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Anything you can recommend?


First Post
Hi everybody,

I have a couple of questions regarding adventure ideas for my guys.

We are a german gaming group and my guys wants to play some D&D again. The only person that knows Faerun quiet well is me.

Anyway, I know what my guys prefer. One of the gamers is more the dragon type of person. He'd love to game a half dragon or something that has to do with a dragon because he is all about dragons.

Now, my other player is more the calm guy, who prefers not too much of high fantasy.

I want to please both of them. What kind of character would you accept? Would you accept a half dragon, if so, would you accept it like it's in the rules or would you more likely cut his power so he becomes not too powerful.

Is there any other race or class you can recommend to me?
What kind of adventures you can recommend for a little group of two gamers?

Thanks for your help :)

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Clockwork Golem
1) Steer your dragon-oriented player towards the sorcerer class and the Dragon Desciple prestige class.

2) Borrow one of the two draconic player character races in Arcane Evolved - they port over to DnD fairly well with only minor rules tinkering.

In either case, I'd make sure that the race/sorcerer's powers and heritage are rlatively rare. People tend to react with awe and fear, there aren't many others the group will encounter, etc.


First Post
There are many options for dragon-lovers out there, of various degrees of power.

- Half-Dragon [Monster Manual]
- Draconic Creature [Draconomicon]
- Dragon Disciple [Dungeon Master's Guide]
- Dragon Shaman [Player's Handbook II]
- Sorcerer with Draconic Feats [Complete Arcane]


Gold Roger

First Post
Leave your hands of fearun. It's really high power high fantasy, which guy 2 propably won't like. I'd say stick with a somewhat generic homebrew. Nothing big, just a small town with sorrounding (about a days work). The blanks can be filled in over time or by the players.

For the dragon dude sorcerer/dragon disciple sounds about right. If you use non core stuff, you might want to look at the dragon shaman from the PHB and with the Draconomicum, Races of Dragon and the upcomming Dragon Magic you can make almost every class dragon themed.

The second guy might be a bit more complicated. D&D is generally far more bend on high power/high magic. However, there are some simple means by which a lower power/magic feel can be evoced, mostly by changing the window dressing:

Keep civil spellcasters a little out of sight, sorround divine NPC's with a lot of woozaboo and pretentiousness. Either remove magic item trade or dress it up in a way that it doesn't look like "ye olde magic walmart"(or Kaufhof). Instead of giving single magic items give few items that start out small, but improve over time and combine the effect of many items (a fighters sword may over time combine the abilities of a flaming burst weapon +1, a belt of giant strength, a item of fire resistance and a ring of elemental control, even though it started out as Sword +1 that did +1 extra fire damage). I'd also slow down advancement considerably, to about 1/4 of the DMG combat xp.

So except for the item und xp rules changes I'd advice you to "cheat" your player so it stays standart D&D, but doesn't look to much like it.

There are no adventures that come imediatly to my mind, sadly.

PS: Wo in Deutschland seid ihr denn?


First Post
Yeah Faerun is high power fantasy, yet still better as some homebrew. It has lots of background material.

What do you think of a homebrew Faerun? The world is up, but as a GM you can include or leave out stuff.

Sorcerer/dragon disciple sounds good to me, just looked it up. Sounds good to me, not too powerfull from the beginning which is the most important thing to me. D&D Characters become very fast too powerful...

"ye olde magic walmart"(or Kaufhof)

That's a good one

Sounds definitely good to me, don't like "ye olde magic walmart" kind of adventures anyway ;)

PS: Wo in Deutschland seid ihr denn?
Three towns over yonder, also known as Münster

Und du? :)
Last edited:

Gold Roger

First Post
Nelly said:
Yeah Faerun is high power fantasy, yet still better as some homebrew. It has lots of background material.

What do you think of a homebrew Faerun? The world is up, but as a GM you can include or leave out stuff.

Sounds good to me. Just delegate all the epic NPC's either of the screen or into high levels (lvl 10-20), remove item shops and former adventurers everywhere and you should be golden.

Nelly said:
Sorcerer/dragon disciple sounds good to me, just looked it up. Sounds good to me, not too powerfull from the beginning which is the most important thing to me. D&D Characters become very fast too powerful...

Well, that's a matter of playstyle, I guess (but you seem to be pretty even within your group in that regard). Sounds like one more reason to slow down advancement, it's even to fast for me and I like high power.

Nelly said:
Three towns over yonder, also known as Münster

Und du? :)

Wir sind in Mönchengladbach.


First Post
Thanee said:
There are many options for dragon-lovers out there, of various degrees of power.

- Half-Dragon [Monster Manual]
- Draconic Creature [Draconomicon]
- Dragon Disciple [Dungeon Master's Guide]
- Dragon Shaman [Player's Handbook II]
- Sorcerer with Draconic Feats [Complete Arcane]


Thanks, half dragon is too powerful I guess, Draconic Creature... hummm... don't know if it is really playable if you don't want to draw too much of attention.

Dragon Shaman? I don't have Players Handbook II can you explain this Class a little bit to me? What is it about?

Well, that's a matter of playstyle, I guess (but you seem to be pretty even within your group in that regard). Sounds like one more reason to slow down advancement, it's even to fast for me and I like high power.

Yep, ah well, I love to keep it simple. Also, not too much of dungeon plays, there is so much more than just sending them into dungeons, fighting dragons or saving the world for the 1546587987 time ;)
But thats just my opinion.

Wir sind in Mönchengladbach.
Das ist nicht all zu weit weg :)


We just finished a campaign in Faerun that was not so high-powered. The DM stated from the beginning that all of the big name NPCs, like Elminster and such, were fables and legends that had little basis in fact. There might be a mage named Elminster, but he would not be nearly so powerful. All of the stories about him were embellished by bards and other storytellers.

The DM also toned down the availability of magic items, and there were certianly no magic walmarts.

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