D&D 5E Building a Bard Using Some Crazy Starting Stats


Okay, I started Hexblade 1 / Bard 2, and coming up on level 4, so need to commit to a bard subclass. I'm still considering Lore, but it turns out the DM in this campaign is house ruling that you can perform somatic components with a focus in hand, even if the spell doesn't have an M component, and so now find myself leaning toward getting more gishy and going College of Swords. That would let me stack the physical shield, defensive flourish, and the shield spell, which assuming breastplate (don't want stealth disadvantage with this party) and using all of that can get my AC up to 27-28 on average, which is crazy.

It doesn't lend itself to as well to building around Booming Blade, and is well behind Booming Blade + Mobile in damage if I can induce the movement (especially taking into account the lore bard's access to spiritual weapon). But if I don't need to rely on Mobile I could take a different fun feat. I'm thinking Shield Master, which works well with expertise in athletics, and gives me lots of ways to move people around, potentially into nasty spell effects, plus of course the two meleers getting the benefits of prone (could even grapple + shove prone). PAM spear and shield has its appeal too, with Hex Warrior and dueling style; pair with war caster at 9 for booming blade AoOs. And of course, in a totally different direction, inspiring leader would be really good. Or medium armor master and just get insanely high AC.

Too many fun/good options.

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