• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[KS] The Final Countdown 100816

Welcome to another Saturday, and another batch of gamer-ific Kickstarters that are closing in on being over. If you know of one you want to see covered in the future, be sure to email me at seanpatfan {at} gmail. After all, we've all had that "D'oh! I wish I'd backed that before it ended!" moment.

Welcome to another Saturday, and another batch of gamer-ific Kickstarters that are closing in on being over. If you know of one you want to see covered in the future, be sure to email me at seanpatfan {at} gmail. After all, we've all had that "D'oh! I wish I'd backed that before it ended!" moment.


This is the relaunch, since Third Eye realized they went for too many things at once the first time around. This time, the focus is on just the core product, which is all about presenting the Imperial side of the Ninja Crusade universe. They're almost there, and you have just enough time to get in on this one.

Countdown Clock - MERE HOURS


Gun Metal Games' already blown well past their funding goal, which goes to show folks are seriously stoked about a good cyberpunk setting (and rules) for Pathfinder.

Countdown Clock - 3 DAYS


Fat Dragon Games continues to innovate the tabletop marketplace with designs specifically for those of you who have your own 3D printers at home. This will be the norm in the next few years, but for early adopters, your best friend is a rotund drake.

Countdown Clock - 3 DAYS

As you read this, I am probably in the middle of an entire weekend of gaming for charity, during which I am running the biggest, most epic Big Epic Game I've ever attempted. Check it out, since anyone in the world can play, and it's all to help a young girl and her family as she battles cancer.

Game on, friends!


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