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Mor's End Craft & Trade Submissions


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GladiusNP said:
Caravans may be very large, but 150 seems a little high. I'd suggest that the signals/way station usually only send thirty or so through at a time. By the way, how does the road stay safe/passable? Is it actually built into the mud of the swamp with huge pylons?

For the serais, I'm talking about the East-West trade route, NOT the one going through the swamp. I think jdavis is spot on that the one through the swamp would mostly carry settlers and low-cost goods, not the big trade caravans.

That said, what's the maximum size a caravan on the E-W road might have? I.e. how large should I make my serais to handle all the traffic? ;)

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Just to show you that I haven't been idle... Here's a floorplan for "Connail's Cock & Tails", created mostly using CSP tiles, plus a lot of hand tweaking in Gimp:


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Principle Couriers

Brother Principal, Human Courier (Runner); Monk L6; HD 6d8+6; hp 33; Init +2; Spd 50 ft; AC 14 (15 with Dodge); BAB +4; Melee Unarmed +5/+2 (1d6+1/ crit x2); Ranged Dagger +6 (1d4+1/ crit 19-20/10 ft); AL LG; SA Flurry of Blows (+3/+3/+0, 1d6+1/ crit x2), Improved Trip, Stunning Attack (6 times/day); SQ Deflect Arrows, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Purity of Body, Slow Fall (30 ft), Still Mind; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10. Age 31

Skills & Feats: (54 points) Balance 7 (+11), Climb 6 (+7), Concentration 6 (+7), Escape Artist 7 (+8), Jump 7 (+10), Listen 7 (+8), Swim 7 (+8), Tumble 7 (+11); Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, & Run; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Expertise, take up to BAB (+4) dodge bonus to AC, while taking a matching penalty on all attacks, duration 1 round
Mobility, +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. AoO’s caused by movement in threat range
Total Defense, (Tumble 5) +6 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at base speed, duration 1 round.

Brother Principal could no longer stay at the monastery. He was grateful for the discipline and focus they taught him, but he felt that maintaining order in seclusion was not his calling. He decided to go to Mors End to bring some order to the city.

When he arrived, he looked at where order was needed. What struck him the most were the children running loose in the streets. Most spent their days avoiding responsibility, getting into mischief, or forming gangs of bullies. The more ambitious would take odd jobs, run messages and such, but even they would approach it in a random undisciplined way. He decided that the children needed training and that the city needed dedicated runners.

Brother Principal became a runner. People’s first reaction was “Wasn’t he a little old to be a runner?” his response was “It’s honest work, and I’m a dependable courier.” As people adjusted and started to trust him with their messages he started to get pressure from others who deliver messages, as well as those who are against messages being delivered. Once they learned he could defend himself they decided it would be easier to work around him.

Each morning at dawn he would rise and go outside to do his exercises, to warm up for the day. Anyone who stopped to watch he would greet them and ask them to join him. Most would refuse, but some tried to imitate his movements, or asked for instruction. He would teach any who came. Of course, he did not teach discipline of the body alone. He also taught discipline of the mind and spirit. Some of his best pupils he took on as runners, but only those who were strong in discipline or good at heart.

He has been in the city six year now. He has 21 runners including himself (Monk6 x1; Com4 x2; Monk3 x2; Com2 x4; Monk1 x4; Com1 x8). When running they all dress alike; a simple yet well made tunic and loincloth, a sky blue silk sash to show they are Principal Runners, a well made leather bag with fasteners that can be slung over one shoulder, a belt pouch, a waterskin, and two belt daggers. They all are trained to use the daggers to defend themselves. Brother Principal also teaches them that there is no cowardice in avoiding a fight, especially if they have messages to deliver.

Brother Principal still runs messages on a regular basis. While out and about he will often talk to people about his next plan. He believes that the couriers, dockworkers, porters, etc should form a workers guild, to have a stronger voice in the city. So far he has met with a lot of resistance to the idea (especially from the hidden guilds) but he is a patient and persistent man.


