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Level of Descriptive Detail



I am curious as to the possibility of more detail in the various in-character rooms.

What I mean by that is, in part, longer and more explicit descriptions of the areas themselves. For example, I don't come in for an hour or two but that I see at least two or three individuals sit on, dangle from, and occasionally fall through the "rafters" in the Crossroads Tavern.

It doesn't have any.

Also, prominent objects or features mentioned in the descriptions might themselves be looked at, and have their own descriptions in such an event. Is that possible with the iChat software? A brief and not necessarily desirable example would be 'look at bar' or 'look at tables' in the CRT.

Finally... what about an additional level of interactivity? Some of this could be handled by additional 'socials;' '/chair thattaboy' would read 'Arathil pulls out a chair at his table for thattaboy.' Things like that. In addition to 'quit,' or 'go,' a 'portal' command might be added that transfers one to the Emporium and displays 'Arathil activates a portal key and vanishes into a momentary gateway of swirling gray mist.'

An appropriate emote could be displayed at the end destination as well, along with a reverse for travelling from the Emporium, ICly, to the CRT.

Is any of this possible? Feasible? Desirable?

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I can totally understand what you are saying here. There is a big problem though with people using Cheetachat that don't get to see the room descriptions at -all-. So there lies a good portion of the problem. Another problem is that alot of players don't take the time to look at the descriptions. I know the rafter bit has been hard to kill, one of those reasons is that a couple of the Wizos themselves used to 'hang' off the imaginary rafters. The players saw this and when the other Wizos started stating there were no rafters the players would ignore that because they saw Wizo_BobSmilesAlot doing it or what ever. Even posting these things on the boards or making links doesn't really cut down on the things that goes on. What is really sad is that alot of the stuff that is done is by players that -do- know better but will continue to play as they please no matter what anyone tells them.

I would like to see the commands you mention being implemented but I have no clue how much programming goes into that but it would be nice to see and to be able to use.




The CRT has been renovated time and time again over its history. In great antiquity the CRT began from a converted temple (hence many a strange occurance) but that original building was destroyed. When Siani did the latest set of renovations, she posted the details on the OOC Rules and Reference boardshere . Details of the room have been sitting there since, basically, including matters like the fact BG and the CRT do not allow tabs.

As for adding more details, my poor bosses could tell you I've bugged them about that from time to time. :angel: But yes, the main problems with it are that cheetachattters don't get the banners, many ichatters don't actually read them, and there's only so much you can put into the description of the room that comes up when people enter it or /look. Not that everyone pays attention to it. :(

Smaller things like having something to "/look at" may be solved with more NPC names in the same manner that we have BG, FG and Warden, although personally I'd prefer the techs worked on getting us the new chat that has been mentioned in the OOC forum held a little while ago and various threads here on the boards. Once that is set, there may well be more options than ichat has.

In the meanwhile, setting development is not stagnant. The coordinator's working on it...





Hiya gang

First of all, I can't speak to interactive capabilities of the software, nor to the new chat program, or Juxta.

However, I am working on a whole new set of maps for the Tavern to illustrate where things are and what they are. The place has undergone many rennovations and the maps need changing to reflect this. Now, if you have cheetachat, most times you won't be able to see them since they display in the bannerhead. I can ask about links to the maps when they are placed on the ISRP pages in future.

To go with this, there will be maps of the town of Ford Keep itself, street type maps with various places pointed out and so on. This one can also show the homes or businesses of patrons who live there, assuming they let me know about it at some point.

As for people adding their own things in whenever they please, well, at best that is difficult to stop entirely. The more outrageous things, certainly, but others there is simply no way to deal with. When there are no WizOs on site then of course, there is nothing to be done. You'll just have to grin and bear it I'm afraid.

While there is an actual 'official' setting for the place, there is nothing I can really do to make people use it other than RPing out the setting myself when I am there and having the rest of the Tavern hosts do the same as best they can.


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