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Some 20 level 'complete' versions of races..no more LA


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Heyas everyone, these are some of character races from my upcoming campaign setting. I never liked the idea of LA, it's just a bit too unweildly for my tastes, so I did away with it and at the same time added a bit more 'cool' factor to my races. Under this system each race gains a new racial ability at every 4th level. I may also be designing a few racial feats for each race. I really wanted to make races truly different from eachother, and unique not only at 1st level but throughout their careers. I've done away with racial paragon levels also and have folded some of those concepts into the races.

These races are really designed around the fluff for each one, and can be somewhat world specific to my setting. I was hoping to get some comments on the idea behind each race and some critique on the mechanics. Right now nothing is set in stone, and I would really love some input from some of you posters out there.

Thanks is advance!

Here are just 2 of the races so far, I'll edit my post to add more if there is interest.

The gnolls are proud hunters and guardians of the dry southern plains and hills, for ceturies they have been held in trust by the humans of the empire to hold the borders against the barbarian hordes of the south. These large hyena people have a long tradition of guardianship and ferocity, and their hunters are some of the best trackers in the world.

Personality: Gnolls can seem wild and surly at first glance and they have a way of expression that’s brooks little room for the human traits of deception or guile. Gnolls tend to be very straightforward and they do not understand the subtleties of social communication among the other races. They are led by the strongest and most cunning of the females and males tend to take to this role with an easy acceptance. Gnolls have a strong tradition of humor and often make jokes which few other races understand, they enjoy practical jokes and use them as a relief from the serious pressures of their lives.

Physical Description: Gnolls stand anywhere from 7 to 8 feet tall, and weigh upwards of 300 pounds, with females often being larger. They tend to be lanky and lean, their muscles corded beneath the thick fur which covers their bodies. The fur which covers a gnolls body can range anywhere from a deep black to an almost amber colored yellow, it is often spotted upon their flanks and shoulders leading up to their thick necks. The spot pattern on every gnoll is unique and many gnolls identify each other via these spots. They appear like a cross between a lanky ogre and a hyena, and there burns a keen intelligence in their eyes. Their eyes are usually a burning green or blue which glow in the dark of night. Their hands are equipped with cruel and razor sharp claws, which grow in black like obsidian shards. They wear intricate armor made of horn and bone and often weave plaited grasses and small bones into their manes. A gnoll always wears an intricate and well made harness on their bodies used to carry weapons and items and make sure that they can remain completely mobile.

Relations: Gnolls have an almost mercenary like relationship with the humans of the empire, long ago they accepted a commission from a human emperor to serve as a bulwark against the barbarian invasions trying to destroy the civilizations of the north. Now with the empire in decline it is largely through the work of the gnolls that the empire is not overrun, although this loyalty is now bought with huge merchant trains full of trade goods and treasure which wind down from the empire. The Barbarians are forever a thorn in the side of the gnolls and although they respect the strength of these formidable humans they waste no time defending against them. Gnolls believe orcs to be a stunted and underdeveloped society, and they brook no orc to settle within their lands. Elves are viewed with suspicion but the gnolls cant wrap their minds around these alien creature, just instinctually knowing that they are to be feared and not trusted. Dwarves are not very well known to the gnolls although they do respect the few adventurers they have come across, admiring their stoic and hard lined nature. The yuan ti are for the most part unknown to the gnolls although they do not appreciate the occasional paladin-missionary who ventures into their lands and starts preaching about their strange god. Halflings are welcome in all gnoll holds, gnolls greatly appreciate the small folks traveling caravans and welcome the influx of exotic goods and stories, they are also the only other race to which gnolls show their humorous side and trade pranks with them freely. Half Elves are given about as much trust as their fey parents and gnolls see little difference between the two. Half Orcs and gnolls share a great mercenary sensibility and it is not uncommon to see a company of half orcs bolstering a gnoll outpost out on the plains. Goblins are allowed to maintain warrens within gnoll lands and gnolls will even very often take over the abandoned warrens which the goblins invariably leave behind.

Alignment: Gnolls tend towards neutrality with a slight nod towards lawful, displaying their ancient ties with the humans as well as their own leadership.

Lands: Gnoll holds occupy vast stretches of the hills of flint which they call their home, and others call the barrier hills. Their holdings are both above and below ground and composed of a great many outlying small-holds. They also maintain outposts all along the savannas of the south, it is these which hold back the barbarian incursions which occasionally strike towards the rich human lands of the north.

Religion: Gnolls have no fallen god to call their own and instead worship spirits and elementals of the world. They give praise to many beasts and places and things and take very seriously their various rituals of sacrifice and appease to the spirits.
Language: Gnoll speak in a high yipping tone, with their words accentuated by barks and growls. When a gnoll laughs it is a high and warbling sound much like the hyenas with which they share their holds. Their written language appears to be a series of scratch and claw marks and tends to be very simple and angular.


Adventurers: Gnolls become adventurers most often to fufill their own curiosity, many a gnoll has wandered off into human lands in search of what it is that their people are protecting. Gnolls make great allies once their trust is won and can lighten the mood of any party with their oddly humored jokes and pranks.

