Mercenary Tickets


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[h=2]Mercenary Tickets[/h]
In game terms, when a mercenary administrator sits down to judge the opening offer of a ticket – to ensure it is good enough, but not too good – he must throw his Admin skill 8+. Depending on the Effect of the throw, the mercenary can have a good deal of sway over the honesty of the Ticket Offer segment of a ticket (see Creating the Ticket below). The degrees of Effect on this throw are below.

EffectTicket Offer Adjustment
1 or lower–4 DM
2–2 DM
3+0 DM
4+0 DM
5+1 DM
6 or more+2 DM
In game terms, the negotiation process requires both primary administrators (the employer and the employee) to throw their Broker skill. If the employer’s result is higher than the mercenary’s, then the ticket is more or less arranged as the employer needs it to be, and all of the tables used to generate a mercenary ticket (see Creating the Ticket below) are rolled normally, with no modifiers. If the mercenary administrator manages to roll a higher overall result than the employer, his Effect is compared to the table below. This shows just how much sway the mercenaries have in creating the ticket and adjusting it according to their wishes. Ticket adjustments are discussed further later in this chapter.
EffectNumber of Ticket Adjustments
1 or lower1d6
6 or more2d6+2
Any ticket that is administrated by outside forces is given 1d6–1 Ticket Adjustments during the creation process.
[h=3]Step One – Working out the Employer Details[/h] It may seem obvious that the employer of a mercenary ticket would be listed plainly and honestly, but it is not always the case. Some employers are purposefully shady in their listings, and only through the mercenary’s scrutiny can they be discovered.
The above information is considered privileged for the Referee unless the mercenary administrator involved chooses to research it further. This costs the administrator one Ticket Adjustment to research, and takes an Admin throw 7+ to know the status of the employer’s true details.
[h=3]Step Two – Including the Employee Details[/h] The amount of information about the mercenary unit listed on a ticket is up to the individual administrator. If the unit does not want to include all of the information about itself, it simply does not. Omitting any information about the unit on the ticket costs the unit administrator one Ticket Adjustment.
[h=4]Employer Details[/h]
2d6 ResultEmployer Details
2Employer is trying to remain anonymous and use false nomenclature to protect itself.
3–5Employer is purposefully vague on important details.
6–8Employer is perfectly honest in the ticket, but details are little more than title and mode of communication.
9–10Honest details; including the employing agent’s name and direct communication.
11Honest and very detailed information about the employer.
12Private Ticket; employer is honest – but is willing to pay extra to keep the information secret.
[h=3]Step Three – Service Required[/h] [h=3]3.1 Generic Service Type[/h] The Referee can either choose or roll randomly on the table below to determine this. For this roll, the administrating character’s Rank is added to the result.
2d6 ResultGeneric Service Type
1 or lowerCriminal
11 Security
13 or higherDream
The varied sub-types of mission are rolled randomly on the individual Service tables below, the descriptions of all mission categories are listed after all of the tables.
[h=4]Criminal Missions[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
3 RaidB
6Unlawful AcquisitionD
[h=4]Guerrilla Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
6First StrikeC
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Guerrilla career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Cadre Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
3Field ExerciseB
4Field ExerciseC
5Active DutyD
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Cadre career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Commando Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
1First StrikeC
3Active DutyD
4Active DutyE
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Commando career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Striker Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
1Counter StrikeE
3First StrikeC
4First StrikeD
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Striker career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Security Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
4Active DutyD
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Security career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Warmonger Missions1[/h]
1d6 ResultMission TypeCompensation Grade
3Field ExerciseC
1 A mercenary administrator with two or more terms in the Warmonger career path can roll twice on this table, choosing the result they desire.
[h=4]Dream Missions[/h]
1d6 Result1Mission TypeCompensation Grade
3First StrikeF
4Field ExerciseD
6Technological TestD
1 Raising or lowering this result costs three Ticket Adjustments per increment.
[h=3]3.2 Length of Service[/h] The following three tables are designed to quickly determine how long the mercenary unit will be given to fulfil the ticket’s services. The mercenary administrator may lengthen or shorten the time increment rolled by spending Ticket Adjustments, one per level moved up or down. Additionally, the administrator can spend three Ticket Adjustments to change the ticket mission’s base table completely (such as from Short to Long.).
[h=4]Short Missions[/h]
1d6 ResultTicket Service Length
11d6 Days
21d6 Days
32d6 Days
42d6 Days
51d6 Weeks
61d6 Weeks
71d6+2 Weeks
[h=4]Medium Missions[/h]
1d6 ResultTicket Service Length
11d6 Weeks
21d6+1 Weeks
32d6 Weeks
41d6 Months
51d6+1 Months
62d6 Months
72d6+1 Months
[h=4]Long Missions[/h]
1d6 ResultTicket Service Length
11d6+1 Months
22d6 Months
32d6+1 Months
43d6 Months
53d6+2 Months
64d6 Months
71d6 Years
Unless the mercenary administrator specifically includes an ‘end of mission’ clause (which costs the administrator a Ticket Adjustment), the unit will not actually receive their Compensation Package until the determined time has expired.
[h=3]3.3 Ticket Exposure[/h] The Referee can use the following table to determine the type of exposure the ticket’s activities will get. The mercenary administrator can spend Ticket Adjustments to raise or lower the result by +/– 1 per Ticket Adjustment.
2d6 ResultPublic Exposure
2 or lowerHidden – Without doing research, no one knows the ticket existed.
3 – 4Obscure – Only the local public is aware of the ticket’s actions.
5 – 6 Low Profile – Much of the planet is aware of the ticket’s actions, and the local public know the name of the mercenary unit.
7 – 8Uncommon – The ticket has received some media attention in the local area and the mercenary unit’s involvement is locally public.
9 – 10Common – The media has spread the mercenary unit’s name throughout the planet and it has spread to neighbouring planets.
11 – 12Exposed – The mercenary unit’s name is publicly known on a planetary level; even a few specific members’ names are being spoken.
13 or higherHigh Profile – The ticket and the mercenary unit are being talked about throughout the system. At least one member of the unit is being named specifically.
There are a few minor adjustments that are automatically applied to the table above:

