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ETERNALS Trailer Teaser 2


I'll go see it. But then I've gone to the cinema for almost all the MCU movies so I may not be what you'd call "discerning" when it comes to this franchise.

The Kirby aesthetic was used well in Thor 4. By placing it in a distant part of the universe, ruled over by a loony, where most resources seem to be scavenged from galactic garbage dumps, and then playing that part of the movie for laughs, Waititi was able to use the oddness and brightness to advantage. I don't think we'd want to see it as the dominant aesthetic for a whole movie, not even The Eternals.

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A suffusion of yellow
After reading through some of the articles about the Eternals and Deviants, I see one big thing was changed for the MCU, the amount of time they have been on Earth. The trailer says the Eternals arrived on Earth 7000 years ago and that is a lot less time than in the comics. I wonder if their connection to the Celestials and the Deviants will still be the same?

Hmmm, I wonder if they’re mixing their origin with the Atlanteans? In the Eternals timeline 6500 BC is when the Deviants experimented to create aquatic humanoids (Atlantenas).

Of course there were alien deviants too who were created by the Celestials before they arrived on Earth and created the Homo-Mutate Deviants and Homo-Immortus Eternals

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