
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First Post
Scorn Human Neo Skeleton Cleric (Nurkal)

Male Human Cleric

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: Nurkal (God of Death, Trickery and Undead)
Domains: Death, Trickery
Size: Medium
Type: Undead
Base Speed: 30'

Str: 14 (+2) 6pts
Dex: 14 (+2) 4pts
Con: --
Int: 12 (+1) 4pts
Wis: 16 (+3) 10pts
Cha: 14 (+2) 6pts

HP: 20 (2d12)

AC: 20 (10Base +2 Dex + 2 Nat.Arm +4 Armour, +2 Shield)

Fortitude: +2 (2 Base)
Reflex: +2 (0 Base +2 Dex)
Will: +7 (4 Base +3 Wis)

Init: +6

Base attack bonus: +0

+2 Morning Star 1d8+2 x3

Bluff 7 (5 ranks +2 Cha)
Concentration 5 (3 ranks + 2Cha)
Disguise 5 (3 ranks + 2 Cha
Hide 3 (5 ranks +2 Dex -4 ACP)
Knowledge (Religion) 6 (5 ranks + 1 Int)

Improved Initiative(b), Eschew Materials, Improved Turning

Undead Qualities[sblock]
Undead Qualities:
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, and all simple weapons.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.[/sblock]

Morning Star 8gp (6lb)
Light Crossbow 35gp (4lb)
(20) Bolts 2gp (2lb)
Scalemail 50gp (15lb)
Large Wooden Shield 7gp (10lb)

Unholy Symbol 1gp
(2)Belt Pouches 2gp (1lb)

Treasure: ?gp (114 gps spent)
Weight Carried: 38 lbs

Spells Known (3/2+1)
0st- Detect Magic, Guidance, Light.
1st- Cause Fear, Obscuring Mist, Disguise Self(D).

Height: 6'
Weight: 40 lbs
Eyes: Glowing Blue
Hair: none
Skin: none

An average sized humaonid skeleton with glowing blue 'eyes'.

Scorn is a cautious cunning being who seeks to firmly establish himself as leader among
the small band of skeletons, as a follower of the god of death, scorn feels that it is
his right to rule, and enjoys the power that he can exercise over the others.


Telamar Desdevlien - Tel Crowbone - ol Yellabone - Bonecrow

Telamar Desdevlien - Tel Crowbone - ol Yellabone - Bonecrow
Elf (Neo-skeleton) Fighter 1
Medium Undead
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Deity: Corellon
Region: Elven
Sex: Male
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 45 lbs
Skin: tatters of parchment like skin still cling to his bones

Hair: wisps of long blonde hair still stick to his head
Eyes: glow with an unholy Cyan light
Age: 3121

Str: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Dex: 22 (+6) [16 points] +2 racial, +2 no skeleton
Con: -
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 6 (-2) [0 points] -2 racial
Cha: 8 (-1) [0 points]
* +2 Dex; -2 Wis

Racial Abilities
Immunity to sleep effects
+2 saving throw versus enchantment effects or spells
Low light vision
Weapon Prof: longsword, rapier, longbow and shortbow
+2 Listen, Search and Spot
Detect Secret and Concealed Doors Eaiser

Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to most mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures.
The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, and all simple weapons.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Class Abilities
proficient with all simple and marial weapons
proficient with all armour and shields
bonus feat

Hit Dice: 1d10 (+1d12)
HP: 22
AC: 20 (+5 Dex, +3 Studded Leather, +2 Neo skeleton) Touch – 15, Flat-footed – 15
Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning
ACP: -1
Init: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [2 base, +0 Con]
Reflex +6 [+0 base, +6 Dex]
Will 0 [+2 base, -2 Wis]
Special Qualities: Immunity to Cold (Ex), Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Undead qualities

BAB/Grapple: +1/+4
Melee Atk: +7 Dagger (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Melee Atk: +4 Long Sword (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)
Melee Attk: +7 Spiked Chain (2d4+3, x2) - 10' range, can be used for trip attacks - can drop chain to avoid trip AoO, +2 to disarm checks
Melee Attk: +7 Claw (1d4+3, x2)
Ranged Atk: +7 Long Bow (1d8, x3, 100')

