• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

After Earth Rogues Gallery


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
When you get your characters ready post 'em here.

[sblock=Introduction]They burned the sky!

You were on the last transport from ISS to colonyship Unity. Looking through the window you saw the black ship appearing from nowhere, immediatily opening fire at Earth. It seemed to launch thousands of glowing missiles that exploded as they reached the athmosphere. Zeus and Juno tried desperatily to harm the ship but to no avail. Your last image of Earth was a burning planet in the background as Zeus rammed the black planetkiller, and then it was gone as your transport docked with Unity...

It's been over a decade since Earth was caught in the middle of Areq'dah civil war and destroyed but the vision haunts your dreams still. You grew on this barren rock, in colony-station Unity listening to freighterpilots telling stories of the wonders of the universe:

-About Earth. How it's covered by a red cloud which no sensor can penetrate.

-About Areq'dah killing themselves to almost extinction in their civil war.

-About Galactic Rebuplic of Free Stars, formed by the former slave-races of Areq'dah imperium, and how they overthrew their distracted masters.

[sblock=Unity]Unity is a colony of about 60 thousand humans, situated in an asteroid-belt in the star system Idar. In the same system is the homeplanet of Korg, a race of philosophers who look a bit like mythological minotaurs. Unity is divided in three facilities sitting atop the three largest asteroids in the belt. Most of the asteroids in there are full of vanadium and so Unity has a rich mining industry. And because of this, Unity has very good trade-relations with many worlds.

The ruling body, Council of Unity consist of twenty elected councilors, but it is widely rumored that the true ruler of Unity would be Vincent Angel, the richest human in the universe, owner of Angel Industries, which in turn owns much of the mining corporations and trading companies on Unity and other colonies.

The Black Hole is the favourite tavern of the pilots in Unity. It's the place where many of the colony's kids spend most of their time, listening to the pilots telling stories of what they've seen on the other side of the universe. Black Hole's owner is actually a Korg named Shrew. He is big even for a Korg and can be quite a frightening sight when angried but he is peaceful and very friendly by nature. It is here where you (a group of friends who grew up listening to his stories) met and eventually befriended Stewie, an old freighter-pilot who decided to retire from flying and founded the Far-Star trading company. He has given you the command of his old ship and an adventurous job in the company. And the Council has given you the status of privateers: you may prey upon any ship that isn't part of Unity's fleet and you will always have a safe haven to return to, as long as you pay ten percent of your raiding profits to Unity.[/sblock]
[sblock=Rebuplic of Free Stars and other stuff]Travel between stars happens trough a jumpgate-network (quite similar to the Babylon 5 series).

Humankind is divided into factions by allegience to the 21 colonies. (Kind of like nations) none of the colonies are currently at open war with one-another but the covert war of spies, sabotage and raiding the trade-lines is going strong.

The government of Moonbase, the biggest of the colonies, declared itself as representive of humanity in The Rebuplic of Free Stars. They try to give orders and make laws for every colony but in truth they don't have any authority over the rest 80% of humankind.

The Rebuplic consists of so called younger races that haven't yet exceeded progress level 7, with couple exceptions. Every member-race has right to govern it's own people as they see fit. There is however a special military organization that has a mandate to maintain peace across the Rebuplic.

The elder races, who have vast emprires beyond the influence-area of the Rebuplic, are mysterious and mostly strange creatures to behold. Some of them visit the Rebuplic from time to time. Their reasons for doing this remains a mystery. It is speculated that inside their borders lives many more younger races who are still unknown to the Rebuplic.

There are rumours of even older, almost god-like species who go about on their own businesses, not even noticing others.[/sblock]

Private freighter Gold Greed.

