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[Planescape] Coils Within Coils

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
OOC: Everyone. [sblock]Speech goes in color, dice rolls get sblocked and OOC questions go to the thread on the OOC forum, thoughts go in Italics. I'll be handling you guys individually or in small groups untill your characters meet up (hopefully soon).[/sblock]

Magnus, Sigils Market Ward, the Fat Candle

The mirror is silver and jade, gold and electrum, tendon and bone. On its six separate surfaces are the etched forms of serpents, jaws snapped back against their spine. The snakes mouths wedged open to the viewer as if awaiting gods own mana to drop from the skies. The rest of the terrace room of The Fat Candle radiates from the massive twelve foot by three foot mirror like a demonic symphony arranged around its conductor.

A four-post bed, barely touched since the room’s occupant appeared, lies just opposite the mirror. On left from the mirror are a small armory and training equipment the quality of which would make a Doomguard salivate, and left from there an exit into the common room and lounge of the Market Ward tavern. Drifting up from the ajar door are the hushed tones and quiet hisses of people making business better left to make in the dark. On the mirrors right and just opposite the doorway a large but hazy window displays (as usual) the thick smoke and smog unique to Sigils skyline. To the right of the window and filling out the remainder of the room is what could be mistaken as a sandbox, but is actually filled with "heavy" dust from Mithardir, ideal in the creation of floor mosaics, or of more use to the room’s current guest, binding seals.

A tiefling boy, padding his cloven-feet as gently as possible in the at best twilight main chamber of the inn taps sharply against the oak door to the room. The whelp palms a sealed vellum scroll between his hands, darting quick looks behind him as he waits for Magnus of Sigil to receive the message. Outside the tavern it's a little passed anti-peak, there's only a few sods that’d have the audacity to rustle Magnus of Sigil at such an hour. Magnus knows who the message is from before he even views the tiefer boy holding the vellum case high above his curly haired, goat horned head. Knowing Shemeska (and who could truly say to know an arcanaloth?), either this message is of immediate importance, or the fiend has taken to delight in small sadisms against her employees.

[sblock]OOC: Since you decided to go with Shemeska, I'll go ahead and post up what she's rewarded you with so far. The dust-box is more of a study tool, capable of holding the sign markings well enough that a binder doesn't need chalk or chisel to mark his seal for binding. The mirror is a Glass of Syfal, created by a power that sponsors Binders the glass grants knowledge of the vestiges Karsus, Dahlver-Nar, Ronove, Naberius, and Focalor. Routine study can yield to the binder the knowledge required to bind any of these vestiges when he has attained the proper level, special requirement, and etc. Apparently more in-depth study could grant studier leverage when binding one of the listed vestiges or even new vestige abilities, but put the binders mind in danger as he or she opens themselves to alien intellects. The armory contains various metal armor pieces and adventurer’s tools. Of special significance are a Baatorian Greensteel Jovar, three kooth's, various bronze and stonework weapons that are deceptively well crafted for their inferior raw material, and a couple shoddy crafted long swords made from Morghuth-Iron.[/sblock]

Aki and Saelya, the Prime Material

Any blood or graybeard who can with integrity call themselves such know that there are three kinds of Primes. The Clueless worlds, the worlds in the know and in the thick of it tugging at the planes with the skillful precision of a buleza attempting a genuine Celestial Bureaucracy Tea serving ceremony, and other primes too dangerous to visit on a lark and of too little worth to find out why. Saelya and Aki of the Fated and the Free League (respectively) had, along with the rest of the Primewalker search party, have the luck of finding a world which was none of these. Prophayats, an only slightly less then noteworthy world of desserts and oasis' that opened up a portal to the Cage during the Tempest of Doors, had stopped receiving and sending caravans three days ago, and both the Planar Trade Consortium and Guardians would pay dearly for information on why the silk flow had stopped.

