A Scrawled Note



It looks none too tidy and the bad grammar and terrible spelling suggest the semi-illiteracy of the author:

Deer Ant Bryn;

Yesturday ther was a fyre at the Ranch. Jes has bi'n hurt pritty badlee. I got uway wif a brokn arm but steel am a bit shakn. Jes has bin burnt and sefral of the orzes got uway, sum dyed. I am goin'c to find a clehrik to help Jes out. If yoo see this then don' worry, jus tell Ashton that wir' fine. K?

Luv, Lori. xxx

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Bhryn Astairre

A hastily written reply:

Lorain, you should really pay more attention to studies! I will tell Ashton and come down to check on you later this day. Ah child!

B xxx

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