Type: Ultralight              Size: Colossal (-8 size)
Subtype: Fast freighter       Tactical Speed: 3,500 ft. (7 sq.)
Defense: 9                    Length: 185 feet
Flatfooted Defense: 6         Weight: 500 tons
Autopilot Defense: 5          Targeting System Bonus: 3
Hardness: 30                  Crew: 4
Hit Dice: 20d20 (400hp)       Passenger Capacity: 4
Initiative Modifer: 5         Cargo Capacity: 350 tons
Pilot's Class Bonus: 4        Grapple Modifier: +16
Pilot's Dex Modifier: 3     
Gunner's Attack Bonus: 4     

2 firelinked needle drivers 12d12 (78) range 4000 or 
2 needle drivers 8d12 (52) range 4000

Power core: Fission reactor.
Engines: Ion engine, thrusters
Armour: Vanadium
Defense Systems: Autopilot, magnetic shield, radiation shield,sensor jammer
Sensors: Class III sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Radio transceiver, laser transceiver
Weapons: 2 firelinked needle drivers 
Grappling Systems: Grapplers

[sblock=Star Map]

[sblock=about the ship]the hatches #2 and #3 are actually in the ceiling. This floorplan doesn't include the cargohold which infact surrounds the maindeck. In the upper hold there is also four storage-rooms of which one will be fitted as med-bay.[/sblock]


  • Gold greed.GIF
    Gold greed.GIF
    62.6 KB · Views: 328
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First Post
[sblock=Dr. Michael Cain]
Name: Michael Cain
Class: Dedicated 1/ Smart 1
Occupation: Doctor (starting, Treat Injury/Craft (pharm)
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 150
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 23
Wealth: +15

Allegiances: Hippocrates Oath
Reputation: +1
Speed: 30
Action Points: 6/6

Hit Dice: 2d6+4
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Wound Points: 13
Vitality Points: 14

Initiative: +0
Defense: 11 (1 base + 0 Dex)
Base Attack: +1
Attack: +1 (2d8 laser pistol)

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8

Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5

Craft (pharmaceuticals) +9 (5 ranks +3 Int +1 misc)
Craft (chemical) +4 (1 rank +3 int)
Know (earth & life) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int
Know (physical) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int)
Know (technology) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int)
Know (behavioral science) +8 (5 ranks +3 int)
Listen +3 (+3 Wis)
Profession (doctor) +8 (5 ranks +3 wis)
Sense Motive +4 (1 rank +3 wis)
Spot +7 (5 ranks + 3 Wis)
Language (Dah, Thomaar, Latin) 3 ranks
Treat Injury +10 (5 ranks +3 Wis + 2 misc)

Skill Emphasis (Treat Injury)

Personal Firearms Proficiency


Display Glasses
Grappler Card
Heads up Display
Medkit, Advanced
Medkit, Fast-Use
Chemicals (10 each)
Chemicals (3)
Nausea Wand*
Tool Belt
Explorer’s Outfit
Duct Tape (3 rolls)
Laser Pistol

[sblock=Personal File]
Michael James Cain was 11 years old when the earth was destroyed. A stoic youth, he watched it with only passing interest and resumed his studying while people gasped and paniced around him. A prodigy, Michael had a disdain for those he thought inferior and only entered medical training (at the age of 15) because his parents forced him to (they hoped that if he became a doctor he may mellow out a bit)

Michael thrived in the environment, constantly setting the standard for his peers. His keen intelligence and biting wit earned him no friends, however, and once when berated about his bedside manner he replied "Bedside manner? If you want bedside manner then go see a nurse; if you want someone you can save your life from a gaping wound see me. Despite his attitude, Michale graduated top of his class.

Personality: Michael is blunt, too the point and doesn't bother to mince words. Very sarcastic, he doesn't miss a chance to insert a jibe or a scathing insult, often as an alusion. Part of his arrogance stems from his confidence in his abilities and honestly and strongly believes in the hippocratic oath he took, even though he'll tell people that the real reason he studied medicine was so he would "know where to preciesly shoot someone to kill them the fastest."

Appearance: Michael has sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. At 5'9" he's "the standard height for a male human of his age". Despite keeping himself clean shaven almost to the point of obsessiveness, his face is best described as "scruffy." He is never without a medical kit, often containing a varity of congleaing or stabelzing chemicals in case he needs to "keep someone alive long enough to get them to a clean table."

