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Deus Arctica Rerecruitment (Offisite)


First Post
Game Title: Deus Arctica
System: d20 (Iron Heroes)
Players Wanted: 1-2 more
Expected Posting Rate: 1 per day

Hrognan limped over to the nearest rock and checked his wounds. The tip of a javelin had gone about an inch into his left thigh. He gritted his teeth as he removed the stone tip and threw what was left of the spear into the rapids. The water would carry the broken spear and Hrognan’s blood all the way down to the city of Oru, where perhaps some little girl would carefully gather the precious water into a bucket and haul it miles to her home. That was a mistake, the tribal realized. They could have used the speartip.

The Nath River’s sudden impotence. That was the root cause of everything that had happened. Decades, in some cases centuries, of carefully constructed alliances and pacts between the tribes had, within a span of three years, completed disintegrated. As the river’s strength waned, so did the available resources in the harsh snowy foothills. And when men could no longer take resources from the land, they took from each other.

At first, Hrognan hoped that the trouble would pass – that the river would return to his normal power, and that plants would grow and animals would eat the plants and tribesmen would eat the animals instead of each other. But hope was a luxury now. Life had become a battle for survival, and it was time to fight. Hrognan looked around at the casualties.

His tribe had fought well today. Ten, maybe fifteen victims, cut down by spears, javelins, and the occasional axe lay bloodied in the snow, their innards steaming in the frosty morning air. “Ice them before they get stiff!” Hrognan shouted. Sometimes, it would be days before they stumbled upon another tribe, and he didn’t their food to spoil.


Hi everyone! I am recruiting here (re-recruiting, really) for a game that is currently running at PbP House. It’s been about 8.5 months since Deus Arctica started, and we are now one of the largest running games on that site. One of the original five players has dropped, and another is posting erratically at the moment, so I am taking the time to snag 1 or 2 more players for this game.

This game takes place in my homebrew world Arius, on a northern, mountainous island near the city Oru. The original recruitment thread is HERE. More details about Arius can be found on the wiki, HERE (particularly relevant is the section about Oru’s mythical origin HERE), and the game forum is located HERE.

The Story Thus Far
One unlikely morning, Oru was infiltrated by a servant of Igni. The servant, possessing magical ability, murdered a godchosen of Garland and assaulted a community leader before he was killed. In response to his attack and to the worsening condition of the Nath River, a small team has assembled to travel north of Oru into the mountains, convinced that the plight of the river and the servant’s presence are the same mystery. Each has their own reason for going:
  • Belthesar [a berserker] is a young man in the Frostrogh clan who must complete a rite of passage in the dangerous foothills.
  • Aja [an executioner] is a teenage girl looking for her father, who disappeared on his own mission to the north about a month prior to the beginning of the story.
  • Vernan [a hunter] is a war veteran who has watched his daughter suffer economically from the river’s drying. Unable to help her financially, he must now travel north to discover what has caused the river to unexpectedly stop flowing.
  • Shaltu [a harrier] is an honest courier for Oru who was the victim of a strange magical aberration during the servant’s attack. She has reason to believe that unless she will die in 30-40 days unless she finds a solution – a solution that lies somewhere in the mountains north of Oru.
  • Sayda [a champion] is a godchosen of Garland, the god of War, an emigrant to Oru. She was instructed by her commander to initiate a foray into the north as a result of her brethren’s assassination, to discover more information about why he was killed.

The group was well-prepared for the task and was met initially with hospitality from a couple living in the wilderness, but after traveling into the harsher foothills encountered hostile tribals. Eventually captured, the group was given a chance to win their survival by traveling unarmed to the resting place of the tribe’s Savior – an enigmatic figure revealed to be Belthesar’s ancestor. In addition, Aja discovered that her father, Orlo, had suffered a similar fate in the foothills a month ago, having gotten himself trapped deep in the Savior’s cavernous tomb.

After paying respects to Melchior Frostrogh, the tribal’s Savior, and rescuing Aja’s father, who had suffered gravely from the effects of malnourishment, they group sought an exit to the cave, choosing a more dangerous route for speed, as Orlo’s condition was precipitous at best.

