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Bevin Rockhammer, Dwarf Rogue2, Wizard(Enchanter)6, Tai Chi Master20:), XP 28,000

Bevin Rockhammer, Dwarf, Rogue2, Wizard(Enchanter)6, XP 28,000

Age: 53
Gender: Male
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 135lb
Eyes: Dark Grey
Hair: Black, Shaved
Beard: White mostly and growing longer by the hour :)
(Currently being re-grown)
Skin: Deeply tanned, but somewhat grayish

STR:13 [+1] (5 pts)
DEX:16=15+1 [+3] (8 pts, +1 4th level increase)
CON:15=13+2(race) [+2] (5 pts)
INT:16=15+1 [+3] (8 pts, +1 8th level increase)
WIS:11 [+0] (3 pts)
CHA:9=11-2(race) [-1] (3 pts)
32 point buy

HP: 44 [6+4+3+3+3+3+3+3+con(15)]
current hp = 44/44

Armor Class: 20 (10 base + 5 (+3 leather armor) +2 ring of prot. + 3 dex) (Arcane spell failure chance=5%)
- Flat-footed AC: 17
- Touch AC: 15
Initiative: +3
BAB: +3
- +2 Heavy Mace, +7(1d6+3)(+3BAB+1weapon focus+1STR+2magic mace)
- Dagger, +4 (1d3+1) (+3 BAB, +1 STR)
- Light Crossbow (human-sized), +6 (1d6) (+3 BAB +3DEX)

Speed: 20'

Saves (Plus see below, racial abilities, for bonuses vs. spells and poison)
FORT: +4 (+2 base + 2 con)
REF: +8 (+5 base + 3 dex)
WILL: +5 (+5 base + 0 wis)

Racial Abilities:
- +2 Con, -2 Cha
- Speed 20"
- Darkvision
- Stonecutting, +2 to notice new stonework
- Stability (+4 to resist being bullrushed or tripped)
- +2 Racial bonus to saves vs. poison
- +2 Racial bonus to saves vs. spells or spell-like effects
- +1 Racial bonus "to hit" orcs and golinoids
- +4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. creatures of the Giant type
- +2 Racial bonus to Appraise and Craft checks for stone or metal items

1st Level, Rogue
- Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
3rd level (1st level Wizard bonus feats)
- Scribe Scroll
- Summon Familiar
4th Level (standard)
- Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]) +2
7th Level 5th level Wizard Bonus Feat
- Extend Spell (Double duration -- spell uses 1 level higher slot)
8th Level (standard)
- Magical Aptitude (+2 Spellcraft and Use Magical Device)

- Appraise +8 (5 ranks, +3 int) (+10 for stone/metal items -- with +2 racial bonus)
- Climb +8 (5 ranks, +1 str, +2 climber's kit)
- Concentration +14 (12 ranks, +2 con)
- Disable Device +10 (5 ranks, +3 dex, +2 m/w tools)
- Hide +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)
- Knowledge (Arcana) +14 (9 ranks, +3 int, +2 Skill Focus feat)
- Move Silently +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)
- Open Locks +10 (5 ranks, +3 dex, +2 m/w tools)
- Sleight of Hand +7 (4 ranks, +3 dex)
- Spellcraft +14 general (9 ranks, +3 int, +2 Magical Aptitude feat),
------- +16 for checks for School of Ench (specialty school)
------- +9 for checks for Schools of Abj and Trans (prohibited schools)
- Spot +9 (9 ranks, +0 wis)
- Survival +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)
- +2 to Use Magical Device (Magical Apt Feat)

- Common
- Dwarvish
- Draconic
- Giant
- Orc

Armor & Shield
- +3 Leather Armor (9,160gp,) (5% arcane spell failure chance)
- +2 Ring of Protection (8,000 gp)

Melee weapons
- +2 Heavy Mace (8,312gp,) named "Nutcracker" (loaned to renau1g's Father Fuller at the moment)
- Dagger