Class Skills: 12+4
Climb 6 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -1 ACP]
Craft (weaponsmithing) 5 [4 ranks, +1 Int]
Handle Animal -1 [0 ranks, -1 Chr]
Intimidate 0 [1 ranks, -1 Chr]
Jump 6 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -1 ACP]
Listen 0 [+2 Racial, -2 Wis]
Ride 10 [4 ranks, +6 Dex]
Search 3 [+2 Racial, +1 Int]
Spot 0 [+2 Racial, -2 Wis]
Swim 1 [0 ranks, +3 Str, -2 ACP]

Improved Initiative (bonus feat neo skeleton)
Weapon Finesse
Exotic Weapon - Spiked Chain

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan


Wearing or carrying at hand
Long Sword - 15 gp (4lb) (Slashing)
Spiked Chain - 25 gp (10lb) (Piercing)
Dagger - 2 gp (1lb) (Piercing or Slashing)
Longbow - 75gp (3lb) (Piercing)
Studded Leather - 25gp (20lb)
40 arrows - 2gp (6lb)

In or on containers
2 x pouch - 2gp (1lb)
whetstone - 2cp (1lb)
caltrops - 1gp (2lb)
flint and steel - 1gp (-lb)
3 flasks oil - 3sp (3lb)

Total weight carried – 51 lbs, light load.

gp sp cp


Appearance: Tel is a very old, ancient even, elf. His bones are yellowed with age and cracked but have been reinforced with chains, clasps and rivets of metal and parts of his family armour still remain tied to his body. He wields a long sword with a serrated, flanged blade, elven runes etched down the length of the blade. His favoured weapon though is the pitted spiked chain that he carries draped across his shoulders. Rotten boots cling tenaciously to his feet and bits of rotting cloth lace his body. He wears a cloak of midnight blue with gold trim, the cloak is stained and dirty but otherwise whole. A black scabbard for his sword hangs at his side and a smaller balde is strapped to his thigh. A heavy chain with a heavy gold pendant hangs around his neck, the cloak is clasped with an ebon crow.



Li Shenron


Human Skeleton Bard

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: none
Size: Medium
Type: Undead
Base Speed: 30'

Str: 14 (+2) 6pts
Dex: 18 (+4) 10pts + 2race
Con: --
Int: 10 (0) 2pts
Wis: 10 (0) 2pts
Cha: 16 (+3) 10pts

HP: 18

AC: 19 (10Base +4 Dex + 3 Armor + 2 Nat.Arm)
DR: 5/bludgeoning

Fortitude: +0 (0 Base)
Reflex: +6 (2 Base +4 Dex)
Will: +4 (4 Base +0 Wis)

Init: +8

Base attack bonus: +0

+4 Rapier 1d6+2 (18-20/x2)
+4 Claws 1d4+2
+4 Shortbow 1d6 (20/x3), 60ft

Languages: Common

Perform, violin 11 (5 ranks +3 Cha +3 feat)
Bluff 7 (4 ranks +3 Cha)
Use Magic Device 7 (4 ranks + 3 Cha)
Hide 8 (5 ranks +4 Dex -1 acp)
Move Silently 8 (5 ranks +4 Dex -1 acp)
Tumble 8 (5 ranks +4 Dex -1 acp)
Listen 4 (4 ranks +0 Wis)

Improved Initiative(b), Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Perform)

Undead Qualities[sblock]
Undead Qualities:
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, and all simple weapons.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.[/sblock]

All simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip.
Light armors (no ASF) and shields.

Equipment (87/100gp)
Rapier 20gp (2lb), 1d6 18-20/x2
Shortbow 30gp (2lb), 1d6 x3, 60ft
40 Arrows 2gp (6lb)
Violin 5gp (3lb)
Spell component pouch 5gp (2lb)
Studded Leather armor 25gp (20lb), +3 ac, max dex 5, acp -1
Tattered rags 0gp (unweighted clothes)

Weight Carried: 35 lbs

Class features
Bardic knowledge +1
Bardic music 1/day (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1)

Spells per day
0th - 2, DC 13

Spells Known
0st- Daze, Ghost Sound, Mending, Lullaby

Height: 5'10''
Weight: 35 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: none
Skin: none

With its deep red glowing eyes, this otherwise average skeleton has a somewhat noble appearance and charismatic presense, while at the same time imposing a subtle sense of threat to those mortals who look upon it.
Tattered and ripped rags barely cover half of its body, its right hand clenched as a brooch to keep the rag's edges together, as attempting to make it cover more than possible. The gibbosity where the left arm is kept under the rags reveals that something is hidden underneath: an old and scratched violin which sounds sinister and fascinating at the same time.
This skeleton is very nimble when moving, and often seems to produce no sound at all when walking.