  • Any Criminal missions have a –3 to their exposure.
  • Any Guerrilla missions have a –2 to their exposure.
  • Any Warmonger missions have a –1 to their exposure.
  • Any Dream missions have a +2 to their exposure.
[h=3]3.4 Determine Target[/h] Defensive Target Missions: Active Duty, Defence, Escort, Retrieval, Train
Neutral Target Missions: Commerce, Defence, Field Exercise, Recon, Retrieval, Technological Test
Offensive Target Missions: Active Duty, Assassination1, Counter Strike, Elimination, Field Exercise, First Strike, Raid, Recon, Sabotage, Terrorise, Unlawful Acquisition
[h=4]Defensive Target Types[/h]
1d6 ResultType of TargetPay Grade Adjustment
2Location+1 Increment
3Ally, Individual+1 Increment
4Information–1 Increment
5Ship+1 Increment
6Ally, Group+2 Increment
[h=4]Neutral Target Types[/h]
1d6 ResultType of TargetPay Grade Adjustment
2Trade Goods
3Individual–1 Increment
4Personal Goods
5Ship+2 Increment
[h=4]Offensive Target Types[/h]
1d6 ResultType of TargetPay Grade Adjustment
1Individual+1 Increment
2Location+2 Increment
3Item+1 Increment
4Vehicle+2 Increment
5Ship+2 Increment
6Group+2 Increment
1 Assassinations always target an Individual.
The mercenary administrator can adjust the result of the target table one increment up or down by spending two Ticket Adjustments.
[h=3]3.4b – Target Type Descriptor[/h] [h=4]Target Descriptors[/h]
1d6 resultTarget Descriptor
1 Roll again for further descriptor, ignoring the same result.
[h=3]3.5 Determine Risk[/h] Referees can choose or roll upon the Ticket Risk table to determine the level of risk involved with the ticket (and the payment increase involved). This is kept secret by the Referee, but a mercenary administrator can choose to spend a Ticket Adjustment to learn the results.
[h=4]Ticket Risk[/h]
1d6 ResultLevel of RiskPay Grade Adjustment
1Too Easy – This is well beneath the unit’s level of training; it is unlikely they will even break a sweat.–2 Increments
2Easy – This ticket will not cost the unit much in the way of resources or stress.–1 Increment
3Average – This is what the unit is trained for, and should serve as a good reminder what ticket work should be.
4Worthy Test – This is a fantastic place to test the unit’s skills, even some of the obscure ones. They might suffer some wounds or even casualties.+1 Increment
5Difficult – This ticket will be a tough one for the whole unit, and the members will need to be diligent in their training or they might not make it back home.+2 Increments
6Arduous – This mission is a nightmare. If anyone makes it back in one piece, they will have been pushed to the very limit.+3 Increments
[h=3]Step Four – Pre-Ticket Support[/h] The mercenary administrator can either spend a number of Ticket Adjustments to add Pre-Ticket Support, rolling once for each on the table below, or they can throw Broker 9+ to add a single result from the table without spending the Ticket Adjustment. A ticket can only have one instance of each type of support, re-rolling duplicates.
[h=4]Pre-Ticket Support Type[/h]
1d6 ResultSupport Table UsedPay Grade Loss
1 – 2Advance Funds–1 Increment
3 – 4Services–1 Increment
5 – 6 Equipment1–3 Increments
1 Technological Test missions always gain this Support, but do not suffer the Pay Grade Loss.
[h=4]Support: Advance Funds[/h]
1d6 ResultAdvance Funds Offered
15,000 Credits
210,000 Credits
320,000 Credits
430,000 Credits
540,000 Credits
650,000 Credits
[h=4]Support: Services[/h]
1d6 ResultService Offered
3Equipment Repairs
5Arms Trading
6Medical Process
Transportation: The unit will not have to worry about getting to and from the ticket service site. The employer will arrange for these things and will not pass on any of the cost.
Equipment Repairs: If the unit has physical equipment (vehicles, armour, gear, etc.) that requires repairs before the ticket begins, the employer will arrange for those repairs.