Racial Traits
• males:+2 Strength +2 Dexterity -2 Intelligence -2 Charisma: Gnolls tend to be inhumanely strong and quick, however they are not as smart as men and care not for the social graces known to other races.
• Medium: As medium creatures gnolls have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Gnoll base land speed is 30 feet
• Thermalvision: Gnolls can see in complete darkness up to 60 feet. Thermalvision only registers heat patterns, and thus is only useful against living or warm-blooded creatures, it can make out the landscape via residual heat but details are lost.
• Scent: Gnolls can track down and identify many varied smells, they often use this ability not only as an aid to the hunt, but also as a form of intra-hold communication, much as a human might use body language to help them communicate.
• Lope: Gnolls are comfortable using all four limbs to help them move; when they drop onto all fours they add 10 to their movement rate. The gnoll must be unarmed and have already moved 30 feet in that round before he can build up the speed necessary to lope.
• Natural Attacks: Claws (1D3dmg; x2 crit; s/p) Bite (1D4dmg; x3 crit; s/p/b)
• Automatic Languages: Gnoll and trade common
• Bonus Languages: Orc, Elf, Yuan Ti, Giant, and Hob
• Favored Classes: Crusader and Dragon Shaman
• 4th level ability: Bonus Feat: Track (if already possessed via ranger levels, add +2 to Survival checks when tracking) Gnoll subpack leaders are often the trackers of the groups, they use their impressive scent abilities to find and neutralize their quarry.
• 8th level ability: Bonus Feat: Improved Natural Attack: (Bite and Claws) A gnolls ferocious bite and razor taloned claws will get stronger as they become stronger themselves.
• 12th level ability: +2 Strength or Constitution or Dexterity: As a gnoll grows in power he becomes physically stronger or quicker or tougher.
• 16th level ability: Leader of the Pack: A gnoll who has reached this level of power will have garnered respect and fear among many holds, and his ability to fight when surrounded by allies’ increases. When in combat and among allies, a gnoll adds +2 to all saves, attack rolls, AC, and damage rolls his allies gain a competence bonus to of +1 to any 2 of the above rolls.
• 20th level ability: +2 Strength or Constitution or Dexterity: As a gnoll grows in power he becomes physically stronger or quicker or tougher.

Orcs are savagery personified. They are a chaotic and warmongering race, who pour forth from the dark mountains and hills, and woods which they inhabit and bringing with them a tide of blood. These reckless and fury filled peoples will work for any dark cause that can promise them blood and pain and plunder.

Personality: Orcs are a chaotic and bloodthirsty lot. They foster hate in their hearts and are surly and mean spirited individualists who care nothing for the fellow beside them. The male warriors have one agenda in their short and violent lives, this kill and maim and foster terror. The females of the species are aloof and vain, and their beauty is not matched by anything within, they are just as hateful and spiteful as the warriors and can often be seen encouraging them into further and further acts of brutality and savagery.

Physical Description: Orcs are large and brutish, standing between 5 ½ and 6 ½ feet tall and powerfully built with slabs of muscle making them weigh more than they would seem, somewhere in the 300 to 375lb range. They have tough skin which they scar in frenzied rituals giving them a callused and bumpy appearance although upon closer inspection one can make out the detailed and complex patterns upon the orcs’ hides. Their skin color can be anywhere from a mottled olive green to a sickly gray and their eyes burn with the fires of their rage and glow and inhuman red, much like the pits of the hells wherein their foul demonic gods rule. Their hair is matted and dreadlocked in tangled skein upon their slope browed heads, with deep reds and black the most common color. They have prominent tusks and extremely scarred ears, which might be long but instead most often end in ragged strips of flesh. They are unclean and unwashed and they will never wash off the blood of an enemy they’ve killed.
Orc women however are surprisingly beautiful; they have smooth skin with intricate patterns of scarification, and a fine bone structure that elegantly displays their alluring and exotic features. They are smaller and slighter than their male counterparts. Their eyes are large and glitter a dangerous red like the embers of a dying fire and their tusks are much less pronounced. Their hair is worn in long thick braids and is fine and often red or midnight blue. One can see why there is such a proliferation of half orcs in the world when looking upon an orc female.

Relations: The orcs don’t have good relations with anyone. They hate all other sentient beings and will only serve others if it furthers their own agendas of cruelty and loathing. They are led by their females who are cunning and evil and use their greatly renowned beauty to seduce and lead the brutish males. They have almost no relations with the humans except with the lowly humans dwelling in Thar, from whom the females take lovers. Almost any human male of great beauty is in danger of being taken as a prize to the female orc priestesses. With the dwarves there is no relationship at all except that of enemies. The elves tend to be feared and for the most part avoided; it is well known that elves often come for alluring orcish females to add to their ranks of mind dead servants. Halflings are tolerated because of the trade they bring, but even they are not safe from the savage nature of the orcs, and goblins are not suffered among orcs except as slaves and servants…a face most goblins are resigned to since at least they are free of the elves. Hobs are hated by the orcs, but never attacked unless it is in overwhelming numbers. Gnolls are viewed as dangerous and worthy enemies, and orcs respect their strength and ferocity. Yuan Ti are seen as tired and preaching missionaries, and their kingdoms have long been a dream of the orcs to conquer...a dream that will seemingly go unfulfilled.
Alignment: Orcs are strongly chaotic and quite evil in nature, at best some orcish females might lean towards neutrality a bit but for the most part this race is content rotting in its own evil.

Lands: The Orcs have no true homeland unless it be Thar, the dark lands from which the demon princes command their orcish hordes. Orcs can be found anywhere there is life, trying to exterminate said life. They make their homes in the dark and vicious holes of the world and can adapt to almost any environment. Most comfortable in lightless places, their lairs are filthy and cramped affairs, with only the female priestesses having any modicum of privacy for their dark rituals. Orcs tend to stay far from the enchanted groves of the elves and have yet to enter the deep jungles of the yuan ti, otherwise they occupy niches in every other part of the world.

Religion: Long ago an orc clan found the fallen god, Rage deep within what is now Thar. This clan came to worship and revere this dark and malicious god and built many dark fortresses around the site of its fall. The original orcs of this clan came to great power and became demons in their own right, and it is from this base of power that Thar has launched its blood crazed armies. Every orc clan that has made its pilgrimage into Thar now carries a piece of this god with them, in the form of a chosen orc who has been touched by the god. These chosen ones become versions of the god and grant their priestesses power, but they soon lose the ability to move on their own and must be carted about and protected by the clan. They appear as tumor ridden monstrosities whose contact with the god has left them demonic and cancerous in nature, they swell and become bulbous, pus-filled fiends.

Language: Orcs speak a corrupt and scathing tongue, whose very sound could come from the blackest pit of hell. They have no written language and tend to use a corrupted trade common which they have stolen. More often than not however individual orcs cannot even read.