The ever-calm and polite mannerisms of Earl Dust conceal a burning hatred inside. As soon as awakening, the first thought was the desire for its creator to be destroyed. But as it became quickly known that this was done by someone else, Dust's hatred turned into envy for those who prevented itself from doing so, or at least prevented it to behold its master's death.
In the tormented madness of its revenant mind lies also the aching hate for its own new appearance, which makes Dust long for anything that could hide its skeletal look, although it would never mention or admit the matter to anyone.

Deuce Traveler


Treweye, Neo-Skeleton Human Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Gruumsh (God of Strength, Chaos, and Evil)
Domains: Divine
Size: Medium
Type: Undead
Base Speed: 30'

Str: 16 (+3) 10pts
Dex: 18 (+4) 10pts
Con: --
Int: 10 (+0) 2pts
Wis: 14 (+2) 6pts
Cha: 10 (+0) 2pts

HP: 20

AC: 19 (10 Base, +4 Dex, + 2 Nat.Arm, +3 Armor)

Fortitude: +2 (2 Base)
Reflex: +6 (2 Base +4 Dex)
Will: +4 (2 Base +2 Wis)

Init: +4

Base attack bonus: +1

Attacks: Composite Longbow (+5 hit, 1D6 Dam Sm, 1D8 Dam Md, X3 Crit)
Club (+3 hit, 1D4+3 Dam Sm, 1D6+3 Dam Md, X2 Crit)

Favored Enemy: Human

Languages: Common

Skills (28 pts total)
Craft 4 (Bow and Arrow Making, 4 pts)
Climb 4 (1 pt, +3 Str)
Hide 7 (3 pt, +4 Dex)
Handle Animal 5 (5 pts)
Listen 4 (2 pts, +2 Wis)
Move Silently 7 (3 pts, +4 Dex)
Ride 5 (1 pt, +4 Dex)
Search 3 (3 pts)
Survival 6 (4 pts, +2 Wis)
Swim 4 (2 pts, +2 Str)

Improved Initiative(B), Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Track

Undead Qualities:
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of
the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, and all simple weapons.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Studded Leather, Composite Longbow, 40 Arrows, Club, Backpack, 50ft Silk Rope, Grappling Hook, Artisan's Tools, Long Cloak,

Small Sack

Weight Carried: 51 lbs

Spells Known (0)

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 45 lbs
Eyes: Gold Glow
Hair: Shocking Red
Skin: None

Treweye is a tall, bone white skeleton that somehow maintained his bright shocking red hair that made him noticed in his former life. His eyes glow a gold color, which flares into a brilliant yellow when angry or when in combat. Despite being a skeleton, he somehow is able to convey a devil-may-care attitude in the way he carries himself. If he has to approach the lands of the living he will draw the hood of his cloak up to avoid notice.

Treweye is no one's fool. He knows he is stuck with his comrades for now, but he doesn't have to like the situation. He'd much rather be on his own, and he will take out his anger at his current situation at any living thing he can draw an arrow on. Although passionate, he does enjoy walking through the forest and picking out pieces of lumber and stone to make into new arrows with his tools.
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First Post
Brak N'rgul "Bonan"
Male Human Barbarian 1/Neo-Skeleton 1
Chaotic Evil
Representing WargamerX

Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution -
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 8 (-1)
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: ? lb
Skin: None
Eyes: Red
Hair: None

Total Hit Points: 24

Speed: 40 feet [barbarian]

Armor Class: 21 = 10 +3 [studded] + 2 [shield] +4 [dexterity] +2 [Neo-skeleton]

Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 15
Initiative modifier: +8 = +4 [dexterity] +4 Improved Initiative
Fortitude save: +2 = 2 [base]
Reflex save: +4 = 0 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save: +3 = 0 [base] +1 [wisdom] +2 [Neo-skeleton]
Attack (handheld): +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5 = 1 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
100 lb. or less
101-200 lb.
201-300 lb.
300 lb.
600 lb.
1500 lb.

Languages: Common

Punching Dagger [1d4, crit x3, 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing]

Greataxe [1d12, crit x3, 12 lb, two-handed, two-handed, slashing]

Shortbow [1d6, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 2 lb., piercing]

Studded armor [light; +3 AC; max dex +5; check penalty -1; 20 lb.]

