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"Second Son of a Second Son": The Birth of an Aquerra Campaign (updated!)


Moderator Emeritus
In days of old, in Thricia, young nobles and their retinues would join together, sign a charter
and form a band of heroes to defend the people of the Spice & Thread Islands, make their
name known throughout Aquerra and fight injustice wherever it may be found. . .

And so, as my writing up of my “Out of the Frying Pan” campaign story hour nears its end, I have been getting prepared for my next Aquerra campaign, and helping to get my players prepared as well. I have fairly elaborate set-ups for campaigns, coming up with themes and character guidelines for the players, and there is a lot of back and forth regarding backgrounds, classes, skills, feats, etc… before we are ready to go.

Since it is such a potentially lengthy process I wanted to start a couple of months before our first session. I also wanted to give myself enough time to actually finish the OOTFP story hour – as there is no way I will be writing two story hours at once, and I’d like to write one up for the new campaign as well.

Preparing for what had the working title of “The Noble Adventurers” campaign began with rewriting whole the entire Thricia section in my Aquerra gazetteer to bring it up to date with the current rules we use and to get rid of a lot of silly stuff hanging around from when I was 17 and first started detailing my homebrew. This is a work in progress, and I am still progressing. The original dozen or so pages I had written about Thricia over the last 17 years are steadily expanding, and at this point I am closing in on one hundred pages. I still have plenty to do. And except for coming up with reasonable names for the scores of NPCs I am stocking this place with, it has been a lot of fun.

However, there was a speed bump on the player end, so we had to figure out which 6 of the current pool of 8 gamers in my circle were going to take part (see this thread). My players took the matter into their own hands and went with a Survivor-style for the six that would be in it. The other two are alternates.

The final six are:
  • Eric M. (posts here as Ciaran; played Martin the Green in “Out of the Frying Pan”)
  • Jesse (posts here as mofos21; played Bastian in “Out of the Frying Pan”)
  • Eric G. (posts here as Ratchis; played Malcolm and then Ratchis in “Out of the Frying Pan”)
  • John (posts here are Martin Olarin; played Kazrack in “Out of the Frying Pan”)
  • Sean (posts here as Rastfar; he ran “The Promised Land” Aquerra Campaign)
  • Ken (never posts here that I know of ; he played Jeremy in “Out of the Frying Pan”)
And so the emails began.

Since I had let the players know that the basic concept were behind the campaign would be a group of young nobles of lesser houses taking up the tradition of founding an “Adventurer’s Charter” – to go off and bring glory to their name and that of the family, while accumulating wealth and doing the common good, by defending the common folk from monsters and the like, as is the duty of the nobility – they knew where to start from. In fact, it was the number of ideas I was getting from all 8 possible players that drive me to declare that the actual make-up of the group had to be determined, since I felt bad making two people who would not play waste their time (and I guess mine as well) but sending me stuff about characters they would never get to play.

I also let them know that I had adapted the Noble class from A Game of Thrones d20, for use as an ‘Aristocrat’ that can measure up to the PC classes a little better, and that we would be using an adapted version of the Reputation and Influence rules from that game. Finally, I let them know that they would be starting at 2nd level, but with 0 xp, and that I would be giving them a Campaign Guide to help with the character creation process.

Oh yeah, and they already knew we would be using a stat draft to determine stats.

I left it up to the players to decide how the PCs are connected (if at all) and they ran with it.

This is how the character ideas stand:
  • Eric G. – Aristocrat/Rogue – a ne’er-do-well son of House Briareus
  • Eric M. – Fighter – a man-at-arms bastard son of the same family as the above character - a sometimes bodyguard
  • Sean – Fighter/Diviner – an alumnus of the Academy of Wizardry with ambitions of becoming an eldritch knight.
  • John G. – Wizard (diviner as well?) – missing/abducted in childhood, he has recently returned - could be younger sibling of Sean's character
  • Jesse – Aristocrat/Priest (or Paladin) of Ra – no more info as of yet.
  • Ken – Aristocrat/Fighter? – well, he said “whatever is the equivalent of a cavalier” – so working his way up to the knight or cavalier prestige classes I will create, the Aristocrat/Fighter is probably the best start.

We cannot have the stat draft until Ken, who is moving back to Brooklyn from Albany, returns. So, all these ideas are still in a proto stage – and any of them can change – though I feel some players seem to have a better grip on what they want to do than others, and I expect the players to act cooperatively in the stat draft (though I little competition is fun, too). So I ma thinking the draft will occur sometime over the holidays with the campaign starting in late January.

I will be updating this thread with the process of this campaign coming together, and will be quoting emails and just discussing little about the back and forth with players to create the foundation that the campaign will kick off from. I have built a very sturdy and unyielding frame as a setting for this campaign, but there is so much room within for a variety of ideas, that who knows what I will be called upon to create or smooth over to help things fit.