Adventurers: Orc adventurers are often those lone orcs out seeking their fortunes in blood and riches. Some adventurers are the last of a destroyed or scattered clan and some may be cast outs and exiles. A very rare few have rejected the base nature of their kind and seek to find a better life among the other races of the world.

Racial Traits
• Male:+4 Strength +2 Constitution – 2 Dexterity -2 Intelligence -2 Wisdom -2 Charisma, orc males are huge brutish creatures, strong beyond any human and incredibly tough. They however lack the cunning, insight and social presence of other races.
• Female: +2 Strength +2 Charisma -2 Intelligence -2 Wisdom, orc females are still strong but not as big or tough as their male counterparts, what they lack in physical power the make up for in sheer beauty and presence.
• Medium: As medium creatures orcs have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Orc base land speed is 30 feet, however orcs can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
• Darkvision: Orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function with no light at all.
• Intimidate checks use Strength in place of Charisma, orcs bully those around them by sheer force of strength and power.
• Light Sensitivity: Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
• Automatic Languages: Orc and Undercommon
• Bonus Languages: Trade Common, Goblin, Hob, Gnoll, Dwarf, Giant, Demonic
• Favored Classes: Barbarian and Fighter
• 4th level ability: +2 Natural Armor, an orcs skin thickens and through rituals of scarification takes on a leathery texture and toughness.
• 8th level ability: Berserker Strength: An orc can harness its inner conflict and rage and use that strength to bring about swift death to his enemies.
• 12th level ability: Improved Darvision, an orcs eyes learn to make out more detail and adjust even more to the darkness letting him add another 60 feet to his Darkvision range.
• 16th level ability: Powerful Build: The physical stature of Orcs lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an orc is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the orc is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. An orc is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An orc can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category
• 20th level ability: +2 Strength or Constitution, an orc at this point becomes an object meant only to hurt and maim and kill, he gets tougher or even more inhumanely strong.
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here are humans and dwarves...

Humans are as varied as the waves of the great seas and can be as unexpected as a storm. Humans have exploded across the world and from the spires of the nearly fallen empire to the vastness of the southern plains to the colonies of the unnamed wilds and the trade cities along the central seas, and countless other city states and kingdoms and free cities. As a result they are not only physically diverse but politically and religiously and social diverse as well.

Personality: Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious peoples of the world. The northern humans of the central empire tend to be insular and haughty, clinging to the once proud traditions and history of their beloved imperium. The tribes of the south are proud and savage people, constantly harassing the edges of the empire and living their lives in an endless cycle of life among the harsh plains. The humans of the free cities are a varied and independent bunch and here can be found the very paragons of good and the very exemplars of tyranny. The colonists of the far eastern realms are a hardy and grounded folk who worry more about surviving their new world than with the politics and dramas of the west.

Physical Description: The Empire: The humans at the heart of what was once the central imperial society in the world have changed little over the years. They stand between 5 ½ and 6 ½ feet tall, and are built solidly weighing in from 140 to 220 pounds, with women often being taller yet slimmer than men. Their skin is often a deep mahogany brown but can also sometimes appear as a light milky brown, as they age their skin darkens so that the eldest of the race often have a very deep and rich brown skin tone. Their hair tends to be wavy and a very dark black, fading to silver as they age. Men wear their hair long to the shoulder and often have ribbons of silks worked in. Women tend to keep their hair no longer than their jaw line and often wear it in severe and straight cut fashions. The eyes of these humans tend towards very pale colors, often watery blues and greens and hazels, with the occasional violet or turquoise. Imperial humans reach adulthood at 16 and live well into their 7th decade.
Barbarians: The barbarian hordes of the southern plains are typically larger and more muscular than their northern cousins. They’re appearance is often dictated by whatever Totem-Tribe they belong to, however they are all universally pale with almost white skin and their eyes are one uniform color, no separation between white, iris or pupil.
• Lion: These fierce barbarians are tall and lean, standing well over 6 feet tall and weighing in at around 225 lbs. As all barbarians they are pale, but carry a faint golden sheen to their skin, their hair tends to be golden and thick, often growing in wild manes about their heads. They tend to also keep well maintained beards, kept short and trim for the most part. Their eyes are amber or golden and they stand with a fierce and proud stance.
• Rhino: These huge barbarians are the biggest of the southern tribes, standing at around 6 ½ feet tall on average, but so thickly layered with muscled that they weigh somewhere close to 350 lbs. Although pale, their skin seems to carry a rough texture when seen up close, their hair is shaved off with perhaps just a long braid jutting out of the base of their skull. Their eyes are a deep brown or black and they often walk with a lumbering stride, although when they charge it’s a sight to behold.
• Horse: These lean and very tall barbarians stand closer to 7 feet than 6 and weigh in near 220 lbs, they are lean and muscular. They are pail skinned and tend to keep their bodies and faces shaved; they wear their fine hair in long manes, with the sides of their scalps shaved leaving only a single mane down the center of their head. Their eyes are deep and emphatic light brown or hazel, and they walk with a cantering stride.
• Jackal: These dangerous and sinewy barbarians only stand around 5 ½ feet tall with the tallest being 6 feet, they weigh from 130 to 175 lbs. They are pale and scruffy looking with a lot of body hair and often wear long sideburns. Their hair is worn long and unkept, and they possess sharp and longer than usual canines. Their eyes are a dangerous and icy blue, and they prowl with a nervous and twitchy energy.
The Free nations: The people of these nations encompass all the rest of humanity, they come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from 5 feet to 6 feet and weighing from 110 to 200 pounds. Their builds range from skinny to obese and all the differences in between. Their skin can be fair or dark with every shade in between, and their eyes can come in any color of the rainbow.