Ranged weapons
- Spells
- Light Crossbow

- +2 Heavy Mace ("Nutcracker")
- Light Crossbow, w/ 3 cases of 10 bolts each
- Backpack (2gp), lined with Bag of Holding, Type I (2,500 gp)
----- money 247 gp
----- Bedroll (1sp)
----- Trail rations, 5 days (25sp)
----- 2 sacks (2cp)
----- Climbers' Kit (80 gp)
----- 2 Sunrods
----- 3 Potions, Cure Moderate Wounds (@ 300 gp ea)
----- 4 Potions, Cure Serious Wounds (@ 750 gp ea)
- Wand of Detect Magic 50 ch.
-3 Beltpouches (@ 1gp ea.)
----- Pouch of Dispel Evil powder (from Sergeant Sarras) used?
----- Flint & steel (1gp,)
----- M/W Thieves' Tools (100 gp)
- Spell Component Pouch (5 gp)
- Waterskin (1gp)
- Explorer's outfit (10gp, worn)
- 2 Daggers (@ 2 gp ea.)

Weight Carried:

Remaining money: 247 gp

Rogue Abilities
- Proficient with all Simple Weapons
- Sneak Attack (+1d6 damage) (extra dam. if the target would be denied dex bonus to AC)
- Trapfinding
- Evasion (0 damage if successful Reflex save to an attack that normally deals half-damage on a successful R. save, eg. Fireball)

Wizard Ability
- Summon Familiar
- Scribe Scroll

Spellbook (Prohibited Schools: Abjuration and Transmutation)
Save DC for spells=13+spell level

0 Level - All except Abjuration/Transmutation: Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Repair Minor Damage (Comp. Arcane p. 120), Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

1 Level - Burning Hands, Charm Person, Grease, Hypnotism, Color Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Summon Monster I

2 Level - Daze Monster, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Touch of Idiocy, Summon Monster II

3 Level - Deep Slumber, Heroism, Hold Person, Summon Monster III

Prepared Spells (4/3/3/2 base, plus int bonus, plus spec. bonus = 4/4+1/4+1/3+1)

0 Level - Read Magic, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Daze

1 Level - Burning Hands, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray + Sleep

2 Level - Daze Monster, Summon Monster II, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Summon Monster II, + Tasha's Hideous Laughter

3 Level - Hold Person, Extended Daze Monster, Deep Slumber + Deep Slumber (10hd)
[sblock=Description/Personality/Background/Future Development]
Description - Bevin recently began re-growing his beard. It will probably be at least a few more days before it is returned to its lush fullness. He has surrendered and is letting his whiskers grow unchecked. Soon, when Bevin is once again fully equipped with hs usual, luxuriant beard, he wears it long, tapered, and forked, with a golden "Dwarven Beard Clasp" near the end. The Beard Clasp is in the shape of a hammer and anvil, and is inscribed with a stylized "B" (the Dwarven equivalent). Bevin usually wears flowing garments of bright colors, a long sash or girdle with many pockets, and hard boots. Bevin also wears a normal belt to which are attached his pouches and his mace, "Nutcracker."

Personality - Bevin tends to be pretty easygoing. Because he was always somewhat ostracized from Dwarvish society due to his interest in magic, Bevin has a soft spot in his heart for outcasts and misfits. He also has an abiding hatred of bullies and conformists (whom he sees as mere 'sheep'). See next paragraph for more personality details about Bevin, too.

Background - Bevin hails from Rockhome (Clan Wyrwarf). Definitely a nonconformist Dwarf, Bevin never liked to dig and get dirty. Because of this fastidious nature, Bevin was relegated to the fringes of Dwarvish society, and this disenfranchisement led directly to his decision to be a rogue. However, soon he found the moral courage necessary for him to pursue his true passion: MAGIC. For a Dwarf, this was not a terribly easy decision, both because of Dwarvish culture, and because of the innate resistance of Dwarves to magical energy. But Bevin was always fascinated by magic, so he finally made up his mind to pursue his true passion. Bevin is content with the choice he has made, because magic is what he wants to do with his life, and the rest of the "accepted" Dwarvish world can, for all he cares, just go and be hanged. Even as a rogue, Bevin was studying spellcraft as much as possible, so he is very accomplished in that skill for someone of his experience as a wizard.

