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Greyhawk - Return of the Slavelords! Part 1

Karl Green

First Post
The last days of winter are waning, giving way to spring and the festival of Goodglow. The plains of Greyhawk are turning lush and green, one of the first springs in 10 years where the weather has been so good so soon. Farmers have started the early planting season and there is much talk about looking forward to the coming summer… maybe, just maybe the years of war and strife are over, maybe peace is return to the lands of Oerth or at least within the realms of Greyhawk.

All of you received the strange invitation within the last few weeks to attend the annual Feast of Goodglow sponsored by Dame Messalina of Hardby to honor the Spring Solstice of Pelor and other goodly deities of the realm.

Making your way, in small groups or individually, you have arrived at Hardby. A city of some 6,000 souls, the port lying on the northern sores of the Woolly Bay, was once a free city with a proud history, longer even than that of its more illustrious northern neighbor, the city of Greyhawk. Uniquely, Hardby was ruled by women, collectively known as the Gynarchy. Under their leadership the city once counted itself the equal of the Gem of Flanaess. The Greyhawk Wars brought Hardby’s long tradition of independence to an end. Reduced to a vassal of Greyhawk City, the Despotrix (the leader or mayor) of Hardby is now little more then a figurehead. Despite this, the long shadow that Greyhawk casts over its neighbor conceals the machination of many who would see the Free City humbled. The shame and anger of its ‘enslavement’ have made Hardby a nexus of Greyhawk’s foes. A busy city port, Hardby is the gateway between the central Flanaess and the realms of the south. News of the war in Onnwal, whispers of the fabulous wealth of the new Overking of Ahlissa, and tall tales of the strange, sweltering jungles of Hepmonaland are all found in the city’s taverns. From the high gates of the city, newcomers can see the twin statues of pugilist at the bay’s edge, with the lighthouse to greet the ships from around the world.

Inquiring for directions to Minaryn Castle, the city watch (dressed in the livery of Greyhawk Militia) directs the groups south toward the fishing village of Orz (about 5 miles south of Hardby) “…and den foller da Steel Road outs of town. It be about half a days ride from der

Most probably spend the night in Hardby, finding most of the taverns and inns have space… there is the Mistress of the Coach Inn on the edge of town, widely considered the best inn in town. Or the Berei’s Bounty, which by contrast is a plain yet sturdy and low-prices in on the east side of town.

Those that do spend the night hear the local rumor-mill in full swing about Agents of Ray the Traitor have been infiltrating the city, or that mercenaries from Dyvers have recently taken up residency in Arok’s Landing (to the north of Hardby, probably past though on the way here, a craft and artesian industrious city of trade) which can only be bad for Greyhawk and good for Hardby. They might also hear that Orcish Pirates have started to become more organized and coordinated, and that a new leader must have arising within their ranks… and whispers by many is the most dreadful of all… that the “Yellow Sail” has again been seen in the Whoolly Bay… slavers and cutthroats who show no mercy, come in the night, striking hard and then vanishing before anyone knows what is happening… most pray that this is not true, but they have all heard it from a friend who’s cousin works with a guy who’s sister is in Greyhawk Marine stationed here, so it must be true!

The next day, setting out for the Minaryn’s Castle, the travelers arrive late in the afternoon the day before the festival is to begin. The castle is very impressive and huge, almost a small city onto itself, with a high thick wall of stone and earth, surrounded by a moat of clear water. Riding into the main courtyard and over the lowered drawbridge, the travelers are greeted by servants whom will take your mounts to the stables… and also a bit of a surprise for the lady of the manor, Dame Messalina herself greets you are the main entrance. She is a tall woman of middling age, dressed in a light blue robe of noble quality, she is also wearing a longsword sheathed at the belt… strange indeed.

Greetings wayfarers, most welcome and well meet sirs and ladies, heroes of the Greymark. I am honored that you answered my call. Please enter and know peace. I am Dame Messalina, and I welcome you to Minaryn’s Castle. Would you be weary of road and riding and wish a hot bath? Of course!” and she motions to some additional attendants forward “You heroes have three rooms among you – the Castle will be will be crowded this week – these servants can show you the way. I hope that this is acceptable and bid you all well.” She bows her head to each of you and then takes her leave to greet other visitor who are arriving even now. Indeed the Castle is very large, and for it to be so crowded a large number of people must indeed be coming.

