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Zad/WizarDru's Shackled City Story Hour


First Post
I guess I'll start.

Astrid Grace MacKenzie of the BearKiller Clan
Fighter 2
HP: 21
Str: 16 / Dex: 12 / Con: 14 / Int: 14 / Wis: 10 / Cha: 8
AC: 15 (Chain Shirt +4, Dex +1)
Init: +1
Saves: Ref +1 / Fort +5 / Will +2 (+4 vs. sleep/charm)
Feats: Weapon Focus (Halberd), Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +4, Disguise +11, Handle Animal +0, Intimidate +5, Jump +2, Ride +2, Swim +2
Languages: Common, Giant, Terran
Combat: Halberd +6 (1d10+4)

Racial abilities:
Shapechanger subtype
+2 vs sleep/charm
+2 Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive
Speak Language Class Skill
Minor Shape Change (Su) +10 disguise checks

Astrid won't casually give away her true identity as a changeling, but will do it if she feels the need to do so. She's generally in her Astrid persona, but may switch personas as the fancy strikes her.

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First Post

Elizabeth Cartwright
Psychic Warrior 2
HP: 19
Str: 16 / Dex: 12 / Con: 14 / Int: 10 / Wis: 14 / Cha: 8
AC: 15 (Chain Shirt +4, Dex +1)
Init: +1
Saves: Ref +1 / Fort +5 / Will +4
Feats: Weapon Focus (Falchion), Psionic Weapon, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Autohypnosis +7, Concentration +7, Craft (armor) +5
Languages: Common
Combat: Falchion +5 (2d4+4)

Power points: 3
Powers: Force screen, Defensive Precognition

Elizabeth was a farm girl from Keoland who wanted off the farm. She ran off with a group of passing mercenaries as a camp girl, but was instructed by a company mage who sensed she had the potential for more. (Elizabeth at the time could not distinguish between a mage and a psionic, and is slowly starting to realize that what she thought were some meditative combat techniques were only the beginning.)

Argent Silvermage

First Post

Diamondshard Glyphandar
Artificer 2
HP: 12
STR: 12/ Dex: 12/ Con: 12/ Int: 14/ Wis: 12/ Cha: 14
AC: 14 (+2 leather armor, +1 Light shield, +1 Dex.)
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1, Search +3, Knowledge Arcana +6, Disable Device +5, Use Magic Device +11, Spellcraft +7, Knowledge Engineering +7, Craft: Alchemy +8, Craft: sculpting +4, Craft: Gem Cutting +4, Craft: pottery +4, Craft: Metalworking +4, Handle Animal (cc) +4.
Languages: Common, Illumian, Gnome and Draconic
Combat: Walking stick (As Club) +2 (1d6+1)
Racial Attributes:
• Medium size.
• An Illumian’s base land speed is 30 feet.
• Luminous Sigils:
• Glyphic Resonance:
• Power Sigil: Vaul: +1 to all Charisma checks and Cha skill checks.
• Power Sigil: Naen +1 to all Intelligence checks and Int Skill checks
• Final Utterance
• +2 racial bonus to saves vs. Shadow magic.
• Superior Literacy

Glyf lost his father to an assassin and his siblings to the events of Shatterday.
He has an overwhelming need to fix things.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Glyphandar Level 5