Rearmament: The employer arranges for all power packs, fuel cells, and munitions for the unit’s weaponry to be recharged, re-armed, or otherwise refreshed properly.
Arms Trading:
The employer arranges a meeting with an allied arms dealer, who will trade with the unit at a discount of 10% to market prices. Medical Process: The employer will pay for 50% of any medical services the unit wishes to undertake before the ticket can begin. This can include wound care, augmentation, implanting or image reconstruction.
[h=4]Support: Equipment[/h]
1d6 ResultEquipment Offered
4Heavy Weapon
6Specialised Gear
Basics: The employer arranges for each unit member to be outfitted with 5,000 credits worth of basic equipment useful to the ticket mission.
Armour: The employer arranges for enough Flak Jackets (TL8) for the entire unit or 2d6 suits of Combat Armour (TL11).
Weapons: The employer arranges for up to 1,250 credits worth of weapons for each member of the unit placed on the ticket.
Heavy Weapon: The employer arranges for a single heavy weapon for the unit’s use worth up to 5,000 credits (after ammunition).
Transport: The employer grants the unit the use of any single vehicle worth 300,000 credits or less; this must be returned after the ticket.
Specialised Gear: The employer gives each member of the unit a single piece of specialised equipment or armament that the ticket might require them to have (Vacc suit, toxin antidotes, methane breathers and so on).
As a note, if a mercenary administrator specifically waives any Pre-Ticket Support, he may increase the Pay Grade of the Compensation Package by +1 Increment.
[h=3]Step Five – Post-Ticket Support[/h] Each roll on the following table cost the mercenary administrator a Ticket Adjustment. Alternatively, the Referee can choose to automatically add one roll from the table on behalf of the employer – an effort to reduce cost in exchange for services. A ticket can only have one instance of each type of support, re-rolling duplicates.
[h=4]Post-Ticket Support[/h]
1d6 ResultSupport GivenPay Grade Loss
1Rest and Relaxation
2Repair and Rearm–2 Increment
3Medical Care–1 Increment
4Expedited Evacuation
5Legal Counsel–1 Increment
6Repeated Ticketing Agreement–2 Increments
Rest and Relaxation: The employer agrees to pay for 1d6 weeks of recuperation time for the unit at a pleasurable location (tourist resort, vacation location, etc.).
Repair and Rearm: The employer agrees to pay for 50% of any rearmament and repair costs for ticket-related equipment and weaponry.
Medical Care: The employer agrees to pay for up to 5,000 credits of medical care for unit members injured during the mission.
Expedited Evacuation: The employer agrees to ensure the fastest transportation process they can manage for the unit when the ticket is reported finished. This cuts return travel time for the unit in half.
Legal Counsel: The employer agrees to retain an attorney for the mercenary unit (if needed); with Admin 1, Advocate 2, Broker 1 and Language 1.
Repeated Ticketing Agreement: The employer agrees to contract the unit up for future use, granting an additional 1d6 Ticket Adjustments to their next ticket with this employer.
As a note, if a mercenary administrator specifically waives any Post-Ticket Support, he may increase the Pay Grade of the Compensation Package by +1 Increment.
[h=3]Step Six – Compensation Package[/h] The initial pay grade of the Compensation Package is determined by the mission type and any adjustments made due to ticket negotiations.
[h=4]Pay Grade Amounts[/h]
5,000 CrM1 MCr
010,000 CrN1.5 MCr
A20,000 CrO2 MCr
B30,000 CrP3 MCr
C50,000 CrQ4 MCr
D75,000 CrR5 MCr
E100,000 CrS7 MCr
F150,000 CrT10 MCr
G200,000 CrU15 MCr
H250,000 CrV20 MCr
I325,000 CrW25 MCr
J400,000 CrX30 MCr
K500,000 CrY40 MCr
L750,000 CrZ50 MCr