Signs of the festival are everywhere, banners and flags have been un fluttered everywhere… servants come and go, rushes about at last minute tasks. If asked, the servants will indeed confirm that the Dame has summoned six heroes of the Grey Mark to attend her festival this week. They will all be arriving today it is hoped. The rooms are very good sized, with two large beds in each (and a heavy chest underneath each bed). Each room also contains a small sitting area, where you can sit up to four comfortably and six without to much difficult, a fireplace in each, and a private bath area, with bath tubs can be brought in if requested. Wine and fresh fruit and bread is already awaiting your arrival.

[occ]You can go ahead and introduce yourselves to each other, and ask any questions that you might like of the servants. If you wish to know anything of the surrounds, etc let me know. It make no matter who arrives first, but if you want to post when you arrive in the day that is fine with me…[/occ]

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First Post
Lorien, Human Ranger

Lorien makes sure Avalon is properly stabled himself. He then jumps into a bath needing to refresh himself. He does not have any luggage but still tips a silver piece to the servant showing him to his quarters.

Once bathed and properly attired in his royal white tunic with golden threading, he makes his way back to the main court.
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First Post
Defrel, Male Human, Thief

Defrel dismonts his trusted trail compion, and walks with the horse to a fine looking stable, "Look Gondi, strange horses, watch yourself...I should watch myself..." Defrel mumble under his breath to Gondi as he walks the tan horse to his rest. Tipping the stable-hand, Defrel walks along with the servent taking him to his room...slowly spinning a dagger over his knuckles...

"So, what is new in town in the past week..."

[OOC: Dip. Skill to see what is going on. Defrel will converse and gather information of the town, castle, and area of new news, then seek a bath, and a bottle of wine.]


Norbac Odrog, Half orc cleric.

“I only one time in a castle” says Norbac while entering Minaryn´s castle to whoever is with him. “But then I shouting war cries and there a bloody spear in this hand”

Later he grunts a thank to Dame Messalina and lets the servant guide him to his room. There, he looks under everything and through the window, then notices the jar with flowers. Are they supposed to be good to eat? No, maybe not.

Finally he puts the weapons leaning against the wall and jumps on the bed, where he bounces a couple times before it stops. How´s that they manage to actually sleep in things like this?


Verrick Human Rogue/Wizard

Striding confidently up to the lady, "Good lady, you do our humble deeds great honor with you invitation. We thank you for the hospitality of your castle." Wondering why they are here. He follows Lorien in to stable his horse and gives the servant a chance to earn Lorien's tip as he has a considerable collection of gear. Unless he objects, Verrick will bunk with Lorien as they arrived together. While Lorien is bathing, Verrick sends Rauxy (hawk familiar) out the window, "have a look around and see if you can find yourself a tasty pigeon or rat in this rock pile." Verrick puts his skills to work searching the room carefully to see that there are no surprises. When Lorien is done with the bath, Verrick will bathe and don more formal clothing in muted blue and gray tones. Since the lady greeted her guests wearing a sword she should not find a Rapier and dagger out of place on me. Hearing a comotion next door, Verrick takes a glass of wine and proceeds to investigate. Seeing the half-orc testing out the bed, "Norboc old comrade! How long has it been?"

OOC: Sense motive 13+5=18 and Search taking 20+8=28.
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Karl Green

First Post
wysiwyg said:
Lorien makes sure Avalon is properly stabled himself. He then jumps into a bath needing to refresh himself. He does not have any luggage but still tips a silver piece to the servant showing him to his quarters.

Once bathed and properly attired in his royal white tunic with golden threading, he makes his way back to the main court.