Final Seed! Illumian, 5th-Level Artificer
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 5d6+5 (25 hp) [0]
Initiative: +1
Speed: Base speed 30 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+5 Mithril chain, +1 Light shield, +1 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+4
Attack: Club (walking stick) +4 melee (1d6+1/20/x2) or Lt crossbow +4 ranged (1d8/19-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Illumian traits
Special Qualities: Final Utterance, Power Sigils (Vaul and Naen), Glyphic Resonance
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5*
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Encumbrance: Light: 43, Medium: 86, Heavy: 130. Current: 30
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1, Search +7, Knowledge Arcana +9, Knowledge Planes +6, Disable Device +10, Use Magic Device +16, Spellcraft +9, Knowledge Engineering +13, Craft: Alchemy +11, Craft: Sculpting +7, Craft: Gem Cutting +6, Craft: Pottery +6, Craft: Metalworking +7, Handle Animal (cc) +6.
Class Traits: Artificer Knowledge +7, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Brew Potions, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Homunculus, Legendary Artisan, Retain Essence, and Scribe Scroll.
Languages: Common, Illumian, Gnome, Infernal, and Draconic.
Feats: Skill Focus UMD, Enhanced Power Sigils.
Infusions per day: 1st: 4, 2nd: 3 3rd: 1
Craft Reserve: 100 (Used: 100)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Experience: 10,280 (12/2/06) (Used Artificing -44)
Illumian Traits (Ex): Illumians possess the following racial traits.
• Medium size.
• An Illumian’s base land speed is 30 feet.
• Luminous Sigils – glowing, insubstantial sigils float around an Illumian’s head, giving off light as bright as a candle. May be suppressed as a Standard Action and restored as a Free Action. Gains one Sigil at 1st level and another at 2nd. A power is gained from each (see page 38), and the two form a ‘word’ which grants additional abilities.
• Glyphic Resonance – if the Illumian comes in contact with a Glyph, Rune, Sigil, or Symbol –and– his/her character level is greater than or equal the spell’s caster level, he/she is immune. If the character level is less, then the Illumian receives a –4 Racial penalty on any saving throw.
• Final Utterance – when an Illumian dies, “words” trapped in his/her body are released for 1 round per HD. Although often gibberish, sometimes the words are curses and/or prophetic.
• +2 Racial bonus on saves vs. spells with the ‘shadow’ descriptor.
• Superior Literacy – always Literate and Speak Language is always an in-class skill.
• Not restricted in returning to Paladin and/or Monk after cross-classing.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Homunclus 1 GRINDER

Small Construct (Iron Defender)
Hit Dice: 2d10+10 (30 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Base speed 50 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size +1 Dex, +4 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-1
Attack: Bite +5, 1d6+3
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct traits, 60’ Darkvision, Low-light vision.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0*
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 7
Encumbrance: Light: , Medium: , Heavy: 0. Current:
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2, Move Silent +3
Languages: Understands Common, Illumian, Gnome and Draconic.
Feats: Weapon focus Bite
Grinder looks like a small darkwood and metal Tiger with glowing blue eyes. He has the symbol of the Blue Tyger Legion on his forehead. He is painted blue with indigo stripes.

Construct Traits (Ex): Homunculi possess the following racial traits.

Proficient with its natural weapons only.
• Proficient with no armor.
• Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
• No Constitution score.
• Low-light vision.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning,
disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
• Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can be repaired by exposing them to a certain kind of effect
(See the creature’s description for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat). A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
• Immunity to any effect that requires Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
• Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
• Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
• Because its body is a mass of unliving matter, a construct is hard to destroy. It gains bonus hit points based on size, as shown on the following table.
• Construct Size Bonus Hit Points: 10 (Small)

Craft Metalwork (dc 14)
Spells: Arcane Eye, Keen Edge, Mirror Image, Mending (Must be at least 4th level caster).
Material costs: 1,250 base + 2,000/extra hit die
Exp costs: 93 (70)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Homunclus 2 VALET

Small Construct (Packmate)

Hit Dice: 2d10+13 (43 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: Base speed 30ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size + 4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+0
Attack: Slam +5 (1d3+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Throw Flask
Special Qualities: Construct traits, Darkvision 60’, Feed Potion, Hold Item, Low-light vision, Ready Item.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1*
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 11, Con -, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Encumberance: Light: 76, Medium: 153, Heavy: 230. Current:
Skills: Climb +6, Swim +5
Languages: Common, Illumian, Gnome and Draconic.
Feats: Toughness
Appearance: Valet looks like a small chest on clawed feet made of Darkwood and metal. Two arms extend from the sides of the chest and have full dexterity and access to all areas of the inside of the chest unit. Glyphandar’s personal sigil and the Blue Tyger Legions symbol are on the top and sides of the chest.

Packmate special abilities:
• Each compartment is protected by a 3rd level Arcane Lock.
• It can throw alchemical weapons.
• It can feed potions to fallen creatures. (pre-programed to feed Glyf a Cure Moderate Potion should he fall)
• Ready items: The Packmate can retrieve items for Glyf as a swift action as long as they are ajascent.