I'm a doctor not a...milkman If you've played NWN 2, his voice sounds like Sand's
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First Post
Damon Knight

[sblock=Damon Knight]

Damon Knight
Fast 2/Strong 1

Damon's childhood was rough. After witnessing the destruction of Earth, the young boy was relocated to one of the worse sections of Unity. He received routine beatings from the bullies in the area, and eventually fell in with a rough crowd just to protect himself. Despite the fact that his early years were not pleasant, it was just these events that transformed him into the strong, agile young man that he is today.

Damon is an expert in combat: he is trained in hand to hand, with melee weapons such as the knife and baton, as is a good shot with a gun as well. He rounds this out with his "intelligent" side: he is very good with computers and systems that operate off of computers...he has taken to running the communications and sensor suite aboard the Gold Greed. Since Faris has left the crew, Damon has found himself acting as Captain of the Greed. He is also a skilled pilot, but not in the same league as his friend Melara, and acknowledges that readily.

Description: Damon is tall and well-built, at 6’3” in hieght and a muscular 200 lbs. An athletic man, he keeps in excellent shape, running and lifting on a regular basis. He has grown his dark hair out some since joining the crew of the Gold Greed. Damon has several tattoos. He tends to dress pretty casually, though he is most often seen wearing a weapons harness, to which all manner of things are attached: pistols, knives, taser, pepper spray; Damon is always prepared for surprises. He is a good looking young man in his early twenties.

[sblock=From IC description]
Damon was dressed casually this evening, as was his norm. Combat boots, loose fatigue style pants in what would have once been called "urban" camo, and a tight shirt of shiny grey material...a shirt that clearly showed off his well-muscled torso.[/sblock]

Fast 2/Strong 1
Occupation: Investigative

Str 14 +2 (6 points)
Dex 14 +2 (6 points)
Con 14 +2 (6 points)
Int 14 +2 (6 points)
Wis 10 +0 (2 points)
Cha 10 +0 (2 points)

Vitality: 23 (8 + 9 + 6 con)
Wound Points: 14 (con 14)
Defense: 18 (10 base + 5 class + 2 dexterity + 1 armor)
--Fort +3 (1 base + 2 con)
--Ref +4 (2 base + 2 dex)
--Wil +0 (0 base + 0 wis)

Speed: 30ft

BAB: +2
Ranged: +4 (+5 w/HUD software)
Melee: +4

Initiative: +2

Balance +5 (3 ranks, +2 dex)
Computer Use* +11 (6 ranks, +2 int, +2 feat, +1 equipment)
Escape Artist +4 (2 ranks, +2 dex)
Hide +6 (4 ranks, +2 dex)
Move Silently +6 (4 ranks, +2 dex)
Pilot +9 (6 ranks, +2 dex, +1 equipment)
Profession +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)
Repair +8 (4 ranks, +2 int, +2 feat)
Sense Motive* +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)


--Personal Firearms Proficiency* (Occupation)
--Simple Weapons Proficiency (Class)
--Point Blank Shot (Level 1)
--Combat Martial Arts (Level 1)
--Double Tap (Bonus Feat, Fast 2)

--Melee Smash

* Occupation Skill/Feat

Starting Wealth: 10 (Roll=7, +2 occupation, +1 profession skill)
--2nd level Profession Check: 20 (Roll=16+4 profession bonus), beats current wealth of 10 by 10, adds +2 to total wealth
2nd level Wealth: 12
--Purchased Laser Pistol (DC17), reducing wealth to 10
--Purchase TEC-9 (DC14), reducing wealth to 9
3rd level Wealth:

Current Wealth: 9

Small Crew-Berth Aboard Unity

Weapons & Ammunition
Brass Knuckles
Metal Baton
Tactical Knife
Pepper Spray
TEC-9 w/ Illuminator
--TEC-9 Clip (22 rounds)
--TEC-9 Clips x 4 (32 rounds each)
--200 extra rounds
Laser Pistol w/ Illuminator
--Laser Pistol Powerpacks x 4 (50 shots each)