When Lorien returns to the large main courtyard, he notices that other guess are still arriving. A young gentlemen and his lady arrive by carriage and are greeted by Dame Messalina as ‘Sir Micakien Hawkins and his Lady Viiana Hawkins’. There are a few other people mining about here, refreshed and clean recently, mostly just watching to see who is coming. One onlooker in particular stands out… he is a human male, about 5’ 10’ and rail thin, dressed in a simple brown robe that has seen better days and sports long black hair and a bread that in serious need of a comb. He mutters to himself occasionally and the servants seem to give him a wide berth.

On one of the overhang balconies that looks' into the courtyard a very beautiful young woman is leaning over the ledge and looking at all to see with a bright smile on her face. Her hair is golden blond, and she is wearing a light blue dress that is simple in design but seems eloquent none the less. She smiles and inclines her head to Lorien and calls down to him “Good sir, the view is far better up here and you are in no danger of being trampled by any onrush of guest. Do join me…” as she inclines her head toward the stairs that lead to the balcony…

Karl Green

First Post
djrdjmsqrd said:
Defrel dismonts his trusted trail compion, and walks with the horse to a fine looking stable, "Look Gondi, strange horses, watch yourself...I should watch myself..." Defrel mumble under his breath to Gondi as he walks the tan horse to his rest. Tipping the stable-hand, Defrel walks along with the servent taking him to his room...slowly spinning a dagger over his knuckles...

"So, what is new in town in the past week..."

[OOC: Dip. Skill to see what is going on. Defrel will converse and gather information of the town, castle, and area of new news, then seek a bath, and a bottle of wine.]

[occ]Remember you get to make all skill rolls... IF you would prefer that I roll for you (because you are at work etc) I can. Up to you. In this case I will roll it. Getting 15 +5 =20[/occ]

The servant who guilds Defrel to his room is a middle-aged human male of about average height and build. He smiles a great deal and says “Well now me lord, planning and preparing for this festival is pretty much been taken up my last two weeks… so not much that I could tell you. I do hope that you enjoy your stay. If you require anything let me know, my name is Noss sir. Oh and well if you want a bit of news… and advise… stay away from that fellow ‘Joseph of the Light’. He did come here not a week ago, claiming to have been called here or a something and the Dame just up and let em stay. Talks to himself and is a very odd duck if ye ask me, but then I should not be a questioning my lady… she is a wise and good woman, and she must have her reasons and all…

Karl Green

First Post
Someone said:
“I only one time in a castle” says Norbac while entering Minaryn´s castle to whoever is with him. “But then I shouting war cries and there a bloody spear in this hand”

Later he grunts a thank to Dame Messalina and lets the servant guide him to his room. There, he looks under everything and through the window, then notices the jar with flowers. Are they supposed to be good to eat? No, maybe not.

Finally he puts the weapons leaning against the wall and jumps on the bed, where he bounces a couple times before it stops. How´s that they manage to actually sleep in things like this?

The beds do look...uncomfortably soft, but the followers do look rather tasty and smell nice. There is also some fresh bread, cheese and some apples on the table near by.

Looking out the window, he can see out countryside, green and lush. There are farmers working out in the fields and they seem pretty happy (but one can never tell if they are truly free or not)

Karl Green

First Post
Scotley said:
Striding confidently up to the lady, "Good lady, you do our humble deeds great honor with you invitation. We thank you for the hospitality of your castle." Wondering why they are here. He follows Loren in to stable his horse and gives the servant a chance to earn Loren's tip as he has a considerable collection of gear. Unless he objects, Verrick will bunk with Loren as they arrived together. While Loren is bathing, Verrick sends Rauxy (hawk familiar) out the window, "have a look around and see if you can find yourself a tasty pigeon or rat in this rock pile." Verrick puts his skills to work searching the room carefully to see that there are no surprises. When Loren is done with the bath, Verrick will bathe and don more formal clothing in muted blue and gray tones. Since the lady greeted her guests wearing a sword she should not find a Rapier and dagger out of place on me. Hearing a comotion next door, Verrick takes a glass of wine and proceeds to investigate. Seeing the half-orc testing out the bed, "Norboc old comrade! How long has it been?"

OOC: Sense motive 13+5=18 and Search taking 20+8=28.

*The Dame seems honesty and open to you, and after a very complete search, you find no ‘hidden surprise’ or anything that you would not normally except*

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