Future Development: If he is successful as a wizard, Bevin will probably continue to add levels to his arcane class. If he has less luck as a wizard, he may revert to his roguish ways, but this decision would be based solely upon survival, not personal preference, since his passion is for magic and this will probably always be the case. He might even take a level or two as a fighter since that is the favored class of Dwarves, and would add considerably more hit points to the mix.
[sblock=Bevin's Tentative Plan for Future Spells]Wiz 7: Crushing Despair and Phantasmal Killer; Wiz 8: Charm Monster and Orb of Cold
Also needs to pick up Magic Missile ASAP!
Future Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Illusion), Weapon Focus (Ranged Touch/Ray),
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Walking Dad

First Post

Girgal "Bloody Claws" Scalefoot

Male Ghostwise Halfling Druid 8
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 3'2"
Weight: 36lb
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Long, braided, Brown
Skin: Light Tan

Str:  8 -1 (2p.)        Level: 8        XP: 28000
Dex: 16 +3 (6p.)        BAB: +6/+1      HP: 59 = (8d8+16) = 8+(7x5)+16
Con: 14 +2 (6p.)        Grapple: +1     Dmg Red: N/A
Int: 14 +2 (6p.)        Speed: 20'      Spell Res: N/a
Wis: 18 +4 (10p.+2)     Init: +3        Spell Save: N/A
Cha: 10 +0 (2p.)        ACP: ?          Alignment: TN
(Wis +1 at 4th & 8th level)

AC: 23 (10 base + 3 dex + 5 armour + 1 defl + 1 nat. armor + 1 size + 2 shield)
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 20

FORT: +11 (6 base + 2 con + 3 res.)
REF: +8 (2 base + 3 dex + 3 res.)
WILL: +13 (6 base + 4 wis + 3 res.)/ +15 vs fear

Bab: 6

Handle Animal: 11 (11 ranks + 0 Cha)
Survival: 19 (11 ranks + 4 Wis + 2 class + 2 syn)
Concentration: 13 (11 ranks + 2 Con)
Ride: 10 (5 ranks + 3 Dex + 2 syn)
Spot: 15 (11 ranks + 4 Wis)
Hide: 11 (4 ranks + 3 Dex + 4 size)
Move Silently: 9 (4 ranks + 3 Dex + 2 racial)
Knowledge (nature): 11 (5 ranks + 2 Int + 2 class + 2 syn)
Listen: 17 (10 ranks + 4 Wis + 2 racial)
Spellcraft: 3 (1 ranks + 2 Int)
Jump: 2 (1 ranks - 1 Str + 2 racial)

Feats: [3]
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Natural Spell

Class Features:
Spontanous casting
Animal companion
Enhanced link
nature sense
wild empathy (+ 10)
Woodland stride
Trackless step
Resist nature’s lure
Wild shape (3/day) (small - large)

0 (6) -  cure minor wounds x2, light x2, detect magic x2
1 (4) – (jump), produce flame x2, faery fire, cure light wounds - obscuring mist
2 (3) - (spiderclimb), barkskin, animalistic power, blinding spittle – snake swiftness, mass
3 (3) – (protection from energy), SNA 3, spirit jaws, blindsight – greater magic fang
4 (2) – (freedom of movement), blast of sand, enhance wildshape – SNA 4

Languages: Common, Halfling, Druidic, Dwarven, Goblin
Hide Shirt +1         1.240             12,5
(it's from a paizo supplement, like an chainshirt, but with worse aromor check penality)
Ring of sustenance        2.500
- defl. armor + 1           2.000
Ring of sustenance       2.500
(wears the Animal Companion)
Light Barding (Hide)       480       25
Wilding clasp x2     8.000        -
(on vest and armor)
MW heavy wooden shield 153gp 2.5 lbs