Leather Jacket

Universal Communicator
Bolt Cutter
Duct Tape, 6 rolls
Handcuffs, zip-tie (25)
Multipurpose Tool
Basic toolkit (PL5)
Mesh Vest
Binoculars (Standard)
Gasmask (PL5)
2 x Flashlights (Penlight)
Standard Flashlight
Sleeping Bag
Rope (150')
Violet Rations (12)
Holster (Hip)
Holster (Concealed Carry)
Flash-seal, 6 blocks
Fusion Torch
Display Glasses (designer sun glasses)
--- HUD software, sensor link
--- HUD software, targeting
--- HUD software, vehicle link
Card computer, upgraded

Miscellaneous casual clothing
Ghillie suit
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Cnosos Pyropolis
He looks like this, more or less, but without the earings

 Name: Cnosos Pyropolis
Smart Heroe 2
Occupation: Technician

Str: 10 +0 (2p.)     Level: 3        XP: 0
Dex: 14 +2 (6p.)     BAB: +1         Hit points: 7+4+4= 15
Con: 12 +1 (4p.)     Grapple: +0     Wound points: 12
Int: 16 +3 (10p.)          
Wis: 10 +0 (2p.)     Init: +2     
Cha: 12 +1 (4p.)        

Defense:  13 = 10 base + 1 class + 2 dex
Ranged: +3
Melee: +1
                           Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      1     +1          +2
Ref:                       1     +1          +2
Will:                      0     +2          +2

Languages: Greek , English
Dah , Thromaar , Syrran , Korg


Feats: Heroic Surge, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency (Class), Cautious

Skill Points: 48+12       Max Ranks: 8/4
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Computer use               6    +3          +9
Craft (mechanical)         6    +3    +1    +10
Craft (electronic)         6    +3    +1    +10
Demolitions                6    +3      +2    +11
Knowledge (Physica science)6    +3          +9
Knowledge (technology)     6    +3    +1    +10
Listen*                    2    +0          +2
Profession                 4    +0          +4
Repair                     6    +3    +2    +11
Search                     6    +3          +9
Disable Devise             6    +3     +2     +11
Navigate                   6    +3          +9
Speak Lenguage Dah         1
Speak Lenguage Thromaar    1 
Speak Lenguage Syrran      1
Speak Lenguage Korg        1

Savant (Repair), Plan

Universal Communicator

Portable Glow Lamp
Heads-Up Display (HUD)
Fusion Torch
Mechanical Tools
Electrinics tools
Demolition kit
Techinician outfit
Sleeping Bag
Scout armor
Violet Rations (10)
Droid Floating, Computer use and repair skills
Laser pistol x2
Power packs x8

Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 132 lb.
Eyes: Green
Face Hair: Brown
Skin: withe

Cnosos is bold, with lock beard, of a deep black color. For a Greek, his skin is particularly withe, because of all the time he spends working with his machines. His eyes are black, and penetrating. He is usually introspective, and do not say much in a conversation. Cnosos thinks that is better to stay silent that say unnecessary things. He is not tall at all, and is not particularly tough build, but is quite agile for a guy that spends most of his time seated down in a workbench.


When Cnosos whas about 13 years old, just a kid, his entire world perishes under the heavy mace of war. But for the first time in history, it wasn't a human war... For the first time, he and his specie wasn't to be blamed. Cnosos mother was a skilled technician, and Cnosos was more like her than like his father, who died in his home planet. In their new home, the Unity colony, the young man found in machines the perfect place to scape his current situation, spending hours and hours seated in front of his workbench, without sleeping. With his immune system depressed, Cnosos contracted an alien disease, mortal for them, but not so for humans: After month of treatment, he was lucky to lose just his head hair.
His skills in repairs and crafting components took renown, and soon enough he was claimed from here to there. He went over many companies, from manufacturing mining devices, disabling mining mines, and repairing the enormous mining droids (is there droids?) to repairing ships, empowering their engines and weaponry.
That way, shifting employments, he gets to know many people, even if he wants to or not. As time passed, he made some real friends, with who he shares booze and tales in the local tavern.