Relations: Humans have at least some sort of relations with everyone, and there can be seen a sprinkling of every race within their cities. They have stronger relations with some than others especially depending on the region from which they come. The Empire is less inclined to deal with or allow in members of the other races at random, and can be counted on to at least keep a semi accurate tally and watch over the other races. The exception is the dwarves from whom they receive one of their border garrisons. Orcs are generally not allowed in at all considering their tensions with Thar, although even the men of the imperium will occasionally bring home an exotic and alluring orc wife. Elves are kept a close watch on and never trusted here, the long held scars of the fey wars before the founding of the empire can still be felt.The Barbarians do not freely mingle with the other races, making exceptions to halflings and occasionally half orcs but not in any sort of broad strokes. They hate the gnolls and see them as the only thing between the tribes and the riches of the north. The free cities and colonies accept and get along with everyone, and it is here that one will find the most representation of the other races.

Alignment: Humans can be of any alignment, but in general the empire tends towards lawful and the barbarians towards chaotic. The free cities and colonies run the gamut.

Lands: Humans have 4 major regional separations. The empire, founded long ago by the victors of the fey wars, it has held to its long traditions of service and law and it is by its influence that humans have been able to expand as they have. The empire is now in decay and being assailed from within and without. Most of their resources go towards holding the fronts against That and have thus fallen to rely more and more upon the gnolls for their protection to the south. Imperial cities are still spectacles of the grand design that swept across the north at the height of the empire, and their roads once linked the world. The barbarian lands are the south, they are constantly on the move following the game which sustains them, and they consider anything they can see from horizon to horizon to be theirs. The free cities are a series of city states and kingdoms who have broken away from the empire long ago or been founded by exiles of the empire in generations past. The colonies of the far eastern lands are small and isolated and must fend for themselves against a harsh environment as they try to make their fortunes and build lives for themselves away from the shadows of war and the empire.

Religion: The empire still retains a fallen god, but just like the empire has decayed over time so has this god, the Blade of the World. This god once inspired the humans onto greatness and fueled their imperial ambitions, their emperors and heroes cried its name as they strode forth into the darkness of the world and brought with them the light of civilization. Now this gods powers are failing and it may be actually dying, the priests and exemplars of the god cannot explain why this is happening and it remains a great mystery and also a great secret that must never leave human lands. The barbarians of the tribes worship totem spirits which infuse them with strength and inhuman abilities, each barbarian has a personal relationship with the totem and there are no shamans or priests to get in the way of their communication with their small gods. The humans of the free cities tend to worship a variety of spirits and idols, they tend to be superstitious and any given human city might have hundred of daily rituals practiced throughout, there is little organized religion present here. The colonies tend to offer worship to the primal elementals and spirits of nature which live so close to their settlements, they tend to offer these prayers more out of fear then any sense of true devotion.

Language: The human tongue was once prevalent throughout the world, but with the influx of trade common has fallen to the wayside when it comes to interracial communication. There are still many regional dialects which humans are proficient in. Their written language is the language of the empire and the characters which comprise it are flowing and very artistic.


Adventurers: Humans become adventurers for any number of reasons. They are the most daring and audacious of peoples and a human adventurer can come from any background imaginable.

Racial Traits
• Medium: As medium creatures humans have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Human base land speed is 30 feet.
• 1 extra bonus feat at 1st level, humans are quick to master specialized tasks and are varied in their talents.
• 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level, since humans are versatile and capable.
• Maximum rank in any skill is increased by 1, humans tend to be able to master wide-ranging skills more quickly than other races.
• Weapon Familiarity: Humans may treat Bastard Sword (one handed) as martial weapons.
• Automatic Languages: Trade Common and Regional dialect
• Bonus Languages: Any except Draconic
• Favored Classes: Any
• 4th level ability: Jack of all Trades, after only some experience in the world do humans become able to tap into even unknown skills with ease.
• 8th level ability: Bonus feat, with more experience come even more ability to master special talents and tasks.
• 12th level ability: +2 bonus to any ability score. Humans after gaining in more and more experience become greater than they were; stronger, faster, smarter, hardier, wiser, and captivating.
• 16th level ability: Bonus feat, with more experience come even more ability to master special talents and tasks.
• 20th level ability: +2 bonus to any ability score. Humans after gaining in more and more experience become greater than they were; stronger, faster, smarter, hardier, wiser, and captivating.

Dwarves are known for the Endless War in which they have been embroiled for more than an age. They are stoic and hardy folk who are able to withstand and resist most magical attacks and their battles have hardened every dwarf into a capable warrior. They have vast skill in the arts of crafting and war, and their hidden empire beneath the world spans in all directions and is also beset in all directions.

Personality: Dwarves are stoic and slow to jest, their endless war have given them a pessimistic outlook upon life and they devote themselves to war which will never end beneath the world. Dwarves values those whom manage to prove themselves to them especially when it come to the Endless War. Dwarves value things which will help them in the crafts of warfare, and heavy metals and stone hold special significance to them. They can be shrewd and canny traders and rarely will a dwarf end up on the losing end of a barter.

Physical Description: Dwarves stand anywhere from 4 to almost 5 feet tall, but they are so broad and densely muscled that they tend to weigh as much if not more than humans. Dwarf men are slightly heavier than women, but the difference tends to be negligible most times. Dwarf skin tones range from a deep charcoal gray to light shades of slate and even alabaster, with their skin texture being generally very craggy and rough and only smoothing out with age, so that the eldest dwarves have lost most of the definition on their faces and when standing still tend to appear more like statues than living beings. Their hair is course and is usually white or black with very few dwarves having a brilliant red which is worn long and often pulled back with a heavy stone ring. Dwarf men value their beards greatly and go to great pains to groom them and braid or plait them. Dwarves favor simple and functional styles for their clothing and often incorporate some element of armor into even everyday clothes, never knowing when the next incursion will be. Dwarves are considered full adults after having served 5 years in an outpost on the fringes of the empire, this can be anywhere from 20 to 40 years of age and they live well into their 4th century…however most don’t make it that far, more often becoming a casualty of the endless war.