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Principle Couriers part II

His runners;

Human Runner (x2); Commoner L4; HD 4d4+4 (+3); hp 17; Init +2; Speed 30 ft; AC 11; BAB +2; Melee Dagger +2 (1d4/ crit 19-20); Ranged Dagger +3 (1d4/ crit 19-20/10 ft); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8. Ages 23, 25

Skills & Feats: (28 points) Climb 4 (+6), Escape Artist 0 (+3), Jump 4, Listen 5, Spot 5, Swim 4, Use Rope 6 (+7); Expertise, Run, & Toughness; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Expertise, take up to BAB (+2) dodge bonus to AC, while taking a matching penalty on all attacks, duration 1 round
Total Defense, +4 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at base speed, duration 1 round.

Human Runner (x2); Monk L3; HD 3d8+3; hp 16; Init +2; Spd 40 ft; AC 13 (14 with Dodge); BAB +2; Melee Unarmed +3 (1d6+1/ crit x2); Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4+1/ crit 19-20/10 ft); AL LG; SA Flurry of Blows (+1/+1, 1d6+1/ crit x2), Stunning Attack (3 times/day); SQ Deflect Arrows, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Still Mind; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10. Ages 20, 21

Skills & Feats: (36 points) Balance 5 (+9), Climb 4 (+5), Concentration 4 (+5), Escape Artist 5 (+7), Jump 5 (+8), Listen 4 (+5), Swim 4 (+5), Tumble 5 (+9); Dodge, Mobility, & Run; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Fighting Defensively, (Tumble 5) -4 penalty on all attacks, +3 dodge bonus to AC, duration 1 round
Mobility, +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. AoO’s caused by movement in threat range
Total Defense, (Tumble 5) +6 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at base speed, duration 1 round.

Human Runner (x4); Commoner L2; HD 2d4+2 (+3); hp 10; Init +2; Speed 30 ft; AC 11; BAB +1; Melee Dagger +1 (1d4/ crit 19-20); Ranged Dagger +1 (1d4/ crit 19-20/10 ft); AL NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. Ages 17, 18, 18, 19

Skills & Feats: (20 points) Climb 3 (+5), Escape Artist 0 (+3), Jump 3, Listen 3, Spot 3, Swim 3, Use Rope 5 (+6); Run & Toughness; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Fighting Defensively, -4 penalty on all attacks, +2 dodge bonus to AC, duration 1 round
Total Defense, +4 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at
base speed, duration 1 round.

Human Runner (x4); Monk L1; HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (14 with Dodge); BAB +0; Melee Unarmed +1 (1d6+1/ crit x2); Ranged Dagger +2 (1d4+1/ crit 19-20/10 ft); AL LG; SA Flurry of Blows (-1/-1, 1d6+1/ crit x2), Stunning Attack (once/day); SQ Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10. Ages 14, 15, 15, 16

Skills & Feats: (24 points) Balance 3 (+5), Climb 3 (+4), Concentration 3 (+4), Escape Artist 3 (+5), Jump 3 (+4), Listen 3 (+4), Swim 3 (+4), Tumble 3 (+5); Dodge & Run; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Fighting Defensively, -4 penalty on all attacks, +2 dodge bonus to AC, duration 1 round
Total Defense, +4 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at base speed, duration 1 round.

Human Runner (x8); Commoner L1; HD 1d4+1(+3); hp 6; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 11; BAB +0; Melee Dagger +0 (1d4/ crit 19-20); Ranged Dagger +1 (1d4/ crit 19-20/10 ft); AL NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. Ages 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16

Skills & Feats: (16 points) Climb 2, Jump 2, Listen 3, Spot 3, Swim 3, Use Rope 3 (+4); Run & Toughness; Languages: Common

Equipment: Courier’s bag, courier’s garb (monk’s outfit), daggers (2), pouch, rations (1 day), & waterskin

Fighting Defensively, -4 penalty on all attacks, +2 dodge bonus to AC, duration 1 round
Total Defense, +4 dodge bonus to AC, but cannot attack or perform any other activity, except moving at base speed, duration 1 round.
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As further proof of the level of procrastination I am able to achieve, here's the basement of "Conaill's Cock & Tails". There's a top floor as well, where the owner has his apprtments, but I'm not going to bother detailing that one.