 "Dorb", floating orb droir
Tiny construct
Wound points 2
Initiative +2
Speed: 30ft. Fly(poor), 20ft. Climb
Defence 12
Flatfooted 10
Bab: 0
Attacks: +2 ranged (2d8, Laser pistol); or -2 melee (1, Pincer)

Str 7
Dex 14
Wis 10
Cha 1

-Repair +4 (Skill progit)
-Computer use +4 (Skill progit)

Frame: Armature
Locomotion: Thrusters (Bought from Syrrans)
Manipulators: Pincers, Probe (computer interface plug)
Sensors: Class IV sensor system
Accessories: Loading mechanism, Weapon mount (laser pistol), Magnetic 
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First Post
Name: Melara Richter
Class: Fast 3
Occupation: Transporter (navigate, pilot, spacer)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5" Weight: 123
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
Age: 20

Description: A bit on the petite side at 5' 5", Mel is frequently mistaken for being younger than she is...something which annoys her greatly. This is exaggerated by her cute button nose, pixieish smile, and cheeks with just a bit of roundness still clinging to them. The adorable ruff of short brown hair on her head only adds to the problem. The fact is that although Mel likes to imagine herself as tough and serious...her appearance is too darn cute to really make that impression.

[Sblock=Background]Melara has lived on Unity all her life, and a quiet resentment about it has quietly been gathering. The idea that humanity has to essentially "rent" living space in the outer system of another species' world grinds at her sense of racial pride. Since she was a teenager, she's worked for the towships that cross from Unity to the mines and back, hauling equipment and supplies out, and raw unprocessed ore back. The spartan, space-saving design of the towships makes them unpopular with a lot of pilots, but her small frame fit quite easily. She therefore logged hours more often, and grew to enjoy the relative peace and solitude of coasting through the black. There was a certain headiness to it as well, and she often fantasized about just picking a star and jetting towards it...knowing she'd never make it there alive, but still finding it liberating to think about.

It was these thoughts though that led her to enroll in starship piloting sim courses, spending a good deal of her salary to do so. She knew better than to hope anyone would actually hire a human pilot...but the sims were a perfect escape for her when others might flee to other vices. Between her experience from the towships and her natural skills, she graduated the course with high marks...and attracted the attention of another human starship pilot who just happened to be in the market for a ship crew...

After becoming the pilot of the Gold Greed and completing a mission, Mel's gotten a little more respect from the other rock pushers at Unity (Reputation increase). This has translated into more work on the side and better pay (wealth increase). Though she doesn't talk about what happened on that mission in detail, she's made up some popular tall tales about it, and that's really all anyone's looking for.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats N Stuff]]XP: 3000/6000 xp
Allegiances: Unity, Humanity
Reputation: +1
Speed: 30 Run: 120
AP: 6/6

Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (22/22)
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Initiative: +3
Defense: 17 (+4 defense, +3 Dex)
BAB: +2 Melee: +1 Ranged: +5
Unarmed +0 (1d3-1; 20, x2)

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2

Skills: 35
Computer Use (Int) +3 (2 ccranks + 1 Int + 2 in space)
Knowledge (current events) (Int) +6 (5 ranks +1 Int)
Navigate (Int) +7 (6 ranks + 1 Int +2 in space)
Pilot (Dex) +13 (6 ranks +3 Dex +3 Feat +1 occupation +2 in space)
Profession: Belter (Wis) +2 (1 rank + 1 Wis)
Read & Write 2 ranks
Repair (Int) +5 (4 rank +1 Int)
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +8 (5 ranks + 3 Dex)
Speak Language 2 ranks

Languages: English, Spanish, Dah, Korg

Uncanny Dodge 1

1b Simple Weapon Proficiency
1b Spacer
1 Starship Operation (ultralight)
1 Skill Focus: Pilot
2b Personal Firearms Proficiency
3 Starship Gunnery

Current Wealth: +5
(Level 3 wealth roll (DC 3): 8 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2126724/ )

Laser Pistol
Stun Baton
2 powerpacks
Scout armor
Universal Communicator[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock]Faris Namir

Background: Faris was always a thoughtful child. Instead of mourning for the lost Earth, he took a lesson from it- humans could not afford to be powerless. He believed this was true not only in the large scale, but on the personal as well. This lead directly to his application to join the Unity security force in order to gain combat training, and protect his portion of the human race. After standard testing determined his eligibility, this application was quickly accepted.