Relations: Dwarves have little contact with other races, being consumed by the war which affects all aspects of their lives. Humans are often traded with and the dwarven host has sent a contingent of dwarven warriors to help the crumbling human empire gold their own borders against the march of Thar. This service is often viewed as repayment for the bravery and dedication of the human hero, Thalis, who long ago struck deep into ranks of the endless host who assail the dwarves, his actions brought to the dwarves fifty years of peace, not so long in the eyes of a dwarf but fifty years that’s they had never before had. Dwarves are naturally inclined to be at odd with the elves, their fickle and chaotic nature opposite to the dwarves orderly and structured lives. Hobs are commonly seen within the dwarven tunnels on monastic missions seeking to test themselves against the nameless hordes of the underworld, and the dwarves welcome their silent and stoic assistance. Gnolls are not well known except by reputation, and dwarves are generally inclined to admire the vigilance of the gnolls and their ability in battle. Orcs are not tolerated by dwarves and the savage species is often in conflict with the dwarves for the prime real estate near the surface of the mountains. The Yuan Ti are a mystery for the most part and since the dwarves have a way of dealing with whatever fell wastes erupt beneath the earth, even their paladins are little seen. Halflings are valued for the news they bring and the valuable trade goods, but dwarves tend to treat them gruffly, they do not wish for the diminutive people to become too close to the dwarves and their dangerous struggles un the underworld. Goblins are viewed as a nuisance to the dwarves and although they will occasionally shelter them from the ravages of the elves, since the elves hold no power under the earth, they never do so for long.

Alignment: Dwarves are very lawful, and believe in well ordered lives. This is the vein which protects them from the chaos of the deeps as well as the chaos of the elves. Evil dwarves are very rare and they tend more often than not towards good or neutrality.

Lands: The dwarven empire stretches far and wide in all direction from the heart of the world. Deep below the sun drenched lands they dig their tunnels. At some point in the far distant past they dug too far and too deep and let loose the nameless hordes of the under, and have fought their endless war ever since. They fight a constant battle to keep their own borders, and the edges of the empire shift with alarming regularity. The Dwarves keep no lands above ground, and have been forced to focus on their own deeply delved lands for countless generations now. There are no true cities in the empire, instead everything spreads from the central hub of the empire, The Deeping, and so everything is more akin to one gigantic city than a series of separate ones, and is divided instead into districts, since vast stretches of the “city” are empty tunnels and mining shafts.

Religion: The dwarves worship one of the fallen gods which lies far from the center of their empire, The Sleeping Keeper. It is believed that this is the reason the dwarves delved so far in the first place, they heard the call of the Sleeping Keeper and went in search of it. For many years the dwarves searched the deepest parts of the world, trying to reach this fallen god, and when they did they found that in their fervor they had opened passages to places in the world that were never meant to be opened. The dwarves defend the site of where the Sleeping Keeper fell, and fight to keep the vast hordes from reaching it. Their god helps them in any way it can, knowing that if it fell into the keeping of the nameless hordes that all would be lost.

Language: The dwarves speak in a baritone and rumbling voice, which reminds one of cascading rocks in the deep parts of the world. Their written tongue is runic in nature and very precise.


Adventurers: Dwarven adventurers are often those few dwarves who come to the surface seeking some great power that might help their people in the corse of their war. Some dwarves are on the surface on assignment to serve in the garrison among the humans and some very few dwarves are deserters, who have grown tired of a life of endless war.

Racial Traits
• +2 Constitution -2 Dexterity: Dwarves are hardy and tough, but they tend to be slower and less agile than others. Much like the earth and stone from which they come.
• Medium: As medium creatures dwarves have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
• Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function with no light at all.
• Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings and the like. Something that isn’t stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he was actively searching and a dwarf can use the Search skill to locate stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. Dwarves have a sixth sense about stonework, an innate ability they get plenty of opportunity to practice and hone in their underground empires.
• Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons.
• Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed, tripped or overrun when standing on the ground.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell like abilities. Dwarves are innately resistant to magic.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against toxins. Dwarves are hardy and able to better resist toxic gases, liquids and substances.
• +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against aberrations and oozes. Dwarves have battle the aberrations of the deeps for countless generations and have developed a special sort of ferocity when fighting them.
• +2 racial bonus on Craft and Appraise checks that are related to stone, metal or gemstone. Dwarves are familiar with valuable objects of all kinds, and their skill at working these items is unsurpassed.
• Automatic Languages: Trade Common and Dwarven
• Bonus Languages: Orc, Goblin, Hob, Terran and Sporegan
• Favored Classes: Fighter and Cleric
• 4th level ability: Improved Stonecunning, dwarves add another +2 bonus to their Search checks when detecting unusual stonework and can automatically notice unusual stonework from an additional 10 feet away. Dwarves can also now intuit direction while underground always knowing where the center of the empire lies. Craft Expertise: Dwarves become master craftsmen, adding half their character level to any Craft check made using stone, metal or gemstones.
• 8th level ability: Aberrations and Oozes become favored enemies as the Ranger ability. Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to Perception, Bluff, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against Aberrations and oozes as well as gaining a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against them. If the dwarf already has aberrations or oozes as their favored enemy the bonuses stack.
• 12th level ability: +2 bonus to Constitution or Strength, with time and experience dwarves become even tougher and stronger, the better to survive in a harsh environment and during a life of constant warfare.
• 16th level ability: Tremorsense, dwarves of this level of power have forged a special bond with the earth they become part of it and it becomes another one of their senses. A dwarf can sense the location of any creature that is in contact with the ground within 60 feet. As long as the other creature is taking physical actions the dwarf can home in on it, if no straight path exists the dwarf can intuit the shortest direct route to the creature.
• 20th level ability: +2 bonus to Constitution or Strength, with time and experience dwarves become even tougher and stronger, the better to survive in a harsh environment and during a life of constant warfare.


First Post
I like what you've done so far. I'd like to see some races that already have LA's completed. One of my favorite races is the Goliath (Races of Stone, I believe) and I'd like to see how you handle it and half-dragon.


