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Gamma World - Disappointment


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Well! I finally got my book and stayed up all night reading and digesting the material. I know I'm going to get alot of slack for this, but the book is a little disappointing. I don't even know where to begin. It's pretty much a PA setting like most with alittle bit of this and alittle bit of that. It's now science fiction as opposed to science-fantasy. Everything has to have a reason to exist and I really think that takes away from the feel of a true Gamma World setting.

I think some of the new ideas are really good, like adding robot/androids as player characters, the nanite stuff if cool, but over used, being in everything?, The background material on "blowing up your neighborhood" and similar mateial is very good and will be useful...

However, I think they really missed the boat. The list of mutations is so few I thought I was missing something and had to read over this section many times before realizing, "this is it?". I think there are something like 20 or so mutations and many of them are very weak and almost worthless to have and some of the major ones are very "strange" and have little affect on the game. Previous editions have close to 200 mutations (I counted last night). I purchased the D20 Modern rules awhile back in preparation of the GW D20. I never realized the dumb weath system they created. Very boring and unimaginative! What ever happened to roleplaying?? The equipment list is nothing more than a few pages and then nothing new or wonderous as pervious editions have had. Yes! I know they have a book coming out with tons of equipment but the core book should have some good material as well. There are no lists of treasures or "babbles" that have excited GW'ers for years with the past editions. There's more, but you get the idea.

I'm glad the book was released for it brings back to life an "old friend." And with a mix of GW D20, Darwin's World and Omega World (perfect!! I wish you guys had been involved with the project) I'll be able to put together what I think GW should be!!

I know I'm going to get alot of rough responses, but this is just my opinion and my opinion only. I do not have a problem with other liking this book or loving it for that matter. Everyone has their own idea of what they like and dislike and I hope most of you will respect my opinion as well.

I basicly wanted to find out if there were other GW fans who felt the same way or if I was being unreasonable??


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Hmmm. That's a little worrisome; to me, Gamma World is freaky mutations and lost tech.

Who wrote the book? Let's ask them!


Gallo22 said:
Well! I finally got my book and stayed up all night reading and digesting the material. I know I'm going to get alot of slack for this, but the book is a little disappointing. I don't even know where to begin.

"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

If you expect to have people give you abuse or criticism, that would be a little bit of flack.

If you expect people to take it easy on you, that would be "cutting you some slack".

Just so you know.

That said, not having the book, I can't offer an opinion. I had some fun in GW in High School, but it seemed a bit to silly for me to pick up. You analysis makes it sound like it would be a lot more easy to suspend disbeleif to me; I may have to pick it up.

Oh, BTW: Isn't GW based on d20 modern? Shouldn't this be in the d20 modern forum?


First Post
Psion said:
"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

If you expect to have people give you abuse or criticism, that would be a little bit of flack.

If you expect people to take it easy on you, that would be "cutting you some slack".

Your right, I ment "flack". Thanks.


Yellow Sign

How many mutations can a character start with and do they scale up with level? Can you get more mutations as you level? Are any of the old favorites in the game? Like Duel Brain, Life Leech, etc....


First Post
Basicly mutations hvae been broken down in to different "sections". You have mutations, nano tech changes, cyborg/robot/android tech stuff, pionics, etc. Each secton has a handfull of "mutation" feats for you to choose from. The basic way the book tells you to do is choose 3 minor positive, 1 major positive and one minor negative. There other are a few variant ways. I just think they left out alot of "mutations" you previously could do. I.E. when you took a heightened strength mutation (called ability enhancement in the new GW)...you really got heightened strength! Now you get like a +1 to your stat. That's kind of boring to me. Improved hearing give a +3 to all listen checks...so what!, thats nothing. Strong grip gives +2 to grappling?? Many of the mutations/FX are like this, nothing more than simple feats.

Some of the negative mutations are: malformed mouth which gives negative to speaking, bum leg, cowardice. Not very exciting.

I don't want to get too negative. Please judge the book for yourself. I don't want to be negative or mean, but I just don't think alot of creativity went in to some of the FX material with the exception of the nanite stuff which while different and cool, went too far.



Having had the book for a few days now I'm a little dissapointed also. I've only had a chance to flip through it a few times but some things stand out in my mind -

What I like:

- the d20 Modern ruleset (minus wealth) works well with GW.
- The community rules.
- Cool occupations and advanced classes.
- I like the new talent trees better than the ones in d20M.
- The rules for synthetics.

What I didn't:

- Not enough mutations. Saw some old favorites (YS - Life Leech made it in [arks have it], but dual brain didn't), but not enough. Gallo hit the nail on the head in his post.
- Not enough critters. Again, saw some old faves, but there should be a lot more critters included in this book.
- d20 Modern wealth system works for GW better than I though it would, but I still miss domars and gold pieces.
- The psi advancement rules. Advancement based on the number of times you use an ability seems incredibly unbalanced, IMO.
- Where are the bubble and flit cars??

I didn't have a problem with the equipment list. The list is basic but it covers the necessities. Anything else I can get from the d20M core book or Urban Arcana, complete with purchase DC's.


First Post
Gallo22 said:
Basicly mutations hvae been broken down in to different "sections". You have mutations, nano tech changes, cyborg/robot/android tech stuff, pionics, etc. Each secton has a handfull of "mutation" feats for you to choose from. The basic way the book tells you to do is choose 3 minor positive, 1 major positive and one minor negative. There other are a few variant ways. I just think they left out alot of "mutations" you previously could do. I.E. when you took a heightened strength mutation (called ability enhancement in the new GW)...you really got heightened strength! Now you get like a +1 to your stat. That's kind of boring to me. Improved hearing give a +3 to all listen checks...so what!, thats nothing. Strong grip gives +2 to grappling?? Many of the mutations/FX are like this, nothing more than simple feats.

Well, this realy does not surprise me. The basic building block of "abilities" in d20 is the Feat. And for the most part there is some established, or accepted, practices on how much power one "Feat/Talent/Class Ability/Mutation" can be. Having not seen the book yet, I am guessing that very few (if any) of the mutations have "pre-requisits." As such each mutation can not be realy more powerful then your basic Feat.

Some of the negative mutations are: malformed mouth which gives negative to speaking, bum leg, cowardice. Not very exciting.

Of course they are not exciting, they are negitive feats. :) If they were useful, the they would not be a negitive mutations

I don't want to get too negative. Please judge the book for yourself. I don't want to be negative or mean, but I just don't think alot of creativity went in to some of the FX material with the exception of the nanite stuff which while different and cool, went too far.


Don't worry, you are not the only one giving out this advice. I think what is needed is a view from someone who has not played too much of the original GWs. Mainly to see if the game stands on its own, and not to the expectations of the Grognards :)

-The Luddite

Yellow Sign

Hey VB, nice to see ya. I like your new Avatar!

Well I ordered my book from Amazon so it should be here next week. I will wait and give my spin on it after I read it. Gamma World, well really Metamorphosis Alpha was the first RPG game I ever played in. (would you believe I checked it out of my junior high school library :p ) so I have alot of fond memories of it. I guess that puts me in the Grognards camp.
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