Note the alchemist lab cum microbrewery, the drain to the sewers (plot hook), and the books on the coffee table ;).


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Traders Roost

Traders Roost and Hulgo's Protectors

Traders Roost is a heavily reinforced caravan serai one caravan day (~16 miles) east of Mor's End. The trade road heading East from Mor's End out of Trade Gate is subject to frequent raids by attacker out of the nearby swamp and forest up to 1-2 days travel from Mor's End. Caravans gladly take advantage of the safety offered by Traders Roost to spend the night, despite the rather high price charged for this service.

Traders Roost is built around an old fort built on top of a rocky outcropping overlooking the caravan trail, making it very defensible. Its two large courtyards and stables can hold more than 80 wagon teams [not enough? too many?], sufficient for the largest caravans passing through to and from Mor's End. The facilities are rather spartan but efficient, focusing on safety over luxury.

Because of the dangerous nature of travel across this stretch of road, the owner of Trader's Roost - Samir Hulgo - also provides teams of guards to escort caravans from Mor's End to Far Serai (one day further east from Traders Roost) and back. Caravans using Hulgo's "Protectors" get a discount and preferential treatment for their stay at Traders Roost, giving him a virtual monopoly on protecting caravans passing by. (Caravan owners typically also hire long-term guards that accompany the caravan all the way to their destination. Hulgo only provides additional troops for the most dangerous section.)

Far Serai is little more than a large inn compared to Traders Roost. It lacks the defenses of Traders Roost but is located in a relatively safer area, and offers good visibility of the surrounding countryside. Caravans coming from the East usually spend the night at Far Serai, waiting for an escort of Protectors. At a specified time during the night, the serai owner sends up a colored flare, signaling Traders Roost to send an escort. A party of 5 to 10 guards leaves from Traders Roost ~3 hours before dawn (on horse), meets up with the caravan at dawn, escorts them back to Traders Roost, and the next day to Mor's End. Similar signals flow from Mor's End to Traders Roost and the Far Serai to signal that a caravan will be arriving the next day. The signaling system means that no caravan has to wait for more than a day (typically only overnight) to secure an escort.

There's a watch post at Mor's End (manned by the City Guard under an arrangement with the Castellan), one at Traders Roost, and one at Far Serai. Each has 3 different colored flares. One color means "send escort", the second "danger - enemy sighted" and the third "under attack and/or sending this flare under duress". Each night, the colors are assigned differently, under a schedule only known to the owner of the serai. For daytime alarms, Traders Roost has a signal fire emitting black smoke (the fire itself would be hard to see during the day). In case of poor visibility, messages are sent by a courier on a fast horse.

[More details to follow. I'll post stats for Hulgo and his main assistants, plus I'm working on a drawing of Traders Roost in Dungeon Crafter...]

Edit: Here's Hulgo's stat block. I'll put a more detailed description under NPCs...

Samir Hulgo, male human Ari2/Exp2/Ftr1: CR 4; ECL 5; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d6+2d8+1d10; hp 25; Init +5; Spd 30 ft; AC 18 (+4 mithral shirt, +1 ring of protection, +2 small shield, +1 Dex); Melee +1 longsword +3 (1d8/crit 19-20); Ranged longbow +4 (1d8-1/crit x3); AL LN; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +7; Str 9, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15.
Skills and Feats: Appraise 4, Bluff 7, Diplomacy 10, Gather Information 12, Handle Animal 3, Innuendo 2, Intimidate 5, Knowledge (architecture & engineering) 3, Knowledge (local) 12, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) 7, Listen 3, Profession (innkeeper) 5, Profession (teamster) 2, Ride 5, Sense Motive 9, Speak Language 3 (Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, plus at least one "foreign" language), Tumble 6, Spot 1; Expertise, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Local), Skill Focus: Gather Information.
Equipment: +1 small wooden shield; mithral shirt; +1 ring of protection; composite longbow; +1 longsword; necklace of fireballs I; .
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Arctulo’s Wineshop.

