[PrC] Archaeologist


I present: the Archaeologist. This PrC was supposed to originally appear in Bluffside, but a few of the other writers didn't want it. Wasn't what they wanted, I guess. I've always liked it. Enjoy.

If you hate the bard as it is, you might like this variation. This was built as 3.0, but should be compatible with 3.5. If anyone sees any incompatabilities, let me know.

* spell found in Bluffside: City on the Edge

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Due to the abundance of ruins and underground civilizations within the world, a specialized type of adventurer has emerged from the populace who specializes in the research, understanding, and above all, exploration of those ruins. A true dungeon-delver, the archaeologist is concerned with gathering information about lost races, cultures, and artifacts. Archaeologists can be of any alignment or religious background. They can use their talents and knowledge for good or evil, to gain power, or to satisfy their own insatiable curiosities. Archaeologists have an incurable hunger for knowledge about the past world that they live in, and are always looking for hard to find information about that world.
Archaeologists regularly seek adventuring parties to help them in exploring ruins and dungeons. An archaeologist will actively seek out such willing parties because they know that dangers commonly hide in such places, and an archaeologist is rarely able to handle such dangers on their own. Archaeologists assume a role of helping a party delve into a dungeon, or they may take more of an active role if that party has specifically sought them out for information. Often times, archaeologists are the best sources of information, and they may be asked to help a group find something in a dungeon or ruin in which that archaeologist has either been to or read about.
Archaeologists are at home in a lost civilization, ruin, or dungeon. They are uniquely qualified to gather the appropriate information hidden in such places, and then to avoid or understand any dangers that might be present. Archaeologists have a unique set of spells, skills, and feats that allow them to disseminate information and understand the environments in which they are exploring. Bards and rogues make good archaeologists, and it is a popular profession for multi-classed rogue/wizards, or bard/wizards as well.
Hit Dice: d6

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Decipher Script: 4 ranks
Knowledge (history): 4 ranks

Class Skills
The Archaeologist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (each skill taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (N/A), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter 4: Skills in the PHB for complete skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the archaeologist.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An archaeologist is proficient with all simple weapons. An archaeologist is also proficient with all light armors. Archaeologists are not proficient with armor greater than light armor, and they are not proficient with shields. Note that an archaeologist suffers armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather for the following class skills: Hide and Use Rope.
Spells: Archaeologists cast arcane spells from a spell list unique to them. The archaeologist casts these spells as wizards do. Likewise, the archaeologist has a spellbook that adheres to the same rules that wizard’s spellbooks do. To determine how many spells an archaeologist can cast, consult table 1-1: Archaeologist spells per day. Archaeologists receive bonus spells for high intelligence scores, and to cast a spell, an archaeologist must have an intelligence of 10 + the level of the spell (Int 10 for 0-level spells).
While archaeologists cast spells as wizards, it’s important to note that their spells are not the same as wizard spells. Archaeologists have developed, over time, their own unique way of scribing and casting spells. Because of this, certain spells are foreign to the archaeologist, and they cast other spells more efficiently than wizards do.
Spellbooks: An archaeologist starts with a spellbook containing all 0-level archaeologist spells, plus two 1st-level spells of the player’s choice from the archaeologist spell lists. For each point of intelligence bonus the archaeologist has, the spellbook holds one additional 1st-level spell. Each time an archaeologist gains a level, they gain one new spell of any level that they can cast. Archaeologists who are also wizards must maintain a separate spellbook for each class. An archaeologist’s spellbook adheres to the same rules as wizard spellbooks.
Archaeological Identification (Ex): An archaeologist has the ability to determine the single most basic function of a magic item, including how to activate that function (if appropriate), as well as how many charges (if any) the item has. This ability can be used once per item examined, and the archaeologist can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his archaeologist level + his intelligence modifier. To examine the item, the archaeologist must spend a minimum of 10 minutes handling and examining the item. An archaeologist can never identify intelligent items, cursed items or artifacts, regardless of his level.
Hidden Knowledge: At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the archaeologist gains additional skill ranks, equal to their Int modifier, which they can apply to new or existing knowledge skills.
Traps: At 3rd level, an archaeologist gains the rogue “traps” ability. This ability allows the archaeologist to detect traps on a Search skill when the DC is 20 or higher. If the archaeologist already has this ability from a previous rogue class, the archaeologist gains a +2 competence bonus to their search skill checks when searching for traps.

