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Non Omnis Moriar [d20-40k]


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It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificied every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested maisma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. This is the tale of those times. It is a universe you can live in today - if you dare - for this is a dark and terrible era where you will find little comfort or hope. If you want to take part in the adventure then prepare yourself now. Forget the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


When it comes to Imperial Tithe collecting, the out-of-the-way backwater worlds are often disregarded completely or merely visited once a century. Since most of these planets lack even an Arbiter outpost the Adeptus often hire small, well-trained squads of mercenaries to oversee the loading of the payment into the spaceships. It’s an easy and relatively safe job that pays well. Our story begins in the retrofitted Cobra-class destroyer, Divine Right, floating in orbit over Keria III, a ruddy-brown dwarf planet that, from orbit, doesn’t even seem to support life.

Rules are here. Knowledge of d20 Modern is required since the d20-40k rules are based off it.

Third level characters. Human or Ratling only please. 28 point, standard point buy. But don't worry about the crunch just yet, first I want to see your backgrounds. You have until October 6th, on that Friday I will choose the five players.


And many, many thanks to Skrittiblak, Toptomcat, Ikkan and everyone else over at the Wizards COMmunity that helped make and test the d20-40k rules.
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First Post
What no squats?

What? We can't be squats? I loved the little bearded bastards!
Ah well... I'l come up wiht some ideas tonight.... maybe even post it today. I'm thinking an ex-arbitor shotgun master.

How are we going to handle credit rolls for pre-generated equipment?

Post Life Entity

First Post
I'd like to explore a sanctioned psyker; Astropath with sight restored maybe... or just using psychic senses... perhaps I'll take a gander at the rules to see if that's even feasible under d20/40K.

A dishonorably discharged Sister of Battle is also strangely appealing

...not sure either or these would count as 'human' though... do they?


First Post
I have no problems with Squats. I'm pretty young and I never played 40k when there actually were Squats so they don't come to mind. *edits the first post*

As for Credit checks, make your rolls under "NonOmnisMoriar" on Invisible Castle and be sure to note your character's name and why you are rolling. (But you don't have to worry about this until I have chosen the players anyway.)

Post Life Entity:
My understanding is that psykers are a combination of an appropriate feat and a talent tree from the Smart/Dedicated/Charismatic heroes, so no race issue there. However a Sister of Battle has a level adjustment if I remember correctly.

I think Skrittiblak's site just went over his data transfer limit... :eek: I know there is a .pdf file with most/all of that info on it. I shall do some searching.

Post Life Entity

First Post
> I think Skrittiblak's site just went over his data transfer limit... I
> know there is a .pdf file with most/all of that info on it. I shall do
> some searching.

I have not been able to download that file for about 3 days now... perhaps he's removed it?


First Post
Oops. There he is (My character)

Oops! I already made my character. I used Gregory and Gregory Romanov (The latter was when I realized there was more than one person using Gregory) Also... there are a few d20 rolls as I tried to get the thing to add an amount I wanted. It didn't work so I just got the natural roll and added it myself. Anyway, I hope that's okay...a s I've never worked so Darn hard on my character. (Don't make too many Modern Characters for online camapiagns where you have to list all your calculations)
Anyway... here he is... and don't worry, I was darn honest.

Here's my character… hope you enjoy.

Name: Gregory Vladich Romanowski
Birthplace: Techelon, Valhalla
Born: Sept. 13, Emperor’s Year, age 23
Class: Intelligent/3, Heir background

History: Born to a wealthy, if a bit aloof Valhallan noble family, Gregory grew up living with his father and mother in their underground estate. He was a very gifted child, easily surpassing his students at an early age. After skipping several grades, his teacher wrote a formal letter to his parents. In the letter he wrote nothing but praise for his favored student, going so far as to suggest he be educated in an Imperial Academy. His parents did not agree with this. His father, Einrich Romanowski was a venerated war hero and naturally wished his son to follow in his footsteps, while his mother, Vidallia Romanowski, a small, frail woman, generally agreed with whatever her husband put forth.

