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Help me with a fey adventure for 4th level PCs


Story I read a while ago had a flesh-shaper who was warping humans into animal-like forms - the one that stuck with me as an especially creepy one was the "deer" man: his hands were cut off and reattached to his head as "antlers", then the bones of his forearms lengthened and shaped into "hooved forelegs"...

Some recommended reading, both for "feel" and for yoinkable details:
Tolkein's Smith of Wootten Major (short story, in A Tolkein Miscellany and other collections)
just about anything by Lord Dunsany, particularly The King of Elfland's Daughter and Beyond the Fields We Know
Charles DeLint, Moonheart (or heck, just about anything by DeLint)
R.A. MacAvoy, The Grey Horse
C.J. Cherryh, The Tree of Swords and Jewels series
Steven Bauer, Satyrday
Patricia McKillip, The Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy
Greg Bear, The Infinity Concerto
T.H. White, The Book of Merlyn

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Unfortunately, the game starts in an hour, so no time for research reading. ;)

The main point is that Sceadrau is a light fey, vaguely wolf-like, who is 'saving' non-fey by healing their bodies and reanimating them as hybrids. I want to avoid a heavy Island of Dr. Moreau feel, so there are only four hybrids living with her, most of them former members of the PCs' village who were lured away over the past few years. Sceadrau rescued the remains of some from the feasts of the dark fey, and brought them back. One should be a half-bear/half-ogre, since the town will later be threatened by ogres and I want to show that some are nearby. Another will be a githyanki, because there's a portal to the astral plane in the woods, creating a manifest zone in the woods where the fey court resides. That's where I want the final encounter to take place.

Subjective-directional gravity, quickened spells, and timelessness. Oh yeah baby.

Okay, what I think will happen:

The group has a farewell send-off by their town. They get a compass, and one of the town's hunters sends a dog and a pack mule with the party. The town's smith gives her apprentice a small metal dagger she fashioned out of metal from a meteor. One of the town mages gives the group a wooden wand with three charges of 'wood shape,' which can affect a 10-ft. cube. The town mayor -- who always seems to know more than she should -- gives them beer.

They head into the woods. The journey is about thirty miles, through uneven terrain, so it'll probably take two days, if they succeed a few Survival checks. I want a non-combat encounter in the normal woods, like maybe a bear crossing their path (they'll see that it's using the same trail as them), just to get the flavor. And I might make an 'encounter' out of hunting if they don't want to waste their supplies.

Then they reach the edge of the fey woods. The boundary is, of course, not clear. The trees simply start getting a bit denser, the sounds more vivid, and eventually they realize they can barely see the sky overhead or the path twenty feet ahead.

They travel a bit more, see horse tracks, follow them to water, which leads to safe place to rest. This is near a cave where the wood medusa (I need a name) lives. She comes out while the group is sleeping, ambushes one of the party, and drags him off to her lair. She'll actually target the most attentive person, since she wants a reaction on the face of the one she turns to wood. She's serpentine, but slithers among the trees, stalking them with poisoned hallucinogenic arrows. When things go badly, she'll burst into leaves and drift away laughing.

After that, one PC should be injured. When they set out again, a few hours of wandering later, they find Itana, but soon the mist surrounds them, we have a spooky luring by the lantern-bearer (who wants the PCs to do his dirty work for him, so he lures them to Sceadrau) and we end with the attack by a warthog-taur and a mockingbird that sits on the shoulder of a faceless human with a whip and a dagger.
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So, we got so far as them getting into the forest, running across the serpent woman with the lignefying gaze, and the resolution of that conflict. A few spontaneous things came up, like me deciding that the PC who hungers for blood got drunk off the blood of a fey rabbit he caught and exsanguinated, which allowed him to hear the secret speech of the woodland creatures, and that the medusa was a member of 'The Festival' (basically the local court of the fey, run by a cannibal named Rekkan), and that she had been a woodshaper until she pissed off Rekkan and got cursed to her current form.

They ran across the medusa -- Ifran, with her fey deer companion Kifu -- when the 'vampire' PC was out stalking, and another PC was following him to see what he was up to. He caught the scent of a deer, and was about to ambush the deer when he got hit by a poisoned arrow. He panicked and fled, and the other PC who was following him (a mage) caught sight of what had attacked him -- a serpent with arms holding a bow, its tail coiled around a tree limb, and its eyes glowing vivid green. The mage succeeded his Fort save, though, so he only took some Con damage, representing him partially lignefying when he saw the medusa's eyes.

The mage counter-attacked with a spell, and the medusa tried to back away, firing an arrow at the mage to drive him off. The vampire decided to pull the serpent archer out of the tree. Unfortunately, our blood-sucker (who isn't actually undead) failed his Fort save and turned to wood in mid-leap.

The mage ran, then reconsidered and looked back, seeing the creature dragging away his friend's body. So the mage used a custom spell to put a short-term dome of stone over the two of them, trapping them while he ran for help. He got close enough that his shouts were heard, but the poison on the arrow dropped his strength to 0. However, the party was able to rouse him enough that he could tell them what happened, and they went to retrieve the medusa.

They knocked her out with a nonlethal spell targeted through a crack one PC bashed in the dome, and then they tied her up, not wanting to kill her right away if she could be useful. One PC with special miracle powers (plot-related for my homebrew setting) was able to partially restore the vampire, and a great debate ensued as to whether to simply kill the medusa now (and let the vampire feed on it), or to wake it and interrogate it and probably have to kill it anyway.

Ultimately they woke it (it was blindfolded), and got a lot of information out of it, and found out it was cursed and did not want to die, but that it didn't exactly think it was doing anything wrong, since it considered them food. The fey, it seems, are cannibals. However, they did learn who the leader of the fey was, and they learned of Sceadrau and some of the other issues in the woods. And then, after much shouting, the vampire attacked and nearly killed her. Two PCs managed to call for mercy, and saved the medusa from death, but they're just keeping her around now with lots of frustration because 3 PCs want her dead, 2 PCs don't care, 1 PC thinks she might be useful to study, and 1 PC wants to try to help the pitiful, cursed thing.

All in all, I'd call it a good session.

Voidrunner's Codex

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