Table 1-1: The Archaeologist
	Base		Fort	Ref	Will				Spells Per Day
Level	Attack 	Bonus	Save	Save	Save	Special			0	1	2	3	4	5	6
1	+0		+0	+2	+2	Archaeological 		2	1	-	-	-	-	-
2	+1		+0	+3	+3				3	1	-	-	-	-	-
3	+2		+1	+3	+3	Traps			3	2	1	-	-	-	-
4	+3		+1	+4	+4	Hidden Knowledge	4	2	1	-	-	-	-
5	+3		+1	+4	+4				4	2	2	1	-	-	-
6	+4		+2	+5	+5				4	3	2	1	-	-	-
7	+5		+2	+5	+5				4	3	2	2	1	-	-
8	+6/+1		+2	+6	+6	Hidden Knowledge	4	3	3	2	1	-	-
9	+6/+1		+3	+6	+6				4	4	3	2	2	1	-
10	+7/+2		+3	+7	+7				4	4	3	3	2	1	-
11	+8/+3		+3	+7	+7				4	4	4	3	2	2	1
12	+9/+4		+4	+8	+8	Hidden Knowledge	4	4	4	3	3	2	1
13	+9/+4		+4	+8	+8				4	4	4	4	3	2	2
14	+10/+5		+4	+9	+9				4	4	4	4	3	3	2
15	+11/+6/+1	+5	+9	+9				4	4	4	4	4	3	2

For complete spell information, see Core Rulebook I; Chapter 11: Spells.

Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Know Direction, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Read Magic, Resistance

Alarm, Animate Rope, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Enlarge, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Find Traps, Grease, Hold Portal, Identify, Jump, Knock, Locate Object, Message, Magic Aura, Preserve, Reduce, Shield, Spider Climb, Floating Disk, Unseen Servant

Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Blur, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Continual Flame, Darkness, Darkvision, Date Item*, Daylight, Delay Poison, Detect Thoughts, Endurance, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Phantom Trap, Levitate, Make Whole, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Rope Trick, Scribe*, See Invisibility, Silence, Soften Earth and Stone, Web, Whispering Wind

Blink, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fly, Gaseous Form, Glyph of Warding, Gust of Wind, Haste, Illusory Script, Invisibility Sphere, Tiny Hut, Meld Into Stone, Nondetection, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Shrink Item, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stone Shape, Tongues, Water Breathing, Wind Wall

Arcane Eye, Ask the Earth*, Break Enchantment, Confusion, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Divination, Explosive Charge*, Fire Shield, Fire Trap, Freedom of Movement, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Wall, Improved Invisibility, Secure Shelter, Locate Creature, Miner’s Hallway*, Minor Creation, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Neutralize Poison, Resilient Sphere, Passwall, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Remove Curse, Scrying, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice

Interposing Hand, Contact Other Plane, Dismissal, Dream, Fabricate, False Vision, Find the Path, Legend Lore, Secret Chest, Major Creation, Mirage Arcana, Mage's Faithful Hound, Nightmare, Prying Eyes, Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Seeming, Sending, Stone Shape, Telekinesis, Teleport, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Force, Wall of Iron, Wall of Stone

Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic Field, Forceful Hand, Contingency, Control Water, Discern Location, Flesh to Stone, Globe of Invulunerability, Greater Dispelling, Greater Glyph of Warding, Guards and Wards, Mass Haste, Mislead, Move Earth, Freezing Sphere, Phase Door, Repulsion, Sequester, Stone Tell, Stone to Flesh, Teleport Without Error, True Seeing, Veil, Vision, Wind Walk


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Bluffside: City on the Edge Copyright 2002, Thunderhead Games, Inc.; Mystic Eye Games, Inc.

Archaeologist Copyright 2004, Curtis Bennett


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Glad you like it. I finally decided to dig it up and post it. Maybe some people will find it useful. We've used it to some degree in our own game.


First Post
My first reaction is that it's weak. THe spells aren't that great, they can identify basic abilities of magic items, they get a nice bonus to knowledge skills, and can find traps.

Personally, I'd bump skill points up to 8 a level with the stipulation that 2 need to be used to increase knowedge skills. You also need the class skills.It reminds me a bit, flavor wise, like the Adventureing Scholar class from the Monsternomicon.

Perhaps you can have them gain a bonus language every other level like the first edition bard used to get.


Never seen the adventuring scholar, but it certainly sounds similar.

You're right; I forgot the class skills. My game doesn't have class skills. Everyone just picks 10 skills that they want as class skills, so the version I had didn't have any listed. I added them.


First Post
Hmm, you didn't put down the list of class skills.

I agree with Crothian here, it looks a little weak. The one aspect of the 3.5 bard that I liked was no arcane spell failure in light armor. That would be a good addition to this class. I like the spell list because they are basically all utility spells, which fits the character type. (Although you need to update some of the spells to 3.5, for example teleport without error.)

This character sounds like Indiana Jones with spells or a less spell-focused Loremaster.

Some things that might be appropriate:

- Trap Sense but make the save bonus increase rapidly
- bonus to decipher script as well as knowledge
- skill mastery in disable devise or search (can always take 10)
- add Longstrider to the list of spells
- bonus languages

That's all I can think of at the moment. I like the feel of the class. It's just missing its fireball/smite evil/sneak attack/wild shape or whatever that makes it outstanding.


Those are good suggestions. I guess if nothing else, it is a foundation to which someone can buld on.

I added the class skills, btw.


First Post
I'm inclined to agree with Crothian and Shadeus that it looks weak. Some of the suggestions given will help it, though.