Construct Traits (Ex): Homunculi possess the following racial traits.
• Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally
humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any
weapon mentioned in its entry.
• Proficient with no armor.
• Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
• No Constitution score.
• Low-light vision.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning,
disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
• Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can be
repaired by exposing them to a certain kind of effect
(see the creature’s description for details) or through the
use of the Craft Construct feat. A construct with the fast
healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability
damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy
• Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save
(unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
• Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately
destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
• Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or
• Because its body is a mass of unliving matter, a
construct is hard to destroy. It gains bonus hit points
based on size, as shown on the following table. (+10 small)

Craft Pottery (dc 14)
Spells: Arcane Eye, Fabricate.
Material costs: 2,100 base + 2,000/extra hit die
Exp costs: 93 (70)

Items carried coming soon.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
ECL: 8 Illumian, 7th-Level Artificer/ 1st Level Alchemist Savant
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 7d6+7+1d4+1 (39 hp) [-0]
Initiative: +1
Speed: Base speed 30 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+5 Mithril chain, +3 heavy darkwood shield, +1 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +5, +6
Attack: MW Club +7 melee (1d6+2/20/x2) or MW Light Crossbow +7 ranged (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Illumian traits
Special Qualities: Final Utterance, Power Sigils (Vaul and Naen), Glyphic Resonance
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7*
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Encumbrance: Light: 43, Medium: 86, Heavy: 130. Current: 21
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +1, Search +6, Knowledge Arcana +9, Knowledge Planes +9, Disable Device +10, Use Magic Device +19, Spellcraft +10, Knowledge Engineering +14, Craft: Alchemy +14, Craft: Sculpting +7, Craft: Gem Cutting +6, Craft: Pottery +6, Craft: Metalworking +7, Handle Animal (cc) +7, Ride (cc) +2, Concentration +2.
UMD Breakdown: Scrolls +23, Wands, Arms and Armor, Wondrous +21, all else +19
Class Traits: Artificer Knowledge +10, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Brew Potions, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Homunculus, Craft Wand, Legendary Artisan, Retain Essence, Metamagic Spell Trigger, Scribe Scroll, Efficient Alchemy, and Poison Use.
Languages: Common, Illumian, Gnome, Infernal, Abyssal, Githyanki and Draconic.
Feats: Skill Focus UMD, Improved Homunculus, Enhanced Power Sigils.
Infusions per day: 1st: 4, 2nd: 4, 3rd: 3, 4th: 1
Craft Reserve: 250 (Used: 0) given a 100 point bonus at 7th level.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Experience: 28,000 (3/30/07) (Used Artificing 726)

Illumian Traits (Ex): Illumians possess the following racial traits.
• Medium size.
• An Illumian’s base land speed is 30 feet.
• Luminous Sigils – glowing, insubstantial sigils float around an Illumian’s head, giving off light as bright as a candle. May be suppressed as a Standard Action and restored as a Free Action. Gains one Sigil at 1st level and another at 2nd. A power is gained from each (see page 38), and the two form a ‘word’ which grants additional abilities.
• Glyphic Resonance – if the Illumian comes in contact with a Glyph, Rune, Sigil, or Symbol –and– his/her character level is greater than or equal the spell’s caster level, he/she is immune. If the character level is less, then the Illumian receives a –4 Racial penalty on any saving throw.
• Final Utterance – when an Illumian dies, “words” trapped in his/her body are released for 1 round per HD. Although often gibberish, sometimes the words are curses and/or prophetic.
• +2 Racial bonus on saves vs. spells with the ‘shadow’ descriptor.
• Superior Literacy – always Literate and Speak Language is always an in-class skill.
• Not restricted in returning to Paladin and/or Monk after cross-classing.

Equipment: [1,662g 10s to spend]
• +1 Mithril Chain Shirt [/10]
• +1 Large shield [/4]
• +1 Walking Stick/Club [0g/2]
• +1 Light Crossbow [0g/2]
• Bolt case with 10 bolts [0g/1]
• Explorer’s outfit
• Insignia ring
• Star of valor
• Flaming crest
• 9 doses of black adder venom
• Handy Haversack [2w]
1. MW Thief’s tools [2w]
2. Sunrods (2) [2w]
3. Alchemist’s fire (3) [3w]
4. I days rations [2w]

List of scrolls (Artificer 3rd level Caster)
1) Armor enhancement lesser
1) Weapon enhancement, Personal
2) Magic Vestment x2
3) Magic Weapon x2
4) Magic stone x2
5) (Non-Artificer 3rd level) Remove curse x3

Scrolls Non-Artificer (1st level spells 4th level caster)
1) Entangle (1)
2) Faerie Fire (2)
3) Hide from Animals (1)

Insignia Scrolls (All at 6th level caster)
1) Insignia of Alarm 2
2) Insignia of Warding 1
3) Insignia of Healing 1
4) Insignia of Blessing 1

1) Iron Defender (Grinder) Upgraded to 5 Hit Dice
2) Packmate (Valet)
3) Dedicated Wright (Forge) [kept at home working]

Noted Personalities:
Diamondshard Dilao - Justicar for the cabal
Diamondshard Gallion – Glyph’s father
Vortimax Weir – Friend of father/ Alchemist.

