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1st-8th Human Monk/PsyWar from "They came in search of Paradise"

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
This is my 1st level monk for a new campaign I'm starting in.

The storyhour (They came in search of Paradise (A Story of Erth)) can be found here http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=1724460

I present him here as a potential NPC for other DMs to use (and if he survives past 1st level I'll add higher level versions of him too).

He was created by 4d6 drop lowest, which accounts for the rather good stats.

Monk 1
Str 17
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5

BAB/grapple +0/+7
AC 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13
HD 1d8+1, hp9
Init +2
Attack: +3 (Glaive 1d10+4), 20/x3 or shuriken +2 (1d2+3)
Full attack: +3 Glaive or +3 unarmed (1d6+3) or +1/+1 unarmed flurry (1d6+3)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack.
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows

Skills:Spot +7, Hide +4, Move silently +4, Tumble +6, Jump +7, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, balance +6

Combat notes.
He wields the glaive in two hands and uses kicks for his unarmed attacks. At any time that he gets only a single attack (and the foe is at an appropriate range) he will strike 2H with the glaive. When a foe is right next to him he fights unarmed, and may use his flurry of blows.

Typically at the start of a combat he will use the glaive to take an AoO on anyone who closes to combat with him. If he wins initiative he is likely to ready an attack against the first person who closes with him with the glaive too.

Shuriken are a useful missile weapon because of his high strength and ability to flurry with them. With their small size he can carry a number concealed about his person - with a baggy cloak and their small size he is guaranteed to make the sleight of hand as a standard action to palm one (either putting it away or getting it ready) (+3 skill, +4 size, +2 clothing bonus, is guaranteed to make DC10)

If he makes it to second level you can bet that his bonus feat will be combat reflexes!

The fluff for him is pretty campaign specific, but I could include it if anyone wants - but this guy could be used with almost any kind of fluff really.

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
He has now reached 2nd level (goodness only knows how). His 1st level experiences have been a catalogue of failures. He failed his Fort ST against disease, he's failed his Will ST against charm person, he's failed several Reflex ST. He has fumbled at least once in every combat and I don't think he has actually hit anyone with his glaive yet.

If you have seen "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" he was like the ineffectual guard in the first fight with Jade Fox, thrashing around madly and just getting in the way!

2nd level gives him +1 BAB, +1 to all saves, evasion, combat reflexes (yay! more opportunities to fumble with the glaive!)

Monk 2
Str 17
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6

BAB/grapple +1/+8
AC 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13
HD 2d8+2, hp13
Init +2
Attack: +4 (Glaive 1d10+4), 20/x3 or shuriken +3 (1d2+3)
Full attack: +4 Glaive or +4 unarmed (1d6+3) or +2/+2 unarmed flurry (1d6+3)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack.
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes

Skills:Spot +7, Hide +4, Move silently +4, Tumble +9, Jump +10, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +6

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Li Kung has reached 3rd level and fate has started to smile on him. Such as the moment when he rolled initiative 3, four goblins charged up and reacting without thought he slew every single one of them (three AoO with glaive because of combat reflexes and one cleave attack). Woot!

3rd level gave him an extra 8 on his HD roll, an extra +1 BAB and the feat Cleave (I like the visual of a roundhouse kick taking down two foes)

Monk 3
Str 17
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6

BAB/grapple +2/+9
AC 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13
HD 3d8+3, hp 22
Init +2
Attack: +5 (Glaive 1d10+4), 20/x3 or shuriken +4 (1d2+3)
Full attack: +5 Glaive or +5 unarmed (1d6+3) or +3/+3 unarmed flurry (1d6+3)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move

Skills:Spot +9, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +10, Jump +15, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +6

He has just acquired some magic bracers. We don't know what they do yet but it seems likely they bracers of armour of some low value. I'll update his AC here when it is known. He did also have a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds but it got used in the latest adventure.
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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Good news - Li Kung has made it to 4th level. Bad news - his luck has been going according to plan (not). Attached by stirges he gets drained down to 2 CON before they fly off. Attacked by a monstrous centipede it critically hits him for 42(!)pts damage and he fails his saves against its poison, going down to 3 Dex. He'd be pushing up daisies if it were not for the houserule that you die at - (CON+Level), so his death threshold is -17 instead of -10.

Maybe he is lucky, in a perverse kinda way?

He got 7hp for 4th level, +1 BAB and all saves, +1 to his Str and a masterwork Glaive.

Monk 4
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7(+9vs enchantments)

BAB/grapple +3/+11
AC 17, touch 15, flatfooted 15
HD 4d8+4, hp 30
Init +2
Attack: +8 (Glaive 1d10+6), 20/x3 or shuriken +5 (1d2+4)
Full attack: +8 Glaive or +7 unarmed (1d8+4) or +5/+5 unarmed flurry (1d8+4)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move, slow fall, Ki strike (magic)

Skills:Spot +10, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +11, Jump +17, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +9, Concentration +2
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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
He has made it to 5th level (after fighting lions and a young red dragon) and has branched out into Psychic Warrior.