The mercenary administrator can choose to augment the Pay Grade by spending Ticket Adjustments, at a ratio of two adjustments per Pay Grade.
Any ticket that has a final Pay Grade of ‘F’ or higher qualifies for a potential bonus in its compensation package. By willingly reducing the Pay Grade by one increment and spending a Ticket Adjustment, the mercenary administrator can roll once (and once only!) on the special compensation bonus table below.
[h=4]Special Compensation Bonus[/h]
1d6 ResultCompensation Bonus
1Equipment Package
2Free Medical Care
3Combat Implant Package
4Ship Shares
5Debt Payment
6Prime Ticket
Equipment Package: The employer includes 2d6 x 10,000 credits worth of equipment (any) as part of the compensation for a successful ticket.
Free Medical Care: The employer includes a contract for completely free medical care for members of the mercenary unit for 2d6 months after the ticket is finished.
Combat Implant Package: The employer will arrange for the purchase and grafting of up to 100,000 credits worth of Combat Implants to the higher ranking members of the unit.
Ship Shares: The employer gives 2d6 Ship Shares to the mercenary unit.
Debt Payment: The employer offers to pay 1d6 x 10% of the unit’s medical or banking-related debts.
Prime Ticket: The employer will grant the equivalent to the Prime Ticket benefit to the unit for their next sanctioned ticket together.
[h=3]Step Seven – Repatriation Bond[/h] The Referee rolls upon the following table to determine the amount of the Compensation Package funds (cash only, no bonuses) will be paid to the mercenary unit in case the employer is forced to abandon the ticket. The mercenary administrator can adjust the result one increment by spending a Ticket Adjustments.
[h=4]Repatriation Bond Level[/h]
2d6 Result1Repatriation Percentage
2 – 3 15%
4 – 525%
6 – 740%
8 – 950%
10 – 1160%
1 If doubles are rolled, the Repatriation does NOT include emergency evacuation costs.
[h=3]Step Eight – Escape Clause[/h] If the mercenaries want to have an escape clause added, the administrator must spend a Ticket Adjustment to earn a single roll upon the Escape Clause Levels table, on the following page.
[h=4]Escape Clause Levels[/h]
1d6 ResultEscape Clause Description
1Poor – The mercenaries must return any Pre-Ticket Support, and must pass an Advocate throw 9+ or be fined 1d6 x 10,000 credits.
2Below Average - The mercenaries must return any Pre-Ticket Support, and must pass an Advocate throw 8+ or be fined 1d6 x 5,000 credits.
3Average - The mercenaries must return any Pre-Ticket Support, and must pass an Advocate throw 8+ or be fined 1d6 x 1,000 credits.
4Above Average – The mercenaries must return their Pre-Ticket Support.
5Good – The mercenaries can pass an Advocate throw 8+ to avoid giving back any Pre-Ticket Support.
6Perfect - The mercenaries are allowed to back out of the ticket without any repercussion.
[h=3]Step Nine – Seal the Ticket[/h] Some mercenaries might want to keep their ticket completely private, risking the wrath of the operational authorities in order to hide their activities from all parties. If this is the case, not only will the mercenary administrator need to spend a Ticket Adjustment – but he will also have to succeed in a Broker throw 8+.
[h=2]Narrative Resolution Format[/h] The fairest and most enjoyable format of ticket resolution for a gaming session, a Traveller ticket played in Narrative form runs as a string of scenarios and adventurous events. The Referee plans out all of the encounters he wishes to take place, maps out the course of the adventure, and creates individual Non-Player Characters to interact with, and so on. Essentially, this format has the Referee turn the ticket into a fully designed scenario.
[h=3]Summary Resolution Format[/h] A ticket can be resolved in a Summary using the following steps:

  • Step One – Each ticketing member throws one related skill (chosen by Referee) at 8+.
  • Each failure must roll on the Ticket Mishap Table (below).
  • Step Two – Each ticketing member must throw Endurance 8+ or Social 9+.
  • Failing the Endurance throw earns the character a roll on the Injury Table (see Traveller core rulebook)
  • Failing the Social throw earns the character a Rival or Enemy (Referee’s choice).
  • Step Three – Unit rolls on Ticket Event Table (below).
[h=4]Ticket Event Table[/h]
2d6 ResultTicket Event
2Disaster – Every character must immediately pass an End throw 9+ or suffer a Random Major Injury (see Mishap above).
3Employer Dissolved – The employer is no more and the ticket’s Repatriation Bond must be enacted.
4 – 5Unexpected Conflicts – Unit is placed into combat several times unexpectedly. Every member must pass a combat skill throw 8+ or suffer a Random Minor Injury.
6 – 7 New Recruits – Unit meets and hires 2d6 new recruits into the mercenary unit, adjusting their profitability.
8 – 9Basic Conflicts - Every member must pass a combat skill throw 7+ or suffer a Random Minor Injury.
10 – 11Flawless Conflicts – The unit eliminated any enemies with precision and skill, meaning that they suffer no ill effects from the ticket whatsoever.
12Impressive! – The unit excels at the ticket and the employer is impressed, adding a +10% to the monetary amount of the Compensation Package of the ticket.
For every full 10 members of the unit active for the ticket, one Player Character member can ignore Step One or Step Two of the above process.
[h=4]Ticket Mishap Table[/h]
2d6 ResultMishap
2 – 3Random Major Injury
4 – 5Actionable Offence
6 – 7Random Minor Injury
8 – 9Persistent Enemies
10 – 11Bad Media Coverage
12Personal Loss
Random Major Injury: Character rolls on the Injury Table.
Actionable Offence: The character is arrested by local authorities and must bail himself out of trouble, using his private funds or a share of his profits. This amount is equal to 2d6 x 100 credits.
Random Minor Injury: Character rolls twice on the Injury Table, accepting the higher result.
Persistent Enemies: The character finds himself targeted by his enemies, as if they have some form of grudge upon him. His Endurance or Social roll in Step Two has a –2 DM.
Bad Media Coverage: The character is shown in a particularly bad light on the local media coverage, and word has spread about the negativity surrounding him. He must decrease his Social Standing by 1 immediately.
Personal Loss: The character lost something important to him (weapon, jewellery, etc.) during the ticket. This item is chosen by the Referee, and should be something that the character would have had with them during the ticket.
[h=2]Reductions[/h] [h=3]Reduction One – Transport[/h] The Reduction for transport is set as a basic 1d6%, but has modifiers depending on the size of the unit and equipment being transported.