As time went on, Faris's skill lead him to be used for more dangerous missions. Increasingly often, he was assigned to possibly volatile missions involving smugglers of various sorts. Feeling that protecting the Unity government's tax profits was neither a well-paying job, or a worthwhile one, he chose to resign.

After working odd jobs for a few years, Faris learned of a privateer opportunity through childhood friends, and jumped at the chance.

Description: At 5'7" and 130 pounds, Faris is wiry, and clearly of middle-eastern descent. His black hair is kept cropped close to his head, and he sports a goatee and fledgling beard. He tends to wear the most plain, functional clothing available.

Fast 2
Occupation: Law-Enforcement

Str 10 +0 (2 points)
Dex 16 +3 (10 points)
Con 14 +2 (6 points)
Int 14 +2 (6 points)
Wis 10 +0 (2 points)
Cha 10 +0 (2 points)

Vitality: 16 (8 + 4 + 4 con)
Wound Points: 14 (con 14)
Defense: 16 (10 base + 4 class + 3 dexterity)
--Fort +2 (0 base + 2 con)
--Ref +5 (2 base + 3 dex)
--Wil +1 (0 base + 1 wis)
Speed: 35ft

BAB: +1
Ranged: +4
Melee: +2
Initiative: +3

Balance +6 (3 ranks, +3 dex)
Craft: Mechanical +7 (5 ranks, +2 int)
Diplomacy* +5 (5 ranks, +0 cha)
Hide +7 (4 ranks, +3 dex)
Know: Tactics* +7 (5 ranks, +2 int)
Move Silently +7 (4 ranks, +3 dex)
Sleight of Hand +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)


--Armor Proficiency (Light)* (Occupation)
--Simple Weapons Proficiency (Class)
--Starship Gunnery (Level 1)
--Personal Firarms Proficiency (Level 1)
--Point Blank Shot (Bonus Feat)

--Increased Speed

* Occupation Skill/Feat

7 (Rolled base 8 -1 for purchases)

Browning BPS 2d10, x2, 10 rnd int, 45ft, PDC 18
Expanded Magazine
Integrated Equipment (Glow Lamp)
Scope, Range-Finding Laser
100 rounds 10 gauge

Urban Scout Armor -1 ACP, DR2 vs. S/P/B

Grappler Tag

Explorer's Outfits



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Here I will compile a database of the alien races you have knowledge of. I shall update the entries whenever you find anything new about them. So if you forget something you can find it easily here.

[sblock=Korg]Korg are impressive creatures, standing from 7 to 9 ft tall, with muscular bodies. They resemble somewhat mythological minotaurs, having two big horns and a thick fur. (if you want some image I think this is closest to what I have in mind) Korg are a peaceful, serene race of philosophers. They are slow to anger but when they do, their great strength makes them a devastating force. And as slow they are to get mad, they are even slower to forgive past insults. Technologically Korg are about as advanced as humans. (pl6)

Known Korgs:
Shrew: Standing fully 9ft tall, Shrew is one of the biggest of his kind. Owner of the Black Hole, most succesful bar on Unity.[/sblock]
[sblock=Syrran]Syrran (or Sirryn, their name is impossible to properly write with human alphabet) are a very humanlike race. Aside their long pointy ears (think of elves) and a faint bluish tint to their skin, they could very well pass for a human. Even their genetic structure is very similar to humans. How this can be is a complete mystery.

Another similarity with humans is that Syrrans too are a race without homeworld. But Syrrans have never built a system of stationary colonies like humans. They are always on the move, living in their war-cruisers and constantly searching for a planet. At the moment there is one of these ship perched outside Unity, the crew taking a bit leave and trading with their human friends.

