Vampires of Waterdeep (IC)


First Post
Hired by Corinna Lathankin to stakeout the Grinning Lion and watch over the activities of a reputed drug dealer Lord Orlpar, you make your way to the lively tavern awaiting the arrival of Lord Orlpar.


Male and female dancers in fantastically styled mock armour sway and pirouette among the tables to the loud music. Well-dressed nobles and simpering servants crowd the tavern, carefully eyed by watchful bouncers positioned at the edge of the crowd.

Broken weapons and armour adorn the walls. Across the room, waiters are delivering steaming plates of fried onions and eels, along with large pitches of wine and zzar.


Feel free to describe your characters appearance and your entrance to the Inn and let me know what preperations if any you have made, including spells currently active upon yourself.

Also Corinna has advised you that Lord Orlpar spends most of his nights at the Grinning Lion 'chatting' with the wealthily young scions of Waterdeep, he usually makes an entrance sometime between 9:00 PM and midnight.[/sblock]

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First Post
Vaidun pushes his way into the inn, his fine dress fitting in well with the high society crowd that frequents the Grinning Lion. Obviously no stranger to the crowded taverns of Waterdeep, the wizard's keen eyes lock on one of the few empty tables, which he immediately makes his way toward.

Sliding his slim form into one of the empty chairs, he signals one of the waiters. "Zzar, please!" he calls out over the din, his voice surprisingly forceful for the wizardly type.

The dark skinned man then flashes a wide, perfectly white smile and leans back in the chair. He tosses his long braid of raven-black hair over one shoulder, and turns his onyx eyes survey the room and its occupants.

OOC: False Life and Greater Mage Armor in effect.
Also, I just realized I have one more feat to choose for Vaidun and I have to add his familiar. Also, I am in the process of putting together expensive material components. Will be done tonight.


A little past eight in the evening, Kenneth enters the Grinning Lion, his armor polished to a high shine in his best attempt to blend in with the high society. He looks his knightly best, but his symbol of Lathander is hidden away beneath his clothing. No sense in giving away too much, even if people might recognize him regardless.

He works his way through the crowd and finds himself a spot in a corner where he can attempt to keep an eye on other exits. He places his back to the main doors, trusting in his friends to arrive and keep watch as planned.

He orders a platter of the eels and some light wine.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Evendur had figured, once he had learned the shape of the party's quest, that clanking around in adamantine full plate was far from subtle. Not that it ever was subtle, but for this particular job... well you just don't go advertising your presence more than necessary. He spared himself the time to get a plain suit of leather armor, something that would raise less eyebrows in the tavern. He also took the precaution of wrapping his sun blade's hilt in leather strips to cover up the extravagent gems and goldwork, also obtaining a plain sheath to complete the picture. Only the very wealthy and powerful carried weapons like that casually, and it was wise not to tip his hand to Lord Orlpar right away.

Dressed in casual traveling clothes and leather armor, bearing a well-made sword with a plain sheath and a leather-wrapped hit, Evendur looked moderately prosperous, but not ostentatious. He wore good jewelry, mostly silver with jade and moonstone, tasteful and refined, and not too much. His symbol of Helm also was left in a secure place, as not to alarm any of the shadier types.

Thusly armored in a much different way than normal, Evendur called for a bottle of zzar as he sat at the table near the entrace with Vaidun. His feet up on a chair, he was having a lively conversation with the wizard about the roads, traveling conditions, tolls, guards in general, and that stupid cloth merchant a few blocks over. "He wanted gold, gold for that motheaten Featherdale wool. 'In prime condition this sells for five gold a yard, you're getting a bargin!' Bah! A bargin in which my winter clothes no more keep the cold out than an open festhall door keeps out revelers! Absolute idiot, he just kept trying to convince to me to buy something and it was all I could do to keep from wrapping him up in his own wares and dropping him off the pier!" Evendur was saying, sipping the zzar appreciatively, even as he ranted and gestured wildly.


First Post
"Ha, ha," laughs Vaidun at Evendur's story. "If you think that merchant is bad, try running your own shop some time. You should hear some of the customers I get. Telling me that I haven't had wine until I've tasted their "Uncle Sam's Currant Elixer" or "Grandma May's Honey Mead." This and that. Ha! It seems everyone is a connoisseur these days. I might as well move my shop to the dock ward!" The mage's hands move animatedly as he speaks, though not as frantically as his companions.


First Post
Like a wind-carried strand of spider's web, Salo floats onto the roof of a residence next to the Grinning Lion. He finds a nice comfortable shadow with a nice view of both entrances to the inn and settles down. As his invisibility wears off, his stylish black leather outfit keeps him well blended with shadow.

