[IC] Second Darkness by Blues_Soldier


First Post
This is the In-Character thread for the Second Darkness campaign run by Blues_Soldier.

Dramatis Personae:
(in alphabetical order)
Aurelia Valerius, human (Imperial Tiberian) Cleric of Liriel

Duncan Snow, human (bastard Brynn) Swordmage

Isilwen Celebrinthas, Eladrin Bard

Shaphia Caenen, Elf Ranger

Eibhlin Muirchead, Gnome Wizard(ess)

Some Standard Operating Procedures
I am going to let you guys roll your own dice when determining actions. When you do so, the format is this: [ (Skill if applicable), (number of dice and type) (dice totaled) + (all applicable modifiers) = total]

example: Duncan is in a Skill Challenge and needs to roll an Athletics check. The die he rolls is a single d20, and he has a total modifier of +11. If he rolls a 7 on the die, the paragraph might look like this:

"I plant my hand on the stone wall beside me and vault forward over it and down onto the ground below. (Athletics 1d20 (7)+11=18)"

If you want to post your character's in-character thoughts (which is fine and encouraged), do so separated like a spoken quotation, but in italics with asterisks instead of quotation marks. ANYTHING POSTED IN THIS MANNER IS NOT IN-CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE FOR OTHER PLAYERS. Meaning, even though the player is reading another character's thoughts, that player does not know the information. Example:

Duncan thought to himself, *When the hell are we going to begin playing already? Sheesh. Get on with it!*

I will edit this post with any other details as we go.
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First Post
Together for the first time...again.

The man named Duncan, called "Snow" because of his bastard birth, ran through the streets of Fogshore, feet splashing the foul smelling muck of the streets up on to the walls of the narrow alleyway he had ducked down into. With the greatsword strapped across his back, Duncan barely fit as he sprinted down the narrow corridor, hopped a broken down vegetable cart, and turned a blind corner of the alleyway--

--and collided bodily with one of the thugs pursuing him. Thankfully, Duncan outsized the filthy little ruffian by at least six inches and fifty pounds, so in this kind of collision, Duncan won out easily. He bowled over the small man with a duck of his shoulder, and heard a dull buh-thunk as his head bounced off Duncan's shoulder and into the stone wall. He crumpled, and Duncan kept running. He didnt think he would get as lucky a second time.

He was right.

The Brynn man's features werent that out of place this close to Cambria, but your average man didnt carry a greatsword of ancient Aquilonian design strapped to his back. It did tend to kind of give a man away, to point him out in a crowd. Duncan had the ugly feeling he was being hunted; he'd had the feeling for a while now, in fact. Ever since he got that damn letter.

"To Duncan, called Snow--

I regret to inform you of the demise of your former traveling companion, one Mr. Ellisir Corwych, son of Ellydan. Being a man of extraordinary foresight, the wizard set up a will and testament in the case of his accidental death and/or disappearance under mysterious circumstances. Sadly, it appears that his foresight was not paranoia as many suspected and he met an untimely end just three weeks ago. As Mr. Corwych''s factor in this matter, it has fallen to me to see that the remainder of Mr. Corwych's estate is settled in a timely manner.

Mr. Corwych has left specific instructions that you as well as the former traveling companions who also took part in something Mr. Corwych only refers to in his will as "The Stratholme Affair" are to be notified upon his death by foul play or mysterious circumstance, and asked to attend a reading by myself, Mr. Corwych's factor, in regards to the dispensation of his Last Will and Testament.

The reading will take place two weeks hence, in the town of Fogshore, Duchy of Greycliff, Mr. Corwych's place of origin. I will beging the reading at sundown, as the will requests explicitly. My offices are located in the same district as City Hall, on Baker Street. There is a sign on the street that declaims my specific address.


Victor Allenbrand
Factor and Barrister"

Ellisir dead. A reading of his will. The old crew from Stratholme together again. This could NOT be good. Duncan had a bad feeling about this whole deal. Ellisir was the type to keep secrets, but why the bloody crows would he be worried about Duncan?

It had been a year and then some since Stratholme. Duncan remembered the night of the final attack all too clearly, and shook the sound of howling out of his head as he sped down the alleyway. They almost didnt make it out alive from that one. That's why everybody decided to go their own ways afterwards, hang up the adventuring cloak, so to speak. Not that Duncan actually had-- but he did find that the adventuring life was drastically harder running solo.

Little Eibhlin--Aurelia--Ellisir--Isilwen--Shaphia. The names ran through his brain like a litany as he dashed out into the open street, and calmed his breathing and pace. Baker Street. He made it. Duncan looked around for any of the faces he should have remembered, but saw none of them. He looked up. the sun was just dipping behind the hills that surrounded Fogshore, giving it the name that was so ridiculously true. As soon as the sun went down, the entire town was blanketed in thick mist, covering sound and sight for any number of nefarious deeds.

Duncan looked around. He was pretty sure he had lost his tail. Hopefully they didnt know where the crows he was headed. He found the dilapidated old building that had Allenbrand's sign outside the door, and stepped inside, not knowing what the next few minutes might bring.

He certainly had no idea how much his life was about to change.
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