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Shadowrun 4th ed, YEAR OF THE COMET

Karl Green

First Post
Please repost your characters here. If we have lost YumYum and Hammer we may need a new Face and Decker type, but I want to hold off for now...

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First Post

Race: Elf
Gender: female
Age: 26
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 48kg
Hair: black, waist-long
Eyes: green
Skin: fair

Body: 4
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 1
Charisma: 7
Intuition: 5
Logic: 2
Willpower: 5

Edge: 1
Magic: 5
Essence: 6
Initiative: 8
Initiative Passes: 1
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11

Current Karma: 0
Total Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0

Active Skills:
Spellcasting 6
Counterspelling (Combat Spells) 4(+2)
Summoning 4
Binding 4
Assensing 1
Perception 1
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) 1(+2)

Street Knowledge:
Local Area Knowledge 4

Academic Knowledge:
Magic Theory 4

Professional Knowledge:
Talismongering 4

Club Music 4

English N
Chinese 3
Sperethiel 2

Magician (Shaman)
Mentor Spirit (Raven)
Allergy (Gold; Uncommon, Moderate)
Astral Beacon
Sensitive Neural Structure
Sensitive System

Power Bolt (limited)
Stun Bolt
Combat Sense (limited)
Heal (limited)
Increase Reflexes (limited)
Improved Invisibility
Physical Mask (limited)
Control Thoughts (limited)
Influence (limited)

Armor Jacket 8/6

Clothing (900¥)
Novatech Airware Commlink (3/3)
Iris Orb OS (3/3)
Mapsoft (Seattle Area) 6
Sim Module (200¥)
AR Gloves
Virtual Surround Music
Micro-Transceiver 6
+ Flare Compensation
+ Image Link
+ Thermographic
+ Vision Enhancement 3
+ Vision Magnification
+ Audio Enhancement 3
Stealth Tags (40)
Survival Kit
Medkit 6

Magical Equipment:
Power Focus 2
Sustaining Focus 3
Conjuring Materials 6 (x2)
Magical Lodge 6
Combat Fetish
Detection Fetish
Healing Fetish
Illusion Fetish
Manipulation Fetish

Suzuki Mirage

Credits, Lifestyle & IDs:
3d6 x 50¥
Low Lifestyle (3 months)
Fake SIN 4 (Sabrina Kerrigan; Freelance Magician)
Fake License 4 (Power Focus)
Fake License 4 (Sustaining Focus)
Fake License 4 (Combat Fetish)
Fake License 4 (Manipulation Fetish)
Fake SIN 4 (Lorraine Connor; DJ)

Lung, Talismonger (Connection 2/Loyalty 6)

Aeryn is a beautiful elven woman in her mid-twenties. She is a little below average height (1.68m or 5ft.6in.) with a slender and willowy figure. Her waist-length raven-black hair is worn open, with a few strands braided together into three thin braids, two of which are framing her fine-featured face, while a raven's feather is bound into the third braid running down her back. Her eyes are emerald green, but most of the time they are behind orange-colored sunglasses. Aeryn usually wears black biking leathers, which tightly fit her figure, and a loose-fitting leather jacket on top. She wears two mentionable pieces of jewelry, a silver necklace with an obsidian pendant, shaped like an upside-down cone (Sustaining Focus), and a bracelet with a number of shamanistic symbols engraved in it, representing all aspects of nature (Power Focus). Most of her fetishes, a number of crystals representing the various aspects of nature apart from the raven's feather in her hair, are attached to the inside of her jacket, and there are a number of small pouches on her belt, which contain her other equipment. Aeryn often wears a simple black cap, which has her trodes hidden inside.

Aeryn has been living on the streets of Seattle for quite some time. Her parents had died in a gang shootout when she was still very young, leaving her homeless. Even as a kid her magical talent was already strong and Raven was a constant companion, being a mentor and offering counsel. On one fortunate day, Aeryn met an old chinese Talismonger called Lung. Also awakened, he saw the potential in the young elven girl and offered to give her a place to live in return for some help in his shop. It was her start in a new and better life. Lung gave her a home and teached her many interesting things, he also helped refine her magical abilities. As the years passed, Aeryn's desires increased and she needed more and more money to fulfill them. She had learned quickly, that magicians were in short supply and such talent was quite in demand. Aeryn never had much respect for the law, they were never there when she needed them, and so she didn't really see how she owed them anything. It was only a small step for her to begin a criminal career. Lung never questioned her decisions. For some reason, Aeryn thought this was strange, but she never had the courage to ask him. The old man was so wise and knowledgeable, he surely would have his reasons. After a while, she could afford her own flat, and plenty other things, among them a SIN. A fake one, but still better than nothing. It opened up many doors in the big city. Aeryn began to spend her nights in the various clubs, she really enjoyed her life, her rough childhood fading into the background. But she will never forget Lung, the friendly old chinese, and even today she often visits him in his shop, and even helps him there sometimes.

