New version of RPG XML rules engine available


First Post
Hi everybody,
I just wanted to tell you that I've uploaded a new beta version (0.9.5) of my RPG XML rules engine.
For those of you who don't know the program here's a short summary:
RPG XML RE is kind of an interpreter that uses xml files for data and coding of applications. You can create a gui with xml, create functionality with xml.
It's based on reanjirs RPGL document which he created about two years ago as design document for a D20 engine.
It's freeware and will become open source most probably later on. It's written with Delphi.

This version comes with (a bit) more documentation and a short tutorial on building a dice roller (code is already included). Also there are some of my test and design xml-files, from which I'm going to create a full character manager/generator with equipment management, item creation, combat tracking etc.

I would like some feedback / bug reports for this program. So if you have something to tell about it, please feel free to do so here or over at my site.


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