Items used for Retain Essence: (TOTAL: +321)
• Wand of Burning Hands (23 charges) <13 xp>
• Wand of 1st level spell (50 charges) <28 xp>
• Clear Spindle Ioun stone <160 xp>
• Wand of Burning Hands (50 charges) <28 xp>
• Bag of Tricks (grey) <120 xp>
• Even exchange of XP for Astrid’s new armor.

Diamondshard Labs:
You manage to locate a space on Bituminous Road, just downward of Lava Avenue, literally in the Shadow of the Blue Crater Academy.
This is Glyf’s home and workshop.
He will need to staff it.

3 story home.
House bought from the Azlaxans 10,000gp Total price. 1,000gp spent on it so far.

Part of the deal for the home was to make a magic weapon for Zach Azlaxan JR. Made a +1 Shocking rapier. I advised him I’ll add Thundering to it when I am able.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Small Construct (Iron Defender) Improved Homunculus
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (38 hp) -0
Initiative: +2
Speed: Base speed 50 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size +2 Dex, +6 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-2
Attack: Bite +6, 1d6+3+1d6 Sonic.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct traits, 60’ Darkvision, and Low-light vision.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0*
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 7
Encumbrance: Light: 58, Medium: 116, Heavy: 175, Drag: 875.
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2, Move Silent +3, Hide +7
Languages: Understands all that Glyphandar knows.
Feats: Weapon focus Bite, Dodge.
Upgrades: Weapon Ability: Bite is Sonic

Grinder looks like a small Darkwood and metal Tiger with glowing blue eyes. He has the symbol of the Blue Tyger Legion on his forehead. He is painted blue with indigo stripes. His teeth buzz when he opens his maw.

Construct Traits (Ex): Homunculi possess the following racial traits.

• Proficient with its natural weapons only.
• Proficient with no armor.
• Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
• No Constitution score.
• Low-light vision.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
• Cannot heal damage on its own, A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
• Immunity to any effect that requires Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
• Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
• Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
• Because its body is a mass of unliving matter, a construct is hard to destroy. It gains bonus hit points based on size, as shown on the following table.
• Construct Size Bonus Hit Points: +10.


First Post
Elizabeth Cartwright
Psychic Warrior 10
HP: 80
Str: 20 / Dex: 12 / Con: 14 / Int: 10 / Wis: 14 / Cha: 8
AC: 24 (Mithril full plate +2, Dex +1, Ring of protection +2, Amulet of natural armor +1)
Init: +1
Saves: Ref +6 / Fort +11 / Will +11
Feats: Weapon Focus (Falchion), Psionic Weapon, Psicrystal affinity, Power Attack, Psicrystal containment, Cleave, Psionic meditation, Greater psionic weapon, Iron Will
Skills: Autohypnosis +15, Concentration +15, Craft (armor) +13
Languages: Common
Combat: +1 deep crystal falchion +14/+9 (2d4+7)

Power points: 37
Powers: Force screen, Defensive Precognition, Thicken Skin, Body Adjustment, Concealing Amorpha, Darkvision, Empathic Transfer (Hostile), Ectoplasmic form, Evade burst, Energy Adaptation

Equipment: +1 Deep Crystal Falchion, +2 mithril full plate boots of striding and springing, gauntlets of ogre power, cloak of resistance +2, assorted potions.

Elizabeth was a farm girl from Keoland who wanted off the farm. She ran off with a group of passing mercenaries as a camp girl, but was instructed by a company mage who sensed she had the potential for more. (Elizabeth at the time could not distinguish between a mage and a psionic, and is slowly starting to realize that what she thought were some meditative combat techniques were only the beginning.)

Elizabeth has created a psicrystal (resolved) which has a very active personality and frequently involves itself in conversations between Elizabeth and Astrid.

(Note: The psicrystal was concealed from the initial stat block. I lied for the sake of suspense. But by now I think anyone who cared has figured it out.)

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