Handy Haversack  2.000gp 5lbs
Bedroll 1sp 1.25lbs
Scroll Case 1gp 0.5lbs
Flint and Steel 1gp
Pouch, Belt 1gp 0.5lbs (medium sized)
“Holy Plant”   -     -
Spell Components Pouch 5 gp 2lbs
Traveller's Outfit 1gp (1.25 lbs)
Waterskin 1gp 1lbs
Whetstone 2cp 1lbs
Sunrod (x4) 8gp 4lbs
Torch 2cp 2lbs.
MW Scimitar 315 2lbs
club - 1lbs.
Healing potion (x4) 200gp
(Saddel) bag  4gp    8lbs
Vest of resistance + 3        8.000gp
- nat armor bonus + 1       2.000gp

Wand of vigor, lesser   1.500gp (44 charges)
& Wand of restoration, lesser
Healer's Belt        750gp

remaining 339,86[/sblock][sblock=Wild Shape Forms]
Str:  17 +3
Dex: 19 +4         BAB: +6/+1   
Con: 15 +2         Grapple: +9     Dmg Red: N/A
Int: 14 +2        Speed: 50'      
Wis: 18 +4      Init: +4
Cha: 10 +0 

AC: 26 (10 base + 4 dex + 5 armour + 7 nat. armor)
Touch: 14
Flat-Footed: 22

FORT: +11 (6 base + 2 con + 3 res.)
REF: +9 (2 base + 4 dex + 3 res.)
WILL: +13 (6 base + 4 wis + 3 res.)/ +15 vs fear

Attack: 	Claw +9 melee (1d4+3 plus poison)
Full Attack: 	2 Claws +9 melee (1d4+3 plus poison) and bite +4 melee (1d6+2) and tail + 2 melee 		(1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 	5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: 	Leaping pounce, poison (DC 14 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex), rake 1d6+3
Special Qualities: 	Low-light vision, scent

Str:  8 
Dex: 16 +3 (6p.)        BAB: +6/+1   
Con: 14 +2 (6p.)        Grapple: +1     Dmg Red: N/A
Int: 14 +2 (6p.)        Speed: 20'      
Wis: 18 +4 (10p.+2)     Init: +3
Cha: 10 +0 (2p.) 

AC: 23 (10 base + 3 dex + 5 armour + 1 defl + 1 nat. armor + 1 size + 2 shield)
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 20

FORT: +11 (6 base + 2 con + 3 res.)
REF: +8 (2 base + 3 dex + 3 res.)
WILL: +13 (6 base + 4 wis + 3 res.)/ +15 vs fear

Bab: 6

[/sblock][sblock=Animal Companion]Ripclaw (Fleshraker dinosaur)
Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 = 8+(5x5)+12 = 45
Initiative: +5
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (+5 Dex, +8 natural, +4 barding), touch 15, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+8
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+4 plus poison)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +7 melee (1d6+4 plus poison) and bite +2 melee (1d6+2) and tail + 2 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, poison (DC 14 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex), rake 1d6+3
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, link, share spells, evasion
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Hide +13*, Jump +25, Move Silently +7
Feats: Improved natural attack (claw), Track, Run

Tricks known: Attack x2, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Bonus: Come, Track, Fetch[/sblock][sblock=Background & Personality]
Girgal is a wanderer. After some adventures in Hollow World, he converted to the deity Ka, patron of dinosaurs. He doesn't talk much about his past life, but their are hints he was member of an evil nature cult before conversion. He prefers dinosaurs for his wild shapes and animal companions.
His current companion is a fleshraker called "Ripclaw".

