DBError on main page (11:17am Sat Eastern US)


No Trouble at All
DB Error: getArticles: 1030: Got error 28 from table handler
SELECT nuke_stories.pn_aid AS "aid", nuke_stories.pn_bodytext AS "bodytext", nuke_stories_cat.pn_themeoverride AS "catthemeoverride", nuke_stories.pn_catid AS "cid", nuke_stories_cat.pn_title AS "cattitle", nuke_stories.pn_comments AS "comments", nuke_stories.pn_counter AS "counter", nuke_stories.pn_hometext AS "hometext", nuke_stories.pn_informant AS "informant", nuke_stories.pn_notes AS "notes", nuke_stories.pn_sid AS "sid", nuke_stories.pn_themeoverride AS "themeoverride", nuke_topics.pn_topicid AS "tid", nuke_stories.pn_time AS "time", DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(nuke_stories.pn_time,INTERVAL 0 HOUR),'%Y-%m-%d') AS "storydate", nuke_stories.pn_title AS "title", nuke_topics.pn_topicname AS "topicname", nuke_topics.pn_topicimage AS "topicimage", nuke_topics.pn_topictext AS "topictext", nuke_topics.pn_counter AS "tcounter", DATE_ADD(nuke_stories.pn_time,INTERVAL 0 HOUR) AS "unixtime", nuke_stories.pn_withcomm AS "withcomm" FROM nuke_stories LEFT JOIN nuke_stories_cat ON nuke_stories.pn_catid = nuke_stories_cat.pn_catid LEFT JOIN nuke_topics ON nuke_stories.pn_topic = nuke_topics.pn_topicid WHERE nuke_stories.pn_ihome=0 AND DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(nuke_stories.pn_time,INTERVAL 0 HOUR),'%Y-%m-%d')>DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(Now(),INTERVAL 0 HOUR),INTERVAL -2 DAY),'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY storydate DESC, nuke_topics.pn_topicname ASC

Just a heads-up, not meaning to be a pain...


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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
That's what it looks like to me...with all the 'nuke' everywhere...

First, I got the error too. Looks like a bandwidth problem.

Second, I think the 'nuke' bit is a database thing. I know it's used with one type of message board.

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