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EBERRON: LOST TREASURES Ture Derrock of the Aurum

“Korranberg Chronicle”

Jay sat down in the law keepers questioning room. He had already told the authorities everything …twice. Now it was Grot’s turn. In the meantime, Jay was going to enjoy a rare but great joy of his- a discarded edition of the Korranberg Chronicle.

This small booklet of folded parchments told of the events and accolades of adventurers, explorers and folks that lived the good life (at least in Jay’s mind). Jay believed every story to be true and generally the stories were …after a fashion.

The headline of this paper (still current!) was “Mysterious explosions at Morgrave”. With a large smile, Jay entered the world of his fantasies as he began to read. He thoroughly enjoyed this issue as it showcased a bio on Osmand Promise. He was an explorer and had Breland royal ties. These connections could never be proven but were understood by any regular reader of the Chronicle. He hoped to meet Osmand some day.

Other articles spoke of the Barren Sea Circle. This area of the sea had strange crosswinds and water currents. Many sea-craft were lost within this area. Most figure it was the unpredictable sea but others, readers of the Chronicle especially, knew otherwise. No one knew what it was still, but it was something other than strange sea currents. Some thought sea giants, others Dragon Turtles and even another explorer suggested a race of people that defended this section of sea. Something about the return of the Giants.

Jay was on the back page when Grot fumbled out. He was quietly muttering to himself about treating a dwarf of House Kundarak this way. Also something about autumn. Jay was about to ask when a new disturbance occurred. Thorn, the Shifter Ranger from Eldeen Reaches that was hunting the assassin known as Whisper, was being questioned. She had little use for the city of Passage and grew impatient being held within the building. She was only a witness. Unknown to Jay, Grot had suggested that Dru spoke to her as if he knew her and treated her as a hated but respected foe.

Jay folded the parchment up and handed it to Grot while he went to “save” the damsel in distress. Behind Jay, Grot out of habit held the paper up and shook it as if expecting something to fall out of the folds. Once he saw what he was doing, he tossed the paper onto the bench and tried to distance himself from it.

The authorities decided that this was a case of possession and had a local Priest of the Silver Flame deal with Dru. The others were free to go but were not to leave the city.

Within fifteen minutes they were outside the city and heading for the thick forests of Eldeen Reach. The entire incident with Whisper and Dru behind them but not forgotten.

Shortly after leaving the city limits, Grot convinced Thorn to hire transportation. The first three hours of walking had loosened up his money pouch apparently. Thorn picked three fine light horses from a House Vadalis stable. It was estimated that these fine horses could cover 60 miles within one eight hour day without being pushed. Thorn enjoyed the ride as she would race ahead of them and dismount to scout with stealth. Jay had never ridden a horse before but found it easy to learn. The horse seemed to direct itself. Grot …well Grot was Grot. He tried to hold on with one arm and hold his glasses on with the other. He bounced and bobbed uncontrollably, as he did not keep his feet in the stirrups. The ½ elven children watched him in awe as they left. The adults were unhappy. Dwarves were not fit for such fine and beautiful animals as these. But the gold spoke higher than their opinions.

They camped near the forests that separated Aundair from the Reaches. The air was humid from Lake Galifar being so close to the south. They stayed within a small camp made up of other travelers. Thorn left them to talk to some people she knew that could help. This left Jay and Grot alone.

Grot began to work out a travel plan in his mind. Using Grot’s course, Jay worked out a course using an old Korranberg Chronicle he kept. This edition had a political map of Aundair, the Reaches and Demon Wastes. Estimating the distance, the speed they traveled and hoped for no troubles Jay figured they would reach Varna in about 3 more days. Then veer north to the sea then go inland. By using the roads, this would take another 5-6 days to reach a strange place named Owl’s Perch. Then Jay was uncertain. Thorn would be the means into the forest.

Jay laid back, looked at the stars and the moon and dreamed. He dreamed of the majestic forests with sights, sounds and smells so unlike Sharn. Jay was happy.

If only he knew …..

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“Ture Derrock of The Aurum”

The dwarf left his chambers far below the surface of the mountain’s surface. Ture Derrock walked the dark halls without any light. Even if he didn’t have his darkvision, he knew these manufactured halls well. He had walked them now for about 230 years. He paused at a suit of ceremonial armor believed to be magical and worn by his late great, great grandfather. After listening and looking down both directions of the long hallway he raised and lowered the visor on the armor. After about a ten-second wait, a secret door slowly and silently opened beside the armor. He stepped through and pulled a lever on the opposite side. There were three levers. One closed or opened the secret door. The other two were unpleasant for to touch, much less pull.

Ture adjusted his expensive tailored outfit. He checked his glowing timepiece to be sure he was not late. He was not. He walked down a set of steep and winding stone steps. Every few hundred steps there were a landing with a locked door. These doors lead to vaults, prisons and rooms that served his needs. Eventually, he would reach the door that reached his current destination. The meeting room of the Aurum.

The Aurum. What was the Aurum? At the basest definition, it was a network of ambitious wealthy people looking to control all of Khorvaire. In truth, it was so much more. Each member had his or her reason for joining the Aurum. Some were for the power. Others for the prestige. A few others for revenge. Ture agreed to be a member for one purpose and one purpose only –to destroy House Kundarak.

This was no easy task. He wanted to remove the House and transfer its riches and power to his family’s name. He knew he could not destroy it. To destroy it would prove dangerous to the world and to him. Khorvaire’s economy was balanced through the house. To destroy the house outright would destroy the world’s economy. Doing this, would cause strife within the Aurum and Ture knew his life would be short in that case. Worse – there were destinies worse than death.

Finally at the door, he carefully unlocked the door after reciting the proper password. Once inside, he gave a new password that kept these wards and traps at bay. Twenty minutes later he arrived.

Antus ir’Soldorak was there of course. He was the head of the Aurum and its secret inner circle referred to as the Shadow Cabinet. He too, had issues with House Kundarak. However, he had even more ambitious plans. There was also Duran Wartorn. A human from the Shadow Marches that has made money through the sales of Eberron Shards. Jenna Hall whom once lived in Crye until it was destroyed. She is a human of great wealth and greater secrets. Very Dangerous. Joel Highwater, a half-elf from the Lhazaar Principalities and a pirate researcher and specialist of the islands. It is believed he knows where the lost treasures are and draws from them. And finally there is Lika. She is from Sharn of Breland. Many believe she rules the lower levels of the city and has great influence within the sewer levels as well..

Individually, any of these people could crush any one person, from commoner to merchant to even royalty. Together, the possibilities were endless.

The meeting goes as expected. Each individual speaks of their efforts and profits. Joel Highwater is very quiet …even for himself. He is the only one to have a set back to report. Osmand Promise came close to discovering his true operation. As it stands, he did discover and sink his secret underwater ship. He hopes to rebuild it …over Promise’ dead body.

The meeting finishes and each wanders and talks to each other to keep up the image of working together. Antus seeks out Ture.

“How does the Lost Treasures fare Ture?” the proper dwarf speaks to the likewise proper dwarf of House Derrock.

“The assassin named Whisper found and killed the commoner in Passage. He did not retrieve the object however. I am following that up with another agent. House Kundarak has hired a party of adventurers to seek out and retrieve the other goods. They will fail.”

“Good. Be sure they do. I do not wish for the Kundarak dwarves to learn of our operations. Now is not the proper time.”

The two dwarves smile and eerie grin that would make an orc barbarian cower.

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