He is a determined protector of nature. He is not easy to befriend for humanoids, but is a true friend in need. (Alignment: Savage (Law of Nature) neutral )

He wears a hide armor made from the hide of his last companion, who sacrificed himself for Girgal. In fights he prefers spells and melee in wild shape. In normal situations, he rides his companion.
[/sblock][sblock=Images of Girgal and Ripclaw]


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First Post
In Progress

Aram Al Tarik
Neutral Good Human Male Rogue 5/Fighter 2/Dervish 1

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 165 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Dusky

STR: 14 [+2] (6 points)
DEX: 20 [+5] (10 points, +2 level increase, + 2 gloves)
CON: 14 [+2] (6 points)
INT: 14 [+2] (6 points)
WIS: 10 [+0] (2 points)
CHA: 10 [+0] (2 points)

HP: 56 (6 + 34 + 16 con)
Armor Class: 25 (10 base + 5 dex + 6 mithral shirt + 2 ring + 1 dodge + 1 Dervish AC bonus)
--Touch: 18
--Flat Footed: 19
Initiative: +5
BAB: +6/+1
Attack: +12 Scimitar +1 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)
Full Attack: +12/+7 Scimitar +1 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2) OR +10/+5 Scimitar +1 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2) AND +10 Scimitar +1 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)

Speed: 40’ (30' base + 10 boots)

FORT: +6 (3 base + 2 con + 1 resistance)
REFL: +12 (6 base + 5 dex + 1 resistance)
WILL: +4 (3 base + 0 wis +1 resistance)

- Human Bonus Feat
- Human Bonus Skill Points
- Sneak Attack +3d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
- Uncanny Dodge
- Fighter Bonus Feats
- Dervish Dance 1/day
- Movement Mastery
- Slashing Blades

1st Level
- Dodge
- Mobility
3rd Level
- Weapon Finesse
6th Level
- Combat Expertise
6th Level (fighter bonus)
- Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
7th Level (fighter bonus)
- Two weapon fighting

Skills: (88 rogue + 10 fighter + 7 dervish)
Balance +17 (10 ranks, +5 dex, +2 syn)
Bluff +5 (5 ranks, +0 cha)
Climb +7 (5 ranks, +2 str)
Disable Device +12 (8 ranks, +2 int, +2 circumstance)
Hide +12 (7 ranks, +5 dex)
Jump +14 (5 ranks, +2 str, +2 synergy, +5 competence)
Listen +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)
Move Silently +12 (7 ranks, +5 dex)
Open Lock +15 (8 ranks, +5 dex, +2 circumstance)
Perform (dance) +11 (11 ranks, +0 cha)
Search +10/+15 (8 ranks, +2 int, +5 competence when goggles of minute seeing used)
Spot +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)
Tumble +18 (11 ranks, +5 dex, +2 syn)

- Common, (Ylari), Goblin, Draconic

Armor & Shield
-Mithral Shirt +2 (5100gp, 10lb)

Melee weapons
-Scimitar+1 (2315gp, 4lb)
-Scimitar+1 (2315gp, 4lb)
-4 daggers (8gp, 4lb)

Ranged weapons
-Masterwork Comp (+2 str) Longbow (600gp, 3lb)
-20 arrows (cold iron, 2gp, 3lb)
-20 arrows (silver, 41gp, 3lb)

Miscellaneous Magical
-Ring of Sustenance (2500 gp, -lb)
-Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp, -lb)
-Vest of Resistance +1 (1000gp, 1lb)
-Handy Haversack (2000 gp, 5lb)
-Boots of Striding & Springing (5500 gp, 1lb)
-Healing Belt (750gp, -lb)
-Ring of Protection +2 (8000gp, -lb)
-Goggles of Minute Seeing (1250gp, -lb)
-Horn of Blasting (taken from bandit leader)


Mundane equipment
-Explorer’s Outfit, well tailored (20gp*, -lb)
-3 2 x Traveller's Outfits, well tailored (6gp*, -lb)
-Miscellaneous gold and silver jewelry (100gp, -lb)
-Whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
-Bedroll (1sp, 5lb)
-Thieves' Tools, masterwork (100gp, 2lb)
-2 flasks, Alchemist's Fire (40gp, 2lb)
-12 Tindertwigs (12gp, -lb)
-Everburning torch (110 gp, 1 lb)
-Flint & steel (1gp, -lb)
-Chalk, 3 pieces (3cp, -lb)
-Crowbar (2gp, 5lb)
-4 sacks (4sp, 2lb)

* doubled cost for quality

Weight Carried: Light load, approx. 38lb (rest is in Haversack)
Remaining money: 234gp, 37sp, 30cp

Aram is a short, slender man, standing 5’ 8” in height, and weighing about 165 lbs. While slender, he has an athletic build, a result of his training and active lifestyle. Aram wears his black hair cropped short, and has eyes the color of jet. He keeps his dusky skin soft with the judicious use of expensive lotions and oils, and takes pride in his appearance. He is generally well groomed and well dressed, and is generally thought to be a handsome man.