January – Comet hype begin, with celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the ‘Awakening’ and the return of Halley’s Comet, the media has dubbed this ‘The Year of the Comet’
January thru September –the first ‘leg’ of the “Probe Race’ begins, as the space megacorps compete to be the first to send a probe to the comet. One by one, each falls victim to accidents or outright sabotage.
August – Typhoons hit the Philippines.
September – Halley’s Comet is visible to the naked eye; Mana storms and other magical disturbances increase in frequency and potency around the world; fluctuations and disturbances are noted in Dunkelzahn Rift, and some reported witness say unknown free spirits have been seen leaving through it; Astral space becomes visible to non-awakened within the vicinity of the Wuxing HQ in Hong Kong.
September 4th – the first reported cases of SURGE (Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression) are expressed. Mostly affecting non-awakened Humans, it also strikes Metahumans and animal life around the world. For the first few days, only a few hundred people are affected but as the month goes on, the number increases to thousands worldwide.
September 5th – Ibn Eisa, leader of the Islamic Unity Movement is assassinated
September 9th – Ibn Eisa appears to rise from the dead, and proclaims a New Islamic Jihad.
September 10th – SURGE cases sweep the globe and continue at a regular place
September 12th – Paranoia about SURGE sparks riots, attacks and urban unrest (in Seattle, a number of hospitals treating SURGE victims are attacked by mobs and burned down)
October – backlash against SURGE continues in full swing, with riots and attacks on metahumans.
October 27th – the ‘Rain of Fire’ erupts; Japan is smitten with volcanic eruptions and tidal waves; Most of the Imperial family (including the Emperor) are killed; the Bay Area is trampled by an earthquake; six volcanic eruptions and an earthquake wrecks the Philippines; many other PacRim areas are also devastated.
October 29th – the Japanese Diet orders the withdraw of all Imperial troops from foreign soil to assist with the rebuilding of Japan
November – Halley’s Comet temporarily disappears from view
November 1st – Ancestor spirits begin to warn of “the return of the dead”
November 3rd – General Saito, military commander of Imperial Forces in Free California, refuses the Diet’s withdraw order, staging a military coup in San Francisco backed by loyal troops of the Japanese megacorps. Saito’s troops quickly move into the Central Valley, seizing Sacramento and key sites
November 4th – Ares moves troops into defend Silicon Valley.[/SBLOCK]

Character Generation:
 30 Elf
 30 Body 1+3
 10 Agility 2+1
 20 Reaction 1+2
  0 Strength 1
 40 Charisma 3+4
 40 Intuition 1+4
 10 Logic 1+1
 40 Willpower 1+4
  0 Edge 1
 40 Magic 1+4
 24 Spellcasting 6
 18 Counterspelling (Combat Spells) 4(+2)
 16 Summoning 4
 16 Binding 4
  4 Assensing 1
  4 Perception 1
  6 Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) 1(+2)
  0 Local Area Knowledge 4
  0 Magic Theory 4
  0 Talismongering 4
  0 Club Music 4
  0 English N
  0 Chinese 3
  0 Sperethiel 2
 30 Spells (Power Bolt (limited), Stun Bolt, Combat Sense (limited), Heal (limited), Increase Reflexes (limited), Improved Invisibility, Physical Mask (limited), Control Thoughts (limited), Influence (limited), Levitate)
  5 Bonding Foci (Power Focus 2, Sustaining Focus 3)
 24 Gear (120,000¥)
  8 Contacts (Talismonger 2/6)

Positive Qualities:
 15 Magician (Shaman)
  5 Mentor Spirit (Raven)

Negative Qualities:
 10 Allergy (Gold; Uncommon, Moderate)
  5 Astral Beacon
  5 Sensitive Neural Structure
 15 Sensitive System

