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Moffat on Capaldi


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Blatantly cribbed from elsewhere.

From the new DWM taken from Doctor Who TV:

  • Moffat is pretty certain Capaldi will keep his native Scottish accent for the role
  • At the moment, they’ve only discussed Twelve’s costume in the lightest terms
  • Moffat wanted to flip the switch the other way after having two youthful and accessible Doctors in a row
  • He’s going to be an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor
  • “Just as Clara’s learning to have a proper old crush on him, suddenly he’s Malcolm Tucker!”
  • Moffat thinks it’ll be fun seeing Clara cope with the Doctor being completely different…
  • …”I think the fun story will be – and we have the opportunity here – is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different.”
  • “People really love Jenna, so we make the Doctor quite difficult…”
  • …Moffat likens the situation to Tom Baker’s first season: “He’s really quite difficult to take at the beginning, and you’re very grateful that Sarah and the Brigadier are there to reassure you.”

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I just hope they don't go Colin Baker with him. ;)

I'm pretty pumped to see Capaldi in action. I like that he'll keep the accent. I saw one of the toy companies already has a sculpt for his action figure's head.


First Post
He’s going to be an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor

EXCELLENT. That's using Capaldi's style to the fullest. I'm curious to see what kind of costume they end up going with. It's not often I fin an interview with Moffat reassuring, but that was interesting.


Moffat's also said that the limit of 12 regenerations is in play, so how they work around that for the eventual Capaldi passing the torch shall prove interesting, and hopefully will be a bit of a plot device/point in his run.


Capaldi is only the 12th doctor, or the 11th regeneration.

"What regeneration are you, third?"
"Good heavens, there are five of me now!"
--- Hurdell and Davidson, The Five Doctors


Mod Squad
Staff member
Capaldi is only the 12th doctor, or the 11th regeneration.

If they insert William Hurt as a missing generation during the 50th, then Capaldi will be the 12th doctor.

Of course, this only really matters if Moffat's running the show when Capaldi steps down. Heck, it only matters if Moffat decides to stick to that statement when Capaldi steps down.

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