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Since Edwin is such a tangle of ridiculous and competely contradictory quirks 'n impulses, I'll just avoid that maze and stick with Aesy.

Lessee..His major issue is his age, to be blunt. Although it's nothing compared to the 80,000,000 years that's customary to Juxta, Aesynil's millenia of life wears on him rather heavily, and he tends to show it a bit too openly at times. Going along those lines, he's in a constant battle between the 'Serious' mien that he's taken on over said thousand years and his innate playful fey self...which comes out rarely. In the end, the two tend to mix to leave Aesynil serious, yet with a slight tone of amusement to most of what he does, giving a lil' hint to what's lurking behind his smirk. Another major quirk he possesses is his habit of assuming a condescending attitude to pretty much anybody who fails to gain his respect. Those who dissapoint him are labeled as ignorant children and treated as such until proven otherwise, no matter their actual age...which tends to bring up conflict, as few people like to be called a child by something that they could most likely stomp to the ground without too much effort. Of course, Aesynil ultimately doesn't really care when his personality grates on their nerves, and only takes it as a further sign of their lack of intelligence, heh.

Ta be basic, Aesynil is a fey that's just a touch off from the normal stereotype *Snags Bianca's word absently* He's not exactly a fun-loving prankster fey. His hyper moments are few and far between, and his mannerisms are..for the most part..rather conservative. Personally, I think that's my favorite quirk of Aesy. He's off from the tradtionial image, but not terribly so.

But..erm..he still put a cute pink lil' collar with bells on Needle ta get a good laugh.

-End Babble-


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Well since the site was down I figured I would take the time to put this up since I told Ladyshade I was going to. Hmm since I have been playing mostly Fen I guess I might as well give him a mini breakdown.

Well to get a feel for Fen you need to get the 3rd Edition FR Campaign Book, read the entry on wood elves and then toss what they said out of the window. Fen is the odd one of the race I guess you could say. He is much more intuitive than most of his race. He engages in activities that some would only associate with Gold/Sun elves such as reading and writing poetry and just about anything else scholarly or having to do with art. Not saying he is good at these things seeing that many of them he hasn't been exposed to yet but they intrigue him none the less.

Another quirk of Fen's is his lack of patience. Since Fen moved away from his family he has mainly travelled with, lived with, loved, and fought beside humans. I figure after almost fifty years of being in constant contact with them on a daily basis is slowly going to wear down one's thinking that they have all the time in the world, especially when they see their friends growing old and dying while they stay young and fit.

In some aspects Fen is very much what people think of that don't know DnD when they think of an elf. Someone tied closely to the world he lives in by blood and deed both. Though in others he is the exact opposite. Fen will do things that most of his race and subrace will shun. He has no qualms about killing someone that is a good person if they do something to endanger his family, clan, friends or himself. Fen holds some very noble ideals which a few characters and players on site have found out, just he will go about any means to further those ideals. If a small village is hampering things for his fellow elves you can guarantee that village will be wiped out by him and his associates in short order.

Alot of things I have changed with Fen since playing him on site. In my tabletop game Fen was neutral aligned with strong evil tendencies. When I first brought him onsite I did play him that way but over time he slowly changed to lawful good. Though there are days when I wish for the old Fen that not chaotic it was hard for people to guage what his actions were going to be. Now I don't play lawful good as obeying the laws of the land but the laws he has set for himself and those set forth by his deity Corellon Larethian. Which basically means that if there is a law that goes against what his deity or himself think he will go with what he thinks is right not what the law or what the majority of people say.

Okay I know all of that just sucked and you all feel dumber for having read that but I did promise to put it up. Blame it on Ladyshade :D.



Rhane Arturant

Hmmm.. Rhaney, now.. what can I say about her.

I try to give my characters some kind of odd habit, Rhane for example is a neat freak. Always folding things and putting things their place, things must have a label and objects must ALWAYS be stored in height order.

Rhane also refuses to be pinned down, tied or restrained in any way or form, physically and metaphorically. For that reason she can be very flighty, and gets restless if things get monotonous, she falls into a routine or just stays in one place too long.

Another trait of hers that gets her into a lot of trouble, is that she is ruled by her emotions rather than her head. And that's down to the fact that she was not in the company of other elves for long, was later surrounded by mostly humans and then on her own.. so never developed rational thinking, so-to-speak. So rather than assess the situation before making her move, she's more likely to act on impulse, reguardless of whether she could possibly win or not.

And um.. yeah, I'll stop typing before I go into eeeevvverything about her..


Grineck Cut-tooth

I covered Tharivious above, but I figured since I already have this name for the IC boards, I'd post Grineck's character quirks.

His history isn't nearly as detailed as some of my other characters, but his personality is a bit unusual.

For one, he's a goblin that drinks milk. Most goblins would drink alcohol of some sort, but not Grineck. Why you may ask? Because Grineck's parents were alcoholics, and he despised them, so he's sworn to never drink. He drinks milk because of it's accessability, he often manages to get a hold of it while going through the countyside by sneaking into barnyards and taking what he needs.

Second, and this is one of my favorite quirks of his, is his odd phobia: He is deathly afraid of owls. Even seeing a shadow that looks like an owl is enough to send him running under the nearest table or chair and cowering in terror, usually making quite a bit of noise. Somehow, when he does run and dive beneath the furniture, he manages to never spill even a drop of his milk if it's in hand, due to an unusual luck about him. This fear stems from his home's witch doctor, who kept owls as pets and would feed poorly behaved children to the birds as sacrifices to their god.

Third are his clothes. He dresses in a bright green ( Like this. ) suit and a bright green hat with a long black feather on one side. The suit and hat are too large for him, but he tries to make it look normal. He actually found the clothes on an unfortunate dwarf who had died and was wearing the suit and hat. Grineck took the clothes and made them his own, but despite how easily he got the clothes, he is loathe to part with them, even if it would mean money or better fitting clothing, just because he's a pack rat of sorts.

Fourth and final in what I'll list here, is his unusual luck. He manages to avoid the worst situations ( Mainly because I find him too much fun to play to kill him off. ) in very odd ways. When his life is threatened, he manages to trip over his clothing so many times and in so many ways that he evades death and gets out of there as soon as possible. Even he doesn't see this as luck, and gets annoyed when he trips and stumbles, not realizing that his clumsiness saves his life.

That's Grineck's quirks in a nutshell, he does have a few more, but those are the more interesting ones.



What can I say, Lilyanna is one big querk. :D

Lily was created out of an old character and with influences from another character on sight (her parents so to speak).
Anyways, Lily being a half drow, the only one of her kind at the time before the whole drow nation swept into Juxta :p
She was unique in that fact, and I used her own background which was mingled in the Juxta style insaness to create this chaotic yet warped character that has a soft spot for children and down trodden creatures. Her curiousity comes from her sylvan elf back ground, she needs to know any potential threats to her, but then there is the drow part of her nature that makes her a adreniline junky. :smirk: Well ask any of those that roleplay with Lily, she is hard to predict, but loves to have fun.

As for coming up with the querks, most of them developed from her being in Juxta for a while, growing up around the people there sure does leave a mark........Like Orchid being her best friend. Who would have thought. :smirk:

Anyways, thats my two cents worth, hopefully it helps with dealing with Lily, cause there is no understanding her. I should know, I play her and I don't understand her at times :D

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