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How Would Like the Rules Modules Organized?


Man, it's hard for me to imagine how the 5E modules are going to be arranged without ending up with half of a book (or three) I don't really want or use. More and more I'm beginning to feel they should go with a two-line approach, similar to what they were trying to do with Essentials/Full 4E, but more like B/X and AD&D.

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Jeff Carlsen

How modules are arranged should depend on the module. For example, the different options for natural healing are simple and short, and should thus be presented in the section on natural healing. On the other hand, the tactical and narrative combat module probably need to be presented separately at the end of the combat chapter (although, if they use similar terminology, perhaps they can be presented together).

As for races and classes, they should still be presented together, but show the basic four first, and then the advanced classes.

Tony Vargas

The OP has an interesting question, and I suspect WotC is dreading having to answer it. For now, modules are a useful way to deflect criticism. Miss something? Don't like something else? There'll be a module for that.

Once they start to solidify, they'll just be another target for criticism and it could get ugly.

Logical ways to structure modules might be as kits or campaign or genre books (like GURPS uses). Want a gritty campaign, buy the Dark Fantasy supplement. The problem with that is that they're low-appeal. WotC wants to sell as many books as possible. That's why we get late-edition products that have a new broken feat or spell for virtually every class in the game - so everyone (every one of the hard-core fans who's still buying) will buy the whole book for the paragraph or two of content they want.

I suspect modules will be within each book. Essentially (npi), each book will have 4 or more ways of doing each thing, one modular option for each broad edition-preference/play-style. You buy all of them, and use one.

Li Shenron

I think most rules modules will be small.

Some of them are as a small as a sidebar, while bigger ones like the tactical module (which needs to include a list of maneuvers and their descriptions) can be something between 5 and 20 pages.

I don't consider additional classes or races as "modules" really. They are just additional classes and races... And also I woudn't call modules the adventures and settings. I think in 5e the term "module" best refers to "rules subsets that can change the game dynamics and experience, should be generally easy enough to swap in/out, and remain fairly setting-indipendent".


The word Module is about getting the terminology of the design accurately conveyed.

I can see at least two varieties published: Rules Modules and Adventure Modules.

Rules Modules are optional add-ons to the core system with variant rules as well, probably for both elements.

Adventure Modules are optional setting locations and situations for inclusion to an ongoing campaign - or perhaps a starting adventure like B2 or something.

Campaign Settings would be their own product. Settings could be taken apart for homebrew material, but are probably sold primarily as the basis for entire campaigns. Variant rules would almost certainly be part of these and some starting adventure module locations as well. A Rules Module would only be necessary, if a new system is needed for an entire new realm of play - like aerial ship combat or something.


First Post
Man, it's hard for me to imagine how the 5E modules are going to be arranged without ending up with half of a book (or three) I don't really want or use. More and more I'm beginning to feel they should go with a two-line approach, similar to what they were trying to do with Essentials/Full 4E, but more like B/X and AD&D.

A small part of me, is starting to think that might not be such a bad idea.

Voidrunner's Codex

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