Knights & Legends Tabletop RPG


Knights & Legends is an all-new dark fantasy roleplaying game. Released May 2018, Knights & Legends is as dynamic and addicting as ever. The all-new, core edition introduces Knights & Legends and its setting to players everywhere in the world. Try out a skill-based battle system that challenges progression with deadly combat!
The core rules of Knights & Legends are essential for players and game masters, as they contain all the rules for character creation, background history, classes, abilities, magic, and the religions and gods whose influence will define your character.

Knights & Legends doesn't use levels; instead, characters advance in skills and abilities during the course of play. Anyone can try to pick a lock, cast a spell, or decipher some ancient codex.

With the new selective targeting feature combat in Knights & Legends is exciting, immersive, visceral and always potentially deadly; players should be mindful not to underestimate their opponent.

Players will want this book to create their unique characters, diving into sorcery, picking their religion, or taking up shamanism to engage with mysterious spirits.

Game masters need this book, as it contains the core rules for the game, including task resolution, combat, and damage, as well as guidelines.

Here is some useful digital content that is available free!
Digital dice set simulator - Emulates a standard set of 7 polyhedral dice.

Have you played Dungeons & Dragons? You will pick up Knights & Legends in no time thanks to our simple Roleplaying System!


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Digital Ed. |
Hardcopy Ed. |

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