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Sachiel- The Third Angel


Inventor of Super-Toast
The best part of Neon Genesis Evangelion- now in d20 stats!
Commentary, criticizm and offers of publishing contracts are always welcome ;)

Sachiel, The Third Angel
Colossal Outsider (Extraplanar, Kaiju)
Hit Dice: 80d8+1040+3 (1403 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40ft
AC: 60 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +55 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 57
Base Attack/Grapple: +80/+121
Attack: Claw +100 melee (8d6+25 [17-20, x3 +2d6] plus antithesis) or divine ray +75 ranged touch (4d6 fire and 4d6 divine)
Full Attack: 2 claws +100 melee (8d6+25 [17-20, x3 +2d6] plus antithesis) or 2 divine rays +75 ranged touch (4d6 fire and 4d6 divine)
Face/Reach: 80ft/25ft
Special Attacks: Antithesis, augmented critical, cross blast, death throes, divine ray, energy drill, frightful presence, improved grab, smite, spell-like abilities, trample
Special Qualities: Adrenaline boost, AT field, darkvision 120ft, DR 20/epic, immune to mind influencing effects, protective aura, snatch missiles, regeneration 40, resistance to acid, cold, electricity and fire 50, SR 44, telepathy 100ft
Saves: Fort +55, Ref +45, Will +49
Abilities: Str 60, Dex 17, Con 36, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 36
Skills: Climb +108, Concentration +96, Knowledge (planes, religion) +84, Listen +90, Sense Motive +90, Spot +90, Survival +90, Swim +108
Feats: Ability Focus (cross blast, energy drill), Awesome Blow, Blind-fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Die Hard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Greater Multigrab, Improved Bull’s Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (claw, 2x), Improved Trample, Multigrab, Pain Mastery, Power Attack, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (claw)
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Focus (claw), Great Smiting, Overwhelming Critical
Environment: Any land (Outlands)
Organization: Unique
CR: 33
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral

A massive black humanoid, easily 150 feet tall, marches tirelessly over the ridge, its rubbery arms swaying casually at its sides. Bony plates jut irregularly on its shoulders and on its chest, from which peers a tiny skull-like head. Its massive scythe-like claws twitch as if in anticipation. Below the head is a large glowing red sphere embedded in the creature’s stomach.

Sachiel is the mercenary of the gods, sent to avenge great acts of good, evil, law or chaos.

Sachiel was among the original Angels, which later spawned the various races of good-aligned outsiders. An instrument of divine wrath, Sachiel found himself unable to accept the doctrine of good, and cast himself from the Seven Heavens before his sacrilege was discovered. His home plane is now the Outlands, where he is usually hibernating, unless summoned by a god or incredibly powerful mortal.

Sachiel’s duty is to follow the will of any god or mortal who summons him and can pay his price (which is usually some great service to either himself or the cause of neutrality, as opposed to material goods). Sachiel excels in both retrieval and search-and-destroy missions, and is a consummate tracker. He has been defeated in the past, but has always managed to return, as his soul and body are immortal as long as his “core”, the large red orb in his chest, remains intact. Sachiel can only be killed if this core is destroyed.

Sachiel does not speak, but can communicate telepathically, although he rarely does so.

Sachiel rarely engages in actual combat unless directly threatened by a powerful and large adversary; his very movement is enough to decimate any forces gathered to attempt to stop him. If forced into a melee, he creates an AT field and softens up his opponent with cross blasts and divine rays before grabbing them.

Adrenaline Boost (Ex): Three times per day, Sachiel can use a standard action to gain a +10 enhancement bonus to his Strength for 20 minutes.

Antithesis (Su): Any creature that is hit by Sachiel’s melee attacks takes 2d6 points of damage of the opposite alignment type as the creature (evil creatures take 2d6 holy damage, good creatures take 2d6 unholy damage, lawful creatures take 2d6 anarchic damage, and chaotic creatures take 2d6 axiomatic damage). These effects stack, so a chaotic good character takes 2d6 unholy and 2d6 axiomatic damage, and so on.

AT Field (Su): Three times per day, as a free action, Sachiel can draw upon the power of his soul to create a nearly impenetrable barrier. The AT field grants Sachiel DR 40/- that stacks with his existing DR, and reduces damage from all sources, including spells. This barrier can be dispelled as a full round action by another creature with an AT field (such as another Angel) or an ascended mortal (such as a 20th level monk or a 10th level alienist) with a successful touch attack and Wisdom check. If the AT field is dispelled, it cannot be created for another 4d6 rounds. The AT field lasts for one hour unless dispelled.

Cross Blast (Su): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, Sachiel may fire a massive blast of divine energy from the palms of his hands. This blast takes the form of a line 500 feet long and 20 feet wide, except that 100 foot long, 20 foot wide lines extend 100 feet from the end of the blast. Everything in the area takes 15d6 points of both fire and divine damage (Reflex DC 65 half).