Joining the Game
I use Iron Heroes to run this game. However, I asked this in the original recruitment thread and I will ask it again – please do not let unfamiliarity with the system prevent you from playing. Obviously, experience is a plus, but an affinity for the story and a steady posting rate are far more important than knowing the rules for combat.

New characters will probably be drawn from the population of wildsmen that dot the foothills 70 to 150 hundred miles north of Oru. The social structure there is predominantly tribal and nomadic. There may be other sources for new characters, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll allow all ideas. Incoming recruits will begin at 5th level, with 31p point buy. Details can be discussed later.

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I'm always up to try new things. I will have to grab a copy of Iron Heros..... and will attempt to become as familiar as possible with it. I will post an actual idea when I read the book. Which I hope will be soon.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Iron heroes!!!

I have never played Iron Heroes. However, I've read the book and was dying to run one myself. But I'd love to play one instead! After reading through the classes you already have I would like to play an Armiger, Archer or Weapon master. I don't know how well an Armiger could be made into a barbarian so an Archer is the most likely. Perhaps a member of one of the wild tribes that is hunting alone in hopes to bring home the heads of a rival tribe's warriors in order to gain tribe appeal?
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First Post
That is an excellent concept. When you get the chance, why don't hop over to Pbp House and we can develop this idea in the recruiting thread I have there. This way, I can consolidate all of the interest (this recruitment thread has been posted in 5 different forums).

Also, on that note -- there is a level of sophistication in the wildsmen. Although they lack technology and higher education, all IH classes (except for the arcanist, for balance concerns) are open to play. Armigers, perhaps, are experts at crafting and using armor from some thick-hided or scaled creature that resides in the mountains / foothills.
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Jack of Tales

First Post
Okay perhaps I'm just really stupid but I can't seem to figure out how to post on the link to the recruitment thread you linked. And yes, I did create an account ;)
EDIT: Here's my character for your acceptance
Name: Jack Tamal
Class: Archer
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Baltur (If the north worships same gods)

Age: 25
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 178
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Str: 14 +2 (6p.) Level: 1 XP: /1100
Dex: 20 +5 (16p.) BAB: +0 HP: 6
Con: 9 -1 (3p.) RBAB: +1 Dmg Red: 0/-
Int: 08 -1 (00p.) Speed: 30' Defense Bonus: +1
Wis: 14 +2 (6p.) Init: +5
Cha: 08 -1 (00p.)

Total Armor Shld Dex Size D.Bonus Misc Base
Armor: 16 +0 +0 +5 +0 +1 +0 10
Touch: 15 Flatfooted: 10

Total Mod Misc Base
Fort: +0 -1 +0 +1
Ref: +6 +5 +0 +1
Will: +3 +2 +0 +1

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Composite Longbow +6 1d8+0 x3
Longsword +2 1d8+0 19-20/x2


Dextrous (+2 Dex, -2 Con)
Lithe Acrobat (Tumble at normal speed)

Class Features:
Aim Pool
Deadeye Shot:
Deadly Shot: Tokens 2, gain +5(dex) to damage (Ranged)

Precise Shot
Point Blank Shot (+1 hit/dmg. at 30')

Skills: (12) Total: Ranks: Mod:
Agility +9 4 5(Dex)
Perception +6 4 2(Wis)
--Search +3 4 -1(Int)
Athletics +6 4 +2 (Str)

Equipment:(150gp) Cost Weight
Composite Longbow 100gp 3lb
--Arrows(20) 1gp 3lb
Backpack 2gp 2lb
--Bedroll .1gp 5lb
--Winter blanket .5gp 3lb
--Trail Rations .5gp 1lb

Total Weight: 17lb Money: 45 gp, 9 sp

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First Post
I suspect that the link to the recruitment thread gives you a page where you are not logged in.

Try logging in on the main portal page: http://www.pbphouse.com

Then find the recruitment thread (shouldn't be too hard; it's in the recruitment forum) and post that way.

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