If it weren’t for an intervention from a member of the Mechanus Adeptus, Gregory might never have received the illustrious education he now holds. After seeing some of the boys work… blueprints for an alternate lasgun design way ahead of his time, the Adeptus member declared the boy a heretic and took him in for ‘questioning’. The boy’s parents were forced to give their son to the mechadentrite freak, doomed to never see him again.

Fearing for his life, the young man cried for help, but his cries were met upon deaf ears. No one had the authority to challenge a Tech-Priest of Mars. Everyone thought the poor boy for dead. Indeed…when the tech Priest left the planet, heading back to Mars, he sent Gregory’s parents a letter telling them the charges against their son and the punishment: death.

In reality, the Tech Priest and been so enamored by the brilliant young man that he decided to take the boy with him, hoping to have him endocrined into the Adeptus Mechanicus. When they arrived on Mars, the young man was immediately enrolled. He excelled in all areas, surpassing many of the Tech Priest’s expectations for one so young. When he had completed his preliminary education there, he was assigned to some ‘hard experience’. He was apprenticed to the same Tech-Priest who had found him and they quickly became the best of friends. Still too young to receive implants, Gregory was fascinated with the mechanical limbs his master possessed. He wanted to become just like him some day. Unfortunately, such things were not meant to be.

En route to an undisclosed area of the galaxy, the ship was hit by a warp storm. There ship’s navigator was fried several minutes after the storm hit, and the ship was soon pulled into the void. Fearing more for his pupil’s life then his own, the Tech-Priest ushered the young man into a secured capsule… and sealed him inside. Mere seconds after saving his protégé, the poor Tech Priest was torn to shreds as the warp storm ripped the ship asunder, sending the capsule containing Gregory hurtling through the void.

He was eventually picked up by a salvage vessel, where he worked for several months. The young man was not content to scavenge scrap for the rest of his life, however. He was ecstatic when an Imperial navy officer arrived on board, looking for ‘volunteers’ for some mission or other. Seems they were really desperate for crew members. Naturally, the young man quickly signed up, and he was commissioned to the Cobra-class destroyer, Divine Right as a technician.

Goals: Gregory is a driven individual who’s only wish is to further his own mechanical skills. With a Mechanus Adeptus education and a brilliant and creative mind, Gregory is a natural mechanic. Not particularily social, he often spends hours working on some new weapon or electronic device design.

Appearance: Gregory is a slim man, with grey-blue eyes and ruffled brown hair. He is not particularly handsome, with pale skin and a much too large nose. Lacking any facial hair, he looks more like a teenager than a man.

Strength: 10 (+0, costs 2)
Dexterity 12 (+1, costs 4)
Constitution 12 (+1, costs 4)
Intelligence 18 (+4, costs 16)
Wisdom 10 (+0, costs 2)
Charisma 8 (-1, costs 0)

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Base Attack: +1 (+1 Intelligent)
Melee Attack: +1 (+1 Base, +0 Str)
Ranged Attack: +2 (+1 Base, +1 Dex)
Defense: 12 (+10 Base, +1 Smart, +1 Dex)
Hit Points: 16 (6+1 at 1st level, 5+1 at 2nd, 2+1 at 3rd) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=649001)

Fortitude: +2 (+1 Smart, +1 Con)
Reflex: +2 (+1 Smart, +1 Dex)
Will: +2 (+2 Smart, +0 Wis)

Action Points: 6 (5 + 1/2 character level)
Leadership: +1 (+1 Smart)
Original Credit: 14 (+6 Heir,
+2 Sacrificed Leadership Bonus (Heir) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=649004), +3 (starting) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=649087)
+ 2 (2nd level profession check) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=649151)
+1 (3rd level profession check) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=649170)
Credit After Buying Equipment: 8
Background: Heir (Selected Class Skills: Sense Motive, Ride)

Skill points: 78 ((9 + Int Mod (4)) x 6)
Skills (*class skill)