Two full weeks of through searching had marked your entrance from the portal to be within a small but opulent abandoned village built on the outskirts of a jungle that could be no more then a couple hundred kilometers wide. After the trading village the desert spreads out as far as the eye can see. Your point of origin is in what the Primewalker erudites have discovered is Prophayats most deceptive city, the outside structure being little more then a lookout point for the underground complex that can be reached from multiple places through the world by a chain connection of portals. Both the underground and smaller aboveground features of the city are constructed of finely cut black marble and granite. Spires which rise as much as eighty feet above the courtyard (and sink an equal distance beneath the sand) are seeming carved from singular pieces of volcanic basalt and crowned with pointed domes of gold. As visually impressive as the city is the voyage has been mostly a failure, after multiple forays into the city proper you're no closer to discovering what's cut off trade to Sigil in the region. After two week on the job most of the sods from the guild are getting restless and bored as their search turns up much in the way of material goods (there's more then enough silk here to satisfy Estevan's goon Grushusk) but nothing from its criticizes. The lack of contact and inability to take real action against whatever will, malevolent or natural, worked against Prophayats' inhabitants is taking its toll on the psyche of the guild and its hirelings.

It is then almost with a certain amount of relief that an alarm is heard to rise throughout the Primewalker encampment. The sound, only a decibel less jarring then the screeching keen of a howler, warns the expedition to seek shelter from whatever danger is speeding it's way too them. Only a moment ago it was midnight on Prophayats, but the desert horizon has now lightened on its Western side. As your companions and fellow mercenaries scramble to find shelter you can feel a chill dance along your spine from just looking at the encroaching false dawn. There's little doubt in your mind as to the danger of the incoming light as the alarm trails off and you hear a sinister buzz coming from the newly illuminated air. Behind your gaping stare the towers of basalt and structures of black marble begin to shine with a reflected yellow light.

OOC: Behind Aki and Saelya are the spires, underground complexes, and tents from the guild you've agreed to temporarily work for. The portal back to sigil is on the other end of the village, two kilometers due east and whose key is a knuckle bone, and sand that's been spit into three times. Your best estimates put the approaching light breaking on the city within the space of minuets.[/sblock]

Halidon and Ronthias, somewhere between the Hinterlands and the Sixth Circle of the Spire

A runner, bedecked in brown and olive green camouflage hide armor approaches your meditation grounds. You recognize the cylinder chest and buggered eyes of the Chaond immediately, but the small silver bell attached to the runners beret gives you reason enough not to doubt the humanoids intentions, wearing as he is the symbol of Autochons guild of messengers. He bows once to Ronthias and Halidon before delivering a scroll into the Zenythri's hands. Without waiting to hear reply the messenger begins climbing back down the plateau. The scroll case is marked with a half risen sun and crescent moon, the symbols of the Transcendent Order. The writing inside the scroll looks at first glance like only so many scribbles and lines.

Using a technique known only to factols of the Ciphers, you may force yourself _Not_ to concentrate on the words, allowing the present state of the writer to be shown through the marks and sifting the message through like gold from a rivers bottom. Just before teasing the meaning from the message you allow yourself time to mark the skyline. A red glow ascends from what could be called the Outlands East, painting the realms, mountains, and oceans of the Midlands a deep scarlet. In the space between thoughts, in a distance infinitely far but intimate, a heartbeat sounds. Once clear of thought the message reads in a flowing calligraphy:

         my old friend and tutor, it has been too long and it pains me to cross that gulf with only troubles and grief. 
Your presence and that of your pupil is required immediately within The Great Gymnasium.  		

					-In hope that our steps tread the dance, 

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"Hrumph." Ronthias quickly glances over the scroll before snapping the case shut and glaring at Halidon. "Students, both old and new, are nothing but a constant source of trouble for their master!"

Ronthias suddenly darts forward and flings the scroll case at Halidon, who reflexively grabs it out of the air at the last moment. "Good." Rointhias admits grudgingly. "You are reaching a greater state of awareness, young one, albiet slowly. Perhaps there is some hope for you after all."

The Master turns away suddenly and begins packing up the duo's meager camp. "This is not chance, Halidon. Remember always that there is no such thing as randomness. This is the sign that your next phase of training must begin."

"First of all, though, a lesson in the techniques of the Transcendent Order. This scroll has been specially prepared using ancient Transcendent methods. Can you, student, uncover the message there, seemingly hidden in randomness?"

Ronthias smiles as Halidon takes up the scroll and sits on the ground, preparing to study it. "No! Your mind must be ready to work as well when you are in motion as it does when you are at rest. Distractions mean nothing to the transcendent mind. Take up the scroll and walk with me, now!" The Master swings his small bag of possessions over his shoulder and begins walking away, setting a quick pace for Halidon to follow.


First Post
Halidon, long since learning that speaking to Master at such times tends to be fruitless simply gathers up his meager belongings and follows.