Large Steel Shield (Shaped as a skull) [+2 AC; check penalty -2; 15 lbs]

Claws [Claw attack deals 1d4 damage]


Point Blank Shot
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s): Greataxe
Improved Initiative

Skill points: (4 - 1 + 1) x 4 = 16 + (4 - 1) = 19

Skill Name/Key Ability/Skill Modifier/Ability Modifier/Ranks/Misc. Modifier
Appraise Int -1 = -1
Balance Dex* 4 = +4
Bluff Cha -1 = -1
Climb Str* 8 = +4 +4
Concentration Con -1 = -1
Craft_1 Int -1 = -1
Craft_2 Int -1 = -1
Craft_3 Int -1 = -1
Diplomacy Cha -1 = -1
Disguise Cha -1 = -1
Escape Artist Dex* 4 = +4
Forgery Int -1 = -1
Gather Information Cha -1 = -1
Handle Animal Cha 2 = -1 +3
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Hide Dex* 4 = +4
Intimidate Cha 3 = -1 +4
Jump Str* 9 = +4 +1 +2 [speed 40]
Listen Wis 6 = +1 +5
Move Silently Dex* 4 = +4
Perform_1 Cha -1 = -1
Ride Dex 5 = +4 +1
Search Int -1 = -1
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Spot Wis 1 = +1
Survival Wis 2 = +1 +1
Swim Str** 4 = +4
Use Rope Dex 4 = +4

* = check penalty for wearing armor


Extra feat at first level (already included)
Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)


Illiteracy (2 skill points to learn to read)
Fast Movement (already included)
This barbarian cannot yet read/write.


Neo-skeletons are the animated bones of the dead that obey the orders of their
evil masters.

“Neo-Skeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal
creature (other than an undead) that has a skeletal system (referred to
hereafter as the base creature).

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead.
Hit Dice: 1d12
Armor Class: Small +1 or Medium +2.
BAB: +0
Damage: Claw attack deals Small 1d3 damage or Medium 1d4 damage.
Special Qualities: Immunity to Cold (Ex), Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Undead

Saves: Base save bonuses are Fort 0, Ref 0, and Will 2.

Abilities: A neo-skeleton’s Dexterity increases by +2 and it has no

Feats: Improved Initiative bonus feat.
Alignment: Any evil.
Special: Special class abilities still effect the neo-skeleton normally such as
bardic music.

Undead Qualities:
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to most mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms,
patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast
healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also
works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or
less, it is immediately destroyed.
Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and
true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead
creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
Proficient with its natural weapons, and all simple weapons.
Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Class HP fixed
Level 1: Barbarian 12
Level 2: Neo-skeleton 12

Bonan's Equipment (weight):

35 lb
3 lb
2 lb
5 lb
2 lb
15 lb

4 lb
1 lb
10 lb
1 lb
78 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Horned helmet
Arrows (quiver of 20)
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Rope (50', hempen) x1
Sacks x1

Description: Bonan is nothing more than a tall set of white bleached human bones when he arises. A palm sized hole in his cranium leaves no doubt as to his cause of death. This is quickly covered by his horned "Norman" style helmet. The helmet was either knocked from his head before his death or replaced after as it seems intact. Another possible replacement is his shield, white and fashioned in the shape of a skull. Other than his armor, weapons, and gear it wears no other clothing having lost interest in human effectations.

Personality: Bonan is hard to read, even for a skeleton. It does not feel compelled to share it's thoughts with those who meet it. It is however, utterly ruthless and driven in its own self interests. It's goals are pursued with little care for life or unlife (other than its own, of course). Whether morality played any part in Bonan's character while alive is unknown, that it does not in it's unlife is.