*Computer Use (Int) +12 (+6 ranks, +4 Int, +2 Gearhead)
*Craft (chemical) (Int)
*Craft (electronic) (Int) +15 (+6 ranks, +4 int, +3 Savant, +2 Builder)
*Craft (mechanical) (Int) +15 (+6 ranks, +4 int, +3 Savant, +2 Builder)
*Craft (pharmaceutical) (Int)
*Craft (structural) (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Craft (visual art) (Int)
*Craft (writing) (Int)
*Decipher Script (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Demolitions (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Disable Device (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Forgery (Int)
*Investigate (Int)
*Knowledge (Technology) (Int) +12 (+6 ranks, +4 int, +2 Educated)
*Knowledge (Galactic Events) +10 (+3 ranks, +4 int, +1 Heir, +2 Educated)
*Navigate (Int)
*Profession (Wis) Scientist +6 (+6 ranks)
*Read/Write Language (None)
*Repair (Int) +12 (+6 ranks, +4 int, +2 gearhead)
*Research (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Search (Int) +10 (+6 ranks, +4 int)
*Sense Motive (Wis) (Heir Selected class skill) +3 (+3 ranks)
*Speak Language (None)

Feats and Talents
Savant (Smart lv1) (Craft: Mechanical)
Savant (Smart lv 3) Craft: Electronic)
Educated (1st starting feat)
Personal Firearms Proficiency (2nd starting feat)
Builder (Smart lv 2)
Gearhead (Character Level 3)

(Automatic pass, no reduce in Credit)
Adamantine Traveling Case (15lb) (75 lb Capacity) (Code-Locked) DC 12 Carrying:
-Demolitions Kit (5 lb) DC 13
-Electrical Tool Kit, Basic (12lb) DC 14
-Mechanical Tool Kit, Basic (22lb) DC 13
-2 Rolls of Duct Tape (2 lb) DC 3
-Bolt Cutter (5 lb) DC 6
-Flashlight (1 lb) DC 4
-Electro lock picks (1 lb) DC 13
-Lockpick Set, AI (1 lb) DC 14
Laspistol DC 13, 2d6 damage, 19-20/x2 Critical, Range 30 ft., Semi, (3 lb) Energy
3 Spare Energy Packs (3 lb) DC 13
Leather Jacket (DR/DRP: 1/1) (4lb) DC 13

More Expensive Equipment requiring Rolls
Palm Terminal (0.5 lb) DC 21 (Took 10) (Reduced Credit from 14 to 12)
Electricomp (1 lb) DC 18 (Took 10) (Reduced Credit from 12 to 10)
Mechanicomp (1 lb) DC 18 (Took 10) (Reduced Credit from 10 to 8)

Carrying Capacity:
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
33 lb. or less 34–66 lb. 67–100 lb.

Equipment Carried On Person:
Laspistol (3 lb)
3 extra energy packs (3 lb)
Leather Jacket (4 lb)
Palm Terminal (0.5 lb)
Electricomp (1 lb)
Mechanicomp (1 lb)

Total Weight Carried: 12.5 lb

Rest of equipment stashed in crew quarters.

Languages Spoken: Low Gothic, High Gothic, Classic, Dialect: Valhallan, Nobile.


A suffusion of yellow
Al-Amra Ibn Noor
Fast Human (Homeworld:Tallarn)

With a scream of steel he swung the gears and spun sideways, skidding to a stop. He shook himself as inertia caught up with the motion and with a broad grin on his face the desert lion leapt up from his seat the sunlight glinting off his photolenses and kukri blades.

Tallarn Scout with a penchant for fast vehicles looking towards Speed Demon advanced class

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First Post
Dorn Borokith is a former private from the Death Korp of Krieg, recently promoted to his regiment. During a battle decisive battle, his unit was isolated and pinned down. Despite fighting bravely, he and is companions were annhiliated and left for dead. Dorn, the only survivor, returned to his regiment on foot. When he caught up with, for not dying with his unit, he was seen as a coward and discharged dishonorably. To his shame, he was not found worthy to be executed. Left to wander, the former soldier with his zealot-like attitude, tried his hand as a mercenary with mixed results.

I'm thinking a Strong/Tough Hero mix with the plan of being a Soldier.

Voidrunner's Codex

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