Arctulo’s wineshop is a large, semi-circular building on the corner of two of the busier streets in the Westgate District. It’s often used as a meeting place by artisans and businessmen. The wineshop has two floors, the first on street level, and the second with a large balcony, which hangs out over the street. Arctulo regularly sets up some tables and stools outside (the streets are some of the few with cobblestones) and during the warmer months, patrons can be found enjoying a flagon of wine nearly anytime.

Inside, the two main doors from the street lead into a large, half-circle shaped room. There are numerous small booths along the walls, for Arctulo also sells a variety of food. The bar runs along the far side, and is backed by shelves full of wine bottles. Tables are scattered about, most of them large, circular oak. From the ceiling, wrought-iron braziers hang, glowing dull-red at night, providing both heat and lighting. Behind the bar, a doorway on the far left side leads to the kitchen, while on the other side, a stairway leads up to the second floor.

The second floor actually has a large window, small pieces of glass set in a large brass frame, which criss-crosses the view. There is also a door to the balcony, which opens up onto a pleasant wooden terrace, with window boxes full of flowers along the balcony’s rail. Four tables are up here, and one is reserved for Lord Bentley Harrowdale in the warmer months, who pays an undisclosed amount for the privilege. The inside of the second floor is otherwise similar to the downstairs, except for a thick, plush velvet carpet on the floor, and a pastoral mural on the walls. Arctulo requires a 1 gp surcharge to be served in the upstairs room, and usually is very careful about who he lets sit up there.

Arctulo’s most famous products are his wines. He imports nearly every bottle from other lands than Enheim, considering (somewhat correctly) that the soil is far too poor to grow proper wines around Mor’s End. He sells flagons of cheaper wine, bottles of fine wine, and also supplies some wealthy patrons with casks of his finer imports. He also sells imported cheese, which one of his staff will cut up and serve, along with freshly baked bread, butter, and seasonally available fruit (Arctulo prefers to cut up pears or apples, and also serve grapes, but this isn’t always available). He’ll also serve a selection of marinated meats and vegetables (he actually buys these as well – the kitchen is really just to bake bread and prepare platters of food), including bell peppers, stuffed tomatoes, roasted beef, and so on. A bottle of wine ranges from 13 to 30 gp, and trays of food cost 8 sp. Pitchers of wine cost 2 to 6 gp.

Arctulo himself is a thin, almost gaunt, figure. He suffers from a strange ailment that means he is somewhat frail, and has problems with intense exercise. He’s got an olive complexion, and thinning black hair, which he keeps in a short ponytail. His staff are his closest friends, and include: Jeanine, a pretty redheaded human female, Peter, a rather brawny young man (human) with great strength and a rather shy personality, Feddle, a male gnome who serves patrons drinks, and Corine, a matronly halfling who serves as Arctulo’s right-hand woman.

Plot Hooks –

1. Arctulo suspects two of his patrons of some shady dealings. Scrupulously honest, he asks the PCs to help him out, since he wants to avoid publicity, but also wants to keep his wineshop from becoming a shelter for criminals.

2. Arctulo’s illness has taken a turn for the worse. Corine asks the PC’s healer to find out what’s wrong. It turns out he needs a particular herb, which only grows in the ruins of the Swamp Keep…

3. A particularly rare shipment of wine has been stolen. The PC’s must track it down. Arctulo will pay handsomely….

Arctulo, male human Com2 (Innkeeper): CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d4-4; hp 3; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; AC 10; Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d3); AL NG; SV Fort -2, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 6, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15. Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge, Wine)*, Skill Focus (Profession Innkeeper). Skills; Profession (Innkeeper) +8, Profession (Vintner) +6, Knowledge (Wine) +3.5, Knowledge (Geography) +3.5.

*If using FRCS rules, the Educated feat may be given instead. In this case, adjust Knowledge (Wine), and Knowledge (Geography) accordingly.

Location, on the corner of the two streets in the border of B4c and C4d. (The main road into the centre of town and the smaller road heading north.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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