Aram was once quite selfish and greedy, always looking out for himself first. This was how his father had taught him to be, and that he could never rely on others. Since meeting Najm, though, Aram's personality has began to change. He has come to learn trust, and more and more thinks about things as they benefit the greater good. He believes in the
concepts of honor and justice, though he realizes that man's laws are not always just. While he believes in defending the weak and oppressed, he is still a bit slow to react...the offer of coin motivates him much quicker, a holdover from his earlier life.

Aram grew up in the city of Ylaruam, raised by his father Tamir, an accomplished cutpurse and thief. Tamir raised his son in that tradition, teaching him the skills needed to be a thief, and the agile young boy was a quick study. About the time Aram came into adulthood, his father was caught stealing jewels from a wealthy qadi, and quickly executed for his crimes.

Aram continued his thieving ways, but his game was off after his father's death, and he made the mistake of picking a half-blind man by the name of Najm as a target. Najm caught Aram in the act, and then proceeded to defeat the young man in combat, leaving him bruised and bloodied. Still, Najm didn't call upon the law to deal with Aram; instead, he took it upon himself to teach and train Aram in hopes of bettering the lad's life. It turned out that Najm was formerly a soldier, and an elite guard of the Caliph.

Aram, anxious to learn something the would give value and meaning to his life, proved himself a talented and dedicated pupil, and quickly began to pick up the fighting techniques that Najm taught. Not only did the martial lessons stick, but Najm taught the young Aram about honor, and how it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. These were things that Aram had certainly not learned from his father, and the young rogue soon found that these teachings gave him meaning and motivation.

After several years of study with Najm, the two came to the decision that Najm had taught Aram all that he could, and that Aram should go out into the world, seeking his own fortune and making his own life. Aram left Ylaruan

[sblock=Healing Belt from MIC]
The Healing Belt has 3 charges per day, renewed at dawn; a variable number of charges can be spent to gain healing. A

single charge from the Healing Belt heals 2d8, 2 charges 3d8, all 3 charges at once, 4d8.

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First Post
Rajah Al-Qadim

Character Sheet(Familiar & Mount are in other notes section):

Personality: Hunched and bowed by his perpetual misfortune, Rajah is not a very imposing person visually. With a head sparsely filled with greasy black hair and sunken and defeated green eyes, He relies on other things to notify people of his presence and abilities. Rather gaunt at 6'3" and 154 lbs, he tends to wear mismatched and oddly fitting clothing. His motto has always been to buy cheap what you don't absolutely need and with his nature, he doesn't truly need anything.

Background: Rajah tends to be an unlucky individual. From the circumstances that led to him becoming an orphan and his parents becoming undead, to just everday life, this has proven to be true. He knows that something is going to go wrong and it's going to happen for him. This leads to him being rather morose and pessimistic, but also cultivates a fierce temper. He throws himself into battle with reckless abandon because if something is already going to go wrong, he might as well go all out.