First Post
Coughin' Joe
Representing Legildur

Name:      Coughin' Joe
Class:     Sorceror 1
Race:      Human Neo-Skeleton
Size:      Medium
Gender:    Male
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity:     <later>
Eyes:      [COLOR=Magenta]Magenta[/COLOR]

Str: 10 +0 ( 2p.)    Level:   1     XP:         0
Dex: 16 +3 ( 6p.)    BAB:     +0    HP:         16 (1d12+1d4)
Con: -- -- ( 0p.)    Grapple: +0    Dmg Red:    5/bludgeoning
Int: 14 +2 ( 6p.)    Speed:   30'   Spell Res:  --
Wis: 14 +2 ( 6p.)    Init:    +7    Spell Save: --
Cha: 16 +3 ( 10p.)    ACP:     0    Spell Fail: --%

                  Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:       15    10    +0    +0    +3    +0    +2          15
Touch:       13    10                +3    +0                13
Flatfooted:  12    10    +0    +0    --    +0    +2          12

          Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:       0     +0          +0
Ref:        0     +3          +3
Will:       4     +2          +6

       Attack      BAB  Str  Misc  Total
Claw     +0         +0   +0   -      +0 
Damage   1d4   --  20/x2

       Attack      BAB  Str  Misc  Total
Dagger   +0         +0   +0   -      +0 
Damage   1d4   --  20/x2

         Attack      BAB  Dex  Misc  Total
Light Xbow +3         +0   +3   -      +3 
Damage     1d8   --  20/x2

Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Infernal.

Abilities:  Natural Armor +2, 2 Claws (1d4), Immunity to Cold,
DR 5/bludgeoning, Undead traits, familiar, simple weapon proficiencies.

Feats: Improved Initiative (b), Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (concentration)

Skill Points: 27       Max Ranks: 5/2.5

Skill Name:          Ranks  Modifier  Misc/ACP  Total
Appraise                      +2                  +2
Balance                       +3                  +3
Bluff                  5      +3                  +8
Climb                         +0                  +0
Concentration          5      +3         +3      +11
Craft                         +2                  +2
Diplomacy                     +3         +2       +5
Disguise                      +3         +2       +5
Escape Artist                 +3                  +3
Forgery                       +2                  +2
Gather Information            +3                  +3
Heal                          +2                  +2
Hide                          +3                  +3
Intimidate (cc)        0      +3         +2       +5
Jump                          +0                  +0
Knowledge (Arcana)     5      +2                  +7
Listen                        +2                  +2
Move Silently                 +3                  +3
Profession (undertaker) 4     +2                  +6
Ride                          +3                  +3
Search                        +2                  +2
Sense Motive                  +2                  +2
Speak Language (Abyssal) 1
Speak Language (Giant) 1
Speak Language (Infernal) 1
Spellcraft             5      +2         +2       +9
Spot                          +2                  +2
Survival                      +2                  +2
Swim                          +0                  +0
Use Rope                      +3                  +3

Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Dagger                            1
Hat                               0.5
Light Crossbow                    4
10 Bolts                          1
Map Case                          0.5
Ink (2)                           0
Mirror, small steel               0.5
Paper, 50 sheets                  0
Pouch, belt                       0.5

Total Weight: 8lbs

                  Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:       33    66    100  200   500

Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 45 lbs
Eyes: [COLOR=Magenta]Magenta[/COLOR]
Hair: None
Skin: None

Sorceror Spells Known: (5/4 per day, save DC 13 + spell level)
0th (4) -- Save DC 13 -- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic
1st (2) -- Save DC 14 -- Charm Person, Magic Missile
Description: Standing taller than many, Coughin' Joe's skeletal form is immaculately clean, with not a hint of remaining flesh. In fact, it looks almost like the bones have been lightly polished. He even retains most of his teeth. The only sign of damage to the skeleton is three broken ribs on his left side, and a cracked skull behind his left ear, although the latter is difficult to see because of the once black cap that he wears constantly. For some unknown reason, Joe occasionally emits a small cough, even though he has no lungs or throat to get irritated. He has a pouch slung over one shoulder, a scabbard containing a dagger tied to the side of that, and he carries a light crossbow, with a case of bolts slung over his back. Apart from the hat, no clothes adorn his form to better display his cleansed bones. A pair of magenta eyes watch everything around him, holding more than a hint of malice.

Personality: Joe is perterbed at his current situation, although slowly adapting to the idea. Finding his creator dead causes him some inner conflict which he is not sure how to resolve. This results in condascending and sarcastic responses at times because of the frustration, although he can more than turn on the charm when required, with a silky smooth and deceptive voice. As it stands, his malice is constrained for the lack of a real purpose, but the thought of working with his companions to bring ruin to those that caused the death of their creator is starting to bring fresh ideas to his agile mind. Not being as clever or strong as some, Joe prefers to work behind the scenes to achieve his goals - whatever they may be.
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