Here is a preliminary attempt at doing this for a Warforged (having nothing to do with the setting of the OP, but I like the idea to much to not try it out myself):

<otherwise same as core>
• 4th level ability: Improved Damage Reduction, an experience warforged has learned to use it's metal plating to absorb blows, and instinctively shifts his body to do so.
• 8th level ability: Enhanced Fortification, more time in the world has taught the warforged the places it does not want to get struck. With a few minor modifications to it's body, along with an improved sense of awareness, the warforged now has a 50% chance to negate a critical hit or precision based damage.
• 12th level ability: +2 bonus to Constitution or Strength
• 16th level ability: Fluidity, by now the warforged has learned to move in a more fluid and natural way, compensating from imperfections in it's base design. A warforged with either the Adamantine Body or Mithral Body feat has it's armor check penalty reduced by 1 and it's max dexterity bonus increased by 1.
A warforged without these feats has it's base land speed increased by 10 feet.
In either case, the warforged's arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%.
• 20th level ability: +2 bonus to Constitution or Strength


First Post
Awesome warforged! I really like it and will most likely steal it ;> I'm still trying to figure out how to incorparate the warforged into my setting cause I really like them as a race but can't figure a very seemless way to ustilize them.

Here are a couple of more races...just the mechanics this time no fluff =) unless yas want to read the fluff...

Elves, Halflings, Goblins, and Hobs (hobgoblins) I still need a 16th level and 20th level ability for the Hobs..so if anyone has any fitting ideas...please share :)

Racial Traits

• +2 Dexterity +2 Charisma -2 Constitution: Elves are graceful and quick, and their presence is said to be able to rob mortals of their senses. But elves are not of this world, and their bodies are rooted in the chaotic wellsprings from which they came.
• Fey: Elves are of the fey subtype, meaning they are not mortals and cannot be affected by spells that only affect humanoids.
• Medium: As medium creatures elves have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
• Low Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as mortals under conditions of limited visibility such as moonlight, starlight, torchlight and similar effects of poor illumination.
• Dream Eaters: An elf need not ever sleep, she is replenished each morning at dawn or each evening at twilight (players choice, once made cannot be undone). However an elf must feed, and the only thing from which an elf can draw true sustenance is the matter of dreams. She must go into a reverie every 2 days (or nights depending on the elf’s choice of twilight or dawn) which lasts for 2 hours plus an additional hour for every 5 character levels the elf possesses, more powerful elves must seek out more rarified dreams. In order to find dreams upon which to feast an elf must be within 25 miles of mortals from whom she can feed, once this condition is met an elf must make a DC 10 Charisma check adding half her character level to the roll. Upon a success the elf finds and consumes enough dream matter to sustain her for another two days. Each failed roll adds an hour to the elf’s reverie, the elf remains in her reverie until she can successfully feed. An elf can only feed from humanoid mortals, not including Hobs (they are immune to the ravishes of the elves). An elf usually feeds from many different sources at a given time, taking a taste here and there from this dream or that. This does not harm the victim apart from leaving them with a mild sense of euphoria and longing, as if they dreamed of their one true love or their one great victory. Some mortals come to savor and crave this after feeling and go seeking out elven princes to pledge their dreams to for just one more taste of bliss. If an elf wishes she can feed exclusively upon one mortal, this adds 2 to the DC for every character level the mortal possesses (NPC classes add nothing). Once an elf has fed upon this mortal more times than the mortals charisma score, the victim becomes mindless. A mindless mortal is only capable of the most basic motor skills and can only follow orders, it has no will of its own and nothing short of a miracle spell can bring their minds back. If a mortal can in the process of being fed upon find a way to ward their dreams, they can escape the fate of the mindless.
• +4 racial saving throw bonus against any mind affecting spells and illusions. Elves are masters of enchantment and illusion and thus any such spells cast upon them are subject to failure.
• +2 bonus to Perception, elves have keen senses and little escapes their scrutiny.
• Natural Entertainers: Elves love to entertain and enchant, they are known as the worlds premier performers of the arts and many a mortal has been enraptured by the performance of an elf and never seen in mortal lands again. Elves receive a +2 bonus to any perform check, they commonly earn their keep in mortal lands by the power of their performances, and even more often use their beauty and skill to lure mortals into their unearthly realms.
• Weapon Proficiency: 2 weapons by court.
• Automatic Languages: Elven and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Goblin, Hob, Gnoll, Orc, Yuan-Ti, Sylvan and Regional human dialects
• Favored Classes: Beguiler and Bard
• 4th level ability: As elves grow in power they can harness and release the natural essence of the world as spell-like abilities. An elf with at least a Charisma score of 10 can cast each of the following a number of times per day equal to their Charisma bonus using their character level as caster level: Disguise Self (elves often alter their appearance to suit their needs) Faerie Fire ( a favorite opening tactic of elven hunting parties) Charm Person (elves will often enrapt those around them)
• 8th level ability: An elf’s senses grow even keener and she gains an additional +2 racial bonus to Perception checks. At this point she may also attract followers as per the leadership feat, however no cohorts may be gained only followers and all followers must be of a race which the elves currently enslave en masse, with goblins being the most common type. These followers are actually slaves not willing followers.
• 12th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Charisma: Elves grow even more graceful and their presence soon starts to outshine all but the most kingly of mortals as they grow more powerful.
• 16th level ability: Undying: elves become essentially immortal and at this point they no longer age, however they still receive the beneficial bonuses from aging as the tale of years passes, but none of the penalties. If killed in combat through any means whatsoever, even if their body is utterly destroyed, the elf returns to life in a new body. The new body can have any appearance the elf desires as long as it is not an exact duplicate of another elf. The elf retains all abilities and character levels and memories of their life before they died. It takes 2D4 weeks for the elf to return to life, and upon returning to life the elf does suffer a negative 1 to their permanent constitution score. Once an elf has died enough times for her Constitution to reach zero, she dies forever. What passes for her soul returns to the formless maelstroms of chaos from which she sprang. Additionally magics which return characters to life do not work upon elves, the gods have no interest in aiding the enemies of creation.
• 20th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Charisma: Elves grow even more graceful and their presence soon starts to outshine all but the most kingly of mortals as they grow more powerful.