  • +1% for every 10 unit members being transported
  • +1% for every vehicle being transported
  • +1% for every 25 passengers (allies, non-unit personnel and so on)
  • +3% if being transported into actively hostile territory
  • +5% is Emergency Evacuation is required
What Eliminates this Reduction: Owning sufficient transport, using personal sources, ticket support choices, local ticket.
[h=3]Reduction Two – Equipment Upkeep[/h] The Reduction for equipment upkeep is set as a basic 1d6+1%, but has modifiers depending on the technological level and types of gear used by the unit.

  • –1% for a non-combat ticket
  • +1% for every 25 unit members on ticket
  • +1% for using equipment with a TL higher than TL11
  • +1% for every vehicle used
  • +1% for a unit using Battle Dress
  • +2% for a unit that actively used Field Artillery or Artillery Battle Dress
What Eliminates this Reduction: Access to sufficient upkeep workshops and equipment, ticket support choices.
[h=3]Reduction Three – Medical Fees[/h] The Reduction for medical fees is set as a basic 1d6–1%, but has modifiers depending on the number of unit members possibly injured, and the threat level of the mission.

  • –3% for a non-combat ticket
  • –1% for a unit that uses Battle Dress armour
  • +1% for every 10 active unit members on the ticket
  • –2% for a unit that actively used unit members with at least Medic 1
  • –3% for a ticket assessed at a Too Easy level of risk
  • –1% for a ticket assessed at an Easy level of risk
  • +1% for a ticket assessed at a Worthy Test level of risk
  • +2% for a ticket assessed at a Difficult level of risk
  • +3% for a ticket assessed at an Arduous level of risk
What Eliminates this Reduction: Not suffering wounds or casualties, ticket support choices.
[h=3]Reduction Four – Authority Payments[/h] The Reduction for authority payments is set as a basic 1d6%, but has modifiers depending on the amount of money in the compensation package.

  • –1% for a unit that actively used unit members with at least Advocate 2 during ticket administration
  • +1% for a Compensation Package ranging between 30,000 – 99,999 credits
  • +2% for a Compensation Package ranging between 100,000 – 499,999 credits
  • +3% for a Compensation Package ranging between 500,000 credits and 1 Megacredits
  • +4% for a Compensation Package over 1 Megacredit
What Eliminates this Reduction: Anonymous or illegal ticketing.
[h=3]Reduction Five – Ticketing Costs/Living Expenses[/h] The Reduction for ticketing costs/living expenses is set as a basic 1d6–2%, but has modifiers depending on the size of the unit and the number of vehicles they commonly own.

