Darwin and Dragons 3.5 in Denver


My former DM gave birth over Christmas, so I am looking for a few more players.
starting a new campaign.

Darwin and Dragons: 3.5

The real Royal Geographic Society has been a key associate and supporter of many famous explorers and expeditions, including those of:
Charles Darwin, David Livingstone, Scott of the Antarctic, and Richard Francis Burton. What would the society look like in a fantasy world?
What if instead of a rude tavern, adventures belonged to gentleman’s clubs that served fine sherry in comfortable fire-lit rooms and feature refined
(if somewhat boastful) conversations?
Would Craft: (taxidermy) be necessary for every expedition?

Starting a new campaign adventuring in the Age of Reason & Exploration.
No magetech or gunpowder.

D&D 3.5 group of 30 yr olds, looking for 1-2 new players.

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