Male Half-Orc Warlock 8
AL: CG HT: 6'3" WT: 280 Hair: Long, braided, Black Eyes: Green

STR: 22 (+6) [10 points + 2 Racial + 2 lvl + 2 Magic]
DEX: 14 (+3) [6 points + 2 Magic]
CON: 12 (+1) [4 points]
INT: 10 (+0) [4 points - 2 Racial]
WIS: 10 (+0) [2 points]
CHA: 12 (+1) [6 points - 2 Racial]

HP: 42 (8d6+8) AC: 18 (10 base + 3 dex + 5 armour)
Saves: FORT: +3 (2 base + 1 con) REF: +5 (2 base + 3 dex) WILL: +6 (6 base + 0 wis)
Init: +3 Speed: 40

Bab: 6
Spiked Chain: +15/10, 2d4+11, 10' reach
Eldritch Blast: +9 touch, 5d6, 60' range
Hideous Blow: +15, 2d4+5d6+11, 10'reach

Skills(Total/Ranks):[22 Points]
Jump(+11), Know:Arcana(+5/5), Spot (+10/4cc), Use Magic Device (+10/9)

Feats: [3] Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Weapon Focus: Spiked Chain

Class Features: Invocations, Eldritch Blast, Detect magic, DR 2/Cold Iron, Fiendish Resilience 1, Deceive Item

Least -
Hideous Blow: Add Eldritch blast damage to melee attack
All-seeing Eyes: +6 spot/search checks, Comprehend Written Languages
Devil's Sight - See normally in darkness (magical or non-magical)
Lesser -
Fell Flight - 40' Flight, good manueverability
Flee the Scene - 45' dimension door + Major image of self where you were for 1 round

Languages: Common, Orc

+2 Spiked Chain (8,325)
+1 Breast plate, (1,350)
Belt of Strength +2 (4,000)
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000)
Boots of striding/springing (5,500)
Lesser chasuble of fell power (8,000)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750)
75 GP
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Rajah Al-Qadim

[sblock=Rajah's Spells for the Day]
First Level (6+1): 0 used
Second Level (6+1): 0 used
Third Level (5+1): 0 used
Fourth Level (3+1): 0 used
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Bevin Rockhammer, Dwarf Beguiler 9, XP _____

This is the newly re-built Bevin. (I think he's ready?)

[sblock=Bevin's Stats]
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 135lb
Eyes: Dark Grey
Hair: Black, Shaved
Beard: White mostly and growing longer by the hour
(Currently being re-grown)
Skin: Deeply tanned, but somewhat grayish

STR:13 [+1] (5 pts)
DEX:16=15+1 [+3] (8 pts, +1 4th level increase)
CON:15=13+2(race) [+2] (5 pts)
INT:16=15+1 [+3] (8 pts, +1 8th level increase)
WIS:11 [+0] (3 pts)
CHA:9=11-2(race) [-1] (3 pts)
32 point buy

HP: 56 [6+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+con(16)]
current hp = 56/56

Armor Class: 20 (10 base + 5 (+3 leather armor) +2 ring of prot. + 3 dex) Flat-footed AC: 17
Touch AC: 15

Initiative: +3
BAB: +4
- +2 Heavy Mace, +7(1d6+3)(+3BAB+1weapon focus+1STR+2magic mace)
- Dagger, +4 (1d3+1) (+3 BAB, +1 STR)
- Light Crossbow (human-sized), +6 (1d6) (+3 BAB +3DEX)

Speed: 20'

Saves (Plus see below, racial abilities, for bonuses vs. spells and poison)
FORT: +5 (+3 base + 2 con)
REF: +8 (+5 base + 3 dex)
WILL: +6 (+6 base + 0 wis)

Racial Abilities:
- +2 Con, -2 Cha
- Speed 20"
- Darkvision
- Stonecutting, +2 to notice new stonework
- Stability (+4 to resist being bullrushed or tripped)
- +2 Racial bonus to saves vs. poison
- +2 Racial bonus to saves vs. spells or spell-like effects
- +1 Racial bonus "to hit" orcs and golinoids
- +4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. creatures of the Giant type
- +2 Racial bonus to Appraise and Craft checks for stone or metal items

1st Level, Rogue
- Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
3rd level (1st level Wizard bonus feats)
- Scribe Scroll
- Summon Familiar
4th Level (standard)
- Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]) +2
7th Level 5th level Wizard Bonus Feat
- Extend Spell (Double duration -- spell uses 1 level higher slot)
8th Level (standard)
- Magical Aptitude (+2 Spellcraft and Use Magical Device)