  • +1% for every 50 members of the unit
  • +1% for every 5 vehicles owned by the unit
  • +2% for every compound, office or other structure owned by the unit
What Eliminates this Reduction: Illegal living or storage arrangements.
[h=3]Calculating Final Profits[/h] Once the Compensation Package from the ticket has had all of the necessary reductions removed, some 30% of any profit at this stage is put aside for the mercenary company’s own accounts. After this share is deducted the remaining money is split between the members of the mercenary unit.
In game terms, after all applicable Reductions have been subtracted from the Compensation Package, the mercenary unit adds up all of their effective members’ Ranks (three Rank 0 members count for a single Rank 1). The Compensation Package is then divided by that total number of Ranks, giving the Salary Share amount of wage. This should amount to only the members that were considered active on the ticket, but some extremely large mercenary units or companies might have a special Rank 6 Salary Share that they take for themselves. If a Referee has not already detailed this information, a system for randomly generating the size and Ranks of a mercenary company is included in this book.
The final Salary Share amount is then multiplied by each member’s individual Rank; the result is their wage from the ticket.
[h=2]Costs Outside of Tickets[/h] [h=3]Step One – Figuring the Unit’s CPM Variable[/h] The base number for a CPM variable is 5. This is then modified by the series of unit-based checks below. Many of these modifiers will be determined by the Referee. It should be noted that the CPM variable cannot be reduced to less than 2 by any given modifier.
[h=4]Unit Size Category[/h]
Size CategoryCPM Modifier
[h=4]Technology Level of Unit[/h]
Average TL of Unit EquipmentCPM Modifier
1 – 3–3
4 – 5–2
6 – 7–1
8 – 9+0
10 – 11+1
12 – 13+2
[h=4]Average Unit Skill Level[/h]
Average Skill Level CPM Modifier
[h=4]Miscellaneous Modifiers[/h]
Miscellaneous Event or SituationCPM Modifier
Unit uses multiple heavy weapons+1
Unit has needed legal counsel in past 6 mos.+1
Unit has Psionists as members+1
Unit saw battlefield combat in past 6 mos.+2
Unit uses owned vehicles+2
Unit uses owned artillery+3
Unit has not seen conflict in past 6 mos.–1
Unit has medics as members–1
Unit keeps HQ on TL7 – TL9 world–2
Unit keeps HQ on TL4 – TL6 world–3
Once the CPM variable is calculated, it must be taken through the following steps to create a running total of funds that must be paid monthly to keep the unit in working order.
[h=3]Step Two – Transport Multiplier[/h] The multiplier for transport is listed in credit amounts, creating a final number that will be multiplied by the unit’s CPM variable. This creates the cost for the unit’s monthly transport fees.

  • 100 credits for every off-planet trip in the past month
  • 200 credits if vehicles were transported off-planet in the past month
  • 50 credits if any unit members travelled with battle dress of any kind in the past month
  • 200 credits if any unit members had to use emergency evacuation transport in the past month
[h=3]Step Three – Equipment Upkeep Multiplier[/h] The multiplier for equipment upkeep is listed in credit amounts, creating a final number that will be multiplied by the unit’s CPM variable. This creates the cost for the unit’s monthly equipment upkeep.

  • 100 credits if the unit uses equipment with a TL less than TL6
  • 200 credits if the unit uses equipment with a TL between TL7 and TL10
  • 500 credits if the unit uses equipment with a TL higher than TL11
  • 200 credits if the unit commonly uses heavy or support weaponry
  • 200 credits if the unit uses vehicles
  • 400 credits if the unit has a HQ on a TL10 world or higher
[h=3]Step Four – Medical Care Multiplier[/h] The multiplier for medical costs is listed in credit amounts, creating a final number that will be multiplied by the unit’s CPM variable. This creates the cost for the unit’s monthly medical care bills.

  • 100 credits if the unit was involved in a small action (10 or less opponents)
  • 200 credits if the unit was involved in a notable action (11 to 100 opponents)
  • 500 credits if the unit was involved in a major conflict (101 or more opponents)
  • 50 credits if unit members have augmentations
  • 50 credits if unit members have known conditions or diseases
  • 200 credits if unit suffered major wounds or casualties in the last 6 months.
[h=3]Step Five –Living Expense Multiplier[/h] The multiplier for living expenses is listed in credit amounts, creating a final number that will be multiplied by the unit’s CPM variable. This creates the cost for the unit’s monthly living expenses.

  • 50 credits for every planet the unit has a HQ on
  • 100 credits for every starship the unit has a HQ on
  • 200 credits for every space station the unit has a HQ on
  • 300 credits if the unit has a medical facility at their HQ
  • 200 credits if the unit has a starport attached to their HQ (planetary only)

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