In the meantime, they have the Second Son of a Second Son” campaign guide PDF (Click Here to download the PDF) to look through and help guide their choices. Oh yeah, and that was the name I settled on for the campaign… :)

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Gold Roger

First Post
I love the young nobles theme. I've already used it for a one shot that later developed into a campaign with different campaign and I'll definitely use it again (hopefully with a somewhat more serious group-while I love my friends, our group is extremely beer and pretzels).


Moderator Emeritus
Hey all, I just wanted to link this thread to the stat draft thread: here, which goes over how ability scores were generated for the group.

I will keep this thread as a portal for any other threads about the development of this campaign - and continue to post to this when when things are more "general".


Moderator Emeritus
So, our first actual session is scheduled for the 21st of January, and I am very excited - though there is still a lot of prep work to be done, and background info is still owed to me by some of the players.

I gave the players a set of 10 questions to answer to help me in developing plots involving the characters, and just getting a sense for what their characters are like.

Questionnaire said:
1. Would you have been present for the Margrave’s wedding in the spring of 563 H.E. (634 M.Y.)? Why or why not?

2. How about any of the associated parties that happened in every town and city at the Margrave’s behest (and using his coin) that week?

3. A great carnival was held in the City of the Spices for the departure of Margrave Iane IX for his ‘final adventure’ at the end of the summer of 564 H.E. (635 M.Y.) Would you have attended?

4. There are occasional rumors that current Margrave Katherine Pepper (formerly Schemerhorn) used magic and/or coercion to get Iane IX to marry her and then abdicate. How would you react to such rumors? What do you really think about them? (Note: Don’t worry that you have nothing to base this on, neither does anyone else doing the gossiping).

5. Please outline your connections to the other player characters.

6. What is your relationship with your parents like? Siblings?

7. When is your birthday? When is your name-day?

8. What, if anything, does your character hope to get out of the adventuring charter?

9. Do you have a particular patron god? Two or three gods you favor? Or are you like most Thricians, worshiping gods as appropriate to the occasion?

10. What are your characters “Keys” and “Secret”?

"Keys" are regarding the XP system I plan to use in this game. Each character is also required to have some kind of secret.

I also provide a good amount of info on the area of the world the game is to begin in and about various NPCs the PCs would know (including stuff the players themselves provide) in addition to the pdf campaign guide I distributed before the stat draft.

The character classes to be played are squared away:

Eric G.Telemakus Briareus - Aristocrat/Rogue – a ne’er-do-well son of House Briareus
Eric M.Timotheus Smith - Fighter – a man-at-arms bastard son of the same family as the above character - a sometimes bodyguard - cousin of Telemakus
SeanBleys Winter - Fighter/Diviner – an alumnus of the Academy of Wizardry with ambitions of becoming an eldritch knight.
John G.Name T.B.D. - Wizard – missing/abducted in childhood, he has recently returned - cousin of Laarus
Jesse Laarus Raymer - Priest of Ra
KenVictoria Ostrander Militant of Anhur


Moderator Emeritus
I thought I'd resurrect this thread. . . :)

We are playing out 6th session of this campaign this coming Sunday.

I think the recurring theme for these sessions has been bickering and voting. We have a group of characters with strong personalities and/or principles and there has been a good deal of conflict (both verbal and physical).

I think part of this is because of the very open nature in which I am running this game. In "Out of the Frying Pan" I started with a specific premise meant to limit choice from the outset: "Create a character looking to get out of being conscripted for the war."

This allowed me to present a way for all the characters to fulfill this desire and get them on the road to adventure by means of this "way out" and then expand choice again once the characters were sufficiently bonded to "play together well" after a series of adventures along the way.

In "Second Son of Second Son" I presented many options to these young noble characters from the very beginning, not including the possibility of any one of them presenting hooks from their own backgrounds. But, since the characters are having a hard time agreeing what their charter is really together for, there has been a lot of discussion, sometimes with fists. ;)

I don't mind the fisticuffs and not getting along. Generally I think some intraparty tensions and rivalries are good for a campaign, but in this case I think it is slowing down progression to the point where some folks are having less fun than others (and sometimes I include myself in that group) - so I am working towards correcting that by being a little more obvious about presenting relevant information to them. (We have been using some "info-gathering scenes" via email to move the game along some between sessions)

Also, since the party narrowed down their choices to two, I have been trying to make it seem as if the two are somehow connected (and it may be true) so the choice won't seem so onerous to ignore one for the other.

I think one of the reasons one of the choices (going into the Disputed Territories) became so attractive to them is because they picked up on something that was supposed to be just a background detail to help set the atmosphere of that area and made it a main concern of theirs. . . Turning it into an imminent threat in their minds. But I am willing to follow through with that because even if what they theorize is not true (and it may be - I am not above giving the players exactly the worst scenario they speculate about) it can still lead to some pretty interesting adventures and consequences.

You can read about the first three and three-quarters sessions in the "Second Son of a Second Son" Story Hour Thread.

Anyway, overall the game is going great and has a lot of promise, and I actually find myself looking forward to each session with an eagerness I have not felt in years, and rue the fact that all our busy lives make it impossible for us to meet more than every two weeks.
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