Salo watches as the rest of his friends enter the inn. A frown of disappointment forms upon his face, "Geeze, I hope they don't get drunk without me."

Salo uses his ring of invisibility and winged boots to get onto the roof. He goes on full alert.

Possible checks needed:
Move Silently: +25 + 10 = 35 (final check value. take 10 via skill mastery)
Hide: +19
Spot: +15
Listen: +7 (wow, not as high as I thought)
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First Post
After ensconcing yourselves throughout the tavern you all settle in for the night, hoping that Lord Orlpar will make an appearance.

Throughout the night a broad spectrum of patrons come and go, at the table closest to the hearth sits a small group of young nobles who appear to be engaged in various games of chance as well as telling boisterous stories about their 'adventures' and bravery.

At a small table in the corner sits a gaunt looking woman who has weathered skin, sunken eyes and limp brown hair, and who wears a tattered brown frock and a smile that's almost a grimace, occasionally she lets forth a girlish giggle to draws many a raised eyebrow from the other patrons.

Overseeing the serving wenches and the exotically clad dancers is the taverns proprietor, Unger Farshal, a closemouthed bald sinister-looking Tethyrian


At 11 O'clock you are relived when Lord Orlpar Husteem makes a grand entrance, after making sure that everyone is aware of his entrance he takes a seat amongst the young nobles and receives a steady stream of visitors who appear to drop by for a 'chat' before moving on.

Just before midnight an exotic looking woman enters the tavern, judging by the buzz of conversation and the number of heads which stop to stare, it seems no one has seen the new comer before. Taking her time she moves languidly across the room in the direction of Lord Orlpar, flashing an enigmatic, seductive smile to anyone that meets her inquisitive gaze.

Lord Orlpar greets her with a confident, knowing smile, seemingly please to meet such an exotic woman. As the lady approaches Lord Orlpar her expression suddenly goes cold. With an air of ritual and menace, she loudly intones "I name thee, Lord Orlpar Husteem, the intended prey of the Beastlord. By fang and claw, I proclaim this High Hunt* begun"

Nine men stand up from various points within the tavern, as the lady speaks her words, their forms begin to changed, fur begins to rapidly grow all over their bodies, and their faces lengthen and take on a bestial wolf-like appearance.


Around midnight an exotic looking woman enters the Grinning Lion, shortly after this Salo's keen ears picks up the panicked cries and screams of the patrons. (Salo is 80' south of the Tavern)


* Most of you are aware that a High Hunt is a sacred ritual to Malar, during which the Malarites choose a sentient victim to hunt, the Malarites are only allowed to uses knives, claws of malar or natural attacks. If the prey can survive for 24 hours they are set free and may never be hunted in such a fashion again. According to the rules of the hunt the victim must be allowed time to flee before the hunters may follow.

Werewolves 30 (Looking menacing while continuing to survey the crowd)
Kenneth 20
Salo 14
Brondin 11
Evendur 10
Exotic Lady 9 (Watching Orlpar with a smug smile)
Commoners 8 (Panicing)
Wolf 6
Vaidun 6
Orlpar 5 (Drinking potion then fleeing)

The Grinning Lion - Round 1


Kenneth slowly rises from his chair and draws his sword, keeping the shining . . . silver . . . blade between him and the four werewolves who he suddenly finds himself seated with. He circles his table northwards, heading towards Evendur and Vaidun.

"I don't think we covered this eventuality."

[sblock=ooc]MA: stand
MA: draw sword
5ft step north[/sblock]


First Post
Brondin draws Moon's Silver Hand as he stands up from his chair, grasps his holy symbol and prays over it briefly. It glows slightly and he hefts it tightly, ready to attack the werewolf directly beside him.

"You see this symbol I carry? Know that it means doom to any who sully the light of the moon with brutal savagery. That means you."

[sblock]Stand, drawing my weapon as I do so (move action);
Cast greater magic weapon on my mw alchemical silver heavy mace, turning it into a +3 shock alchemical silver heavy mace. Cast defensively if need by (Concentration +20 casting defensively)(standard)[/sblock]
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As the woman makes her declaration Wollf stops his dancing on the main floor. "Malarites." he hisses and marks the werewove's human faces quickly so he can track them later if any escape. He had not noted any familiar faces before but one of them might be a lead to his nemesis. One gauntleted fist closes as he draws the wolf headed silver blade.

ooc 10' warshaper reach and combat reflexes, his magical silver animal blade is drawn on his turn and lashes out at the nearest werewolf.

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