You mention that it was written for 3.0 and it looks like it. The identify spell has changed and whereas the Archaeological Identification class ability would work fine in 3.0, it seems somewhat underpowered in 3.5. You might want to convert it to identify as the 3.5 spell.

You might also want to give The Archaeologist a bonus to the Search and Appraise Skills, which increase as their level increases (every 3 or 5 levels). Searching and appraising are key archaeological skills.

You could use the above ideas to develop class abilities. For instance:

Constant Awareness: Like an elf, if an archaeologist merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door, they are entitled to a Search check... etc.


Trained Eye: An archaeologist is far less likely to make a mistake when appraising common or well-known items. When an archaeologist fails an appraise check, they will estimate the value to be 30-100% (1d8+2 multiplied by 10) of its actual value.


Greater Trained Eye: As Trained Eye, except they will estimate the value to be 20-50% (1d4+1 multiplied by 10) of its actual value. Also, an archaeologist can make an educated guess at the cost of rare and exotic items even if they fail their appraise check. On a failure, an archaeologist will estimate the value at 50-200% (3d6+2) of its actual value.

(at least the above class abilities will add to the flavor of The Archaeologist - I'm sure there are plenty more that could also be thought of).

Another key skill of archaeology is research, so Decipher Script and Gather Information would be other possible areas of development.

In terms of Skills, I have no idea what Listen and Use Rope have to do with archaeology and would personally drop these.

Personally, I like the spell list. There are a few I don't think fit (like protection from Arrows, Invisibility, Fly, Invisibility Sphere, Wall of..., Greater Invisibility (not Improved Invisibility anymore), Teleport, Greater Teleport (not Teleport without Error anymore). But that's just a personal thing (I don't see how they fit the class...)

Neat idea, though :)


Penguin Herder
I'm going to be harsh, because I love the idea, and think it deserves the best PrC it can get.

1) I hate PrCs with their own spell progression and spell-lists. We have plenty of spell caster types out there... use one of those, or a partial progression of one of those.

2) This class needs to get the Elf's secret door auto-detection (mentioned above), Stonecunning, and a dodge bonus vs. traps. If you're emulating Indiana Jones, you gotta be able to dodge 10 poison darts in a row.

So, here's my proposal:

Arcane Archaeologist

Arcane Archaeologists come from many different backgrounds. They are heroic explorers, wicked thieves, mad necromancers and demonologists searching for ancient power.

- Skill Ranks: Appraise 5+, Disable Device 5+, Decipher Script 5+, Search 5+, Spot 5+, Gather Info 5+, Knowlege (History) 5+
- Spells: ability to cast 2nd level Wizard spells
- Feats: Skill Focus (one of: Knowlege - History, Appraise or Decipher Script)
- Special: Must have Trapfinding class ability

- HD: d4
- BAB: Worst (1/2 as Wizard)
- Good Saves: Reflex and Will
- Skill points/level: 6 + Int bonus (+ special, see below)
- Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (any) (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).

Special Abilities by Level:
1: Knowlege Bonus, Ancient Lore, Divination Power +2, Trap Sense +1
2: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Bonus Language
3: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Trap Sense +2
4: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Arch Sense
5: Divination Power +4, Trap Sense +3
6: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Arch Sense
7: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Trap Sense +4
8: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Arch Sense
9: Divination Power +6, Trap Sense +5
10: Wizard Spellcasting +1 Level, Arch Sense, Bonus Divination

Special Abilities:
  • Knowlege Bonus: At every level, the ArcArch gains an extra 2 skill points, which must be spent in a Knowlege skill.
  • Ancient Lore (Ex): As Bardic Lore, at double her ArcArch class level, but only relating to archaeology or ancient lore.
  • Trap Sense (Ex): As the Rogue class ability, and stacks with all similar bonuses.
  • Divination Power (Su): The ArcArch adds the indicated bonus to her caster level when casting Divination spells.
  • Bonus Language: The ArcArch immediately learns a new language.
  • Arch Sense: The ArcArch chooses from the following list of abilities:
    - Bonus Feat: Alertness, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Investigator, Nimble Fingers, Stealthy, Skill Focus (any ArcArch skill), or Track.
    - Constant Awareness: Like an elf. If the ArcArch is an Elf, she gains an additional +2.
    - Stonecunning: Like a Dwarf. If she's already a Dwarf, she gains an additional +2.
    - Trained Eye [requires 10 ranks of Appraise]: An archaeologist is far less likely to make a mistake when appraising items. He will never fail a DC 15 or lower check, and even when he fails a higher DC check, he still estimates the value to within 30-180% (3d6 x 10%).
    - Skill Mastery: As the Rogue special ability.
    - Greater Lore: The ArcArch can identify magic items as with the identify spell (as the Loremaster class ability).
  • Bonus Divination: The ArcArch gains an additional spell-slot at her highest available spell-level, which can only be filled with a Divination spell. (If she is a Diviner, this slot is in addition to her usual bonus Divination slot.)

-- N
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