Death Throes (Su): When Sachiel is reduced to –10 hit points and his core is destroyed, he explodes in a 80 foot radius blast of flame and divine energy. Everything in the area takes 20d6 points of both fire and divine damage (Reflex DC 63 half).

Divine Ray (Su): Instead of an attack, Sachiel may use a divine ray that deals 4d6 points of both fire and divine damage on a successful ranged touch attack. These rays have a range of 500 feet, with no range increment.

Energy Drill (Su): Any creature grappled by Sachiel is subjected to a rapidly hammering blade of force from Sachiel’s palm. Any creature grappled by Sachiel takes 12d8 points of force damage each round (Fortitude DC 65 half) in addition to claw damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Sachiel’s very form is unsettling, and any creature with less then 80 HD within 300 feet of Saichel must make a Will save (DC 63) or become shaken for 5d6 rounds.

Improved Grab (Ex): Whenever Sachiel hits a opponent with a claw attack, he can make a grapple check without receiving an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +121). He can choose to conduct the grapple normally, or to only hold its opponent in his claw (no penalty, and Sachiel is not considered grappled). A grappled creature takes claw damage every round, and is subject to Sachiel’s energy drill.

Protective Aura (Su): Sachiel is continually protected by an aura that grants him a +4 deflection bonus to all attacks made by chaotic, evil, good or lawful creatures and a +4 resistance bonus to all saves from spells cast by chaotic, evil, good or lawful creatures. This can be dispelled, but Sachiel can create another aura as a free action (the defensive benefits are not included in the stat block).

Regeneration (Ex): Chaotic, good, evil and lawful weapons deal actual damage to Sachiel. Even if reduced to –10 or fewer hp, Sachiel heals this damage at his normal healing rate unless his core is destroyed. The core has AC 2, hardness 20 and 50 hit points, and can only be attacked once Sachiel is in negative hit points.

Smite (Ex): Once per day, Sachiel can make a melee attack against any chaotic, evil, good or lawful foe at a +13 to hit. The attack, if successful, deals an additional 160 points of damage. If the attack misses, the smite is wasted.

Snatch Missiles (Ex): Once per round, if he is not flat-footed, Saichel can grab any arrow, bolt, bullet or missile that would have hit him. This ability allows Sachiel to snatch any sized missile (including catapult shots and giant’s rocks), he cannot use this ability on ranged touch attacks and rays.

Spell-like Abilities: At will: haste, mage armor, moment of prescience, overland flight. CL 20th

Trample (Ex): Sachiel can simply run over any creature of Gargantuan or smaller size. Merely by moving over the opponent(s), Sachiel deals to them 4d12+25 damage. Trampled opponents can make Reflex saves for half damage (DC 75).

Feats: The Improved Trample feat prevents opponents from making attacks of opportunity when being trampled.
The Pain Mastery feat allows Sachiel to gain a +2 bonus to Strength for every 50 points of damage he takes.
The Multigrab and Greater Multigrab feats allow Sachiel to grapple opponents in one claw without penalty.

Demiurge out.
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First Post
Ouchy. This one seems like a real challenge for a CR 33, unlike some of your others. *cough*Gamera*cough cough*. Good stuff.

I haven't seen NGE for a while, so it's hard to throw out any specific comments on it in that front, but it all seems about right.


First Post
Hmm, how about giving him a Self-Destruct or Immolate ability. He does use it against Shinji.
Also, isn't his name Sachiel? I could be wrong here. :confused:

Great job all around. Looks like an impressive CR 33


Inventor of Super-Toast
Pants said:
Hmm, how about giving him a Self-Destruct or Immolate ability. He does use it against Shinji.
That would be death throes. Sachiel's core was practically destroyed. And death throes are an underused ability.

Also, isn't his name Sachiel? I could be wrong here. :confused:

Great job all around. Looks like an impressive CR 33

I think you may be right. Hmm... Damn spelling errors!
Demiurge out


Inventor of Super-Toast
Cheiromancer said:
THis is probably a really dumb question... what are the first two angels?
Not a dumb question- they really don't even address it in the series. In NGE, the first Angel was Adam (not of Adam and Eve, but a different one) and the second Angel was Lillith (again, not Adam's first wife, but instead a giant seven eyed white and purple humanoid).
It's a wierd series.

Demiurge out.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:
That would be death throes. Sachiel's core was practically destroyed. And death throes are an underused ability.
Hm, it had always looked to me as if Sachiel had activated on command, kinda as a sort of last resort thing.

demiurge1138 said:
It's a wierd series.
That's an understatement :D


Sachiel was always my favorite.

Have you compiled all these abominations in a text file or something? A pdf?
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Inventor of Super-Toast
SpuneDagr said:
Sachiel was always my favorite.

Have you compiled all these abominations in a text file or something? A pdf?

Actually, I have not, as Saichel's the only Angel I've done. I statted him as a digression from my Kaiju Konversion project. But once that's done (sometime between now and t, where t = time), I'd definitely consider statting up all the the Angels.

Demiurge out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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