- Appraise +8 (5 ranks, +3 int) (+10 for stone/metal items -- with +2 racial bonus)
- Climb +8 (5 ranks, +1 str, +2 climber's kit)
- Concentration +14 (12 ranks, +2 con)
- Disable Device +10 (5 ranks, +3 dex, +2 m/w tools)
- Hide +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)
- Knowledge (Arcana) +14 (9 ranks, +3 int, +2 Skill Focus feat)
- Move Silently +8 (5 ranks, +3 dex)
- Open Locks +10 (5 ranks, +3 dex, +2 m/w tools)
- Sleight of Hand +7 (4 ranks, +3 dex)
- Spellcraft +14 general (9 ranks, +3 int, +2 Magical Aptitude feat),
------- +16 for checks for School of Ench (specialty school)
------- +9 for checks for Schools of Abj and Trans (prohibited schools)
- Spot +9 (9 ranks, +0 wis)
- Survival +6 (6 ranks, +0 wis)
- +2 to Use Magical Device (Magical Apt Feat)

- Common
- Dwarvish
- Draconic
- Giant
- Orc

Armor & Shield
- +3 Leather Armor (9,160gp,) (5% arcane spell failure chance)
- +2 Ring of Protection (8,000 gp)

Melee weapons
- +2 Heavy Mace (8,312gp,) named "Nutcracker" (loaned to renau1g's Father Fuller at the moment)
- Dagger

Ranged weapons
- Spells
- Light Crossbow

- +2 Heavy Mace ("Nutcracker")
- Light Crossbow, w/ 3 cases of 10 bolts each
- Backpack (2gp), lined with Bag of Holding, Type I (2,500 gp)
----- money 247 gp
----- Bedroll (1sp)
----- Trail rations, 5 days (25sp)
----- 2 sacks (2cp)
----- Climbers' Kit (80 gp)
----- 2 Sunrods
----- 3 Potions, Cure Moderate Wounds (@ 300 gp ea)
----- 4 Potions, Cure Serious Wounds (@ 750 gp ea)
- Wand of Detect Magic 50 ch.
-3 Beltpouches (@ 1gp ea.)
----- Pouch of Dispel Evil powder (from Sergeant Sarras) used?
----- Flint & steel (1gp,)
----- M/W Thieves' Tools (100 gp)
- Spell Component Pouch (5 gp)
- Waterskin (1gp)
- Explorer's outfit (10gp, worn)
- 2 Daggers (@ 2 gp ea.)

Weight Carried:

Remaining money: 247 gp

Rogue Abilities
- Sneak Attack +1d6
- Evasion

Beguiler Abilities
- Proficient with all Simple Weapons
- Spellcasting (spontaneous)

Spells per Day: 0th-6, 1st-6, 2nd-6 (cast=1), 3rd-6 (cast=1), 4th-4
Spells Known:
Save DC for spells=13+spell level

Level 0 - Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Repair Minor Damage (Comp. Arcane p. 120), Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Message, Open/Close

Level 1 - Burning Hands, Charm Person, Grease, Hypnotism, Color Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Summon Monster I, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Undetectable Alignment, Whelm

Level 2 - Daze Monster, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Touch of Idiocy, Summon Monster II, Blinding Color Surge, Blur, Detect Thoughts, Fog Cloud, Glitterdust, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Knock, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Misdirection, See Invisibility, Silence, Spider Climb, Stay the Hand, Touch of Idiocy, Vertigo, Whelming Burst

Level 3 - Deep Slumber, Heroism, Hold Person, Summon Monster III, Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Crown of Veils, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Glibness, Halt, Haste, Hesitate, Hold Person, Inevitable Defeat, Invisibility Sphere, Legion of Sentinels, Major Image, Nondetection, Slow, Suggestion, Vertigo Field, Zone of Silence

Level 4 - Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Greater Mirror Image, Locate Creature, Mass Whelm, Phantom Battle, Rainbow Pattern, Solid Fog

Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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