Racial Traits

• +2 Dexterity -2 Strength: Halflings are quick and agile but their small frames lack the strength of the bigger races.
• Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
• Halfling base speed is 20 feet.
• Sharp-eyed: Halflings can see 3 times as far as humans in conditions of normal light.
• +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear, this bonus stacks with a Halflings +1 bonus on saving throws in general. Halflings are stout of heart and tend to be seen as fearless.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws, Halflings are surprisingly capable of avoiding mishaps.
• +2 racial Bonus to Perception checks, little escapes the inquisitive nature of Halflings.
• +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Ride checks, Halflings are closely bound to their mounts treating them more as companions and friends than mere beasts.
• Bonus Feat: Mounted Combat
• Automatic Languages: Draconic and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Any
• Favored Classes: Druid and Scout
• 4th level ability: Speak with Animals (cha mod/day min of 1) Halflings learn to communicate with their beloved animal companions and by extension all beasts of the land.
• 8th level ability: Animal Companion (as a ranger of the same level) if an animal companion already exists from a class feature, choose a new animal companion of one category higher (ie if an 8th level druid choose an animal from the 10th level or higher list)
• 12th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Wisdom, as a Halfling grows in power she becomes more intuitive and his natural agility increases.
• 16th level ability: Bonded Mount: A Halfling at this point will have a very special connection to his mount(s) a connection broken only with the rider or mounts death. A Halfling gains a +2 bonus to ride checks on her mount, the mount gains a speed bonus of 10 feet (stacks with paladin mount granted ability) and the Halfling and mount may now communicate telepathically from up to 100 miles away.
• 20th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Wisdom, as a Halfling grows in power she becomes more intuitive and his natural agility increases.

Racial Traits

• +2 Dexterity or Constitution -2 Strength: Goblins tend to either be quick and agile or tough and hardy, but usually not very strong.
• Small: As a Small creature, a goblin gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
• Goblin base speed is 30 feet.
• Low Light Vision: Goblin can see twice as far as mortals under conditions of limited visibility such as moonlight, starlight, torchlight and similar effects of poor illumination.
• Stealthy: Golbins are furtive and sly and tend to keep a low profile especially among the greater races, they receive a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
• Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse, goblins use their agility and quickness naturally in combat.
• Weapon Proficiency: Goblins are all trained and proficient in the Kukri, Blowgun, Shuriken and Bolas.
• Strong Back: Goblin warrens are often temporary and all goblins in a kin band are ready to move and relocate in a moments notice. They spend their lives fleeing and hiding from elven slavers, carrying with them all they own and establishing new warrens with a quick efficiency. Goblins have a great knowledge on how to position and carry great loads at any given time, they can quickly harness and evenly distribute great loads upon their frail backs. Goblins use their Constitution score in place of their Strength scores when determining their carrying capacity.
• Automatic Languages: Goblin and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Elven, Hob, Gnoll and Yuan Ti
• Favored Classes: Ranger and Rogue
• 4th level ability: Poison Craft: Goblins are well trained in the arts of poison craft and use. A goblin never risks accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to any object. A goblin also gains a +2 Craft bonus to harvesting and brewing poisons. Additionally a goblin gains a +1 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
• 8th level ability: Swift Movement, goblins spend their lives using their own bodies to move about never using mounts. Goblins receive a racial bonus to their movement rate, adding 10 feet to their max move speed. This effect stacks with any other move affecting boosts.
• 12th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Constitution: Goblins manage to improve their quickness or sturdiness as they grow in power.
• 16th level ability: Improved Stealth: Goblins grow even better at evading the notice of the greater races, their ability to run away and hide is nearly flawless giving them a +2 bonus to Hide and Move Silently, and the ability to move at their full base speed while hiding and moving silently.
• 20th level ability: +2 Dexterity or Constitution: Goblins manage to improve their quickness or sturdiness as they grow in power.

Racial Traits

• +2 Constitution -2 Charisma: Hobs are robust and durable, but they tend to see social graces as unnecessary and overly complex.
• Medium: As medium creatures hobs have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Hob base land speed is 30 feet.
• Zen Mentality: Hobs can use their wisdom modifier in place of strength or dexterity modifier when making attacks with melee weapons or unarmed strikes.
• +2 racial bonus to Jump, Tumble and Balance. Hobs are athletic and very mobile, they exhibit incredible amounts of agility when performing certain tasks.
• Weapon Familiarity: Hobs may treat all exotic and double weapons as martial weapons.
• Automatic Languages: Hob and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Elf, Orc, Gnoll, Yuan Ti, Celestial, and Infernal
• Favored Classes: Swordsage and Monk
• 4th level ability: Grace: Hobs can use their dexterity modifier for Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. They can also always take 10 on Balance checks and never lose their dexterity bonus when climbing, balancing or swimming.
• 8th level ability: Will of the Free: Hobs gain a +3 racial bonus to will saves and can inspire their allies when within 30 feet of them, often using calming mantras and meditations, granting allies a +1 competence bonus to will saves for every 6 character levels the hob possesses.
• 12th level ability: +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom, as hobs grow in power they can attune even more so their natural grace and their inner intuitive abilities.
• 16th level ability: Blindsense (5 feet + 1/2 Hobs character level) Hobs grow attuned enough to the world around them that they have an intuitive sense of things and no longer need traditional senses to percieve their nearby surroundings.
• 20th level ability: +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom, as hobs grow in power they can attune even more so their natural grace and their inner intuitive abilities.
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Kisanji Arael

First Post
I did something like this. I usually made mine less combat oriented, though, but more powerful. Here, for one of my few combat-related examples, are halflings (which I designed more like kender)

Level 5, Look! A distraction!: Halflings are annoying. Most of the time, they’re only mild nuisances and end up thrown into walls by the bigger folk. However, in certain instances, Halflings can bring this talent to an art. Halflings may, with a described full-round action, daze an opponent for one round. They may not use the same distraction more than once in a day (their rapier wit requiring a new joke for every occasion), and no one will fall for a halfling’s distraction more than once in a day (or, in fact, the distraction of more than one halfling in a day). There is, however, no end to the number of pranks that a creative Halfling can devise. The Concentration check to resist such a prank is equal to DC 20+ the halfling’s Charisma modifier.