Clothing & Armor:
    900¥      Clothing (900¥)
    900¥      Armor Jacket 8/6
  4,000¥      Fake SIN 4 (Sabrina Kerrigan; Freelance Magician)
    400¥      Fake License 4 (Power Focus)
    400¥      Fake License 4 (Sustaining Focus)
    400¥      Fake License 4 (Combat Fetish)
    400¥      Fake License 4 (Manipulation Fetish)
  4,000¥      Fake SIN 4 (Lorraine Connor; DJ)
  6,000¥      Low Lifestyle (3 months)
  1,250¥      Novatech Airware Commlink (3/3)
  1,000¥      Iris Orb OS (3/3)
    200¥      Sim Module (200¥)
    250¥      AR Gloves
     50¥      Trodes
  1,200¥      Micro-Transceiver 6
     25¥      Glasses
     50¥      + Flare Compensation
     25¥      + Image Link
    100¥      + Thermographic
    300¥      + Vision Enhancement 3
    100¥      + Vision Magnification
     10¥      Earbuds
    300¥      + Audio Enhancement 3
     10¥      Stealth Tags (40)
     30¥      Mapsoft (Seattle Area) 6
     50¥      Virtual Surround Music
Survival Gear:
    100¥      Survival Kit
    300¥      Biomonitor
    600¥      Medkit 6
Magical Equipment:
 50,000¥      Power Focus 2
 30,000¥      Sustaining Focus 3
  6,000¥      Conjuring Materials 6 (x2)
  3,000¥      Magical Lodge 6
    200¥      Combat Fetish
     50¥      Detection Fetish
    500¥      Healing Fetish
    100¥      Illusion Fetish
    300¥      Manipulation Fetish
  6,500¥      Suzuki Mirage


"Satchel" Reggie Sampson

Name: "Satchel" Reggie Sampson
Archetype: Street Sam
Metatype: Dwarf(25BP)
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 53kg
Nuyen: 1000¥
Physical CM: 10 Boxes
Stun CM: 10 Boxes
Total Karma:0
Current Karma:0
Total Build Points Used: 400

Balstic Armor: +2 (Dermal Plates (R2)
Impact Armor: +3 (Aluminum Bone Lacing, Dermal Plates (R2)

+2 on Body tests to resist pathogens and toxins


Body:4 (6 for Damage Resistance Tests)
Agility:6 (8)
Reaction:4 (6 with Wired Reflexes)




Initiative: 8 / 10 with Wired Reflexes
Astral Init:0
Matrix Init:0
Init Passes: 1/3 with Wired Reflexes

Close Combat (Group) 1
Unarmed Combat
Outdoors (Group) 2
Athletics (Group) 1
Automatics (SP-FN Har) 5/7
Heavy Weapons (SP-Ares Antioch-2) 3/5
Longarms 2
Pistols (SP-Ares Viper Slivergun) 4/6
Pilot Ground Craft 2
Perception 2
Armorer 2
Demolitions 2
First Aide 1

Corp Courier Routes 3
Lone Star Procedures 3
Corp Security Procedures 3
Safe Houses 3
Firearm Design 2
Gang Territories 2
Local Area Knowledge (Bellevue) 2

English N
Japanese 3

Photographic Memory

Moderate Allergy (Saltwater)
Spirit Bane (Spirit of Water)
Incompetent (Palming)

EQUIPMENT (49BP,245,000¥)
Clothing - Normal 5835
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 500
Helmet (UEJ) 50
Lined Coat 700
Nonconductivity (R6) 1200
Fire Resistance (R6) 600
Armor Jacket 900
Nonconductivity (R6) 1200
Fire Resistance (R6) 600
Helmet (AJ) 100
Commlink - CMT Clip - Redcap Nix 700
Res 1; Sig 3; FW 1; Sys 2
Subvocal Microphone 50
Climbing Gear 200
GPS 200
Flashlight 25
Lightstick 50
Micro Flare Launcher 50
Micro Flares (10) 250
Rappeling Gloves 70
Respirator (R5) 500
Survival Kit 100
Grapple Gun 500
Standard Rope (200M) 100
Stealth Rope (200M) 170
Catalyst Stick 120
Fake SIN #1 (R3) 3000
Fake License(s) #1 (R3) 2400
James Greybeard - Corp Courier
Fake SIN #2 (R3) 3000
Fake License(s) #2 (R3) 2400
Jon Hardell - Bodyguard
Mercury Comet (sedan) 14000
Mods to Car(Smuggling Compartments (R4) 6000
Lifestyle - Middle - 2 months 10000
Biomonitor 300
Medkit (R6) x 4 2400
Antidote Patch (R4) x 2 400
Stimulant Patch (R4) x 2 200
Tranq Patch (R6) x 2 240
Trauma Patch x 2 1000
Maglock (R6) x 2 1200
Extendable Baton 50
Quickdraw Holster 100
Katana 1000
Ares Viper Slivergun x 2 1000
Internal Smartgun (AVS) x 2 1000
Spare Clips (AVS) X 6 30
Ammo (AVS) (240rds) 2400 Ares Viper Sliver Gun - 8 full clips
Hidden Arm Slide (AVS) x 2 700
Ingram Smartgun X 650
Spare Clips (ISX) x 9 45
Ammo (ISX) (1480rds) 2960 Ingram Smartgun X - 10 full clips +30 clip reloads
FN HAR 1000
Gas Vent 3 (FH) 400
Internal Smartgun (FH) 1000
Sound Suppresor (FH) x 2 600
Spare Clips (FH) x 9 45
Ammo (Regular) (FH) (350rds) 700 FN Har - 6 Full Clips, +4 Clip Reloads
Ammo (EX Expolsive Rounds) (FH) (70rds) 700 FN Har - 2 Full Clips
Ammo (Gel Rounds) (FH) (70rds) 210 FN Har - 2 Full Clips
Ares Antioch-2 600
Ariburstlink (AA2) 500
Grenades (AA2) Frag x 20 700
Grenades (AA2) Smoke x 10 300
Grenades (AA2) Thermal Smoke x 10 350
Grenades (AA2) Flash-Bang x 10 300