Always a fast study, Halidon, allowing the distraction of the physical labor of keeping up with Master Ronthias to clear his mind, glances down at the message, and in a moment of complete clarity understands the message.

"Master, who is this Rhys?"


"Ah. That scroll presented no challenge to you, I see." Ronthias pauses for a moment to look back at Halidon. "Hmm...well done."

As Ronthias begins walking again, he looks back over his shoulder at Halidon. "Rhys is one of my earliest pupils, and one of the very, very few tieflings I ever agreed to teach. Ah, but it turned out she had little need of my training. Even at a young age, she was greatly in tune with the Cadence of the Planes. She quickly moved beyond what I could teach her." Ronthias chuckles. "Much like another young pupil I might name..." he mutters.

Speaking aloud once more, Ronthias says, "Rhys is a true Master of the Spirit. Her power, her understanding of the universe, is greater, by far, than mine. I look forward to meeting her once again."


Magnus' grasp falls upon the vellum case, his powerful hands whisking it from the tiefer's little paws. "Run along." The clink of a coin being flicked into the air is all that is needed for the tiefer to snatch it out.

The door closes with a resounding silence in its wake. Running his fingers over the edges of the vellum scroll, he cracks the seal and unrolls it. What sort of game does Shemeska want me to play, play with me, now? Games... His golden eyes drift over to the mirror, before returning to the vellum page to examine its contents.
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First Post
"Ah, bugger all and be done with it!" Aki curses, darting for the nearest cover while keeping an eye out to make sure Saelya is doing the same. ""You don't happen to know what in the Nine Hells that is, do you?"

Dog Moon

Saelya stares at the abruplty changing scenery. She hesitates, torn between wanting to see what this is, confident that she should be able to handle this and wanting to flee. Considering her skills, she realizes that a direct confrontration is probably not the best thing, and turns to follow the others, hoping to find a place of shelter where she can also get a decent view of what is approaching.

"I'm Clueless," she says to Aki's question.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Ronthias & Halidon, The Mountains of Midgard

Between the endless stretchess of the flat Hinterlands on one end and the Spire to the other is a land or rock terraces, jutting cliff faces and nearly barren steppes. Luckily for those with the resources it doesn't take too long to get out of the rocky expanse. Aside from wilderness and the odd jungle here or there the mountains are dotted with Cipher monestaries and connections both to Yggdrasil and Olympus. Any of these routes could lead a Berk back to Sigil in the space of a few portal jumps.

Magnus, Clerks Ward, The Fat Candle

The writing on this page is thin and precise, you can recognize the penmanship as one of Shemeska's grooming routine. The blue of the ink matches the yugoloths own cloak of beads.

Magnus my pet,

I'm having company for dinner in my private room
in the Fortunes Wheel. Consider this your formal
invitation with no need to RSVP as your place has forth-with already
been set. And if you would be so kind, please keep your knives placed
ever so gently within the hangars of the residence I am renting to you, you
wouldn't want to steal the hostess joy of hanging and goring the pig for her guests
herself, now would you? I am sure intimacy of our previous business engagements
loosens me from the burden of requiring your timely appearence at this present

~Hugs and kissies as always to your Bralmish parents,

King of the Crosstrade
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Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Aki and Saelya

The buzzing within the yellow light only increases in volume as it comes closer to the city. After the initial shock of the brightness wears off you begin to see the landscape at the far end of the curtain of light waver and begin to fade like fog at the edge of your vision. This trend continues as the light grows closer, as unlikely a harbinger of death as there ever was. Just as the luminance hits the stone foundations of the city and you're sure your fates are sealed, the light halts, stoped as less then an inch the citys cobblestones like a the edge of a window pane will block and then display a beam of sunlight. Beyond the barrier the sand lifts and swirls into the air as the ground beneath it melts away as it grows closer to the light, eventually stopping where the harsh yellow light quit. Luckily the portal back home is still safe on the other side of the encampent.

Your fellow members of the expidition begin to stand or crawl away from the cover, moving slowly to the billowing wall of light and salt that stands before them and seems to rise into the very atmosphere of Prophayats. The alarm now silent, a thin sandy haired man in the red and gold robes of the Planes Militant moves into the middle of the courtyard and tallys off names, making sure all mercenaries are accounted for.


First Post

"I donno about you, luv," Aki says as he extricates himself from the cover, scratching at his armour where some sand snuck in during the commotion, "but I'm not looking to get to close to that thing if I can help it."

Voidrunner's Codex

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