Level 8, Halfling's Friend's Intuition: Those who adventure with halflings soon learn that the best way to determine whether a plan is extremely dangerous or not is to watch the Halfling. Oftentimes, Halflings become excited, even against their own will, by plans that would mean certain death for all involved. In game terms, the halfling’s player may privately ask the DM if an idea is extremely bad. The first time in any game session that the answer is yes, the Halfling must begin to act extremely confident about the plan or course of action presented. He may not tell the other players what he has learned, but they may come to realize what a terribly bad thing it can be to listen to the Halfling.

Level 10, "There he is, on the half-orc! No, the pavilion. I mean the... no, I lost him.": The halfling may make a move action that includes any number of five foot jumps at a balance DC equal to the number of feet moved. If he both has not attacked in two turns and does not attack on this turn, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Level 12, Really big pockets: Halflings of 12th level or higher "find" an extradimensional space for all their little treasures. This space is not very large, only about 1 feet by 1 feet, but the Halfling can access it at any time. The Halfling does not even need pockets to use this ability, but must be able to put his hand somewhere (a barrel, a breadbox, a sock) that would be unseen by others. He can even use this ability by reaching behind his back, assuming that no one is looking, but he can only keep one object at a time ready to be pulled out in this fashion. Retrieving any item can range from a swift action, for a coin, to a full-round action, depending on how cluttered he keeps his pockets. However, it should not be assumed that a Halfling always immediately finds what he wants.

Level 15, Oh! Here it is: Halflings have a nasty habit of picking things up when they really shouldn’t. At any time when an object that could fit reasonably in a halfling’s hand is unaccounted for, there is a 50% chance that the object in question is in the halfling’s pocket. This item must have been seen by the Halfling, and the Halfling must have gotten close enough to have potentially palmed it. If the object could be considered shiny, this percent raises by 25%. If the object is thematically important, the percent raises by 15%. And if the object is shiny and thematically important, that object has a 90% chance of being in the halfling’s pocket. The player may make this roll in secret, alert the DM, and then, if successful, announce it at a later time. This ability does not overlap with Really Big Pockets.


Going by the pattern in the other races you've done, the 20th should be another stat bonus.

As for 16th... looking at the other abilities, I'd be tempted to let them use Wis on damage rolls with ranged weapons/unarmed attacks, but that may be too much.

Mabye Darkvision 60' (or Blindsense 10' (probably too much as well))?


First Post
Thanks :) I edited the Hobs to give em blindsesnse (5' + 1/2 character level) at 16th and the stat bonus at 20th

I'm working on a variant Yuan Ti...have the purebloods done but need to figure out the halfblood version....
For a bit of background the yaun ti in this setting are highly lawful and if I had to compare them to a real world equilvilent a mix of aztec and european crusade cultures...they are not evil nor are they psionic, instead having unparralled prowess with holy energies and known for their travelling orders of paladins which hunt down and destroy uprisings of the dead. They also hold no love for arcane magics. There's alot more but thats the gist. They have a strict caste sytem ruled by Coautl god-kings and going down from there...the pureblood are the Emmisary caste and are sent among humans most often, the halfbloods are the Crusader caste and are the strong arm of the religion.
these are the pureblood...I still need a 16th level ability and need to build the entire halfblood racial traits.

Racial Traits: Pureblood
• +2 Intelligence +2 Charisma -2 Constitution: The pureblooded are cunning and have a snakelike sensuality and charisma, but their bodies are not as sturdy in their transformations into more human-like creatures.
• Medium: As medium creatures purebloods have no special penalties or bonuses for their size.
• Pureblood base land speed is 30 feet.
• Low Light Vision: Pureblood can see twice as far as humans under conditions of limited visibility such as moonlight, starlight, torchlight and similar effects of poor illumination.
• Sly: Pureblood have a natural tendency to blend into whatever society they are sent into and they are indeed cunning and crafty individuals. They receive a +5 bonus to Disguise checks when trying to appear as humans.
• Studied Emissaries: Pureblood spend many years studying other cultures before leaving on the yuan ti homelands, they receive a +2 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowledge (choice of any two) checks.
• Flexibility: Pureblood have an odd bone structure therefore making them more flexible than a human, they gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist and Tumble checks.
• Automatic Languages: Yuan Ti and Trade Common
• Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnoll, Orc, Goblin and Giant
• Favored Classes: Paladin and Favored Soul
• 4th level ability: Snake Skin: A pureblood's skin takes on a more scale like quality granting them a +1 Natural Armor bonus. They have excellent control over these very fine scales and can change their color in subtle ways in order to maintain their human like appearance, but they can also use them to blend into their surroundings granting them a +2 bonus to Hide and Disguise checks.
• 8th level ability: Snake Eyes: A yuan ti pureblood has a very seductive quality about them and many can hypnotize with just their eyes, gaining the spell like abilities: Hypnotism and Animal Trance. They can use these abilities a number of times per day equal to their Charisma modifier, and have a caster level equal to their character level.
• 12th level ability: +2 Dexterity or +2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence: Purebloods at this point in their level of power can grow quicker or more cunning or charming.
• 16th level ability:
• 20th level ability: +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma: A yuan ti pureblood grows in both cunning and charm as they grow in power.



For the Purebloods, perhaps a smite like ability at 16?

But then again, they are the Emissaries... maybe a limited ability to reroll social skills?

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