He got an 8 for his hit points (woo!), didn't get any BAB but gained +2 to Fort ST (his weakest). His 4 skill points all went into concentration and his bonus psionic feat is "psionic fist". He has swapped his bracers of armour +2 for a periapt of wisdom +2

Monk 4/ Psychic Warrior 1
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 12
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +8(+10vs enchantments)

BAB/grapple +3/+11
AC 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14
HD 5d8+5, hp 39
Init +2
Attack: +8 (Glaive 1d10+6), 20/x3 or shuriken +5 (1d2+4)
Full attack: +8 Glaive or +7 unarmed (1d8+4) or +5/+5 unarmed flurry (1d8+4)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave, Psionic Fist
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move, slow fall, Ki strike (magic)

Skills:Spot +10, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +11, Jump +17, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +9, Concentration +6

pp: 2
Powers: Inertial Armour (+4AC for 1 hr, +1 AC per 2pp)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Much to his surprise and pleasure a range of recent encounters with zombie minotaurs, mummies and greater shadows as led to 6th level and another level of Psychic Warrior.

He got an 8 for his hit points again (woo!), gained +1 BAB and +1 to Fort ST. His 4 skill points went into concentration, jump and (cross class) tumble. He got a bonus psionic feat (Overchannel) and his 6th level feat is also psionic (talented).

Monk 4/ Psychic Warrior 2
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 12
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9(+11vs enchantments)

BAB/grapple +4/+12
AC 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14
HD 6d8+6, hp 48
Init +2
Attack: +9 (Glaive 1d10+6), 20/x3 or shuriken +6 (1d2+4)
Full attack: +9 Glaive or +8 unarmed (1d8+4) or +6/+6 unarmed flurry (1d8+4)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave, Psionic Fist, Overchannel, talented
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move, slow fall, Ki strike (magic)

Skills:Spot +10, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +12, Jump +18, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +9, Concentration +7

pp: 5 (max 3)
Inertial Armour (+4AC for 1 hr, +1 AC per 2pp)
Chi Body* like expansion but (a) don't grow to large size, just get 8x density, (b) don't get improved reach (c) don't get increased damage with weapons, does get (a) unarmed damage goest up a step, (b) +2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 grappling. 1r/level

Masterwork Glaive
Quarterstaff +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Pearl of Wisdom +2
dozen shuriken

He has commissioned a Monks Belt by exchaning a more valuable item for it.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
nb, if prestige classes were allowed in this campaign, he would be entering the Fist of Zuoken class as his next level (and would have taken a slightly different feat last level).

Unfortunately that is not the case.

Fortunately he has just gained another level...

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Monk 4/ Psychic Warrior 3
Str 18
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 12
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +10(+12vs enchantments)

BAB/grapple +5/+13
AC 17, touch 17, flatfooted 15
HD 6d8+6, hp 56
Init +2
Attack: +11 (Glaive 1d10+6), 20/x3 or shuriken +6 (1d2+4)
Full attack: +11 Glaive or +10 unarmed (1d10+4) or +7/+7 unarmed flurry (1d10+4)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave, Psionic Fist, Overchannel, talented
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move, slow fall, Ki strike (magic)

Skills:Spot +10, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +12, Jump +20, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +9, Concentration +9

pp: 9 (max 4)
Inertial Armour (+4AC for 4hrs, +1 AC per 2pp)
Chi Body* like expansion but (a) don't grow to large size, just get 8x density, (b) don't get improved reach (c) don't get increased damage with weapons, does get (a) unarmed damage goest up a step, (b) +2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 grappling. 3r
Metaphysical Weapon (+1 enhancement, +1 per 4pp and 1hr/level if +4pp used)

Masterwork Glaive
Quarterstaff +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Pearl of Wisdom +2
Monks Belt
Ring of minor sonic resistance
potion of owls wisdom
dozen shuriken

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
After helping to defeat a Large green dragon (by grappling it pretty successfully so it couldn't depart the combat) he has made it to 8th level. Woo!

His attribute bonus went on Dex, his +6 BAB gives him an iterative attack at last (double Woo!)

Monk 4/ Psychic Warrior 4
Str 18
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 20
Cha 12
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +13(+15vs enchantments)

BAB/grapple +6/+14
AC 19, touch 19, flatfooted 16
HD 8d8+8, hp 65
Init +3
Attack: +11 (Glaive 1d10+6), 20/x3 or shuriken +6 (1d2+4)
Full attack: +11/+6 Glaive or +10/+5 unarmed (1d10+4) or +8/+8/+3 unarmed flurry (1d10+4)

Feats: Martial Weapon (Glaive), Power Attack, Cleave, Psionic Fist, Overchannel, talented
Class abilities: Improved Grapple, flurry of blows, evasion, combat reflexes, still mind, 40ft move, slow fall, Ki strike (magic)

Skills:Spot +10, Hide +5, Move silently +5, Tumble +12, Jump +30, sense motive +4, sleight of hand +3, Balance +9, Swim +9, Concentration +11

pp: 12 (max 4, 6 with overchannel)
Inertial Armour (+4AC for 4hrs, +1 AC per 2pp)
Chi Body* like expansion but (a) don't grow to large size, just get 8x density, (b) don't get improved reach (c) don't get increased damage with weapons, does get (a) unarmed damage goest up a step, (b) +2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 grappling. 3r
Metaphysical Weapon (+1 enhancement, +1 per 4pp and 1hr/level if +4pp used)
Detect Hostile Intent (30ft radius, 10mins per level, can't be surprised or flatfooted by non-mindless creatures)

Masterwork Glaive
Quarterstaff +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
Pearl of Wisdom +4
Monks Belt
Ring of minor sonic resistance
potion of owls wisdom
dozen shuriken
boots of travelling and leaping
9 potions of CLW
Clear Spindle ioun stone (no need for food or water)


Penguin Herder
I'm sad that he didn't get to freely upgrade his MWProf(Glaive) to WFocus(Glaive) when he took his first PsiWar level.

Sad in my heart.

-- N

Voidrunner's Codex

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