Syrran are way more advanced race than humans (late PL7)[/sblock]
[sblock=Thomaar]The third race in the same situation with Humans and Syrran. Thomaar are a race of pibedal reptilians who have a mercenary way of looking at things. They don't seem to mind that they are outcasts. Might have something to do with the fact that they actually enjoy roaming the space fighting for whoever pays most. (PL6)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mirp]Mirp are a race of small furry creatures who are considered the most ruthless traders in the Rebuplic. They were the ones who originally sold spacefaring tech to humans. However they don't have much contact with humans any more because relations with humans have become mostly nonprofitable.[/sblock]
[sblock=K'ting]An insectoid and the most numerous sentient species in the Republic, K'tings have tough exosceleton and extreme strenght. They posses a low level of telepathy between themselves. There is a form of caste system in their culture but any of it's specifics are unknown to outsiders.
[sblock=Segdiiri]Isolationist and xenophobic humanoids that are almost only nominally part of the Republic. Very little is known of them, but you have determined that they seem to build androids resembling themselves.[/sblock]
[sblock=?]A mysterious race whose ships are shaped like classical flying saucers.[/sblock]
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Dr Simon

Solomon “Solly” Gancz; Human Male; Charismatic 3; Medium Humanoid (Human)

Str 10 (+0) 2 pts
Dex 14 (+2) 6 pts
Con 12 (+1) 4 pts
Int 12 (+1) 4 pts
Wis 12 (+1) 4 pts
Cha 15 (+2) 8 pts

Initiative +2; Speed 20 ft.
Saves Fortitude +3, Reflex +4, Will +2
Vitality 13 (6+2d6+3)
Wound Points 12
BAB/Grapple +1/+1
Melee +1
Ranged +3

Occupation Drifter (Hide, Knowledge (streetwise) and Sleight of Hand are class skills)

1st level Fast Talk (+2 to Bluff, Diplomacy and Gamble)
3rd level Dazzle (Charisma check +5, DC 15. Resist Will DC 15 or be -1 to attack, ability checks, skill checks and saving throws for 3 rounds. May make multiple attempts. Standard action, 30 ft., minimum Int 3)

Skills: Bluff +10, Computer Use +2, Craft Pharmaceuticals +6, Diplomacy +10, Gamble +3, Gather Information +7, Hide +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (behavioural sciences) +4, Knowledge (current events) +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Treat Injury +6

1st level: Dodge
1st level: Medical Expert
Class: Simple Weapon Proficiency
2nd level bonus: Agile Riposte
3rd level: Surgery

Languages: English, Dah

Wealth +11
Field bag, containing:
Advanced Medkit, Compact
Antitox (3)
Neutrad (3)
Sporekill (3)
Card Computer
Duct Tape

Action Points: 6

[SBLOCK=Wealth checks]
For level 2, DC= 7 1d20+1=8 = +1
For level 3, DC =8 1d20+1=19 = +3
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Relique du Madde

Please note, some of the details need to be fleshed out a bit by Blackrat and myself. However here is the basics: Gaetanne is the granddaughter of Vincent Angel and as a result of her doing something very questionable (and scandalous) she was sent off colony about the Gold Greed as a "liason" between the crew and Angel Industries.

Name: Gaetanna LeRouge
Gender: Female Age: 18
Height: 5'0 Weight: 100lb;
Eyes: Green Hair: Short Red

Description: Gaetanne is a young, petite woman, who has fiery red hair that is cropped short and and large emerald colored eyes. Being a child of luxury, Gaetanna acts with an careless air of entitlement which often leads to her entering into problematic situations, that are usually resolved through questionable means (not excluding through threats of violence and/or financial ruin and the illicit use of her family's power and connections).

Gaetanne is the daughter of Marie LeRouge and Gabriel Angel.