Name:Extendable Baton
Accessories: Quickdraw Holster


Name:Ares Viper Slivergun x 2
Type:Heavy Pistol
Accessories:Internal Smartgun, Sound Suppressor, Hidden Arm Slide (AVS)


Name:Ingram Smartgun X
Type:Submachine GUn
Accessories:Gas Vent 2, Internal Smartgun, Sound Suppressor, folding stock


Type:Assult Rifle
Accessories:Upgrade Gas Vent 3, Internal Smartgun, Sound Suppresor


Name:Ares Antioch-2
Type:Grenade Launcher
DV:As Grenade
Accessories:Built in Smartgun, Airburst Link


Cybereyes (R4) 1500
Eye Recording Unit 0
Flare Compensation 750
Image Link 0
Low Light Vision 1000
Protective Covers 100
Smartlink 1000
Thermographic Vision 1000
Vision Enhancment (R3) 4500
Vision Magnification 1000

Cyberears (R3) 1000
Audio Enhancment (R2) 3000
Balance Augmenter 5000
Damper 750
Ear Recording Unit 0
Select Sound Filter (R3) 3000
Sound Link 0
Spatial Recognizer 750

Bone Lacing - Aluminum (Alpha) 30000
Dermal Plating (R2) (Alpha) 20000
Muscle Toner (R2) (Bioware) 16000
Wired Reflexes (R2) (Alpha) 64000
Datalock 1000
Encrypt Software (R6) 600
Sleep Regulator 10000
Internal Airtank 650
Fingertip Compartment 750


Model: Mercury Comet
Type: Sedan
Handling: 0
Accel: 15/30
Speed: 110
Pilot: 2
Body: 10
Armor: 6
Sensor: 1
Custom built smuggling compartments (R4)

Mechanic L2 / C2
Fixer L2 / C2

Middle - 2 months

Reggie started his work in the light, if you call working for a corp in the "light" vs the shadows. He started as a courier for a small corp that set him up with his first cyberware, his data jack.
After several successful runs they were able to sethim up with additional equipment, this went on for a year or so until the corp he was working for was bought out. Some how the new owners found out he had been doing a good job and kept him around, even making several additions to his already extensive collection of cyberware to keep him in the game.
As ususal all good things must come to an end, Reggie's did when his last run went south and had to leave several associates behind. This didn't set well with Reggie, especially when he found out he wasn't supposed to have made it out either.
He had a few friends in the corp including a hacker, whose brother had died on Reggie's last run, he was able to erase all known records of Reggie's existence and he disappered into the shadows to work for himself.

Sachtel, a nic given him by his fixer when he found out what his old corp job was is fairly average for a dwarf, with one exception being the plates of dermal plating hes had added during his years working. He stands just over 1 meter tall, has long black hair with a slight wave, and reflective covers over his obvious cybereyes. He does his best to dress for the occasion, always making sure he has the equipment he'll need with him to get a job done.
He lives in a small condo on the east border of Bellevue, just a few miles from the border of the Redmond Barrens.

The two fake SIN's & attached license's cover all restricted items that "Satchel" currently carries.

Currently Carried Equipment (For Meet)
Fake SIN #2 (R3)
Fake License(s) #2 (R3)
Jon Hardell - Bodyguard
Clothing - Normal
Lined Coat
Nonconductivity (R6)
Fire Resistance (R6)
Commlink - CMT Clip - Redcap Nix
Res 1; Sig 3; FW 1; Sys 2
Subvocal Microphone
Respirator (R5)
Medkit (R6)
Tranq Patch (R6)
Trauma Patch
Extendable Baton
Quickdraw Holster
Ares Viper Slivergun x 2
Spare Clips (AVS) X 6
Ammo (AVS) (240rds)
Hidden Arm Slide (AVS) x 2

Equipment in Car
Clothing - Normal - 1 extra change
Armor Jacket
Nonconductivity (R6)
Fire Resistance (R6)
Helmet (AJ)
Climbing Gear
Micro Flare Launcher
Micro Flares (5)
Rappeling Gloves
Survival Kit
Grapple Gun
Standard Rope (200M)
Stealth Rope (200M)
Catalyst Stick
Fake SIN #1 (R3)
Fake License(s) #1 (R3)
James Greybeard - Corp Courier
Medkit (R6) x 1
Antidote Patch (R4) x 1
Stimulant Patch (R4) x 1
Tranq Patch (R6) x 1
Trauma Patch x 1
Maglock (R6) x 1
Ingram Smartgun X
Spare Clips (ISX) x 4
Ammo (ISX) (320rds) in ammo Box
Sound Suppresor (FH) x 1
Spare Clips (FH) x 3
Ammo (Regular) (FH) (350rds)
Ammo (EX Expolsive Rounds) (FH) (70rds) 2 clips
Ammo (Gel Rounds) (FH) (70rds) 2 clips
Ares Antioch-2
Ariburstlink (AA2)
Grenades (AA2) Frag x 10
Grenades (AA2) Smoke x 5
Grenades (AA2) Thermal Smoke x 5
Grenades (AA2) Flash-Bang x 5

So untill Satchel returns to his home, this will be what he has access to.
Last edited:


First Post
Name: Lillian One-Arrow
Street Name: Casper
Meta: Human
Gender: Female

Attributes (200+65BP)

Strength 3
Agility 6
Reaction 5(7)
Body 3
Charisma 3
Intutition 3
Logic 3
Willpower 3

Edge 2
Essence 6
Magic 6

Initiative 10
Passes: 3

Traits (-5)
High Pain Tolerance 2 (10)
Aptitude: Unarmed Combat (10)

SINner: NAN (-5)
Mild Allergy: Silver (-5)
Uneducated (-20)

Skills (120BP)
Archery 4 (18)
- Spec: Crossbows
Infiltration 4 (6) (18)
- Spec: Urban
Unarmed Combat 7 (34)
- Spec: Martial Arts
Perception 4 (18)
- Spec: Vision
Climbing 2 (10)
- Spec: Scaling Buildings
Gymnastics 3 (12)
Survival 1 (6)
- Spec: Forest

NAN Politics 4
Amerindian Myths and Legends 4
Seattle Charitable Organizations 3
Seattle Street Gangs 3
Language: Ute N
Language: English 4

Adept Powers
Improved Reactions 2 (3mp)
Improved Attribute - Agiility 1 (1mp)
Improved Ability - Infiltration 2 (.5mp)
Improved Sense - Scent (.25mp)
Critical Hit +3 (.75mp)
Killing Hands (.5mp)

Equipment (6BP)
Lifestyle: Middle 2250
+1 month prepaid 2250

1 Light Crossbow 300
1 Medium Crossbow 500
39 regular bolts 195
20 injection bolts 1000
-- 20 doses Narcoject 1000

Armor Vest 600
Chameleon Suit 8000
- Thermal Damping 3000
- Chemical Protection 1500
- Nonconductivity 1200

Contacts 225
- Lowlight
- Flare Comp
- Image Link

Glasses 500
- Thermographic
- Vision Enhancement R3
- Vision Magnification

CommLink (MetaLink w/Vector Xim) 650
-- Earbuds
-- Audio Enhancement R3
-- Subvocal Mic

Grapple Gun 500
400m Stealth Rope (in 100m bundles) 340
Catalyst Stick 120
Rappelling GLoves 70
Gecko Tape Gloves 250
Autopicker R6 1200

2 Trauma patches 1000
1 Antidote patches R3 150
2 Stim patch R4 200

Fake SIN R3 (Main) 3000

Contacts (12BP)
Fixer (Connection 3, Loyalty 5)
Fence (Connection 3, Loyalty 1)

Voidrunner's Codex

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