[sblock="Character Sheet"]
Gaetanna LeRouge
Charismatic Hero 3
Occupation: Heir (Granddaughter of Vincent Angel)
Allegiances: Unity, Humanity, Angel Industries
Reputation: +1
Speed: 30 Run: 120
AP: 6/6

Vitality: 12
Wounds: 10
Massive Damage Threshold: 10
Initiative: +1
Defense: 12 (10 Base + 1 Dex + 1 Class)
BAB: +1 (Melee +0, Ranged +2)
Unarmed +0 (1d3-1; 20, x2)

Str 8 (-1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (+0), Int 15 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 15 (+2)

SAVES: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3

High Frequency Sword +0 (2d6 [slashing] 19-20; x2)
Stun Baton +0 (1d6 [Bludg] + Special, 20 x2)
Miniaturize Laser Gun +2 (2d8 [Fire], 20 x2; 50 Shot)

SKILLS: 54 Ranks (MAX 6/3)
Bluff +8 (6 +2 cha)
Computer Use +3 (1 + 2 int)
Disguise +4 (2 + 2 cha)
Diplomacy +8 (6 + 2 cha)
Gambling +4 (2 + 2 wis)
Gather Information +8 (6 +2 cha)
Intimidate +8 (6 + 2 cha)
Knowledge: Business +7 (2 +2 int + 3)
Knowledge: Civics +5 (1 + 2 int + 2)
Knowledge: Streetwise +5 (3 + 2 int)
Preform: Dance +8 (6 + 2 cha)
Profession +8 (6 + 2 wis)
Sense Motive* +5 (3 + 2 wis)
*Permanent Class Skill

Languages: English, French, Dah

Charm (males), Favor

1b. Simple Weapons
1. Urban Tracking
1. Educated (Civics, Business)
2b. Trust Worthy
3. Personal Firearms


Clothing: Business Clothing, Casual Clothing, Coat, Explorer Outfit, Formal clothing

Weapons/Armor: High Frequency Sword, Laser Gun (Miniaturized), Scout Armor, Stun Baton;

Other: Card Computer, Disguise Kit (Morphic), HUD (Multi-Use [Display Contacts], Sensor Link, Satellite Link, vehicle Link), Portable Glow Lamp, Power Pack (50 shot [Miniaturized]) x4, Puritizer, Universal Communicator


[sblock="Wealth Rolls"]
Initial Wealth Roll: 2d4 = 8
Heir Rep/Wealth Trade-Off: 1d6 = 6
Level 2 Check:1d20+5 = 24 vs 17
Level 3 Check:1d20 +6 = 23 vs 18
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First Post

Medium-size Male Human
Tough Hero2 Strong Hero1
Action Points: 6
Hit Dice: (2d10)+(1d8)+9
Hit Points: 27
Initiative: +1
Speed: Walk 30 ft.

Defense: 14 (touch 14, flatfooted 13)

Attacks: *Knife +4; *Knife (Thrown) +3; Sawed-Off Shotgun (12 gauge shotgun) +3; ;

Damage: *Knife 1d4+3; *Knife (Thrown) 1d4; Sawed-Off Shotgun (12 gauge shotgun) 2d8; ;

Special Qualities & Talents: Melee Smash, Remain Conscious, Damage Reduction 1, Second Wind

Saves: Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +1, Will: -1

Abilities: STR 14 (+2), DEX 13 (+1), CON 17 (+3), INT 12 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 8 (-1)

Skills: Climb 8; Concentration 8; Intimidate 5; Profession 5;

Feats: Improved Damage Threshold, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Starship Gunnery, Tough Plus

Starting Occupation: Drifter
Reputation: 0
Wealth Bonus: 9

Possessions: Casual Outfit, Knife, Sawed-Off Shotgun (12 gauge shotgun), Universal Communicator (Unicom), ID-chip

A fiercely protective man, Pierce is quite physically imposing and intimidating. He’s rather tall and well built and a not terribly kind face. Unfortunately for Pierce, he is not the smartest man and lacks the requisite filter to stop people from noticing this small fact; he says what’s on his mind. An act-first-ask-later man, Pierce has a penchant for getting in the thick of trouble, but given the right people around him, this trait can be an asset and not necessarily a liability.

Realistically Pierce took the destruction of Earth hard. His father hadn’t been able to make the evacuation, so growing up on crowded Unity, trying to take care of his mother however he could. He’s had to do some unsavory things, rough a few people up, but he’s taken his lumps as well.

Now that he’s a bit more grown up, Pierce is trying to make money and support his mother with a more reputable job, one that would make her proud.
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